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Sonic Forces lets you create your own character [Update: Trailer]

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I'm more interested on this game than Sonic Mania, not kidding.

Sonic Mania looks like something I've played one thousand times alread.

But I'm not getting any of them at launch anyway, I'll wait for the reviews from other fans.


Cool for the people who want to use it but I really hope that I am not forced to use a build a bear knock off.

I don't think adding "make your own characters" will lead to the "destruction of the franchise" but I don't buy Sonic games to play as my own not sonic knock off, I buy Sonic games to play as Sonic and hopefully his friends.

I mean the last time we were able to play as Tails in a Sonic game was in Sonic 06 which was 11 years ago, why do I have to create a Tails knock off just to play as Tails?

Why can't Sonic Team give me the option to play as Tails?

I feel you . Though if its anything like xenoverse, you'll get to play them.
Yep. This is gonna be Sega/Sonic Team by the end of the year.


This was a chess move. So damn smart. They're appealing to both sides of the Sonic fan base and both games will be massive hits IMO.

As I said before, I hate the idea of character creation, but this is going to take off hard. I will say this is already one of the funniest NeoGAF threads I've read in a while, so there's already positives!

From a gameplay standpoint, it doesn't look much better or worse than classic/modern Sonic so far.


I mean the last time we were able to play as Tails in a Sonic game was in Sonic 06 which was 11 years ago, why do I have to create a Tails knock off just to play as Tails?

Why can't Sonic Team give me the option to play as Tails?

Because people at SEGA probably figured out that most people who are going to buy this game actually don't want to play as Tails, and creating their OC is actually a more interesting route to take, especially since your OC isn't limited to being a Tails knockoff considering the customization options they've already described.


Easy to make fun of this but it makes way too much sense. Let's not forget the reason fan characters are so popular is because most Sonic characters look like they spawned from a character creator in the first place. Same faces, same proportions, etc.


I'm already excited to see what people come up with!

I was going to do Coldsteel, but part of me wants to play it straight & make my Aarakocra from D&D using the Bird design.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I'm more interested on this game than Sonic Mania, not kidding.

Sonic Mania looks like something I've played one thousand times alread.

But I'm not getting any of them at launch anyway, I'll wait for the reviews from other fans.
Last game that played like Mania came out in 1994. Last game that played like Forces came out in 2011.


Because people at SEGA probably figured out that most people who are going to buy this game actually don't want to play as Tails, and creating their OC is actually a more interesting route to take, especially since your OC isn't limited to being a Tails knockoff considering the customization options they've already described.

I would argue there are a lot people who wanna play as other folks. I don't think creating a character and playing as other folks are mutually exclusive, like with xenoverse.


You can play with OC character in 2D and 3D?

Kind of afraid of what sonic fandom will do with this... Some of the stuff out there already is just creepy.


You can play with OC character in 2D and 3D?

Kind of afraid of what sonic fandom will do with this... Some of the stuff out there already is just creepy.

I mean, I don't think the character creator will let you make creepy shit. Unless of course you consider your average Sonic friend creepy. Then yeah lol


never left the stone age
You can play with OC character in 2D and 3D?

Kind of afraid of what sonic fandom will do with this... Some of the stuff out there already is just creepy.

Not like this will make anything better or worse and it's not like you wouldn't have to actively seek for that shit to find it in the first place, the whole "OH NOES" regarding a customizable character in the game is so weird lol


Players can choose designs based on seven different animals: Wolf, rabbit, cat, dog, bear, bird, and (of course) hedgehog. Not only do you get to play as your creation, but they’ll appear in the story and cutscenes.

No crocodile, no sale.


1) I don't really think people creating characters is toxic. People do it all the time, its literally the basis of all stories from a certain point of time until now. All artistic media is influence on those that come next the internet has just allowed for the acceleration for it. So I don't care, no do I think its toxic, other games, and communities do it, sonic does it. Its nothing special , its non toxic and much like non toxic shit children will probably eat this shit shit.
Perhaps pointing at DeviantArt itself is hyperbole, I'll admit. But after being in instances where fans want to literally shove their Sonic self-insertion furry porn in your face just for mentioning playing Sonic games in the past, it's hard to look at the series and community as a whole like a blissful paradise.
2) It really does seem like you are super self conscious about that, I mean you can do that. I don't care, i'm a grown ass man. But you can care though I wont stop you. I have other things to do than waste my time being upset people are doing literally harmless artistically creative things to pass the time, and video games allowing that creativity to expand.
My self consciousness has nothing to do with it. It's just wanting to steer as clear as possible from the type of fans I mentioned above. This "feature", with the type of community it has, is just a step towards enabling such behavior in a broader sense.


After watching the gameplay it looks like an evolution of Gamma's gameplay from adventure, just instead of a gun you get a flamethrower.

It looks alright although I would rather play as Tails and Knuckles again in 3D. I just don't understand why we can't get Boost Sonics gameplay with homing attack and boost replaced with fly and tail whip for Tails and Glide, climb and punch for Knuckles.


I would argue there are a lot people who wanna play as other folks. I don't think creating a character and playing as other folks are mutually exclusive, like with xenoverse.

No, of course, it isn't mutually exclusive, but you need to see the context for this whole thing. Adding 'more characters' is different to 'adding one single character that can be whatever'.

Sonic Forces, for better or worse, is gonna have a story. The OC will probably be featured heavily in it. It has to tie in with that, so the game is designed having that extra one character in mind. If you add Tails, Knuckles and whatever else, then that's yet another character to consider and dedicate resources and planning to.

And then there's the fact that, in modern games, Tails and co. already got burnt pretty badly. Not so long ago a big complaint about Sonic had been that it had TOO MANY FRIENDS, and I'd suspect that SEGA is trying their best not to evoke said criticism again. They've dialed it back to Sonic, and now are trying their hand with the OC thing because it's new and it has actual potential with the fanbase, but yeah.


My self consciousness has nothing to do with it. It's just wanting to steer as clear as possible from the type of fans I mentioned above. This "feature", with the type of community it has, is just a step towards enabling such behavior in a broader sense.

"Enabling such behavior" my dude this isn't people being sexist or racist over game coms or the plethora of actual horrible bullshit going on in the world.

Some kid wants to make a cool sonic character because he likes shadow. And then that kid will make that character.

That's it. Calm down my dude.


From the info and trailer I get the impression it will be quite limiting. Just pick a base character and dress it up in accessories. I could be wrong of course but I don't think it'll be like other, deeper character editors that give us freedom to make really unique characters.
This was a chess move. So damn smart. They're appealing to both sides of the Sonic fan base and both games will be massive hits IMO.

As I said before, I hate the idea of character creation, but this is going to take off hard. I will say this is already one of the funniest NeoGAF threads I've read in a while, so there's already positives!

From a gameplay standpoint, it doesn't look much better or worse than classic/modern Sonic so far.

It's going to be huge with the youtube/lets play crowd too


And then there's the fact that, in modern games, Tails and co. already got burnt pretty badly. Not so long ago a big complaint about Sonic had been that it had TOO MANY FRIENDS, and I'd suspect that SEGA is trying their best not to evoke said criticism again. They've dialed it back to Sonic, and now are trying their hand with the OC thing because it's new and it has actual potential with the fanbase, but yeah.

I think they would do best to not give a shit about that critcism, and just make a good game. Friends or no, but that's just me.


I mean, I don't think the character creator will let you make creepy shit. Unless of course you consider your average Sonic friend creepy. Then yeah lol

The character itself doesnt have to look creepy, itll be the backstories they make up for them and post online and since their creation can actuallty easily exist inside of a sonic game officially itll offer them and their character self validation.

Which means thr creepiness can rise to a whole new level...

Jay RaR

Wow...some people were on the money with the OC character creator being a thing.

If I'm going to have to create my own OC, I'd model him after this guy.


OC gameplay reminds me a lot of Ratchet and Clank.


So can I just make Blaze the Cat with this and play the game as a decent character?

No. There will be specifically things to not allow you to play as blaze, because blaze being thrown under various buses for other characters is her life.

Infact the way to unlock the other characters is to sacrifice blaze on an altar


Dear Sweet God... What has Sega done?! You are giving your fanbase the chance to make OCs legit in an actual Sonic game!?


In all seriousness, it is rather nice to see a possible third playstyle that you can create, while also giving you the option of what buff you like to have depending on the type of character you make. All I hope is that this doesn't evolve into... other things...


Actual thread title

You would ship yourself with which Sonic
Like I would ever debase myself to such an absurd question
Sally or Blaze easily. Probably lending towards Sally so BlazexSonic can still be my OTP.
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