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Sonic Mania |OT| Dreams Come True

For anyone with PS4 CE code errors:


And this because why not:


So what does getting blue sphere medals unlock exactly?

Cause blue sphere makes me incredibly sick. I only have one gold medal.
Just got this on Switch. Couple of complaints right off the bat:

I wish you could change the screen filter in-game without having to restart.

There is slow down in the special stage.

Not a fan of the changed power up jingles.


Have gotten through the first two acts, and had my first moment of not-fun: Chemical Plant Zone Act 2 boss.

Nothing that's the game's fault:
I've never played Mean Bean Machine in my life, so I was completely baffled as to what the rules were and what the clear blobs were supposed to be or how I could get rid of them.

Got through on sheer luck and can carry on having a blast again.

Guess Who

I'd be lying if I didn't admit that both acts kinda left me like "oh" and that's a shame seeing that it's my favourite zone across the entire 3 & Knuckles saga.

I thought Act 2 was fine although a bit plain - it felt a lot more like what you'd want from Hydrocity. Act 1, though was just slow as hell and felt more like Labyrinth Zone in a bad way.

S3K Hydrocity was great because it knew that actually platforming in the water kind of sucked, and while there were a few actual underwater sections, a lot of the time it just used the water as a setpiece for you to zoom in and out of and run over. Hydrocity Act 1's lower route, though, is just a lot of slow underwater platforming.
So many blue spheres. Kinda wish they would have added in some other type of levels to change them up (like Sonic 2's special stages for example). Didn't know there were gold medals, so there goes having to replay the 10+ ive already beat.

Game is amazing, though there's some classic stages I wouldn't pick (despite being remade). So far my favorite moments have been
Stardust Speedyway's metal sonics from Sonic on MS and the Fang/Bark/Bean cameos in Desert Mirage


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Finished my first run with Sonic in about 4.5 hours.

- Game is dope.
- Stages are long. First Time Over I've had in 20+ years.
- The bosses are amazing. Tons of creativity on display.
- I'm still the king of Blue Spheres. Got all 32 gold medals on the first run.
- Had to wait until New Game+ to get the last 3 emeralds though. Control in the special stages is tricky.
- Is there only 1 special stage ring per act? They seemed tough to find.
- Overall difficulty and length is on par with S3&K.
- Game is dope.

It's basically right in line with what I expected. Need to play it a few more times to decide where I rank it. There seem to be a lot of little touches that are easy to miss. I didn't even realize that Green Hill had a ball you could ride/push until I screwed around with Debug Mode for a minute.
I thought Act 2 was fine although a bit plain - it felt a lot more like what you'd want from Hydrocity. Act 1, though was just slow as hell and felt more like Labyrinth Zone in a bad way.

S3K Hydrocity was great because it knew that actually platforming in the water kind of sucked, and while there were a few actual underwater sections, a lot of the time it just used the water as a setpiece for you to zoom in and out of and run over. Hydrocity Act 1's lower route, though, is just a lot of slow underwater platforming.

Act 2 was ultimately too familiar, it feels like they inverted the mania trend up to that point of Act 1 being the throwback.
Alas I wasn't really gelling with the bubble gimmick in Act 1, hopefully that's just lower route woes.

I did however dig both bosses, the first being a lovely form of revengeance.


Finished my first run with Sonic in about 4.5 hours.

- Game is dope.
- Stages are long. First Time Over I've had in 20+ years.
- The bosses are amazing. Tons of creativity on display.
- I'm still the king of Blue Spheres. Got all 32 gold medals on the first run.
- Had to wait until New Game+ to get the last 3 emeralds though. Control in the special stages is tricky.
- Is there only 1 special stage ring per act? They seemed tough to find.
- Overall difficulty and length is on par with S3&K.
- Game is dope.

It's basically right in line with what I expected. Need to play it a few more times to decide where I rank it. There seem to be a lot of little touches that are easy to miss. I didn't even realize that Green Hill had a ball you could ride/push until I screwed around with Debug Mode for a minute.

Nope. I found two in a single act.


I just finished Sonic's playthrough of the game.

I. Love. This. Game!

I think it may be the best 2D Sonic game. I need to replay it a few more times to see if I feel the same way though.

When Zone 7 aka
Hydrocity Zone
popped up I felt such a huge wave of nostalgia and happiness. It was surreal. The Act 1 and Act 2, the bosses, the mechanics from other games and new ones. I couldn't believe it.

Taxman, Headcannon, Pagoda West did a fantastic job. Can't wait to play it again as Knuckles <3
Finished my first run with Sonic in about 4.5 hours.

- Game is dope.
- Stages are long. First Time Over I've had in 20+ years.
- The bosses are amazing. Tons of creativity on display.
- I'm still the king of Blue Spheres. Got all 32 gold medals on the first run.
- Had to wait until New Game+ to get the last 3 emeralds though. Control in the special stages is tricky.
- Is there only 1 special stage ring per act? They seemed tough to find.
- Overall difficulty and length is on par with S3&K.
- Game is dope.

It's basically right in line with what I expected. Need to play it a few more times to decide where I rank it. There seem to be a lot of little touches that are easy to miss. I didn't even realize that Green Hill had a ball you could ride/push until I screwed around with Debug Mode for a minute.

Keep playing. Lots more you can do.
I just unlocked debug mode.


I cannot do any of the blue sphere special stages, like i'm half way through the game and i've done none of them, i'm just terrible at it :(
I'm so bad at finding chaos emeralds. I think I'm just going to get through the game without specifically looking for them, then later go back and seek them out.
I have a PS4 Pro (no 4K TV though, just 1080p) and a Switch. I went with Switch. Hope these slowdowns aren't too bad. The home button issue is a pain though. I dislike having to hard shut down my console.


Still my first run through the game, headed to the 3rd zone. Across the first two zones I've found 7 giant rings. Failed 3 times so far, so I've got 4 Emeralds. I found an 8th ring on the first level too. It was clearly the one every player is supposed to find their first time through.

BTW, do Blue Spheres stages leave rotation once you earn their gold medal? It would make it a lot easier to do. Blue Spheres is way too difficult, the Special Stages are comparatively easy. They've got just the right amount of challenge.
Can someone teach me how to do the Act 2 bossfight for (I think the 6th zone):
Stardust Speedway

I finally beat it earlier, but i really didn't feel like I was doing the first part right.
Trying to hit those silver sonics into Metal Sonic was a fucking nightmare. Is there some trick to this? I spent probably 4 minutes on this part alone.

The Hermit

I was really afraid this would feel like a Rom-hack of the old games.

It's far from it. The desert and TV stages feels like they belonged to older games.

The new special stage is great and not too hard ( so far).

Blue spheres is still addictive and frustrating, and the focus on coins is nice ( two times I got perfect and died afterwards)
Oh and I'm with others in that the next game from New Sonic Team should be Taxman's Sonic CD remaster for current consoles. Then move onto Chaotix Redo or Sonic R2. Or hell, Mania 2 combining elements from those games (special stages similar to Sonic R levels or level sections where you're tethered to a partner character). Though a proper Sonic R sequel with explorable multi tiered levels would be preferred.


Can someone teach me how to do the Act 2 bossfight for (I think the 6th zone):
Stardust Speedway

I finally beat it earlier, but i really didn't feel like I was doing the first part right.
Trying to hit those silver sonics into Metal Sonic was a fucking nightmare. Is there some trick to this? I spent probably 4 minutes on this part alone.

Just spin dash them while they are charging their own spin dash. There is no need to try and aim them.
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