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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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Final Round before the apocalypse, how many characters do you think we will end up getting before the team disbands and who do you think they will be?

Shovel Knight
K. Rool

If there are only four characters then I'd say these are realistic considering trends I've noticed: (Not my wishlist)

Shovel Knight
Either K. Rool or Dixie < Don't really care but after all this I feel somethings gotta give lol.
One of either Square Enix, Atlus, or Skylanders rep.

No more veterans. >:)

Ok now my wishlist in order:

1: Viola (The Witch's House)
2: Madotsuki (Yume Nikki)
3: NepGear (Neptunia)
4: Seiko (Corpse Party)





This is the first time I'm hearing about this. Link to whatever discussion this was revealed at?

It's not anything I have evidence of but I've heard from a couple of friends over at Smashboards that the moderators on there generally get leaks before others and just kind of keep them among themselves in the backroom. Shovel Knight is apparently someone they're all really confident is in the game. Their source is probably the same one as the guy from Unseen64.


I think we're getting Wolf and Shovel Knight. I'm not crazy about the idea of the latter, but apparently the SmashBoards moderator backroom circlejerk group who got a hold of the Duck Hunt/Bowser Jr. info last Summer has a source with footage as well that they're holding onto tightly. That combined with the other reports is enough for me to think he's pretty likely at this point.

I think a couple other characters are possible, namely Dixie. It's been said before that there's almost never a fighting game with character DLC that doesn't have a female character, and at this point there aren't very many others to add (within Nintendo's own roster that is). Dixie is easily the most iconic female character left and we know Sakurai had at least considered her for some role in the past, so it's kind of surprising to me she wasn't in the base game to begin with.

I want Snake more than anything else and I don't think it's impossible but I'm not holding my breath at this point. I'd be cool with them taking the least effort possible and keeping everything just about identical to his Brawl appearance right down to the voice clips. Fingers crossed I guess.

This shit right here is why I dislike smashboards and the community around it. I know most players of Smash aren't like that, but it's basically made up of the top players and they constantly have this air of knowing something you don't and being pretentious about it. It's really annoying. If people know something they should either reveal it or keep their mouth shut, teasing stuff and having a private circlejerk isn't productive and just makes the entire community look bad. Just the fact that they have this obsession with calling it a "backroom" is eye-roll inducing.


Final Round before the apocalypse, how many characters do you think we will end up getting before the team disbands and who do you think they will be?

Shovel Knight
K. Rool

Wolf, Pichu, Shovel Knight and Layton. Not a single new Nintendo owned character, only vets. Because that's just how they would do this poll.
It's not anything I have evidence of but I've heard from a couple of friends over at Smashboards that the moderators on there generally get leaks before others and just kind of keep them among themselves in the backroom. Shovel Knight is apparently someone they're all really confident is in the game. Their source is probably the same one as the guy from Unseen64.
Well, only two hours until we have our hands on him!


Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
It's not anything I have evidence of but I've heard from a couple of friends over at Smashboards that the moderators on there generally get leaks before others and just kind of keep them among themselves in the backroom. Shovel Knight is apparently someone they're all really confident is in the game. Their source is probably the same one as the guy from Unseen64.
I assume this is something that happened through PMs. Also forgive me for pushing you around, but what you just said is fucking huge news considering what happen during the summer of last year.


Well, only two hours until we have our hands on him!


Just because that's when the maintenance happens doesn't mean it is when the update goes live. Or the patch could go live but the downloadable content could be delayed from being pushed to the shop until an official announcement. I wouldn't expect anything until the morning.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
This shit right here is why I dislike smashboards and the community around it. I know most players of Smash aren't like that, but it's basically made up of the top players and they constantly have this air of knowing something you don't and being pretentious about it. It's really annoying. If people know something they should either reveal it or keep their mouth shut, teasing stuff and having a private circlejerk isn't productive and just makes the entire community look bad. Just the fact that they have this obsession with calling it a "backroom" is eye-roll inducing.
what do you think all the memes about GAF Gold were really about wink wink


This shit right here is why I dislike smashboards and the community around it. I know most players of Smash aren't like that, but it's basically made up of the top players and they constantly have this air of knowing something you don't and being pretentious about it. It's really annoying. If people know something they should either reveal it or keep their mouth shut, teasing stuff and having a private circlejerk isn't productive and just makes the entire community look bad. Just the fact that they have this obsession with calling it a "backroom" is eye-roll inducing.

I'm with you 100% dude. I remember the footage of Bowser Jr. and Shulk leaking last Summer... then finding out it had been floating around the backroom for weeks? Come on, man.

I assume this is something that happened through PMs. Also forgive me for pushing you around, but what you just said is fucking huge news considering what happen during the summer of last year.

Hahaha, forgiven. I don't know anyone directly involved, it's a sorta sketchy friend-of-a-friend situation and all I was basically told was that "all the mods are saying he's in".

Dr. Buni

That is incredible.


what do you think all the memes about GAF Gold were really about wink wink

The difference is that's a joke (unless your point is that it is intentionally satirizing the smashboards "backroom" and similar types of groups on other forums).

Only a half hour before maintenance goes up, and I'm starting to get sleepy now.

Go to bed, even if the patch is pushed they aren't going to just drop content on the shop without an announcement of some sort...and they aren't going to do that in the middle of the night.


Go to bed, even if the patch is pushed they aren't going to just drop content on the shop without an announcement of some sort...and they aren't going to do that in the middle of the night.

Well except for japan since it's like 1 or 2 pm there.
Smashboards is a joke of a site. I only went there for the character discussion threads. Also, the mods always claim to have insider knowledge even when they don't. That's not why I believe the Shovel Knight rumor.
The difference is that's a joke (unless your point is that it is intentionally satirizing the smashboards "backroom" and similar types of groups on other forums).

Go to bed, even if the patch is pushed they aren't going to just drop content on the shop without an announcement of some sort...and they aren't going to do that in the middle of the night.

Just because that's when the maintenance happens doesn't mean it is when the update goes live. Or the patch could go live but the downloadable content could be delayed from being pushed to the shop until an official announcement. I wouldn't expect anything until the morning.

They will have to launch all DLC when the maintenece ends. I've been up 79 hours straight hyping this up. It has to deliver tonight! I can't take staying up anymore and when I get hyped for something I can't sleep until it happens!

I seriously do expect the character to go up after maintenance, it'll go up without any prior announcement. (This I do believe.)

Can't wait to play a new character in less than two hours! Yall better not crash the servers again!! :mad:

Edit: Aso if the patch goes live but no DLC then dataminers will dataminer it before Nintendo makes an announcement.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Smashboards is a joke of a site. I only went there for the character discussion threads. Also, the mods always claim to have insider knowledge even when they don't. That's not why I believe the Shovel Knight rumor.
I would usually disregard anything coming from SmashBoards, but the way the Bowser Jr. leak was handled last year makes me believe they are not as innocent or ignorant as one might expect.


Junior Member
They will have to launch all DLC when the maintenece ends. I've been up 79 hours straight hyping this up. It has to deliver tonight! I can't take staying up anymore and when I get hyped for something I can't sleep until it happens!

I seriously do expect the character to go up after maintenance, it'll go up without any prior announcement. (This I do believe.)

Can't wait to play a new character in less than two hours! Yall better not crash the servers again!! :mad:

Edit: Aso if the patch goes live but no DLC then dataminers will dataminer it before Nintendo makes an announcement.
Seriously, get some sleep. Lord knows you need it at this point. The update will be there when you wake up.


Well except for japan since it's like 1 or 2 pm there.

They will have to launch all DLC when the maintenece ends. I've been up 79 hours straight hyping this up. It has to deliver tonight! I can't take staying up anymore and when I get hyped for something I can't sleep until it happens!

I seriously do expect the character to go up after maintenance, it'll go up without any prior announcement. (This I do believe.)

Can't wait to play a new character in less than two hours! Yall better not crash the servers again!! :mad:

Edit: Aso if the patch goes live but no DLC then dataminers will dataminer it before Nintendo makes an announcement.

Every patch with content so far, the content has gone up after the patch. During the daytime in America (typically early morning). I don't see this changing. They have released patches ahead of the content being on the shop before as well (and they have been datamined...that's what happened with the E3 patch). IIRC though the last patch was not able to be datamined using the same methods, so apparently Nintendo figured out how to stop it. Even if they did datamine, the content releases very likely less than 12 hours later. Datamining takes some time and they might not even have discovered much or, at least, everything by then.
Regarding the ballot, how long after it closes do you think it will be before Sakurai chooses and announces which one he finds most interesting to make?

Gathering all of the data posted, filtering out obvious/stupid choices like Spongebob or Classic Dark Pit, tallying up all of the viable fighters, thinking their basic moveset and how they would fit into the game for each of them, narrowing his choices from there and maybe picking whatever he dropped from there to be either Mii outfit, assist trophy, or fighter for Smash 5, potentially reaching out to companies to use their permission to use their characters if needed, and creating a basic model for presentation like Mewtwo's reveal for his choice.

I'm expecting very late in October or early November.
I have a fun little game:

If a new character comes out with this then whoever creates the thread has to put "PSA:" (Without the quotes) at the beginning of the title. Its only fair and plays into the insanity of Smash. (If you don't know, doing that replaces PSA with a ramdomly generated phrase. Tho I can't find how it started.)

Also, to pass the time I figured I'd start up Smash and play online...only to realize I won't in 5 minutes so no point in starting it. D:

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I remember back in 2007 we were having a regular Dojo day and bam, Sonic announced at Nintendo's Fall Conference or whatever. The reveal video was posted at 2 am that day. People went crazy.

...maybe we'll get K. Rool's video in a similar manner?


I remember back in 2007 we were having a regular Dojo day and bam, Sonic announced at Nintendo's Fall Conference or whatever. The reveal video was posted at 2 am that day. People went crazy.

...maybe we'll get K. Rool's video in a similar manner?

I'm 99% convinced we're only getting the stage and nothing more, but God, I'd love if the crazy theories about this update secretly coming with lots of unannounced content were true. Not even for the content itself; the reactions would be the best thing SmashGAF has seen since the Captain Falcon - Robin - Lucina combo wombo.
I remember back in 2007 we were having a regular Dojo day and bam, Sonic announced at Nintendo's Fall Conference or whatever. The reveal video was posted at 2 am that day. People went crazy.

...maybe we'll get K. Rool's video in a similar manner?
We'll find out several new characters were several days ago, but everyone was too busy talking about CSS changes on forums to notice.
We're going to see a three character reveal, believe

King K. Rool, Shovel Knight, and Wolf

(and then a final three characters in the form of Isaac, Professor Layton, and I suppose Tap Girl) revealed during a Christmas Direct


Too many Nintendo characters i can only thing a few lol. Wolf is definitely going to be there, it's a good way to promote the upcoming star fox zero.
Duck stage on 3DS now!!!

Also the Smash board mods also said Ridley and Dixie and Mewtwo and Chorus Kids would be DLC for the WiiU in Nov 2014. Granted this board still thinks Dixie and Chorus Kids are getting in through the ballot for some reason but in general the mods over there are not without errors
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