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Sleeping Dogs |OT| not releasing this would have been a True Crime





What looks a bit shitty is the animation when you knock down an enemy and they are in pain and a second later they jump up like never nothing happend. THere is some sort of transition missing.
My notebook is a Llano, so running this game might not be a great experience. :)

Then why would you buy it for PC? All of these features will be completely useless to you, if you think you'll struggle to run it then HD texture packs and Ambient Occlusion are going to be pointless.


GameFan Alumnus
Cool, that's interesting.

What other games did you work on? Did working on them make you not want to bother playing them because you worked so much on them?

I worked on a bunch of games that I'd play after release. Spider-Man 2, X-Men Legends 2, Dead or Alive 3, etc. The thing is, you usually get a free copy of the game when it releases if you worked on it. Since Activision dropped it and Squenix picked it up, I'll be shelling out the cash for this one.

Ooooh awesome. Did it change much from when you worked on it?

Wei looks different and UFG has added a lot of visual polish to it, which is great. Everything I've seen so far seems like an improvement.

Interesting; what about it that you worked on separated this title from the other open world titles out there?

The hand to hand combat is a lot better than a Rockstar open world game. I really liked the ability to fluidly transition between parkour or vehicles to run and gun shooting and hand to hand combat. In the hands of someone who knows what they're doing, this game looks incredible. I was one of the ones demoing it at E3 for press. But if you see someone play it for the first time, they're not going to have Wei's full arsenal of moves committed to muscle memory, and thus will look like they're playing a different game.

Would be interested to hear details about when it was Black Lotus.

Everyone working on the game thought it was a quality title. UFG is a talented developer. The only doubts were whether there would be enough time to polish it to the level it needed in the time we had, and whether the P&L's made sense to do so. Given time, we had no doubt UFG could make a great game.


The hand to hand combat is a lot better than a Rockstar open world game. I really liked the ability to fluidly transition between parkour or vehicles to run and gun shooting and hand to hand combat. In the hands of someone who knows what they're doing, this game looks incredible. I was one of the ones demoing it at E3 for press. But if you see someone play it for the first time, they're not going to have Wei's full arsenal of moves committed to muscle memory, and thus will look like they're playing a different game.

Ain't that the truth, it was painful watching the machinima live stream (until they handed over the controller), the joystiq one on the other hand was like night and day better. Seemed like they actually did it justice.


Just received my Game Informer and was reading through the review. I know I'll love the game based on everything I have seen, but they mention a lack of polish and bugs that make a troubled development evident. They mention issues like moves not registering, lines of dialogue cutting out and having to restart missions multiple times because mission critical NPC's would not spawn, even though you can hear them talking. They said the game was great fun when it works, but stuff like this really annoys and holds it back.

I normally just go with the flow, ignore reviews and buy what appeals to me. But stuff like this I tend to pay more attention to when paying full price. The game is still a must buy because I know it's something I'll have fun with, warts and all. I am just not so sure I need both this and Darksiders II at the same time. I have already been charged for Darksiders II and it is in fact in the mail, but I have not been charged for this yet. As much fun as I think I'll have with this game, I think it's something I'll enjoy more for about $30.00. I may just wait, but not sure yet.


I like the GameStop bonus stuff the most so will be getting it there, amazon deal is nice too, but no more release date delivery for $1 has me buying less from them.
Finally decided to order this at GMG, can't really go wrong at £20. Chances of getting the tf2 bonus items from GMG are slim, right?


Has problems recognising girls
Finally decided to order this at GMG, can't really go wrong at £20. Chances of getting the tf2 bonus items from GMG are slim, right?
I am certain that GMG keys don't get handed out until release.

Though I'd love to be corrected.


pre-ordered today, gonna be a busy day with Darksiders II releasing as well, but really excited for this
Alright, thanks. I care more about the significant discount than TF2 items anyway.
And yeah, looks like keys are sent on release. Might get them earlier if the game is put up for preloading.


So on the fence on this one. Combat looks cool, but I worry the story won't be any good. Has there been an indication either way?


Couldn't resist, already got Darksiders II from GMG so I went ahead and grabbed Sleeping Dogs too. Can't beat the PC version for 33.75, wish I had gotten in on the 30% off Daily Special tho.

For those wondering when GMG is going to hand out the keys, according to the forums when they get the keys is decided upon by the publishers and supposedly they won't be getting the keys until the 14th.

Where as with Darksiders II, they'll be getting the keys on the 10th so folks will be able to pre-load over the weekend.


So on the fence on this one. Combat looks cool, but I worry the story won't be any good. Has there been an indication either way?

Looks like they are going for that Hong Kong action movie feel. So it should be pretty fun, just don't expect a masterpiece and you will be fine.


Unconfirmed Member
.com? Alright, thanks. =)

Thanks for the link too, it's giving me a 404 though.

That also happened to me. Searching for the game via the search bar should give you the correct link.

Also just a heads up, but GMG is in the UK so depending on your credit card/bank and current location you might need to confirm the transaction.


That happened to me also. Searching for the game via the search bar should give you the correct link.

Also just a heads up, but GMG is in the UK so depending on your credit card/bank and current location you might need to confirm the transaction.
This. My account was frozen last month due to fraud protection. Called, and enabled it. Not a big deal, but something to be aware of.


This. My account was frozen last month due to fraud protection. Called, and enabled it. Not a big deal, but something to be aware of.

Yeah, I have to use my card through paypal or my bank declines the charge even though I've called them about it.


I like the GameStop bonus stuff the most so will be getting it there, amazon deal is nice too, but no more release date delivery for $1 has me buying less from them.
Yea, only reason I'm going with Amazon this time is due to the $10 bonus(well $3 after "release day" shipping is added)
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