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Skyrim: Special Edition - Mods Thread: Thomas the Tank Engine Strikes Back

Inigo is great. Some of his comments really made me laugh. He is also much smarter than vanilla companions and won't get in your way as often.

As for quest mods that use the vanilla map there's Cutting Room Floor which adds a couple quests back that were removed from the game.
The Notice Board adds mostly fetch quests. It combines great with More Bandit Camps because they are all radiant quest enabled.


Rustic clothing is up guys!

Description: RUSTIC CLOTHING - Special Edition  is a high resolution clothing texture overhaul for Skyrim Special Edition. Every piece of clothing in the game is included. That's the base Skyrim game clothing plus all three DLCs. The underwear (which is actually found with the body textures) is also included with this retexture mod. This is the culmination of many many hours of labor. I hope people enjoy the end result of my efforts.

Oh man that looks good!

Also great to see the Xbox is working well with mods. Maybe it will get some Scorpio support next year for some extra goodness.


Rustic clothing is up guys!


Description: RUSTIC CLOTHING - Special Edition  is a high resolution clothing texture overhaul for Skyrim Special Edition. Every piece of clothing in the game is included. That's the base Skyrim game clothing plus all three DLCs. The underwear (which is actually found with the body textures) is also included with this retexture mod. This is the culmination of many many hours of labor. I hope people enjoy the end result of my efforts.

This looks awesome.

Does anyone know what body replacer he's using in that screenshot?


Rustic clothing is up guys!


Description: RUSTIC CLOTHING - Special Edition  is a high resolution clothing texture overhaul for Skyrim Special Edition. Every piece of clothing in the game is included. That's the base Skyrim game clothing plus all three DLCs. The underwear (which is actually found with the body textures) is also included with this retexture mod. This is the culmination of many many hours of labor. I hope people enjoy the end result of my efforts.

Looks great! Does it work with Immersive Armors and Book of Silence?

leng jai

Get Sofia. Fully voiced, very funny, and marriageable. This is her singing The Dragonborn Comes.


Don't be fooled, her appearance has been updated for the SE.

Yeah I've been using her since the start of my SE play through. Few issues though, she's pretty OP in general. She often talks in the background at the same time as when you're talking to other NPCs. She also starts getting really repetitive after a while.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I know this is nowhere near the right section for this question, i just don't know where else to ask...

In the base Skyrim game, when you go to a location that for example, would initiate a whole quest in Dawnguard for example, what happens?
Huh. I just read that the developer of Mod Organizer now works for Nexus Mod Manager. So I'm guessing MO won't be seeing any updates and I should just use NMM now?


Huh. I just read that the developer of Mod Organizer now works for Nexus Mod Manager. So I'm guessing MO won't be seeing any updates and I should just use NMM now?

No you should continue to use MO until the new MO/NMM hybrid comes out.

In the base Skyrim game, when you go to a location that for example, would initiate a whole quest in Dawnguard for example, what happens?

If you have Dawnguard installed you'll trigger the quest like you should (assuming you're at the right step of it), if you don't have it, the place might not be there in the first place, or is different and not Dawnguard related (but I don't think there are many of those)


SE-tailored Rustic Clothing has arrived..!! Ouch that must've been a pain to transfer though. >_< This and Book of Silence were mashed potatoes and gravy in Oldrim.

Thinking of getting a follower mod for the hell of it. Any opinions on Inigo the Khajit?


His charm is arguably the most fine-tuned around from a development perspective. It's how he's implemented and voiced that ultimately makes him so popular, instead of just having a lot to say, he says 'em within context and through unique interactions that add to his character. As for how his persona is, it is a cross between honorably ardent and comically acute and does adapt to what you do in-game in certain subtle ways, but nothing too divergent. If you're bored...try it!!

I know this is nowhere near the right section for this question, i just don't know where else to ask...

In the base Skyrim game, when you go to a location that for example, would initiate a whole quest in Dawnguard for example, what happens?

If you're talking about Skyrim without Dawnguard installed, that's not possible I believe, since Dawnguard comes exclusively with its own locations added on top of the base game. I don't remember any quests activated in vanilla Skyrim locations although I might've just forgotten. >_<


Really? I've been using it since release without any real issues.
Though it was a little strange to find chirping birds at the mountain top where you meet some priests during the story line lol

It adds stuttering and CTD's for me, but I have a fuckload of other mods active.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
If you're talking about Skyrim without Dawnguard installed, that's not possible I believe, since Dawnguard comes exclusively with its own locations added on top of the base game. I don't remember any quests activated in vanilla Skyrim locations although I might've just forgotten. >_<

If you have Dawnguard installed you'll trigger the quest like you should (assuming you're at the right step of it), if you don't have it, the place might not be there in the first place, or is different and not Dawnguard related (but I don't think there are many of those)

I see...its strange cause i just discovered Arkngthamz on the PS4 version, near the corner of the map, but that whole place is pretty huge and its own area carved into the mountain.

That entire mountain range doesn't even exist in the base game?


I see...its strange cause i just discovered Arkngthamz on the PS4 version, near the corner of the map, but that whole place is pretty huge and its own area carved into the mountain.

That entire mountain range doesn't even exist in the base game?

If you're playing the Special edition all the DLC is included that might explain why :p


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
If you're playing the Special edition all the DLC is included that might explain why :p

I'm just curious cause i've only played the vanilla 360 version prior to buying the PS4 version with all the DLC included. Even though it was years ago, i remember going absolutely everywhere, i just can't really wrap my head around entire areas just not existing at this point, a lot of the places in the DLC obviously should have existed somewhere in the base game location wise, but i guess they were just flat piece of land?

I'm gonna go to GS and pick up a 360 copy again just to compare the two. Yeah its a weird thing to work your brain over, but still
I'm just curious cause i've only played the vanilla 360 version prior to buying the PS4 version with all the DLC included. Even though it was years ago, i remember going absolutely everywhere, i just can't really wrap my head around entire areas just not existing at this point, a lot of the places in the DLC obviously should have existed somewhere in the base game location wise, but i guess they were just flat piece of land?

I'm gonna go to GS and pick up a 360 copy again just to compare the two. Yeah its a weird thing to work your brain over, but still

Dawnguard added 2 castles to the world map (and some underground areas) with some minor terrain modifications to make them fit in the world. Dragonborn added a huge whole island you need to take a scripted boat ride to. Game loads a whole new area.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Dawnguard added 2 castles to the world map (and some underground areas) with some minor terrain modifications to make them fit in the world. Dragonborn added a huge whole island you need to take a scripted boat ride to. Game loads a whole new area.

You can tell dragonborn is not even apart of the original world cause you have to ride in it by boat, yeah i've already been to solesteim(and got my ass kicked by minor enemies so i'm not even going to bother to beat that until much later....)

but the other two DLC's are too cleverly integrated into the original areas


I'm just curious cause i've only played the vanilla 360 version prior to buying the PS4 version with all the DLC included. Even though it was years ago, i remember going absolutely everywhere, i just can't really wrap my head around entire areas just not existing at this point, a lot of the places in the DLC obviously should have existed somewhere in the base game location wise, but i guess they were just flat piece of land?

I'm gonna go to GS and pick up a 360 copy again just to compare the two. Yeah its a weird thing to work your brain over, but still

Haha I know whatchyu mean, they did it very seamlessly. It's really just clever placement, technically some areas are blocked off, but actually physically there, for example, like parts of Cyrodiil and whatnot. Add a couple tweaks and extra terrain and boom you've got a new location that you coulda thought was there the whole time.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Rustic clothing is up guys!


Description: RUSTIC CLOTHING - Special Edition  is a high resolution clothing texture overhaul for Skyrim Special Edition. Every piece of clothing in the game is included. That's the base Skyrim game clothing plus all three DLCs. The underwear (which is actually found with the body textures) is also included with this retexture mod. This is the culmination of many many hours of labor. I hope people enjoy the end result of my efforts.

oh this looks good
Oh ! OBIS is up too !

Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition

very nice mod if you're tired of always seeing the same ennemies everywhere.

This looks really good! I tried adding that more populated bandits mod, but it just made encampments more difficult, not less boring

Hope this is more what I'm looking for!

Also god damn @ rustic clothing being a gig+ for NMM


Any recommendations for a combat mod that doesn't make you die in one hit to a bandit if you're a mage in robes but makes melee combat less of a boring sponge-based affair?

Unless the answer is for me to install Smilodon and play on Master/Legendary.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
is there no mod that lets me kill the Blades? because paarthurnax dilemma is kinda underwhelming in hindsight on dealing with them


I asked and never got a answer. What are the best 5 mods for Xbox that improve graphics and textures of npc's?

I would really like to find one that improves the faces of the npc's. Then anything that makes the Skyrim world look better. Thanks for any help.
I pretty much spent my whole afternoon/evening yesterday researching and downloading mods. I'm almost ready to start playing, but there still some mods that I really want ported over before I start -- WryeBash, SkyUI, Werewolf Mastery + Heart of the Beast, Interesting NPCs, Inconsequential NPCs, Wearable Lanterns, Skyrim Immersive Creatures, and one of the good combat mods* just to name some of them.

*I checked T3nd0's Facebook on a whim, and it seems he's back in the game! I remember he took a hiatus from developing Perkus Maximus because of mental health issues, so it's nice that he seems to be doing better. Hoping for a PM SE port!


Can anyone help me with this problem? I'm trying to install A Quality World Map With Roads to my Legendary Edition, but MO can't run the organizer and I get this message:



Hmm, I installed Loot in order to use the unofficial patch and Loot says it can't find the game directory and then crashes every time I start it up.
I pretty much spent my whole afternoon/evening yesterday researching and downloading mods. I'm almost ready to start playing, but there still some mods that I really want ported over before I start -- WryeBash, SkyUI, Werewolf Mastery + Heart of the Beast, Interesting NPCs, Inconsequential NPCs, Wearable Lanterns, Skyrim Immersive Creatures, and one of the good combat mods* just to name some of them.

*I checked T3nd0's Facebook on a whim, and it seems he's back in the game! I remember he took a hiatus from developing Perkus Maximus because of mental health issues, so it's nice that he seems to be doing better. Hoping for a PM SE port!

Anything that depended on SKSE is gonna be a ways off yet, I don't even know how progress is on it but all I ever hear is "don't expect it soon".


I pretty much spent my whole afternoon/evening yesterday researching and downloading mods. I'm almost ready to start playing, but there still some mods that I really want ported over before I start -- WryeBash, SkyUI, Werewolf Mastery + Heart of the Beast, Interesting NPCs, Inconsequential NPCs, Wearable Lanterns, Skyrim Immersive Creatures, and one of the good combat mods* just to name some of them.

*I checked T3nd0's Facebook on a whim, and it seems he's back in the game! I remember he took a hiatus from developing Perkus Maximus because of mental health issues, so it's nice that he seems to be doing better. Hoping for a PM SE port!

Im using SkyUI in my game and its working just fine... I have the SKSE update warning, but haven't crashed once.
^ Goddamn that looks good.

Mortal Enemies SE looks pretty interesting. Did anyone use this mod in vanilla? Sounds like it makes the combat a little more like Dark Souls, which is always a good thing.

Also, the video is great:

Mortal Enemies v1.3 - VS Caster Gameplay

Anything that depended on SKSE is gonna be a ways off yet, I don't even know how progress is on it but all I ever hear is "don't expect it soon".

Well, fuck.

Im using SkyUI in my game and its working just fine... I have the SKSE update warning, but haven't crashed once.

Ehhhhh, I'm not brave enough to do it. Glad it's working for you though.


I've been grinding out my destruction pretty hard and it's paying off nicely. I've also been finishing up the Dark Brotherhood story line and it's pretty great so far, I have my sneak up to 100 and it's a ton of fun taking slow to get the assassinations just right.


Not to get everyone too excited and give false hope, but there was an update to the SKSE64 status!

Okay - here is an update for you all. I posted this info on the old BGS forums today as well. As of last night we have the general Papyrus script extending working. I have a test spell that collects info off of a Weapon form (damage, stagger, weight, value from Weapon.psc, Name from Form.psc, Keyword info from Keyword.psc) and displays it. The TESObjectWEAP class is fully decoded, and with the exception of the SoundDescriptor class, all of the component forms that are used by weapons are also decoded. I expect most of the Weapon.psc functions to just work at this point, but I haven't verified them.

The weapon itself is found by looking it up internally by ID, and the dynamic casting code to get it to the correct form is also being used. These are important, foundational pieces of SKSE64. Additionally, many classes leverage the form components used by Weapons, so they will be decoded faster. This early work is like an accelerator for later work.

That being said, there is a ton of work left. We have many, many classes left to decode and verify. As each one is done I'll bring over the corresponding papyrus functions. We haven't looked at Inventory code yet (always tricky.) We haven't looked at Magic and Active Effects (big). We haven't looked at Input code (changed for x64). We haven't looked at Events. We haven't looked at Scaleform yet for SkyUI/MCM.

The long Thanksgiving weekend is approaching in the US, and I will be spending a lot of time deep in the porting process. I'll have some form of semi-official statement on where things stand (with perhaps a demo video) early next week (Monday or Tuesday I expect.)

So it looks like SKSE64 will be an easier job than Fallout 4.
Ehhhhh, I'm not brave enough to do it. Glad it's working for you though.

I dunno if it was in this thread or a manual download on Nexus but I've been using a version of SkyUI (I think 2.1?) that eliminated the warning and it has been fine for over 50 hours of gameplay. It obviously lacks any of the advanced features but having the inventory was key for me, I can't play the game with the vanilla inventory, it's abysmal.

Stoked to hear that update on SKSE, my nightly mod run has slowed down to a trickle.


I dunno if it was in this thread or a manual download on Nexus but I've been using a version of SkyUI (I think 2.1?) that eliminated the warning and it has been fine for over 50 hours of gameplay. It obviously lacks any of the advanced features but having the inventory was key for me, I can't play the game with the vanilla inventory, it's abysmal.

Stoked to hear that update on SKSE, my nightly mod run has slowed down to a trickle.

Yup same here. I can't play the game without SkyUI. I'm using SkyUI 2.2 and it's basically just an inventory/magic overhaul without all of the features (can't even Favorite magic/powers) but just that alone is leaps and bounds more usable than the base UI.


Yup same here. I can't play the game without SkyUI. I'm using SkyUI 2.2 and it's basically just an inventory/magic overhaul without all of the features (can't even Favorite magic/powers) but just that alone is leaps and bounds more usable than the base UI.

I'm using 2.1 and can favorite things, maybe try 2.1?

I am starting to worry about my mods, now that I had to uninstall realistic lighting... I feel like they aren't installed right now.
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