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Sony defends decision to block crossplay: "A responsibility to our install base."


I don't know why they can't just be honest and say "We're not sure we're ready to have a bunch of our users sign up to Xbox Live." (talking specifically Minecraft) And with Rocket League just say while they aren't ready for cross play yet they are still investigating.

The safety excuse is horrible.
Some hashtag suggestions

#No✖NoPlay (apparently this isn't a valid hashtag on twitter, but I just really like it)



I'm not sure how or why my comment makes me anti-consumer or pro Sony. Nowhere in my comment was I defending their decision nor was I endorsing there choice. I'm guessing it's because I'm not raw raw for crossplay, nor am I part of the lol sony brigade. I guess that automatically puts me on the opposite side of the spectrum?

Then answer the question that states " what about games like rocket league, that don't require xbl?"

Because your whole story about Microsoft trying to take over the online space is kind of ridiculous, since it doesnt hold up for 3 out of 4 games that announced cross play in the last few days.

Edit: ah i see you have supposedly left the thread. Always easier than actually participating in a discussion.
Sony says NO to backwards compatibility, EA Access & cross-play. My PS4 will forever be known as Poopstation 4!
They are helping you make the best decisions for you. Can't you see that? If they take away options, it's easier for them to decide for you. They are in it to help - nothing more.
The video interview https://vid.me/g39q

Phil Spencer "The fact that somebody would make an assertion that somehow we are not keeping Minecraft players safe, I found, not only from a Microsoft perspective, but from a gaming industry perspective, like I don't know why that has to be the dialogue. It doesn't seem healthy for anyone.

Frankly through our parental controls, Xbox Live, and everything else we have done we have shown that is incredibly important to us as a Platform.

And Frankly Nintendo...

Jeff Gerstmann
- "Yeah you want to talk about someone who is maybe overly protective in spots, there you go."

Phil Spencer "I would love all Minecraft players to have the full Minecraft experience. We take the safety of XBL, players across all of our games, and Minecraft obviously an incredibly important part of that. Its incredibly important to our team.

We would never put Minecraft in a place we didn't think was safe."


I think it's hilarious that Sony claims MS infrastructure isn't secure enough for them, given how many times they've fucked up in that area. Are they forgetting PSN was down for a month?
I think it's hilarious that Sony claims MS infrastructure isn't secure enough for them, given how many times they've fucked up in that area. Are they forgetting PSN was down for a month?

Out of every platform Ive used, (XBL, PSN, Origins, Steam, Blizzard, Windows Live, etc) I would rank PSN almost last. I have had my CC information hacked three times on there, had down time for a month, they throttle their speeds so incredibly bad to this day that I cant even remote play with the vita even though my internet is 70 down, 10 up, and it downloads slower than any platform I have ever owned by a significant margin.

Steam would probably be my favorite platform followed by XBL, and the only reason i have XBL 2nd is because Steam is free.


I think it's hilarious that Sony claims MS infrastructure isn't secure enough for them, given how many times they've fucked up in that area. Are they forgetting PSN was down for a month?

That's not what Ryan talked about though afaik.

Ryan's (bogus) excuse is that a mandatory online play through a competing closed network (XB live) puts their younger userbase at risk of coming in contact with stuff their parents would find objectionable.

Is dis real?

Yes, it's a real CEO Kaz Hirai tweet, which is a parody account...
TBH I think giving MS dev kits and access to all the same stuff any PS Dev would and all that jazz would be a big reason.

Sony could just not trust them. Harder to keep secrets when the competition is in your network etc...

I do hope the backlash gets them to work it out. It's only going to keep going once the update hits and even more cross play games leave PS4 out.


How is having a massive pool of players to play with not enhancing the game?
Because the skill levels would be massively different anyway. Players on PSN have had years of play so it would be no fun for newbs to come in and get dominated.


They could have in-game chat removed when cross-play is active, that would solve that problem. Call it what it is, don't bullshit people.
Their responsibility to install base should be to improve PSN, because so far the only thing they have added is a price of entry. It's still lagging 5 years behind XBL and this new console crossplay stuff is an extra feather in the cap.
This was just a bad interview.

The interviewer starts with the false assertion that "[RocketLeague] don't work cross-platform with PlayStation." Suggesting it's an aversion to cross-platform play in general, when in fact it's clearly platform specific. And we can't really be sure whether Nintendo is one of those excluded parties, since they've jumped in with XBox on this.

Then the interviewer lets the answer/discussion revolve exclusively around Minecraft. They don't get Ryan to address the Rocket League situation at all. Protecting kids might be a BS reason, but it's not an invalid reason. Clearly protecting the kids isn't a valid reason for Rocket League, since we've already got PC cross-play happening.

But the interviewer just lets the whole Rocket League situation remain unaddressed. Lame.

I think it's likely that interview happened before Rocket League on Switch was even known about let alone that it would be cross play.
I understand the decision. If you allow cross play for one game, that shows you can do it for all games. Rocket League does it and now people could start complaining and pressuring sports games or the big third party games. If cross play becomes a standard then you lose console sales and game sales.

It's still a bad consumer move and makes them look like the villain.


Does anyone here speak Japanese who would help me clean up whatever Google Translate did to this? I'm hoping to tweet about this to Shu, in Japanese as a sign of respect.

Yeah, screaming into the internet void sure, but whatever, crazier things have happened.

How about you just tweet him in English? You're not showing respect to the guy by sending an awkwardly translated tweet when he understands English. lol


It genuinely blows my mind people can't see why it's bad business for Sony to allow cross play to other consoles and this thread has gone on for so long. ANY reason a gaming company gives you to buy another console instead of theirs is a bad business decision. By allowing cross play it means millions of people who are on the fence deciding what console to buy now don't have to take into consideration what console their friends have or what the user base levels are like. Sony are WAY ahead of the competition and they're the ones who will lose out on this the most. Does anybody really think a mass of hardcore gamers are now going to sell their PS4's in droves and only game on Xbox/Switch because of this decision? Wether people like the truth or not Sony will overall gain significantly more users then they would lose because of this choice.

Do people actually forget how much money Sony has been losing almost every single year for the past decade? Sony has lost hundreds of millions and have done so badly in nearly all of their divisions, they've had to sell off buildings and completely restructure the company, it's only been in recent years they've begun to turn it around and it's almost entirely thanks to the PS4 and PSN revenues. Microsoft could launch ten different Xbox's have them all fail and it still wouldn't make a dent in the rediculous amount of profits they make. And now people are dumb founded why Sony don't want to do something that will mean less people will buy their console, use psn AND at the same time push potential customers towards a rivals console? In a world where business and money doesn't matter cross play would be nice but the reality is the few disgruntled gamers this annoys is far out weighed by losing millions of customers who now wouldn't have to worry about buying a console because all their friends have it or user base levels.

It's like walking into a restaurant and saying you want a table for ten, the waiter takes you to your table then asks you what you want to order and five of the party say "Naaaaah we don't want your food we've brought our own from your rival restaurant next door and we're going to eat it here instead, just ask the rest of us what they want." You'd get kicked out of the restaurant quicker then you could say Half Life 3 is still happening.

And let's not even get into Microsoft refusing cross play last gen when they were market leaders and it made no financial sense for them to do it then.

Handling the cross play chat(abuse) and features will only cost Sony more time and money for next to no gain and i feel like i'm taking crazy pills because people can't accept it's the right business decision to make.
I see you don't realise but we are users. Customers.

We don't give one single shit about Sony's profits, we want cross play to take on. If we can get it to happen via being the most annoying pieces of shit in existence and complaining about it 24/7, we will. I would love to play games with my PS4 friends.

You can explain why it doesn't make financial sense 5000 times and we won't give one single fuck even once.

That's not what Ryan talked about though afaik.

Ryan's (bogus) excuse is that a mandatory online play through a competing closed network (XB live) puts their younger userbase at risk of coming in contact with stuff their parents would find objectionable.
right the unspoken words of his argument is a suggestion that mS won't have the security to protect kids.
I see you don't realise but we are users. Customers.

We don't give one single shit about Sony's profits, we want cross play to take on. If we can get it to happen via being the most annoying pieces of shit in existence and complaining about it 24/7, we will. I would love to play games with my PS4 friends.

You can explain why it doesn't make financial sense 5000 times and we won't give one single fuck even once.

Why not take it a step further and demand free consoles? Free upgrades to PS4 Pro? At some point you do take into factor Sony's profits otherwise you would be demanding free consoles.
Why not take it a step further and demand free consoles? Free upgrades to PS4 Pro? At some point you do take into factor Sony's profits otherwise you would be demanding free consoles.

everybody who has the most cross play with Minecraft & Rocket League still had to pay for their Xbone/Switch/PC/etc. Come on, bro.


Junior Member
Seriously? You don't see the conflict of interests? You won't see Sony actively promoting a competitor's online service in any capacity. Just because everyone else is on board means nothing.

You're simply signing into an account to access that server and your content. It's not like they're making you pay for XBL or anything, you are literally going to log-in with your email address and then never worry about it again. Outside of that, you are already playing on MS's servers, the only issue is they have no possible way to verify/track you outside of PSN at the moment for crossplay/crossbuy/accessing your things from another platform.

Literally the same thing as signing in with a Square Enix account for FF XIV. Paragon has you linking accounts as well, allowing you to buy content and have it work on PS4 without it going through Sony at all. I don't see how this is any different.
Slippery slope? Thats the hill you moved on?

What? Not a slippery slope nor have I moved on to anything else. I've always been pointing out that you can't ignore the business aspect of it. That doesn't mean you have to like it, but saying you don't give a shit isn't true otherwise you would be making bigger requests since you don't factor in the rational viewpoint of the company.

everybody who has the most cross play with Minecraft & Rocket League still had to pay for their Xbone/Switch/PC/etc. Come on, bro.

That's not relevant to the point I'm making. Forget Xbox/Switch/PC. If you don't factor in what's reasonable for the company, or the company making a profit, why are you not demanding free upgrades from PS4 to PS4 Pro? What stops you from making a huge deal and complaining about that issue? Is it because you know it's an unreasonable request because Sony's business model and profit would never make it feasible?

It's not a logical fallacy. I'm asking if you don't care what's rational for the business, what stops you from making bigger demands?
That's not relevant to the point I'm making. Forget Xbox/Switch/PC. If you don't factor in what's reasonable for the company, or the company making a profit, why are you not demanding free upgrades from PS4 to PS4 Pro? What stops you from making a huge deal and complaining about that issue? Is it because you know it's an unreasonable request because Sony's business model and profit would never make it feasible?
If it's not relevant to the point you're making then the point you're making isn't relevant to the topic of the thread. It's about Sony's current policy against cross play with the other consoles and their policy is costing their Minecraft community the complete version of the game available.


What? Not a slippery slope nor have I moved on to anything else. I've always been pointing out that you can't ignore the business aspect of it. That doesn't mean you have to like it, but saying you don't give a shit isn't true otherwise you would be making bigger requests since you don't factor in the rational viewpoint of the company.

That's not relevant to the point I'm making. Forget Xbox/Switch/PC. If you don't factor in what's reasonable for the company, or the company making a profit, why are you not demanding free upgrades from PS4 to PS4 Pro? What stops you from making a huge deal and complaining about that issue? Is it because you know it's an unreasonable request because Sony's business model and profit would never make it feasible?

It's not a logical fallacy. I'm asking if you don't care what's rational for the business, what stops you from making bigger demands?

This is no more reasonable than anyone replying to you asking why you aren't willing to pay double, triple the amount you did for your console in the interests of good business.

People are pointing it out as a fallacy because it's not worth entertaining. The discussion is about cross play and the effects on business swing both ways. Openness is in no way comparable to asking for freebies.


What? Not a slippery slope nor have I moved on to anything else. I've always been pointing out that you can't ignore the business aspect of it.

Except for some Sony fans maybe, noone ignores that.

Noone buys Sony's bullshit excuse.

Noone demands free console upgrades.

Noone demands free consoles.

I hope that ends your confusion and you choose a different hill to die on.
If it's not relevant to the point you're making then the point you're making isn't relevant to the topic of the thread. It's about Sony's current policy against cross play with the other consoles and their policy is costing their Minecraft community the complete version of the game available.

I'm pointing out the flaw in yours and others stance where you say you don't give a shit and it doesn't matter how it affects the company, you're going to scream as loud as you can to get what you want. But the fact is, you do factor it in because you don't make other demands like the example I put out. To say you don't factor in the feasibility is wrong, otherwise you would be asking for bigger things too.

Except for some Sony fans maybe, noone ignores that.

Noone buys Sony's bullshit excuse.

Noone demands free console upgrades.

Noone demands free consoles.

I hope that ends your confusion and you choose a different hill to die on.

If nobody ignores that then maybe people should stop saying as a consumer, you don't give a shit or factor in their profits. You do. You even just admitted it in this post by saying nobody really ignores it.

I've said numerous times that Sony's official response is bullshit. Nobody is buying that. It's a shitty response. I've also said numerous times that I disagree with the choice but I at least understand their motivation behind it just like I would about why they would never give us free upgraded consoles. That doesn't mean I like, agree, or support that decision.


If it's not relevant to the point you're making then the point you're making isn't relevant to the topic of the thread. It's about Sony's current policy against cross play with the other consoles and their policy is costing their Minecraft community the complete version of the game available.

Well yeah, MS is trying to put the screws to them via a super popular game.

They gave Sony two shit pies to choose from. It's just that one is far bigger than the other, so if course they'll eat the smaller one, while people here are screaming for them to eat the big one.
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