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Neo Member
For big projects like this, Kickstarter is mainly used to generate interest. If people pony up, investors see the demand and have a reason to fund the game.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
ryo looks kind of jiffy and i hope they do something about that, but i love the awful voice acting. not quite as good as og ryo, but after 14 fucking years i will take what i can get.

Nyoro SF

2 million is a really low gauge, the stretch goals are a bit odd, $501-9999 tiers are missing, PC-only physical?

It's like SEGA made this kickstarter themselves. LOL

Still backed though.

Dr. Buni

I hope it gets funded, but since I didn't like a number of things about the original game, I will be saving my money.


Junior, please.
Not like this...

Been waiting for Shenmue 3 for so long.. and when it's announced, it's through a kickstarter and on PS4/PC? Ugh. Better than nothing I guess. But it will take forever before it's actually released.

Not to be a downer. The fade to black and then the Shenmue music starting was one of the most hype moments in E3 history. Just slightly disappointed it wasn't a true reveal.

You are being a downer. Stop it.
2 million is a really low gauge, the stretch goals are a bit odd, $501-9999 tiers are missing, PC-only physical?

It's like SEGA made this kickstarter themselves. LOL

Still backed though.

I think the kickstarter is really there to gauge the interest. If there's interest then Sony and/or Sega might foot the rest of the bill


I'd like to think that I've calmed down, but I haven't. It's 3am and I'm squealing like a schoolgirl, I have tears in my eyes, I'm in dreamland. Pledged £192 ($300) and I only wish that I could give more.

I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight, I'm just astounded.


I click on the link to the OP and see that it was already at like $15k after a short while. Then I spend five minutes looking through the Kickstarter page and it says $450,000. I was thinking my eyes were wrong, or there was some kind of glitch.

Nope. Now it's at $482k. DEAR LORD!

[/Never played Shenmue, but I've heard about it a million times here on NeoGAF, might actually get it!SPOILER]


Not like this...

Been waiting for Shenmue 3 for so long.. and when it's announced, it's through a kickstarter and on PS4/PC? Ugh. Better than nothing I guess. But it will take forever before it's actually released.

Not to be a downer. The fade to black and then the Shenmue music starting was one of the most hype moments in E3 history. Just slightly disappointed it wasn't a true reveal.

It's going to be out before the FF7 remake.
I'm excited for this, but the Kickstarter video was kinda janky.

Obviously it's a work in progress, but I feel like the production of the entire video is a bit worrying.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
25% of the way there!

Best day of gaming in years, regardless of actual games. Is there any day that can match today's excitement? MS' awesome conference, Sony having the best E3 in the history of the show (better than 2001 MGS2? Yeppppp)


Kickstarter page is weak as fuck. I know everyone is hyped at the thought but man, it looks like a student turning in a semester project he made the night before its due date.


LOL! The Mods closed the other thread. Also looks like NeoGAF was overloaded for a bit. Technical difficulties :)

Went with the $300 package as one of the first 300 backers. The game's nearly a quarter of the way funded and it was announced only minutes ago. This is great!



in like half an hour

to all the people who said this would never happen

or that nobody would ever be interested

eat crow


Gold Member
I was 100% certain this would NEVER HAPPEN IN A MILLION YEARS. With all the money I spent on Bloodstain, how the hell am I going to afford this? I don't care Shenmue is coming baby!


Lol, I opened the KS page "it's probably funded with tens of thousands already"


Holy shit.
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