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Sonic Mania |OT| Dreams Come True


Beat the game with Knuckles, now to go back and get all the emeralds and start really trying with blue sphere stages. Game overall was a blast, start to finish. I just want to keep playing it but I need to do other things today lol.


on stage 4, love it so far

has Sega announced any plans to release Sonic 1-2-3-K on Switch yet? either a port or a remaster? seems like a good opportunity for a classic sonic pack


on stage 4, love it so far

has Sega announced any plans to release Sonic 1-2-3-K on Switch yet? either a port or a remaster? seems like a good opportunity for a classic sonic pack

So far nothing, but I bet they're gonna look to capitalize on Mania's success sooner rather than later.

Anything that puts the mobile remakes on more capable hardware is fine with me.


So far nothing, but I bet they're gonna look to capitalize on Mania's success sooner rather than later.

Anything that puts the mobile remakes on more capable hardware is fine with me.

if they're smart they will drop them within 6 weeks while there's momentum, yeha
Special stages:

Get spheres to get to mach 3 while getting rings to keep your timer up.
Once you get there you should be able to catch the emerald eventually assuming you take the shortcuts and don't hit walls right? Or is there another trick to it.


Sorry if this is answered, but can we play multiplayer right away on the switch? Such as, can we use the one joycon? thanks in advance. I'll be playing this with my daughter this weekend if so.

I can't believe i'm thinking of getting a sonic game lol Glad to see Sonic back.
I loved the second act of
Pressed Gardens
, felt like something unlike I have ever seen in a Sonic game but just fit the series so well.


Sorry if this is answered, but can we play multiplayer right away on the switch? Such as, can we use the one joycon? thanks in advance. I'll be playing this with my daughter this weekend if so.

I can't believe i'm thinking of getting a sonic game lol Glad to see Sonic back.

Yes. You can play co op with sonic and tails

You have to unlock competition mode though


Special stages:

Get spheres to get to mach 3 while getting rings to keep your timer up.
Once you get there you should be able to catch the emerald eventually assuming you take the shortcuts and don't hit walls right? Or is there another trick to it.

Yup. Once you get fast enough, just get close enough to the UFO and the stage will automatically end and you'll have an emerald.


What system and what is the glitch


Special stage glitch: After jumping to get a ring box the camera got stuck in place. Sonic raced off ahead and I had to try and navigate through the course blind.

Oil Ocean act 2 boss glitch:
Sometimes when the boss pulled the platforms underneath the oil it would act like I was underneath them instead of on top of them. This meant I would instantly die with no time to react.


Very tiny Flying Battery Zone Act 1 spoilers. I have no idea what to do in this bossfight. I've been walking around for over 3 minutes now in this tiny room and nothing is happening. What do I have to do here? I can't seem to
hit the button
since it's behind the wall.



Very tiny Flying Battery Zone Act 1 spoilers. I have no idea what to do in this bossfight. I've been walking around for over 3 minutes now in this tiny room and nothing is happening. What do I have to do here? I can't seem to
hit the button
since it's behind the wall.


Looks like it glitched out. There's a small scene involving the stuff you can't reach that activates the actual fight.


Looks like it glitched out. There's a small scene involving the stuff you can't reach that activates the actual fight.

I see. I let the timer run out and tried again. This time a small cutscene started and I could fight the boss. Thanks!

This is the second boss that glitched on me so far :/.


Is the animated introduction in the game? Playing on switch and when hit play for the main mode it went straight to the first act and in game intro.


Neo Member
Sorry if this question has been posted before, but as someone who hasn't played a sonic game, is this a worthwhile purchase now? Or should I play some other sonic games because I've heard that there's some really nice moments for those whom have played the previous Sonic titles.
Just unlocked debug mode. Awesome that its in the game. Now I dont have to find them damn emeralds just to see super forms.

EDIT: I can confirm tails has a super form, but doesnt have his flickies. I suppose they changed the lore on that. It used to be he could only transform with super emeralds.


Sorry if this question has been posted before, but as someone who hasn't played a sonic game, is this a worthwhile purchase now? Or should I play some other sonic games because I've heard that there's some really nice moments for those whom have played the previous Sonic titles.

I think this is a perfect jumping in point. Sure there's stuff you won't get like why [boss of zone 2 spoilers]
you're suddenly playing Puyo Puyo
but the game is too good to pass up.


This game is incredibly fun! There's some wonky parts once in a while, and I've encountered some annoying bugs, but it was hard to put the game down. This game is basically Sonic 5. (The honor of Sonic 4 goes to the overlooked first Sonic Advance, which was pretty much a new classic Sonic game, even though it was more like Sonic 1 than the sequels, with a heavier focus on platforming. My favorite Sonic, but Mania might take that title soon.)


Gives all the fucks
So has ANYONE'S LE actually shipped yet? I just woke up & Amazon STILL hasn't shipped it yet, but says "Shipping Now", so probably after making this post, it'll be sent out.


Neo Member
I think this is a perfect jumping in point. Sure there's stuff you won't get like why [boss of zone 2 spoilers]
you're suddenly playing Puyo Puyo
but the game is too good to pass up.

Thanks, I'll be purchasing it tonight when I get back home!


So, I've played through the first levels and am wondering, is this stuff new? I can't put my finger on it as I haven't played much sonic in the past, first I thought this was just a compilation of past Sonic games but it seems to be a new mix, right?

Either way, seems to have been worth the 9 Euro, good game to play on the go, especially like the aesthetics of the CRT Filter in handheld mode, close and personal, that's how a gamegear sonic would look if Sega would have made a huge one like the Switch :)
I can't believe how good this is. The stages all flow so well and it's great seeing old favourites re-imagined. Music is exceptional too and some of the bosses are very clever. Around half way through with Sonic and looking forward to the rest and playing as Tails and Knuckles.

Fuck those blue sphere special stages though. They were never good.


The blue spheres stages taken directly from Sonic 3 I can ace no problem. It's when they throw hard as fuck new ones at you that you get humbled.

Yeah, I thought I was good at this. Maybe it was all muscle memory.

Feels good though, to play Blue Spheres again without a ton of input lag.


Got my CE earlier, I can kinda see what people mean about the plasticy feel, the mega-drive feels pretty flimsy and hollow. I'm not really fussed, it is literally a collectors thing for me so it's all gone back in the box. Gutted the cart doesn't actually fit into my mega-drive though, haha.

Guess Who

So, I've played through the first levels and am wondering, is this stuff new? I can't put my finger on it as I haven't played much sonic in the past, first I thought this was just a compilation of past Sonic games but it seems to be a new mix, right?

Most of the levels are old levels in concept, but they're pretty much all remixed to varying degrees from lightly (Green Hill Act 1) to heavily (Chemical Plant Act 2) with new layouts, gimmicks, etc.
I can't be the only guy who basically reached a state of sonic nirvana with the stardust speedway stages right? it's like the coolest zone from CD NOW with level design and expanding on those spring capsules so they operate like DKC barrel cannons.
Then you got that sweet speedway jam in the OST, the throwback to CD's flowers turning into an actual stage mechanic and the zone transition....IT'S TOO MUCH.

Also Press Garden Act 1 is already underrated in the face of its follow up act, its lacks that visual punch of act 2 but those were some fun mechanics to play with in act 1.
Just beat the game without collecting all the emeralds. This is probably the best Sonic game that's ever been made.

• CPZ2's boss is truly astounding.
• FBZ2's boss is the only glaringly bad design choice in the entire game.
• Special Stages are hard and hard to find, but that's okay, gives me more reason to play the game.
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