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Skyrim: Special Edition - Mods Thread: Thomas the Tank Engine Strikes Back


Looking this up, wow that seems so bizarre to just blow up your online presence like that.

Modders are seriously the weirdest fucking people. There's always so much drama or straight up hateful shit coming from them at times like the Brutal Doom guy, and sometimes stuff like this happens where they have a meltdown and take everything they've ever done offline. I've worked with some irrational and temperamental people on films before but destroying links to your own work is on another level.
Oh I have
i7-6700K 3.5ghz

What kind of FPS am I looking at for the heavy duty mods?

Bit late to this, but I have almost the same setup, although running an i5 4690k. I get a locked 60fps (literally never once goes down) with over 30 mods including a 4k texture pack, flora overhaul and the verdant grass. I get around 200fps in caves (the one time I updated my graphics driver and vsync turned off...hilarious results).


So my first experience with Skyrim modding is that Mod Organizer takes me through the tutorial, but then can't launch the game because the actual DLC files are ordered incorrectly for some reason. What the fuck. It wants me to move Unmanaged: Hearthfires after Unmanaged: Dragonborn. I do that and it still can't start the game.
So my first experience with Skyrim modding is that Mod Organizer takes me through the tutorial, but then can't launch the game because the actual DLC files are ordered incorrectly for some reason. What the fuck. It wants me to move Unmanaged: Hearthfires after Unmanaged: Dragonborn. I do that and it still can't start the game.

Mod organizer works with the SE now?


So my first experience with Skyrim modding is that Mod Organizer takes me through the tutorial, but then can't launch the game because the actual DLC files are ordered incorrectly for some reason. What the fuck. It wants me to move Unmanaged: Hearthfires after Unmanaged: Dragonborn. I do that and it still can't start the game.

I could never figure MO out, granted I only gave it like 15 minutes of effort, but NMM required no brainwork.... so I went back to NMM.
Probably posted before, but the footprints mod is up


I'm kind of surprised this wasn't just added with Special Edition. Just looks too weird to me in the vanilla game to have all this thick snow and no footprints.

The amount of actual work that went into this "Special Edition" makes me seriously question the price they are making people pay for getting this new. The "the community will mod it" excuse only goes so far when you consider there is still the need for the Unofficial patch that fixes dozens of legitimate issues with the game.

I didn't pay for it, so that's all the complaining about it that I'll do here.

Basically a huge expansion like mod's creator decided to just up and delete everything from every mod website officially and removed his social presence. They basically went dark for some strange reason.

The mod itself was stellar too. Possibly the fame got to them and they didn't want to have to deal with it any more? Likely.

The best explanation I can find is a Gamefaqs copy of a Reddit post that doesn't exist anymore, so take with a grain of salt (though it seems legit, considering some of the further responses.)

[–]Jonx0rTemp 5 points 19 hours ago

Ok so against my better judgement I've decided to write up a short explanation about why I canned Wyrmstooth and my comics. I didn't think it would be necessary to say anything simply because I didn't think many people out there would give a toss. First and foremost though I have to thank and apologize profusely to the people who lent their vocal and musical talent to Wyrmstooth. I just wish I had it in me to have been able to make something that they would've been proud to reference as part of their portfolio.

Long story short, I lost my job and I guess the bitter realization is that some of the thousands of hours I sunk into these pet projects probably should've been spent on slightly more important things, like keeping my qualifications up to date so I wouldn't find myself in this situation. But hey, lesson learned (insert Dark Souls 'You Died' sound here). To me, making mods and comics was like that one good thing in your life that stops you from jumping into your car and driving it off a cliff with Bon Jovi's 'Livin on a Prayer' blaring in the stereo, ending with a dramatic explosion. This wasn't an easy decision to make but unfortunately it was a necessary one. I love making mods and comics, so much so that I don't trust that I'll have the self restraint to simply put them aside even in a situation like this. The Stannis Baratheon choice had to be made (yes I know how he ends up) and even now I'm finding it difficult to resist the urge to just start again from scratch and begin working on a huge mod for Fallout 4, but thinking about where my life will be in the next 6 months if I do is also kinda scary. I didn't enjoy deleting something I spent so much time working on but I know that if I didn't I'd probably be sitting here either working on Wyrmstooth 1.17 or the next chapter of the comic instead of job searching and I'm in absolutely no position to do the former.

So yeah, that's about the size of it. No it wasn't picked for some paid mods thing, no it's not because I got flamed by a troll, and yeah I know you're probably going to disagree with my reasoning.

Next stop Centrelink, all aboard the welfare train. Choo choo!

TL;DR: Lost my job, need to get my life in order, deleted everything because I don't trust I'll have the self restraint to just leave without going back to the thing that I love doing.


Decided to mess around with the SE a bit last couple days since I never did the DLC back in the day and I'm surprised how well this runs compared to the original for me. Currently have 78 mods plus Skyrim Re-Engaged Reshade + ENB etc.

Game just looks insane! lol I actually get 60fps on 1440p with some occasional drops to 50 when there is a lot of foliage, grass and crazy light shafts at the same time in a big area.

Last time I tried to do some mods on the original game it was crashing every 5 minutes and ran like butt with just alternate start and one or two other things. Granted that was also with my old gaming laptop too which was a lot less powerful than the i7 6700/GTX1070 I have now but still it's real nice how (relatively) stable it has been working for me so far.


To say Sony crippled Mods the selection is pretty fucking good most them are gameplay tweaks which is all I need shame can't get frostfall but I'm happy with my PS4 selection even some basic texture overhauls are sneaking on


Ah yeah, lost job. That'll do it. Also the guy sounds like he's unstable, in that he feels like life sucks without a job. He did say long story short however, so there's likely more there.

Ah well!


The amount of actual work that went into this "Special Edition" makes me seriously question the price they are making people pay for getting this new. The "the community will mod it" excuse only goes so far when you consider there is still the need for the Unofficial patch that fixes dozens of legitimate issues with the game.

It was probably worked on by a skeleton crew of pure tech people just tinkering with the underlying engine, without any real passion or experience for work that needs some creative oversight. It would certainly explain why some of the art assets that were changed ended up feeling so unprofessional, and their callous disregard for sound quality by just having it all auto-converted to a highly compressed format.

leng jai

PC players were the real winners really since it was essentially free (or free after buying the expansions) and the move to 64bit made modding 10 times more stable.
It's good being away from this thread for a few weeks

I came back and downloaded 27 new mods

my fps is gonna be at like 9

I use True Shades of Skyrim - ReShade version 1 as a basis: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2175/?
Then I changed a couple settings in the SweetFX.cfg:
#define RedC 0.34
#define GreenC 0.38
#define BlueC 0.40
I also disabled curves.

Maybe I'm just dumb af but...... where do I find SweetFX.cfg?

Is it an additional settings file I need to download, or should it be available with Reshade?


It's good being away from this thread for a few weeks

I came back and downloaded 27 new mods

my fps is gonna be at like 9

Maybe I'm just dumb af but...... where do I find SweetFX.cfg?

Is it an additional settings file I need to download, or should it be available with Reshade?

If you installed it correctly there should be a folder called "reshade" in your Skyrim folder. The SweetFX.cfg should be in there.


I think you may have downloaded the latest version, instead of the Version 1 one. The latest file uses a different version of Reshade, and you need to download that separately. That's probably why you have missing files.

The version Kaffeemann is talking about is an older one. It's still up on the Nexus page, under "Old Files" It's the bottom one, version 1, with the 1 November 2016 date. That one comes with everything included, no separate downloads needed.


Cool, I assume this is compatible with Weightless since that changes the weights of other things.

Yep, I'm using it with Weightless Ultimate Original Flavour, and it works fine. It should only conflict with mods that change the same items. For instance I have Improved Daedric Artifacts I want its benefits so I have it after my mod, so it overwrites my value. I wont get the weight reductions but I dont mind as its just a few items. The only way to have both mods values is to combine them in some way I dont understand yet.
I think you may have downloaded the latest version, instead of the Version 1 one. The latest file uses a different version of Reshade, and you need to download that separately. That's probably why you have missing files.

The version Kaffeemann is talking about is an older one. It's still up on the Nexus page, under "Old Files" It's the bottom one, version 1, with the 1 November 2016 date. That one comes with everything included, no separate downloads needed.

Yeah, that's exactly what I have

Thank you!


Anyone know why this happens when I put on a backpack? Think it's from either campfire or frostfall.

Used loot to sort too.


Finally booted this up after loading it up with mods first and I think I got away with it. Nothing has crashed or looked out of place. Looks amazing when it snows too with that weather mod.


Would recommend verdant grass if you can run it well.
Immersive armours and WICO are good too.
I had verdant but it was dropping me below 60 fps, even after deleting the ini and everything suggested. (On a 6600k @ 4.1ghz and a GTX 1080)

I'm switching from my 4K tv to 1440p monitor though, so I may give it another shot if everything runs smoothly.

Edit: Verdant 1.4 runs great @1440p, here's some new screenshots:




Just gonna' post my XB1 mods that I have installed in load order. Working perfect right now.

- Unofficial Skyrim Patch

- Falskaar
- Forgotten City
- Master the Summit
- Real Mountains
- Point the way
- Lamp posts
- Campfire (Survival)
- Frostfall (Survival)
- Insignificant Remover

- Shezrie Town
- My Riverwood House
- Lush Overhaul

- Thunderchild
- Apocolypse: Magic

- Relationship dialogue
- Immersive Citizens
- Diverse Dragons
- Boss Encounters
- Adorable Females

- Vivid Weathers
- Wet + Cold
- Realistic Light
- Blood Textures
- Quieter Dungeons

- Rich Merchants
- Better Loot
- Weightless Dragon Bones

- Natural eyes

- LOTR weapon collection
- Morag Tong Master Assassin Armor

- Ars Meticallica

- None

- Glowing Ore
- Practice Dummies
- Big: More Kills
Rustic clothing is up guys!


Description: RUSTIC CLOTHING - Special Edition  is a high resolution clothing texture overhaul for Skyrim Special Edition. Every piece of clothing in the game is included. That's the base Skyrim game clothing plus all three DLCs. The underwear (which is actually found with the body textures) is also included with this retexture mod. This is the culmination of many many hours of labor. I hope people enjoy the end result of my efforts.
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