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I would have liked to see Sony or Sega step up with HD remasters of the original two though. Wouldn't cost much, probably sell enough to justify it, and would help this do better.

NMP though, still got that Dreamcast hooked up down in the basement.

the kickstarter says dec 2017 assuming the normal kickstarter delay it will likely be spring 2018 for this game, which is plenty of time to release HD remasters of the first two games.
Kickstarter page is weak as fuck. I know everyone is hyped at the thought but man, it looks like a student turning in a semester project he made the night before its due date.

Probably hired the student that just finished said semester project to make the page the next night lol.
Unreal. Still can't believe it. Really hoping Yu gets to realise his vision as close as possible with Shenmue 3. Been waiting for this for so long and it's surreal that it's finally getting made.


No option for a physical PS4 version, so I only backed for $5... I know this will be funded, and I'll be buying a copy day one, but I couldn't NOT throw some money where my mouth is.


I still can't believe that I just backed Shenmue 3 on kickstarter, the wait has been so long that it just doesn't feel real. So happy about this :)


Sony basically gave them the green light as soon as they agreed to put it on stage. Interesting way to make the game happen and still make it a good low-risk partner for PlayStation


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
This will be funded by the morning at this rate.
Sony fans have the privilege of funding a game from their own pockets so that Sony can make more money!

Seems kind of disingenuous to me.
Do you think Shenmue 3 costs just 2 million $ to make? Maybe they have some kind of agreement that if the game is funded 2M$ Sony or Sega or whoever is putting the rest of the money.


Sony fans have the privilege of funding a game from their own pockets so that Sony can make more money!

Seems kind of disingenuous to me.
This game isn't getting made for $2 million. That $2 million goal is probably to show an investor, probably Sony, that there's enough interest for it to be worth the investment.
Did sony just get a console exclusive just by letting the game be advertised on their e3 conference? I mean i of course HAVE to back this game, but this seems EXTREMELY shady to me by Sony. Everything that was done is the opposite for what Kickstarter is for.


It looks like we're getting Shenmue 3 folks, 700k and counting, it went up 50k in the last 5 minutes. HOLY SHIT. Backer I AM!


Confession time: I've never played a Shenmue game (n have I played Final Fantasy VII or Chrono Trigger for that matter) before, but given the amount of talk, hype, whining, and/or dreaming I've heard about this game over the past decade I decided to back this game (but not at the physical copy tier I wanted cause my wallet is still crying after being ravaged by the Bloodstained Kickstarter) and finally experience my first Shenmue game.


Wow I will eat crow I never thought this could be kickstarted considering how much money it would need. Sony is backing this? Someone must be.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I've completely ignored Kickstarter to date.

I'm in for $60 on this. Maybe more.

PC too? Today is fantastic.
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