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Sliding the Switch in and out of the dock will inevitably scratch the screen


Switch Ambassador.

Joke aside, this is terrible in part from Nintendo. It's the 3DS all over again.

This seems like such a blatantly obvious issue that Nintendo should have seen coming. So obvious that I just assumed the interior was soft and didn't even worry about it this whole time.

This ^

This is like the issue of the bevels on the bottom screen of the original 3DS, I change the screen protectors on mine about every six months, it could really do with being changed every month though.



Y'all gon' learn today.
Take care of your stuff guys... I have GBAs and DSs going all the way back with no scratches.

Just don't be animals and you're fine.
So if the screen was glass, would the switch in Giantbomb boardcast be a broken screen switch instead of just broken joycon latch?


I don´t know about you guys, but all my electronics are in perfect condition even after more than 10 years of use. I do handle things with CARE. That is the key. My 3DS is like brand new after looots of hours of use. Damn! Even my original Game Boy is almost brand new! I have been wearing the same watch for at least 5 years now and there is no single scratch on it....so I am not worried at all. I will just use the dock properly and carefully, like I do with all my stuff.

How did the person in the link in the OP dock it wrong? That way I know what not to do.
I have handled all of the news about the Switch well - I haven't reacted strongly to lots of things that left me disappointed and been okay with everything I've heard.

But hearing the device has a plastic screen is... surreal. Like, holy shit. I don't think I can handle that. I think that might be it for me. I'll probably play Zelda and then sell it. I'll buy a new one when Pokemon comes out.
I'm not tryna tell you how to spend your money (I don't even know you), but damn, this sounds wasteful lol.


Sorry, but I'm taking solid plastic over "I-will-break-at-first-fall" glass. This thing will be in kid's hand, so I'm glad they went that way.

EDIT : It was supposed to be in the thread about plastic instead of glass, before it fused with this one.


There is no problem with choosing plastic for a gaming handheld in any way. What is the problem is the dock actually scratching the screen!

Huge design oversight.
If it was glass, I was going to put a screen protector on it. If it was plastic, I was going to put a screen protector on it.

This thread is at least 8x more melodramatic than it needs to be.


Why are the scratches curved and all over the place (in that small area)? Shouldn't they be straight and only in one or two spots?


I put screen protectors on every portable device I buy, and this one was no different. Will be the first thing I do when I remove it from the box later today.
There is no problem with choosing plastic for a gaming handheld in any way. What is the problem is the dock actually scratching the screen!

Huge design oversight.
Don't think a dock can scratch that deep unless you're just actively shoving it in off center before the dock guides it back in place.
Well that sucks if it ends up being an issue for people. Didn't we really not know it was plastic until now? Seems like something that we would have or should have known about.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I have handled all of the news about the Switch well - I haven't reacted strongly to lots of things that left me disappointed and been okay with everything I've heard.

But hearing the device has a plastic screen is... surreal. Like, holy shit. I don't think I can handle that. I think that might be it for me. I'll probably play Zelda and then sell it. I'll buy a new one when Pokemon comes out.

i'm just going to keep mine til a revision comes out, then upgrade
Every "super tough glass" screen Ive seen has been shattered like crazy so I would prefer a plastic screen.

I don't drop my shit, and I use a case for anything I travel with on the daily. Long term scratching is inevitable if you want clean or interact with the screen. Scratches are guaranteed, shattering is a remote possibility that's merely technically possible but not inevitable. I'd drastically prefer having a device that's super easy to shatter but impossible to scratch.


I also assumed it would be glass due to the price point and it being 2017.

Plastic does have some advantages like being more drop resistant, but it does scratch easily. It may not be the dock but it will eventually scratch.

The news here is that we didn't know it was plastic until launch day! Ninjas maybe?


The bottom screen's border was slightly raised above the screen itself, so if someone closed it with enough force or wasn't thinking about it, they'd find little vertical markings on the left and right sides of the upper screen when they opened it again.

...I have a launch day 3DS and have always sorta wondered how I got those markings there. Huh.


Maybe if you're jerking it out of there like a crazy person or slamming it in there. Treat it like a $300 piece of equipment and you should be ok, no?

Probably, but people want to assume that Nintendo doesn't know what they're doing. Somebody will probably quote this and say "they don't" - smart. Preemptive reply lol.


Why are the scratches curved and all over the place (in that small area)? Shouldn't they be straight and only in one or two spots?


It does look like he placed it in his pocket or bag with keys or coins, but I can't imagine anyone doing it on purpose as suggested before.

I'd wait for more reports of this before freaking out.

Though I would get a screen protector for sure regardless.


Like every small consumer device I own, if the screen is exposed, I buy a screen protector. Vitas, Phone, iPad, you name it, I get screen protectors.

I don't really have any exceptions to this anyways.


So I think I'm just gunna sit a bit on getting a switch. I know gaf is hyperbole city, but damn if it doesn't seem there are a ton of little issues switch has atm.
The Joy-Con desyncs and I can't play games!

-You're holding it wrong and LOL you didn't buy the $80 Pro-Con?

The screen is made of plastic and scratched!

-Dude, you didn't put a screen protector on that bad boy and you docked it improperly according to my opinion?

The frame rate gets worse when I dock the system!

-Naw man, that's Ocarina mode. It's a feature.
OP offers a solution, that to me seems essential for any type of portable gaming device.
I don't get why this is a huge issue to some.


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
Was thinking of trying to save some money by not getting a screen protector, but sounds like I'll need one. Guess I'm buying even more Switch stuff today!


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Take care of your stuff guys... I have GBAs and DSs going all the way back with no scratches.

Just don't be animals and you're fine.

don't EVER tell me what to do!

people love drama. plenty of plastic screens in the house that are fine. If the dock thing were wide spread I'd have to believe you would heave heard about it by more than one site so far.
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