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Sony defends decision to block crossplay: "A responsibility to our install base."


do we know that for sure? every thanksgiving/christmas, sports games are always the best selling games along with cod. all of those games are multiplayer and multiplatform and 3rd party.

I believe we are saying the same thing =P
On average most people spend most of their multiplayer time on third party titles


Other people are providing facts, you don't agree with those people so you dismiss them as opinions. You're the one who says I'm boring, so this conversation ends when you want it.
I have provided facts, people don't like them and want to dismiss them as opinions, people try to counter the facts with mostly opinions and then get bent out of shape when i prove them wrong. If you plan on obstinately replying to every post then i will just have to put you on the ignore list, you're not furthering the conversation any more and you're just sh*ting up the thread for everybody else.



MS is moving towards becoming a full fledged software as a service company and this type of action makes perfect sense for them. The bigger the pool base of users/players the more shit they can sell (micro transactions) and make money on. Sony being short sighted is seeing this as an attack on PS+ and is blocking it while if they were smart they would be creating similar software and allowing this to happen and taking their "cut".

This is very similar to the usual process that happens, MS just is light years ahead of Sony in terms of services while Sony is the king of hardware implementation and old school thinking. I think Sony cracks eventually when they realize the potential gains from the model MS has but they'll be late as usual just like they were with PS+.
I believe we are saying the same thing =P
On average most people spend most of their multiplayer time on third party titles
oh, well then you got me confused man. minecraft and rocket league are huge indie games, if Sony says yes to cross play with these games then that opens up the opportunity for AAA games to do the same yeah?
I have provided facts, people don't like them and want to dismiss them as opinions, people try to counter the facts with mostly opinions and then get bent out of shape when i prove them wrong. If you plan on obstinately replying to every post then i will just have to put you on the ignore list, you're not furthering the conversation any more and you're just sh*ting up the thread for everybody else.
People have provided you facts, countered your "facts" and you dismiss them because you just don't agree. As I said you are shitting up the thread just as much as I am. If you want this discussion to end, then just say so but I don't care if you put me on your ignore list


Psyonix said they have what it takes to make PC x Xbone x Switch x Ps4 to work, just needing Sony's permission. Sony stays silent.

mS announced an update on Minecraft that includes dedicated shared servers, infinite worlds, and cross play. Sony said no to the update.

If that's not an anti-crossplay policy, I don't know what the fuck it is.
You are the one with the agenda. I have a Ps4, I enjoy my Ps4 games; I hate that Sony is being arrogant here. And you? Over here antagonizing me because I don't like Sony's policies so you seem to be the one with the agenda telling me off for not accepting Sony's anti-consumerism.

They don't have an anti crossplay policy. they allow it for pc. Them not allowing it for their direct competition is them looking out for their business. You and I may not like it, but it is understandable.
Psyonix said they have what it takes to make PC x Xbone x Switch x Ps4 to work, just needing Sony's permission. Sony stays silent.

mS announced an update on Minecraft that includes dedicated shared servers, infinite worlds, and cross play. Sony said no to the update.

If that's not an anti-crossplay policy, I don't know what the fuck it is.
You are the one with the agenda. I have a Ps4, I enjoy my Ps4 games; I hate that Sony is being arrogant here. And you? Over here antagonizing me because I don't like Sony's policies so you seem to be the one with the agenda telling me off for not accepting Sony's anti-consumerism.

You said it yourself, you don't know the reasons. But that didn't stop you from inventing the bullshit you are now trying to spread in this thread. It's nothing more than a baseless accusation, and you are stating it as fact. Rocket League is cross play with PC, FFXIV is cross play with PC, but some how Sony have an "anti-crossplay policy". I never told you to accept anything, you are free to disagree with and not like their decision. I just felt like calling out some of the BS FUD, when you go as far as to make shit up, yes, you have an agenda. Or maybe you just don't know what a policy is.
I have provided facts, people don't like them and want to dismiss them as opinions, people try to counter the facts with mostly opinions and then get bent out of shape when i prove them wrong. If you plan on obstinately replying to every post then i will just have to put you on the ignore list, you're not furthering the conversation any more and you're just sh*ting up the thread for everybody else.
Stop saying you've provided facts. You've provided a single instance of anecdotal evidence. You aren't proving anyone wrong and the only thing shitting up this thread is you continually just saying facts. Like not even the facts you apparently have made, just the word facts over and over again as though that somehow makes it true
They don't have an anti crossplay policy. they allow it for pc. Them not allowing it for their direct competition is them looking out for their business. You and I may not like it, but it is understandable.
That's what I meant when I said anti-crossplay, that they have such a policy with mS and Nintendo I thought that was obvious and it is not at all understandable so I won't respect it.


oh, well then you got me confused man. minecraft and rocket league are huge indie games, if Sony says yes to cross play with these games then that opens up the opportunity for AAA games to do the same yeah?

Of course! Let's say that at that point in a few years every 3rd party has cross platform multilayer.

This would mean that most of the time people would not be playing on Sony servers.

At that point the perceived value of paying for multilayer with ps+ will go down.

Therfore Sony will have to either lower the price or add additional perks to the subscription service.

At the end this will basically mean lower revenue.

I really believe we are on the same page and misunderstood each other =P


oh, well then you got me confused man. minecraft and rocket league are huge indie games, if Sony says yes to cross play with these games then that opens up the opportunity for AAA games to do the same yeah?People have provided you facts, countered your "facts" and you dismiss them because you just don't agree. As I said you are shitting up the thread just as much as I am. If you want this discussion to end, then just say so but I don't care if you put me on your ignore list
I have asked you many times to stop replying because you are providing no facts, repeating yourself and just like several other people you haven't countered mine. So here's your chance stop replying now. Next reply is the ignore list. Enjoy your night.
You said it yourself, you don't know the reasons. But that didn't stop you from inventing the bullshit you are now trying to spread in this thread. It's nothing more than a baseless accusation, and you are stating it as fact. Rocket League is cross play with PC, FFXIV is cross play with PC, but some how Sony have an "anti-crossplay policy". I never told you to accept anything, you are free to disagree with and not like their decision. I just felt like calling out some of the BS FUD, when you go as far as to make shit up, yes, you have an agenda. Or maybe you just don't know what a policy is.
This thread is 50 pages in, if you think I'm the first one to say these things then you don't know what you're talking about, you just want to pick a fight. Like I said to the other guy, when I said anti-crossplay I meant they are that way with mS and Nintendo I thought that was obvious. And as far as I'm concerned...you are the one with the agenda. You're here antagonizing me, someone who is not a fan of this policy and if you're not against Sony, then you are supporting Sony in this case.
You said it yourself, you don't know the reasons. But that didn't stop you from inventing the bullshit you are now trying to spread in this thread. It's nothing more than a baseless accusation, and you are stating it as fact. Rocket League is cross play with PC, FFXIV is cross play with PC, but some how Sony have an "anti-crossplay policy". I never told you to accept anything, you are free to disagree with and not like their decision. I just felt like calling out some of the BS FUD, when you go as far as to make shit up, yes, you have an agenda. Or maybe you just don't know what a policy is.

Yeah, you seem awfully selective about which made up bullshit to take issue with, considering these threads are absolutely slathered with hypothetical ranging from reasonable to ridiculous, meant pretty clearly to portray Sony in a more positive light than they've portrayed themselves on this matter.
I have asked you many times to stop replying because you are providing no facts, repeating yourself and just like several other people you haven't countered mine. So here's your chance stop replying now. Next reply is the ignore list. Enjoy your night.
myself and others have been repeating the same things to you because you haven't convinced anyone. again, i don't care if you put me on ignore.

The sun is still out


Stop saying you've provided facts. You've provided a single instance of anecdotal evidence. You aren't proving anyone wrong and the only thing shitting up this thread is you continually just saying facts. Like not even the facts you apparently have made, just the word facts over and over again as though that somehow makes it true
I've provided facts throughout the thread, but thanks for your opinion. Good night.
myself and others have been repeating the same things to you because you haven't convinced anyone. again, i don't care if you put me on ignore.

The sun is still out
As i've warned you, you're now going on my ignore list, i'm sure you'll innately reply to this as well. Good night.
Stop saying you've provided facts. You've provided a single instance of anecdotal evidence. You aren't proving anyone wrong and the only thing shitting up this thread is you continually just saying facts. Like not even the facts you apparently have made, just the word facts over and over again as though that somehow makes it true
based on his above post you might be the next person on his ignore list because you're "wrong" and never said anything factual
I've provided facts throughout the thread, but thanks for your opinion. Good night.
Facts, huh?

Because this isn't *data*, it's player numbers. When you have a game like minecraft that is compatible with every version *except* one then it doesn't make sense to play or buy that one version

The data analogy doesn't work because people aren't owned by sony. If firm b and c want to share data and a doesn't in this case a's data can say well fuck this firm, lets just leave

Fast forward a little bit. What version version will devs spend the lions share of their resources on? The proprietary version, or the multi platform flavor...Sonys users are always going to be behind in features and updates.
Fast forward a little bit. What version version will devs spend the lions share of their resources on? The proprietary version, or the multi platform flavor...Sonys users are always going to be behind in features and updates.
as far as we know, mojang may not provide updates to the playstation versions at all anymore, from here on out


I think I know exactly why they dont wanna crossplay with Xbox and Switch.

PS4 has the highest install base: more than twice of XB1 and Switch combined which means their games have the biggest communities.

Xbox and Switch benefit more from crossplay than PS4 does. I think its a leverage thing. Maybe if the other install base was a little more even between the different platforms Sony would have played nice.

Sucks from a consumer point of view but it makes sense from a business standpoint. Why make a decision which benefits competitors more than yourself. Of course Microsoft and Nintendo will jump at crossplay: their online communities arent as big as PS4s

It's also crossplay with mobile and PC, which makes the PS4 userbase for Minecraft look very, very small. They're not even close to being the largest slice of MC.
Fast forward a little bit. What version version will devs spend the lions share of their resources on? The proprietary version, or the multi platform flavor...Sonys users are always going to be behind in features and updates.
The priorietary version? I don't understand. Sony is still the lead platform, how would crossplay effect that


Im reading a lot of posts that are justifying things from an overly conservative business point of view instead of actually being a fan of the medium and a consumer

This isn't a case of compromises or opinions, this is objectively bad and you, the gamer (on both 'sides') don't benefit in anyway.


Fun fact, one of my best friends from childhood loves Halo and Xbox, every generation since 2001 he's bought an Xbox console and sometimes a Nintendo console but never a Sony console. This generation because both Microsoft and Nintendo did so badly he bought a PS4 as well as an Xbox so he could play with his brother and the rest of his friends as that's where the user base and most of his friends were online. If cross play comes to all games he's said he no longer needs a PS4 and can play all his multiplayer games on his Xbox instead.

Also your last sentence just proves what i've been saying about people not providing facts just opinions which boils down to nuh uh you're wrong because i say so.

Yep , we know MS has better online infrastructure compared to Sony, Nintendo basically has nothing so they do not care because thier IP are enought to survive.

Suddenly on XboneX launch talk about crossplay intensifies. MS is not stupid and see a breach were they can hurt Sony ( they do not care about Nintendo), they basically see this as an strategy to bring consumers. Sony is not supid and know that cross play is a Pandora's box.

Sony its just being stupid the way they communicate this situation to the media or costumers.


Im reading a lot of posts that are justifying things from an overly conservative business point of view instead of actually being a fan of the medium and a consumer

This isn't a case of compromises or opinions, this is objectively bad and you, the gamer (on both 'sides') don't benefit in anyway.

I never said I benefited, only that I understand the decision. If I were running a company and my direct competition offered something similar with the requirement that their branding was involved, I would turn them down. Its that simple. sure as a gamer I would benefit from sony going along with this. Its easy to see why they wouldn't.
Of course! Let's say that at that point in a few years every 3rd party has cross platform multilayer.

This would mean that most of the time people would not be playing on Sony servers.

At that point the perceived value of paying for multilayer with ps+ will go down.

Therfore Sony will have to either lower the price or add additional perks to the subscription service.

At the end this will basically mean lower revenue.

I really believe we are on the same page and misunderstood each other =P

This may still be the case with 3rd party games, but not with Sony's own games. I don't know if it was you I was replying to, but I play Uncharted 4 online everyday. If Sony's online services are in fact superior, wouldn't they deserve to lose revenue?


To be fair I don't see nintendo as direct competition to sony and microsoft, since they usually do their own thing off to the side. Anyways I understand this reason why I don't agree but Sony just wanna protect the PlayStation brand.
I never said I benefited, only that I understand the decision. If I were running a company and my direct competition offered something similar with the requirement that their branding was involved, I would turn them down. Its that simple. sure as a gamer I would benefit from sony going along with this. Its easy to see why they wouldn't.

Minecraft has sold 121 million copies, the game is bigger than the PS4. It's a phenomenon, it's constantly near the top of the app stores on iOS and Android, it charts on the NPD most months. Making it so the version you sell is a less desirable version seems worse for business than your playerbase seeing the words "Xbox Live" would be.
When i post facts people don't have to agree with them but their still facts none the less.

Whatever you say, Kellyanne.

The FACT is that you won't even accept that the Minecraft userbase outside of PS4 absolutely dwarfs the PS4 userbase.

The FACT is that Sony has decided that their users having the worst version of Minecraft is an act of being "responsible" for them.

Here, for your thoughts:


Gold Member
Sorry to break it to you but people saying "Nuh uh" in reply to me aren't facts.

To be fair I read your posts in this thread and you didn't provide a single fact. You've provided a lot of your own opinions and a lot of assumptions, and you threw in an anecdote about one friend (that may or may not exist) who wouldn't need a PS4 anymore if cross-platform play was allowed.

For something to be fact means that there's some evidence that it's true. The reason everyone is dogpiling you is because you're wrong.

Is it possible that some people wouldn't buy a PS4 if they could play multi-platform games with their PS4 friends from their Xbox? Sure. But it's not a fact that PS4 sales will plummet across the board if PC, Xbox, Switch and PS4 owners can all play Minecraft and Rocket League together like you're making out.


Minecraft has sold 121 million copies, the game is bigger than the PS4. It's a phenomenon, it's constantly near the top of the app stores on iOS and Android, it charts on the NPD most months. Making it so the version you sell is a less desirable version seems worse for business than your playerbase seeing the words "Xbox Live" would be.

PS4 was already one of the least used platforms to buy it on. It was always behind xbox1 and 360 when NPD had sku rankings for software.


Whatever you say, Kellyanne.

The FACT is that you won't even accept that the Minecraft userbase outside of PS4 absolutely dwarfs the PS4 userbase.

The FACT is that Sony has decided that their users having the worst version of Minecraft is an act of being "responsible" for them.

Here, for your thoughts:
1. I've been mainly talking about cross play in general.

2. I've never said the PS4 only user base of Minecraft is bigger than everybody else.
Nintendo doesn't seem to mind, neither does Apple, Google, Amazon, etc. They seem to agree that this is for the betterment of the game and their communities. I mean if you want to keep defending Sony's bad decisions go for it I guess. Just weird to see people get so defensive for a corporation.

I believe that Google, Amazon, and Steam don't even need to give permission, Microsoft can just do this on their own.

Not so sure on Apple though, although there are TONS of games with common servers between Apple and Google so I wouldn't be surprised at all if Apple isn't in the loop there either.
It's amazing how far some people go to defend a company's bad decisions. I wish people would just admit Sony fucked up and they need to get on board. It's not hard to do.

I'm not defending the bad decision, even though I don't think it's a big deal. And their reason is stupid.

What I'm saying is that Microsoft made it a bigger deal in the specific case of Minecraft by implying that cross play is required for everything else that comes with it. I may be wrong, and Minecraft may be updated on PS4 regularly with all the stuff on the common code base. If so, then I'm back to wondering why it's such a big deal in the first place.

I do find it amusing how anything that isn't "OMG SONY IS THE WORST COMPANY EVER!!!1!" is considered a defense, even if it has nothing to do with Sony.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
It's also crossplay with mobile and PC, which makes the PS4 userbase for Minecraft look very, very small. They're not even close to being the largest slice of MC.

Yup and that's why Sony is screwing this up big time.

In an effort to prevent crossplay with XB1/Switch, they're missing out on the big picture.
Football gaf, he's an alleged United supporter who always complains about them being robbed in one way or another, its rather hilarious really
and he often comes up with the "i'm right, you're wrong, coz I got the facts and here they are" argument, except a little more eloquent than how I wrote it just now?
Yup and that's why Sony is screwing this up big time.

In an effort to prevent crossplay with XB1/Switch, they're missing out on the big picture.

What big picture? I genuinely don't get it, and I've spent hours watching Minecraft on Twitch (yes, I'm stupid).

So in Minecraft I can now play with even MORE random people. Or I suppose, I can play with a friend who isn't a good enough friend for me to be in the same ecosystem to begin with.

In Rocket League I can now play private lobbies with them, or if I get insanely lucky hit the jackpot to join them in a random game.

What is the bigger picture here? Why is it suddenly so important that cross play is a thing to people here? Why did this blow up to be such a massive issue?

Note: AGAIN, this is not a defense of Sony. The whole thing is petty and stupid on Sony's part. But not agreeing with it is not cause for the insanity we've seen the last few days about BIGGEST THING EVER! Who cares about more games, we don't have Crossplay! I just don't get it.


To be fair I read your posts in this thread and you didn't provide a single fact. You've provided a lot of your own opinions and a lot of assumptions, and you threw in an anecdote about one friend (that may or may not exist) who wouldn't need a PS4 anymore if cross-platform play was allowed.

For something to be fact means that there's some evidence that it's true. The reason everyone is dogpiling you is because you're wrong.

Is it possible that some people wouldn't buy a PS4 if they could play multi-platform games with their PS4 friends from their Xbox? Sure. But it's not a fact that PS4 sales will plummet across the board if PC, Xbox, Switch and PS4 owners can all play Minecraft and Rocket League together like you're making out.
Last time i'm replying to a post like this because it's as much fun to type as it is to read. If the definition of fact is that what I have provided is not a fact then ZERO of the replies i've received are facts either and are just opinions. If people can't comprehend that one of the things that people look at when buying a console is what console their friends have and what console has the largest user base then I don't know what to say. Next people will be saying, price, games and services don't matter either. If cross play becomes a standard then right now this second PS4 sales will not plummet, i've never said they would plummet but in the grand scheme of things they would lose customers and when Sony as a company is in bad way financially they need every penny they can get. Whether people like it or not it is the best business decision for Sony at this point in time to say no.
This was just a bad interview.

The interviewer starts with the false assertion that "[RocketLeague] don't work cross-platform with PlayStation." Suggesting it's an aversion to cross-platform play in general, when in fact it's clearly platform specific. And we can't really be sure whether Nintendo is one of those excluded parties, since they've jumped in with XBox on this.

Then the interviewer lets the answer/discussion revolve exclusively around Minecraft. They don't get Ryan to address the Rocket League situation at all. Protecting kids might be a BS reason, but it's not an invalid reason. Clearly protecting the kids isn't a valid reason for Rocket League, since we've already got PC cross-play happening.

But the interviewer just lets the whole Rocket League situation remain unaddressed. Lame.
What big picture? I genuinely don't get it, and I've spent hours watching Minecraft on Twitch (yes, I'm stupid).

So in Minecraft I can now play with even MORE random people. Or I suppose, I can play with a friend who isn't a good enough friend for me to be in the same ecosystem to begin with.

In Rocket League I can now play private lobbies with them, or if I get insanely lucky hit the jackpot to join them in a random game.

What is the bigger picture here? Why is it suddenly so important that cross play is a thing to people here? Why did this blow up to be such a massive issue?

Note: AGAIN, this is not a defense of Sony. The whole thing is petty and stupid on Sony's part. But not agreeing with it is not cause for the insanity we've seen the last few days about BIGGEST THING EVER! Who cares about more games, we don't have Crossplay! I just don't get it.
In regards to Minecraft, even before the update, Ps4 did not have the biggest community for the game and after the announcement of the update, Ps4 will not only have the smallest community but the least updated version of the game available; not dedicated servers, no super duper graphics, no infinite worlds. All because Sony said no to cross play.


In regards to Minecraft, even before the update, Ps4 did not have the biggest community for the game and after the announcement of the update, Ps4 will not only have the smallest community but the least updated version of the game available; not dedicated servers, no super duper graphics, no infinite worlds. All because Sony said no to cross play.

so sony decided not to agree to crossplay MS is going to hold updates hostage. this is a game they already sold on psn and updated prior to this. its as much MS fault as it is sonys. they could do the updates without crossplay, they are choosing not to do so.
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