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Sony defends decision to block crossplay: "A responsibility to our install base."


I can't believe people don't see how Sony setting itself up to have the worst multiplayer experience for every game that supports crossplay in the future is an obviously bad business decision. Saying that it empowers their console competitors is such a short-term way of thinking ... kinda like how Microsoft was thinking when they announced their no used games/always-on DRM system during the XB1 launch, and Sony took the opportunity to capitalize on their overreach.

PS4's momentum isn't going to grind to a halt or anything, but you would have to be crazy to buy future multiplayer titles on PS4 unless it's your only platform.


I actually did, much earlier in the thread. I'll quote myself:

I'll reiterate again, that doesn't mean Sony is right or making the right choice here, but there are financial realities involved. Before you throw out, but they could lose people to as a result, they must feel that they'll gain more people jumping in over the number of people they'll lose from this business decision. Heck, look at this thread where people aren't willing to stop giving Sony money over this decision. The Artisan pretty much says he likes playing his PS4 too much and will still reward Sony. So what's the alternative reason they are doing this; they're doing this out of spite their consumers? To spite Xbox players?

As for how it's comparable, it is only comparable in the fact that in each scenario is a situation where the consumer benefits and the company loses. That is to the extent that they are comparable situations and is the only aspect I was getting at. The amount of gain and loss is irrelevant.

Why does it only go one way, though? The risk for people not to buy a Switch or an Xbox since they can just play that game on their PS4 is just as high for the other two. There's no scenario where crossplay suddenly destroys every single reason for the PS4 being worth buying. It isn't going to sway the people who are already invested in the platform to up and leave just because they can get something elsewhere. If anything, it makes the PS4 a more compelling package because you don't need another platform to get everything you want. You can have multiplatform games that aren't missing feature and all of the PS4's exclusive content. Sony also doesn't have to give up their piece of the pie on third party games since their versions will have parity with the others. There is absolutely no compelling evidence that crossplay would be such a detriment to them, working off of what-ifs does nothing for no one other than provide sorry excuses.

And no, the amount of gain and loss absolutely has relevance. Know what they lose by allowing crossplay? The shitstorm that's been going on for the past few days and extremely little money, if any at all. Know what they gain? Happy customers and games that don't miss out on content and upgrades over a shitty attitude towards other parties. The fact the gain and loss merely exists in all three scenarios does jack shit for context and the actual value of those decisions, it's such a nothing comparison to make at that level.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
PS4's momentum isn't going to grind to a halt or anything, but you would have to be crazy to buy future multiplayer titles on PS4 unless it's your only platform.

Yeah, I only buy PS4 exclusives for my PS4. MP games all go to xbox simply because of my friends (those that still play games) This simply drives home that decision.


I have a PS4 Pro, PSVR and Vita and this decision is utter nonsense. Hell, Star Trek Bridge Crew has no issues playing with PC users.
Sony to Microsoft and Nintendo.

Why does it only go one way, though? The risk for people not to buy a Switch or an Xbox since they can just play that game on their PS4 is just as high for the other two. There's no scenario where crossplay suddenly destroys every single reason for the PS4 being worth buying. It isn't going to sway the people who are already invested in the platform to up and leave just because they can get something elsewhere. If anything, it makes the PS4 a more compelling package because you don't need another platform to get everything you want. You can have multiplatform games that aren't missing feature and all of the PS4's exclusive content. Sony also doesn't have to give up their piece of the pie on third party games since their versions will have parity with the others. There is absolutely no compelling evidence that crossplay would be such a detriment to them, working off of what-ifs does nothing for no one other than provide sorry excuses.

And no, the amount of gain and loss absolutely has relevance. Know what they lose by allowing crossplay? The shitstorm that's been going on for the past few days and extremely little money, if any at all. Know what they gain? Happy customers and games that don't miss out on content and upgrades over a shitty attitude towards other parties. The fact the gain and loss merely exists in all three scenarios does jack shit for context and the actual value of those decisions, it's such a nothing comparison to make at that level.

Did you even read what I said? Because you're asking things I directly addressed in what you're replying to.


Sony doesn't see PC as a direct competitor so that's why it allows cross play with some PC games. In the western world the average person is hurting financially, it's a very turbulent time and people have to make serious choices what they spend their money on and gaming is a luxury. Forget thinking like a hardcore gamer chatting on a forum and realise that to the casual gamer there's absolutely no need to use or pay for two network services if you don't have to, most casual gamers just play multi-format games they don't give a stuff about exclusives. Cross play doesn't kill Sony but it weakens it, unless Sony pulls off perfect product launches across most of its divisions over the next decade then the next big PS3 like slip up will likely be the end of Sony as we know it and they'll become a Sega.

Casuals don't care about exclusive content? So Uncharted, Mario, Zelda, Horizon, The Last of Us, Halo, Gears, and all the other exclusive games these companies put out that sell gangbusters on release are solely relying on hardcore forum goers to sell as well as they do? And what the fuck does paying for multiple services have to do with anything? Playing Minecraft on your PC, PS4, literally everything that isn't an Xbox does not require you to fork over an additional 60 bucks for XBL. And what is this nonsense about Sony going the way of Sega and crossplay contributing to that? You know what is a far more likely scenario than PlayStation dying with the rest of Sony, or being incompetent enough to put out another $600 console and having the audacity to tell people to get a second job to pay for it? PlayStation becoming its own company.


Did you even read what I said? Because you're asking things I directly addressed in what you're replying to.

Yes, did you read what I said in response that? Are we just going to ask each other questions now instead of you explaining why I shouldn't be looking for depth in your arguments?
Yes, did you read what I said in response that? Are we just going to ask each other questions now instead of you explaining why I shouldn't be looking for depth in your arguments?

I'm asking simply because you're saying things that I already address. You even start out that way and ask why does it go one way when I said it didn't. I already said it goes both ways. Nor did I say or suggest that cross play destroys every reason to have a PS4. In fact, I directly addressed that too. So I had to ask did you even read what I said because your response is clearly not indicating that.

I already said that yes it goes both ways, but one outweighs the other and clearly Sony feels that they will be on the losing side of that if they allow it where as if they don't they'll come out ahead. Coming out ahead or coming out behind in no way implies or says that it only takes place one sided.

I also said getting access to that size of community gives one less reason. Not the only reason, one less reason. None of these things I attribute as being an all or nothing situation. It's not binary. There's a lot of nuance there which I also mentioned. The bottom line is when you add these up, from Sony's viewpoint, they don't feel like they come out ahead and are putting more at risk in the end.

We live in a world where user bases are a huge benefit to various platforms. When you're behind the competition, gaining access to that is a huge benefit to you. When you're ahead, letting others have access to that can be giving up a competitive advantage. It's not the only aspect, but to discount it as being no big deal or there's nothing to lose is not really looking at it critically.


I'll try to explain it in a way that may not have been covered yet.

Maybe Sony just doesn't want to give in to MS demands out of principle, or have anything to do with them? Maybe at a later date, MS could make more demands to keep the same level content flowing? They do own the game after all. In other words, they don't want to be held hostage, and still see MS as a threat.

So pride?

Letting people use an MS account hurts Sony's pride. (But for some reason a Steam account doesn't) That's all I see here.

Any 3rd party xplatform service could change their terms...
Then you should, Sony has lost you as a consumer and they are willing to accept that vs the other potential future reality they see.
And what reality is that? Being arrogant makes them the most successful?
So you're going to reward Sony for it by continuing to give them money with your PS4. So really, why should they cave to your demands if you're going to reward them anyway if they don't? How does that benefit them?
I've been very content with my Ps4. Driveclub, Rocket League, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, Uncharted 4, Yakuza 0, Persona 5, all great games (notice how some of them are single player). I despised the fact that I have to now pay to play online, playing online for free was one of the best things about playstation, however thus far I don't think I've ever payed the full $50-60, I've always found deals for less.

There's far more to video games besides just online multiplayer. But now when it does come to online multiplayer with multiplatform games, Sony's stance has soured my opinion on them. With that being said, they have the rest of this generation to change their mind about it.

Also, I have to ask, why do you abbreviate Microsoft as "mS"? I thought it was a typo at first, but you seem to always do it. I've never seen anyone do it that way before so I'm just curious.
Back when I first started posting on NeoGAF, I used abbreviate Microsoft as M$; then I learned that that's actually an offensive way to abbreviate so since then I've just done mS.



Casuals don't care about exclusive content? So Uncharted, Mario, Zelda, Horizon, The Last of Us, Halo, Gears, and all the other exclusive games these companies put out that sell gangbusters on release are solely relying on hardcore forum goers to sell as well as they do? And what the fuck does paying for multiple services have to do with anything? Playing Minecraft on your PC, PS4, literally everything that isn't an Xbox does not require you to fork over an additional 60 bucks for XBL. And what is this nonsense about Sony going the way of Sega and crossplay contributing to that? You know what is a far more likely scenario than PlayStation dying with the rest of Sony, or being incompetent enough to put out another $600 console and having the audacity to tell people to get a second job to pay for it? PlayStation becoming its own company.
You do realise you could take the sales of the lastest versions of Uncharted, Mario, Zelda, Horizon, The Last Of Us, Halo and Gears, combine them and they still wouldn't have outsold GTA5. You're entitled to your opinion but you don't seem to know much about sales or the marketing/business reasons behind why these companies do what they do.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Man this got people lit. Was it the decision or the communication? The latter is a hard needle to thread and I have empathy for Sony here.


I'm asking simply because you're saying things that I already address. You even start out that way and ask why does it go one way when I said it didn't. I already said it goes both ways. Nor did I say or suggest that cross play destroys every reason to have a PS4. In fact, I directly addressed that too. So I had to ask did you even read what I said because your response is clearly not indicating that.

I already said that yes it goes both ways, but one outweighs the other and clearly Sony feels that they will be on the losing side of that if they allow it where as if they don't they'll come out ahead. Coming out ahead or coming out behind in no way implies or says that it only takes place one sided.

I also said getting access to that size of community gives one less reason. Not the only reason, one less reason. None of these things I attribute as being an all or nothing situation. It's not binary. There's a lot of nuance there which I also mentioned. The bottom line is when you add these up, from Sony's viewpoint, they don't feel like they come out ahead and are putting more at risk in the end.

We live in a world where user bases are a huge benefit to various platforms. When you're behind the competition, gaining access to that is a huge benefit to you. When you're ahead, letting others have access to that can be giving up a competitive advantage. It's not the only aspect, but to discount it as being no big deal or there's nothing to lose is not really looking at it critically.

Nothing you've said to me states that you took all of those things into consideration, nor did I get that impression, but whatever, if you say so.

You are still greatly overstating what Sony stands to lose by agreeing to crossplay. People having so very slightly less of a reason to get a PS4 is such a nebulous idea that you have no possible way of quantifying. Given content parity, there is no substantial reason to choose one platform over another. Not allowing content parity across platforms for games actively gives the consumer an incentive to not choose whichever platform that's getting the short end of the stick. You seem to be ignoring, or at the very least not giving it as much weight as it deserves.

As far as that last bit goes, the critical analysis of the situation you're providing only goes so deep, to the simple fact that the advantage exists at all. It's a narrative that doesn't take into consideration how much actual value that advantage holds, or whether or not it is valuable enough to be worth maintaining at all. Not all advantages are equal, existing isn't enough, nor is it something that requires critical thinking to come to terms with. Providing higher quality products that do not lack content compared to the same product on another platform, that bolster the exclusive content and marketing deals that you already heavily invest in that, which sum up to a greater package than the ones offered by your competitors, is the actual significant advantage they hold, and disallowing crossplay spits in the face of that. Sure, you have more users than the other consoles at a base level, but the most vocal portion of that userbase is now upset that you're preventing them from getting the content they desire. You're giving them a reason to go elsewhere when they could've just given all of their money to you exclusively. These decisions don't exist in a vacuum, only looking at one advantage or disadvantage existing at all without any context as to why it exists or what you have to lose by upholding that decision is worthless.


You do realise you could take the sales of the lastest versions of Uncharted, Mario, Zelda, Horizon, The Last Of Us, Halo and Gears, combine them and they still wouldn't have outsold GTA5. You're entitled to your opinion but you don't seem to know much about sales or the marketing/business reasons behind why these companies do what they do.

GTA does not dictate which console a person buys in the same way that exclusives do. Which one is cheaper? Which one has more games that I want that I can't get on the other? Is there exclusive content in this game I want that won't be in the other version of the same game? You seem to not know jack shit about why people make the decisions they do so how about you fuck off. I'm tired of going in circles only to be met with a brick wall that ignores all context of a matter.


So pride?

Letting people use an MS account hurts Sony's pride. (But for some reason a Steam account doesn't) That's all I see here.

Any 3rd party xplatform service could change their terms...

Not really pride, just common business sense. You know how in interviews with head company people, the interviewer will ask them about the competition in name? And then the head person replies with an answer that doesn't mention them at all. Because they don't want any association with said competition.

And Steam isn't in the business of selling subs and competing over the same MAUs. PC and console gaming are still quite different animals so Steam isn't seen as direct competition. If anything Sony probably feels they own a good chunk of that PC + Console crowd so no sense in alienating them.

It's the gamers that sway between consoles from gen to gen they want to keep or convert. The 95% ers. The ones that only have a single console which they buy based on what their friends have, because they have to in order to play online with them. They'd rather not have any of those people even sniffing the trail of a thought of making a Live account.


If the default argument for Sony's position is, "they will lose customers out of it", does that mean that PS4 players are currently looking for an excuse to switch to another console?

That's the feeling yall are giving me. If they open up crossplay, everyone is gonna be excited to leave their PS4 behind. Is PSN that bad still?

Hypothetical: Why would anyone leave their PS4 behind for an Xbox if they could use that PS4 to play with everyone?
The Artisan pretty much says he likes playing his PS4 too much and will still reward Sony. So what's the alternative reason they are doing this; they're doing this out of spite their consumers? To spite Xbox players?
As I have just explained to you, a video game console is not defined solely by online multiplayer components. But the topic of this discussion is exactly that.

If Sony doesn't change by the end of this gen, then next gen I may end up owning my first Xbox.


Feel free to respond if you know the answer, but apparently, there have been some Sony fanboys that have been going off that, "MICROSOFT DID IT FIRST! Sony wanted to do Cross Play first, but Microsoft said no!"

Bare in mind that I don't know what that game was for; let alone if it was as big as Rocket League (or even Minecraft), but does anyone know what game they are referring to? I'm interested in trying to figure this out or if this is just something being said with no evidence to back it up.


If the default argument for Sony's position is, "they will lose customers out of it", does that mean that PS4 players are currently looking for an excuse to switch to another console?

That's the feeling yall are giving me. If they open up crossplay, everyone is gonna be excited to leave their PS4 behind. Is PSN that bad still?

Hypothetical: Why would anyone leave their PS4 behind for an Xbox if they could use that PS4 to play with everyone?

where has anyone said they will lose customers. they can lose potential customers due to crossplay. If you r best friend has COD on PS4 and you want to play with him, but preferred xbox, what would you buy if you didn't have a console? well you would have to buy a PS4 and play with him or just not play with him. if crossplay was a thing you would just pick xbox since you prefer it and still play with him. thats how sony would lose out in this type of thing.


Feel free to respond if you know the answer, but apparently, there have been some Sony fanboys that have been going off that, "MICROSOFT DID IT FIRST! Sony wanted to do Cross Play first, but Microsoft said no!"

Bare in mind that I don't know what that game was for; let alone if it was as big as Rocket League (or even Minecraft), but does anyone know what game they are referring to? I'm interested in trying to figure this out or if this is just something being said with no evidence to back it up.

FFXIV probably. MS got roasted for it then so its not a good excuse against roasting Sony now.


Feel free to respond if you know the answer, but apparently, there have been some Sony fanboys that have been going off that, "MICROSOFT DID IT FIRST! Sony wanted to do Cross Play first, but Microsoft said no!"

Bare in mind that I don't know what that game was for; let alone if it was as big as Rocket League (or even Minecraft), but does anyone know what game they are referring to? I'm interested in trying to figure this out or if this is just something being said with no evidence to back it up.

It was FFXIV. The devs wouldn't put the game on Xbox because MS wouldn't let them do crossplay. That was a few years ago though, and we don't know if that's still the case. No other game comes to mind, I'm not sure if there were others.
Nothing you've said to me states that you took all of those things into consideration, nor did I get that impression, but whatever, if you say so.

Then you didn't read what I said. I'll bold it out for you:

Sony doing this opens up the other platforms to 60 million more users which is a huge benefit to the other platforms and gives one less reason for someone to move into the PlayStation eco system.

Before you throw out, but they could lose people to as a result, they must feel that they'll gain more people jumping in over the number of people they'll lose from this business decision.

You clearly did not read what I said.

You are still greatly overstating what Sony stands to lose by agreeing to crossplay. People having so very slightly less of a reason to get a PS4 is such a nebulous idea that you have no possible way of quantifying. Given content parity, there is no substantial reason to choose one platform over another. Not allowing content parity across platforms for games actively gives the consumer an incentive to not choose whichever platform that's getting the short end of the stick. You seem to be ignoring, or at the very least not giving it as much weight as it deserves.

Man, you need not look any further than this very forum to find numerous people who weigh the online user community as part of their decision. Nowhere did I say all things were equal, but to discount that this has any ramification on their decision is flat out wrong. We know content parity is definitely something of a factor as we see DLC and other exclusive content being negotiated all the time. So the question then becomes how big of a factor is cross play to most people? How many people are even aware right now? How many will revolt as a result? All these factors come into play with weighing the decision of to allow or not allow. I'm not discounting any of that. I'm Sony has probably come to the conclusion that it's a non factor. I keep pointing out The Artisan since he's one of the more vocal people here who is annoyed by this, but even he's not leaving the PS4 and is still giving Sony money. He says Sony has the rest of the generation to change their mind. So what incentive is it for Sony to push forward on this now if people are just going to keep giving them money and not revolt anyway? Sony's position makes it harder for most people to give it which in turn gives people on the outside even more incentive to jump in. You still haven't answered, if Sony isn't doing this to protect their interests and that they feel they have more to gain than lose by sitting tight with the option to change their mind with a full 180 down the line in their own timeline, then why the hell are they doing it? Spite? What seems more logical to you between those two answers? In fact, give me a more logical reason why they're sitting tight.

As far as that last bit goes, the critical analysis of the situation you're providing only goes so deep, to the simple fact that the advantage exists at all. It's a narrative that doesn't take into consideration how much actual value that advantage holds, or whether or not it is valuable enough to be worth maintaining at all. Not all advantages are equal, existing isn't enough, nor is it something that requires critical thinking to come to terms with. Providing higher quality products that do not lack content compared to the same product on another platform, that bolster the exclusive content and marketing deals that you already heavily invest in that, which sum up to a greater package than the ones offered by your competitors, is the actual significant advantage they hold, and disallowing crossplay spits in the face of that. Sure, you have more users than the other consoles at a base level, but the most vocal portion of that userbase is now upset that you're preventing them from getting the content they desire. You're giving them a reason to go elsewhere when they could've just given all of their money to you exclusively. These decisions don't exist in a vacuum, only looking at one advantage or disadvantage existing at all without any context as to why it exists or what you have to lose by upholding that decision is worthless.

Often the most vocal people are in the minority though. It's only when that vocal minority no longer becomes a minority is when companies start to listen. So it doesn't matter that the vocal minority is out there until it becomes a problem for Sony. I agree, nothing exists in a vacuum and every decision has gains and losses. There is rarely something that gives you 100% results one way or another. Right now when you add all those factors together, Sony feels they have more to gain than lose by not allowing cross play. It's that simple. I won't dispute that offering cross play offers a better quality product to the consumer, but that better product doesn't always net more sales, nor does it mean Sony will gain from it since there are other factors involved.

We know they're fine with PC online gaming. We know they don't really factor in PC as competition because exclusivity almost never applies to the PC version and always does to the console one. Reading between the lines, the clear problem is opening up by allowing Microsoft and the Xbox platform to share their userbase with them. There are plenty of other possible reasons why this could be. Maybe there's a technical reason, I doubt it but it's possible, maybe there's a security issue, again I doubt it but possible, but if it's not either of those two issues, it has to be opening up their user base to the Xbox market. If it's not their user base, then what is it? If it is their user base, then clearly they feel it's a huge asset that they don't want to give up at the moment.

If I'm wrong, then what do you think IS Sony's reason for not allowing it to happen?


where has anyone said they will lose customers. they can lose potential customers due to crossplay. If you r best friend has COD on PS4 and you want to play with him, but preferred xbox, what would you buy if you didn't have a console? well you would have to buy a PS4 and play with him or just not play with him. if crossplay was a thing you would just pick xbox since you prefer it and still play with him. thats how sony would lose out in this type of thing.

What if Person A is buying a console and would prefer to get a PS4 but the only requirement is being able to play Minecraft with their friend who plays on PC?

Uh gee, guess they aren't buying a PS4. Lack of Crossplay lowers the value of the Playstation 4 to the consumer.
What if Person A is buying a console and would prefer to get a PS4 but the only requirement is being able to play Minecraft with their friend who plays on PC?

Uh gee, guess they aren't buying a PS4. Lack of Crossplay lowers the value of the Playstation 4 to the consumer.

You can't look at individual instances; you have to look at it in aggregate. You will always find someone instance or some person who fits every possible scenario. So simply saying that is a possible outcome isn't enough. You have to show there are more people like that than the other scenario.


What if Person A is buying a console and would prefer to get a PS4 but the only requirement is being able to play Minecraft with their friend who plays on PC?

Uh gee, guess they aren't buying a PS4. Lack of Crossplay lowers the value of the Playstation 4 to the consumer.

How often do you think that really happens? Where Minecraft is *literally* the only requirement? Why wouldn't this person just get a cheap PC?


You can't look at individual instances; you have to look at it in aggregate. You will always find someone instance or some person who fits every possible scenario. So simply saying that is a possible outcome isn't enough. You have to show there are more people like that than the other scenario.

So why not tell that to the guy who started it. I was just giving a reply in kind to show how silly it was.

How often do you think that really happens? Where Minecraft is *literally* the only requirement? Why wouldn't this person just get a cheap PC?

'jus git a pc bro'


What if Person A is buying a console and would prefer to get a PS4 but the only requirement is being able to play Minecraft with their friend who plays on PC?

Uh gee, guess they aren't buying a PS4. Lack of Crossplay lowers the value of the Playstation 4 to the consumer.

Good thing for Sony that MS doesn't own every single game :) They just have to eat shit on a gimped version of Minecraft. This is Microsoft's $2.5B middle finger wag in effect.


where has anyone said they will lose customers. they can lose potential customers due to crossplay. If you r best friend has COD on PS4 and you want to play with him, but preferred xbox, what would you buy if you didn't have a console? well you would have to buy a PS4 and play with him or just not play with him. if crossplay was a thing you would just pick xbox since you prefer it and still play with him. thats how sony would lose out in this type of thing.

They can lose potential customers by not having crossplay. For example, if you are into Minecraft, ps4 is a bad choice.

Having crossplay would make it less likely that existing ps4 fans would ever feel a need to join other ecosystems.

with cross play, New fans would still continue to choose ps4 because of its diverse lineup, strong hardware, and incredible exclusives.

Pleasing your customers is a better business practice than holding them hostage.
How often do you think that really happens? Where Minecraft is *literally* the only requirement? Why wouldn't this person just get a cheap PC?
Minecraft and Rocket League might be the beginning of a trend we see of more and more games doing cross play. There were people mentioning that at least 2 other games are doing cross play that Sony isn't getting in on.
They can lose potential customers by not having crossplay.

Having crossplay would make it less likely that existing ps4 fans would ever feel a need to join other ecosystems.

with cross play, New fans would still continue to choose ps4 because of its diverse lineup, strong hardware, and incredible exclusives.

Pleasing your customers is a better business practice than holding them hostage.

With their position in the market, it's unlikely this will ever be a problem for PS4 players, especially not for the bigger titles. I said it before but if Joe Sixpack owns a PS4 and never has any issues finding lobbies full of players to play online with, why are they gonna care enough to raise a stink about this?
Minecraft and Rocket League might be the beginning of a trend we see of more and more games doing cross play. There were people mentioning that at least 2 other games are doing cross play that Sony isn't getting in on.

I'm assuming the Minecraft community is rather large on the PS4. Considering it's Minecraft and PS4 has the largest console base right now. If they'll turn away Minecraft they'll snub anything.


Neo Member
Damn people still defending this on here? I mean not even the user at the official Sony forums are doing this much damage control as you guys are in this thread.
I'm assuming the Minecraft community is rather large on the PS4. Considering it's Minecraft and PS4 has the largest console base right now. If they'll turn away Minecraft they'll snub anything.
because Ps4 is the biggest console this gen coupled with the fact that Minecraft is the biggest game, it's probably got a decently sized community however relatively speaking it's not large when we compare it to the other ones.
because Ps4 is the biggest console this gen coupled with the fact that Minecraft is the biggest game, it's probably got a decently sized community however relatively speaking it's not large when we compare it to the other ones.

Then it becomes a question of, is it large enough? There comes a point where people stop caring even if something is not the best and there is something better as long as it's good enough. We see that all the time. Plus convenience also trumps quality, so if it's just easier to deal with what they have, then they will.
Then it becomes a question of, is it large enough? There comes a point where people stop caring even if something is not the best and there is something better as long as it's good enough. We see that all the time. Plus convenience also trumps quality, so if it's just easier to deal with what they have, then they will.
this update is more than just about the community though. "super duper graphics", cross buying dlc, and infinite worlds; all left out of the playstation versions
Sony doesn't see PC as a direct competitor so that's why it allows cross play with some PC games.

Utter nonsense. If they didn't see PC as a competitor why don't they publish their first party output there? Why did they say the Pro was released to prevent players from migrating to PC?
because Ps4 is the biggest console this gen coupled with the fact that Minecraft is the biggest game, it's probably got a decently sized community however relatively speaking it's not large when we compare it to the other ones.

I dunno. I remember reading Minecraft console sales had surpassed the PC version sometime back in the 360/PS3 days. I'd assume it had been doing great on PS4 up to the point of this news.

Hell, and what community can even come close to Minecraft's numbers and engagement? Minecraft players seem pretty loyal and have really stuck with the game. Maybe GTA and Rocket League? I can't think of anything else.
I said it before but if Joe Sixpack owns a PS4 and never has any issues finding lobbies full of players to play online with, why are they gonna care enough to raise a stink about this?

I can't find full Wipeout lobbies and the game has been out a week. And that's a first party release.

It really depends on the game. Some third party games would have a much more robust, and longer lived community with crossplay.


With their position in the market, it's unlikely this will ever be a problem for PS4 players, especially not for the bigger titles. I said it before but if Joe Sixpack owns a PS4 and never has any issues finding lobbies full of players to play online with, why are they gonna care enough to raise a stink about this?

Given there size in the market place it wouldn't be a 'problem' either way.

Just because a guy wouldnt NEED to get to get a ps4 to play with his friends doesnt mean he wouldn't choose a ps4 for various other reasons. The fact that he could cheaply enjoy high quality multiplats + Sony's first party titles + play with his xbox friends could push him TOWARDS sony

Not having xplay is negative pr and ensures Sony has the most limited version of key games.

Having xplay is just good.
I dunno. I remember reading Minecraft console sales had surpassed the PC version sometime back in the 360/PS3 days. I'd assume it had been doing great on PS4 up to the point of this news.

Hell, and what community can even come close to Minecraft's numbers and engagement? Minecraft players seem pretty loyal and have really stuck with the game. Maybe GTA and Rocket League? I can't think of anything else.
if we combine all of the console sales then maybe it outmatches the sales of the PC but it's on like at least 4 different consoles.

360, Ps3, Xbone, Ps4, Ps Vita, - and now Switch & Wii U. Mind you, whenever I see Minecraft in the top 10 of the NPD threads, the playstation versions are also mentioned last and sales per platform are listed in that order
this update is more than just about the community though. "super duper graphics", cross buying dlc, and infinite worlds; all left out of the playstation versions

How many people are aware this is happening right now? Many people who own it on PS4, might not ever realize this exists. Not every is informed; in fact most people aren't. How many of those people won't just shrug and grab their iPhone/iPad/Android Phone instead if they want to join their friends which already likely has it installed anyway? I'm not dismissing that the update is a major overhaul, I'm wondering what the true impact is and what people are willing to do because of that impact. It's not enough for you to sell your PS4 and buy an Xbox. What do you think other people will do?

If we lived in a world where everyone rejected stuff that wasn't good for them and only accepted the best, then we would live in a world where stuff isn't locked behind DLC, we wouldn't be paying for online multiplayer, Blu ray would be the dominate format, UHD Blu ray would have been included in the PS4 Pro and would be the next dominating format. We don't live in that world.
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