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Sony defends decision to block crossplay: "A responsibility to our install base."


You haven't provided facts either; you haven't convinced anyone that what you're saying is right.
Thanks for your opinion again, unless you actually have some facts to prove mine wrong i suggest you stop replying now and move on.
really, it's just a checkbox in the options menu, people can find it if they want to turn it off. your hypothetical world of you being forced to play cross platform doesn't exist or will.
A checkbox that wasn't shown as existing unless you read the patch notes, you have to know of its existence and then go turn it off. I'll see you next gen with always on cross play games, it's going to be a blast.
Sorry, I can't blame Sony for not wanting to get in on this when it comes to Minecraft.

Imagine logging in to Xbox Live on PSN just to play Minecraft--that's a disaster.

Shit like Rocket League and whatever I have no excuse for.

why the fuck is it a disaster? do you think the switch will crash and burn because of this shit?
Thanks for your opinion again, unless you actually have some facts to prove mine wrong i suggest you stop replying now and move on.
I've looked at the discussions you've had with the others; you haven't convinced anyone that you're right. So, how is this an opinion?


People are still defending this?

It's a bad business decision for Sony because Nintendo + PC + XBox > Playstation, therefore the network effects work against, not for them.
Nintendo doesn't seem to mind, neither does Apple, Google, Amazon, etc. They seem to agree that this is for the betterment of the game and their communities. I mean if you want to keep defending Sony's bad decisions go for it I guess. Just weird to see people get so defensive for a corporation.
I'm not defending anything, it's just that there are a bunch of people who have agendas that suddenly care about things like this. Besides I don't really care, it has no affect on me, I wouldn't touch the game with a ten foot pole. But sometimes when I see a witch hunt going on, I just feel like getting involved. Where was all this outrage when Sony was pushing for cross play last gen and MS wouldn't budge? We don't even know the real reasons behind Sony's refusal, but that didn't stop a certain group from stroking the fire. Did you hear Sony has an "anti-crossplay policy"? I've seen that posted as well. At the end of the day no one has to like Sony's decision or agree with it, but it is a annoying to read these threads when people with agendas get involved.
A checkbox that wasn't shown as existing unless you read the patch notes, you have to know of its existence and then go turn it off. I'll see you next gen with always on cross play games, it's going to be a blast.

again that's just your hypothetical nonsense. nobody that supports cross-play are saying everyone should be forced to use it.
I'm not defending anything, it's just that there are a bunch of people who have agendas that suddenly care about things like this. Besides I don't really care, it has no affect on me, I wouldn't touch the game with a ten foot pole. But sometimes when I see a witch hunt going on, I just feel like getting involved. Where was all this outrage when Sony was pushing for cross play last gen and MS wouldn't budge? We don't even know the real reasons behind Sony's refusal, but that didn't stop a certain group from stroking the fire. Did you hear Sony has an "anti-crossplay policy"? I've seen that posted as well. At the end of the day no one has to like Sony's decision or agree with it, but it is a annoying to read these threads when people with agendas get involved.
sounds to me like you're the one with the agenda.
I'm not defending anything, it's just that there are a bunch of people who have agendas that suddenly care about things like this. Besides I don't really care, it has no affect on me, I wouldn't touch the game with a ten foot pole. But sometimes when I see a witch hunt going on, I just feel like getting involved. Where was all this outrage when Sony was pushing for cross play last gen and MS wouldn't budge? We don't even know the real reasons behind Sony's refusal, but that didn't stop a certain group from stroking the fire. Did you hear Sony has an "anti-crossplay policy"? I've seen that posted as well. At the end of the day no one has to like Sony's decision or agree with it, but it is a annoying to read these threads when people with agendas get involved.
So people who want crossplay have an agenda for wanting crossplay and you, a person who just said they didn't care at all about this, must fight against that agenda because


well just because i guess

(also there absolutely was outrage about microsoft not doing crossplay with sony. people only bring this up to make this conversation seem unfair to sony, it isn't. people were extremely critical of microsoft then and were right to be in exactly the same way that people are right to be critical of sony now)


I've looked at the discussions you've had with the others; you haven't convinced anyone that you're right. So, how is this an opinion?
If i went on a Loch Ness monster forum and provided facts that it doesn't exist and nobody agreed with me it doesn't make me wrong or them right. Have a nice night.
Of course it would sound that way to you.
Yeah and since you're here defending Sony you're antagonizing me for being against them.
Still waiting for you to tell me about this "anti-crossplay policy".
I did. You want me to copy paste again?
If i went on a Loch Ness monster forum and provided facts that it doesn't exist and nobody agreed with me it doesn't make me wrong or them right. Have a nice night.
This is NeoGAF, people have provided facts to you, don't believe in your facts and you're just self-proclaiming to be right.

The sun is still out


Yes there is a chance that might happen but it's not very likely when 2/3 of the market prefer gaming (eating lol) on the PS4 because they prefer most things about it compared to the competition. Given the choice between playing what most people perceive to be the better games or playing some multiplayer games with the one or two friends who own another console, most people will pick playing the games they like the best

I hate to break this to you, but Sony is not 2/3 of the gaming market. Not even close. Only in a world where the gaming market solely consists of home consoles might that be true, but that's not the world we live in. Handhelds, mobile and PC are real things and devices we are talking about doing cross play with in this very thread.
I'm not defending anything, it's just that there are a bunch of people who have agendas that suddenly care about things like this. Besides I don't really care, it has no affect on me, I wouldn't touch the game with a ten foot pole. But sometimes when I see a witch hunt going on, I just feel like getting involved. Where was all this outrage when Sony was pushing for cross play last gen and MS wouldn't budge? We don't even know the real reasons behind Sony's refusal, but that didn't stop a certain group from stroking the fire. Did you hear Sony has an "anti-crossplay policy"? I've seen that posted as well. At the end of the day no one has to like Sony's decision or agree with it, but it is a annoying to read these threads when people with agendas get involved.

Yeah there's going to be the hyperbole thrown around, it's in every thread especially one with the subject matter this one has. Still it's what it is and we can call Sony out on a bad policy/idea/business decision just like MS was called out last gen for theirs.

Also it doesn't matter what MS did last gen because this is what they're doing now and justifying one company's bad business decision with another's isn't a productive way to have a discussion. It seems to happen a lot on this subject.


Very disappointed in Sony and I hope they reconsider after the backlash for this gaming hurting stance. This could be a pretty incredible wholesome moment in gaming history (seeing the 4 communities playing games online together) and everyone else wants to make it happen and they're just "nope..", so sad.


Yeah and since you're here defending Sony you're antagonizing me for being against them.I did. You want me to copy paste again?This is NeoGAF, people have provided facts to you, don't believe in your facts and you're just self-proclaiming to be right.

The sun is still out
Sorry to break it to you but people saying "Nuh uh" in reply to me aren't facts.
I hate to break this to you, but Sony is not 2/3 of the gaming market. Not even close. Only in a world where the gaming market solely consists of home consoles might that be true, but that's not the world we live in. Handhelds, mobile and PC are real things and devices we are talking about doing cross play with in this very thread.
I am talking about the home console market, PS4, Xbox and Switch.


Very disappointed in Sony and I hope they reconsider after the backlash for this gaming hurting stance. This could be a pretty incredible wholesome moment in gaming history (seeing the 4 communities playing games online together) and everyone else wants to make it happen and they're just "nope..", so sad.

Wholesome moments don't pay the bills. As cool as it would be to see a Rocket League Xbox vs PS4 tournament.


"hey son sorry you can't play Minecraft with your friends like everyone else, we have to hail our corporate and shareholder overlords"
When i post facts people don't have to agree with them but their still facts none the less.
What facts? Your entire argument seems to be that if people don't have to buy a PS4 they will buy another console, which is not true. No PS4 owner is saying "wow I wish I could have an xbox, but these multiplayer communities are so much better on Playstation I just can't leave". It's fallacious to present the idea that people are looking for an excuse to leave the platform. They're not. Not factually, not anectodally

These are the "facts" your presenting and when people disagree with you you say "there's no point talking with you anymore because you don't want to admit that i'm right". You're not. You're wrong


I'm not defending anything, it's just that there are a bunch of people who have agendas that suddenly care about things like this. Besides I don't really care, it has no affect on me, I wouldn't touch the game with a ten foot pole. But sometimes when I see a witch hunt going on, I just feel like getting involved. Where was all this outrage when Sony was pushing for cross play last gen and MS wouldn't budge? We don't even know the real reasons behind Sony's refusal, but that didn't stop a certain group from stroking the fire. Did you hear Sony has an "anti-crossplay policy"? I've seen that posted as well. At the end of the day no one has to like Sony's decision or agree with it, but it is a annoying to read these threads when people with agendas get involved.

so you acknowledge that it doesnt affect you, implying you understand it does affect others, and yet those people are taking part in a witch hunt?


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Because that doesn't make sense. Like at best the argument for Sony is that it's okay to be petty because they're winning

What doesnt make sense?

If Sony complies: other consoles get access to more players to play with than the amount of playerbase PS4 would get in return.

Analogy time: two marketing firms agree to share their research data. Firm A has twice as much data as Firm B. In this case, Team B would be gaining more from the cooperation than Team A. There's little incentive for Team A to want to enter this agreement when their competitor benefits more from it.


You haven't convinced anyone what you have are facts and conversely when people provide you facts you refute them.
People haven't posted facts just their opinions, while they haven't disproved the facts i've provided either. This conversation is getting very boring and you're ruining the thread for everybody with your constant obstinate replies. It's not furthering the conversation at all.
People haven't posted facts just their opinions, while they haven't disproved the facts i've provided either. This conversation is getting very boring and you're ruining the thread for everybody with your constant obstinate replies. It's not furthering the conversation at all.
They have argued with you, you just dismissed them. You're ruining the thread for everybody just as much as I am; feel free to stop responding whenever you want.
What doesnt make sense?

If Sony complies: other consoles get access to more players to play with than the amount of playerbase PS4 would get in return.

Analogy time: two marketing firms agree to share their research data. Firm A has twice as much data as Firm B. In this case, Team B would be gaining more from the cooperation than Team A. There's little incentive for Team A to want to enter this agreement when their competitor benefits more from it.
Because this isn't *data*, it's player numbers. When you have a game like minecraft that is compatible with every version *except* one then it doesn't make sense to play or buy that one version

The data analogy doesn't work because people aren't owned by sony. If firm b and c want to share data and a doesn't in this case a's data can say well fuck this firm, lets just leave
Because this isn't *data*, it's player numbers. When you have a game like minecraft that is compatible with every version *except* one then it doesn't make sense to play or buy that one version

The data analogy doesn't work because people aren't owned by sony. If firm b and c want to share data and a doesn't in this case a's data can say well fuck this firm, lets just leave

i don't even feel like playing Minecraft on Ps4 anymore because of this news; the fact that it won't get the vital update gives me incentive not to


Sorry to break it to you but people saying "Nuh uh" in reply to me aren't facts.

I am talking about the home console market, PS4, Xbox and Switch.

1) You said gaming market. So nice moving the goalpost

2) You ignored the part that this is about cross play between PC and mobile as well

3) This policy also applies to their handheld so I have no idea why you wouldn't include the 3DS in that absurd comment...oh wait cause then Sony wouldn't even be half the market if you did.


Imho they are just doing this to prevent this ever becoming a problem for ps+: if cross play becomes the norm at that point it could be hard to sell people online multilayer when in reality you are only providing servers and networking for your first party games.

I know that the service also comes with other perks but they might have to either change the price or add additional stuff to counteract a perceived value loss from their customers.

Imho their shareholders are not worried about losing market share: they are worried about potential revenue loss on the subscription service.


What facts? Your entire argument seems to be that if people don't have to buy a PS4 they will buy another console, which is not true. No PS4 owner is saying "wow I wish I could have an xbox, but these multiplayer communities are so much better on Playstation I just can't leave". It's fallacious to present the idea that people are looking for an excuse to leave the platform. They're not. Not factually, not anectodally

These are the "facts" your presenting and when people disagree with you you say "there's no point talking with you anymore because you don't want to admit that i'm right". You're not. You're wrong
Fun fact, one of my best friends from childhood loves Halo and Xbox, every generation since 2001 he's bought an Xbox console and sometimes a Nintendo console but never a Sony console. This generation because both Microsoft and Nintendo did so badly he bought a PS4 as well as an Xbox so he could play with his brother and the rest of his friends as that's where the user base and most of his friends were online. If cross play comes to all games he's said he no longer needs a PS4 and can play all his multiplayer games on his Xbox instead.

Also your last sentence just proves what i've been saying about people not providing facts just opinions which boils down to nuh uh you're wrong because i say so.
People haven't posted facts just their opinions, while they haven't disproved the facts i've provided either. This conversation is getting very boring and you're ruining the thread for everybody with your constant obstinate replies. It's not furthering the conversation at all.

My fact is this: I'm not buying Minecraft on PS4. They lost me as a user. Hello Switch, I'll have fun playing with my friends on PC and Xbox.
Imho they are just doing this to prevent this ever becoming a problem for ps+: if cross play becomes the norm at that point it could be hard to sell people online multilayer when in reality you are only providing servers and networking for your first party games.

I know that the service also comes with other perks but they might have to either change the price or add additional stuff to counteract a perceived value loss from their customers.

Imho their shareholders are not worried about losing market share: they are worried about potential revenue loss on the subscription service.
crossplay would only be possible for multiplatform games; if a game is exclusive, theres only one platform you're playing with, no crossing. Ive been playing Uncharted 4 online literally every single day.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Because this isn't *data*, it's player numbers. When you have a game like minecraft that is compatible with every version *except* one then it doesn't make sense to play or buy that one version

The data analogy doesn't work because people aren't owned by sony. If firm b and c want to share data and a doesn't in this case a's data can say well fuck this firm, lets just leave

Players arent data but they are part of Sony's ecosystem. Sony's ecosystem is bigger than Microsoft or Nintendo's. If they share, the competition gets access to a bigger ecosystem than Sony receives in return. This doesnt include PC where Sony has done crossplay (Rocket League, SFV). Its not that hard.
Yeah and since you're here defending Sony you're antagonizing me for being against them.I did. You want me to copy paste again?This is NeoGAF, people have provided facts to you, don't believe in your facts and you're just self-proclaiming to be right.

The sun is still out

Would you be a dear and please do? I want to see the anti-crossplay policy, you inventing such a thing doesn't make it so. I want to see those facts as well, stating ones opinion doesn't make something fact so just outline the facts for me, maybe I'm being a little slow. No I'm not defending Sony, I'm just jumping on posters like you with an agenda.

so you acknowledge that it doesnt affect you, implying you understand it does affect others, and yet those people are taking part in a witch hunt?
Yes, see above.
Fun fact, one of my best friends from childhood loves Halo and Xbox, every generation since 2001 he's bought an Xbox console and sometimes a Nintendo console but never a Sony console. This generation because both Microsoft and Nintendo did so badly he bought a PS4 as well as an Xbox so he could play with his brother and the rest of his friends as that's where the user base and most of his friends were online. If cross play comes to all games he's said he no longer needs a PS4 and can play all his multiplayer games on his Xbox instead.
So you're basing this on the anecdotal experience of one friend? A friend who would greatly benefit from crossplay?

Your facts come from a singular source, your best friend, and you don't want them to get what they want


crossplay would only be possible for multiplatform games; if a game is exclusive, theres only one platform you're playing with, no crossing. Ive been playing Uncharted 4 online literally every single day.

Agree, but first party games are just a small chunk of the overall time spent on multiplayer games on average I believe, that's why I'm saying that the perceived value proposition might change for the average customer
Players arent data but they are part of Sony's ecosystem. Sony's ecosystem is bigger than Microsoft or Nintendo's. Its not that hard.
Yeah, I never said it was. The bad data analogy was yours, not mine.

Again, just because they have the largest player base does not mean they wouldn't benefit from crossplay

Again, we do not need to be defending Sony's decisions. We are consumers and these decisions are anti-consumer. There is no reason for anyone not directly employed by Sony to spend their time thinking up excuses for them
Would you be a dear and please do? I want to see the anti-crossplay policy, you inventing such a thing doesn't make it so. I want to see those facts as well, stating ones opinion doesn't make something fact so just outline the facts for me, maybe I'm being a little slow.
Psyonix said they have what it takes to make PC x Xbone x Switch x Ps4 to work, just needing Sony's permission. Sony stays silent.

mS announced an update on Minecraft that includes dedicated shared servers, infinite worlds, and cross play. Sony said no to the update.

If that's not an anti-crossplay policy, I don't know what the fuck it is.
No I'm not defending Sony, I'm just jumping on posters like you with an agenda.
You are the one with the agenda. I have a Ps4, I enjoy my Ps4 games; I hate that Sony is being arrogant here. And you? Over here antagonizing me because I don't like Sony's policies so you seem to be the one with the agenda telling me off for not accepting Sony's anti-consumerism.
Agree, but first party games are just a small chunk of the overall time spent on multiplayer games on average I believe, that's why I'm saying that the perceived value proposition might change for the average customer
do we know that for sure? every thanksgiving/christmas, sports games are always the best selling games along with cod. all of those games are multiplayer and multiplatform and 3rd party.


They have argued with you, you just dismissed them. You're ruining the thread for everybody just as much as I am; feel free to stop responding whenever you want.
I'm providing facts, so far all i've got back are opinions and obstinate posts like yours, as you as you stop replying the conversation will be over.
1) You said gaming market. So nice moving the goalpost

2) You ignored the part that this is about cross play between PC and mobile as well

3) This policy also applies to their handheld so I have no idea why you wouldn't include the 3DS in that absurd comment...oh wait cause then Sony wouldn't even be half the market if you did.
I am the only person who knows what i meant by what i said and after you asked for clarification i provided it, the fact that you are getting bent out of shape that the Playstation has just under 2/3rds of the console market is telling. Why so hostile? There's no need, i am mainly talking about cross play between consoles and in some cases PC. There's no solid numbers for how many gaming PC's are out there so i gave a figure for just consoles. Enjoy the rest of the thread. <3
I'm providing facts, so far all i've got back are opinions and obstinate posts like yours, as you as you stop replying the conversation will be over.
Other people are providing facts, you don't agree with those people so you dismiss them as opinions. You're the one who says I'm boring, so this conversation ends when you want it.


So you're basing this on the anecdotal experience of one friend? A friend who would greatly benefit from crossplay?

Your facts come from a singular source, your best friend, and you don't want them to get what they want
No i'm giving you one example after you said what i said was not true at all.
I'm providing facts, so far all i've got back are opinions and obstinate posts like yours, as you as you stop replying the conversation will be over.

I know I told you to keep repeating that you're all about the facts, because eventually somebody would buy it, but boy was I wrong

Enjoy shilling <3
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