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Sony E3 2016 Press Conference: June 13 at 6 PM PT/ 9PM ET

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I would hope the Giant Bomb guys will ask Adam Boyes about it when they sit down with him. How they kept everything so quiet.

It seems like a majority of Microsoft's leaks came from stuff they put on servers and people found them, videos, game info, images, etc. Sony probably hasn't done that lol.

Well first we have to make sure Sony has things at the conference we would deem shocking.


I'm dying here STAAHP!


Resident Evil 7 and/or RE2 REmake are what I want to see most from Sony's conference. Capcom usually does major announcements at the Microsoft and Sony Conferences (like DR4), so something RE related has to be at the Sony conference, right? Capcom wouldn't let the biggest gaming event of the year just go by when it's the 20th anniversary of their biggest franchise, would they?


Sony Santa Monica has been oddly quiet about this E3. Normally, they're tweeting about meeting friends and such every year. Not sure what's up. :/
Crash kinda seems obvious at this point. I would actually be surprised if it didnt show up. Fucking Shawn Layden was wearing a Crash Bandicoot shirt last E3. Why the friggin hell would he do that if they werent working on something.


Not going to be posting much here, but will make a small wish list before the conference :). Hope everyone is excited and that everyone is happy in some form or another.
-Crash is announced for something (new game, Skylanders rumor, ect)
-God of War IV announced
-Sony Bends New IP announced
-Studio Japan's rumored JRPG announced
-More footage of KH3, FFVII Remake or FFXV showed off
-Dragon Quest XI announced for localization on PS4
-Sony shows off Uncharted 4 DLC or hints at it
-Third parties announce cool stuff (Shenmue HD Remakes? More Third Party Productions Projects?)
-Sly Cooper PS4 Announced (for upcoming film)
-More PS2 Classics releasing on PS4
-PS1 Classics announced for PS4 & are cross-buy with PS3/Vita/PSP ones


There should be more tampons in gaming
Why are people wishing for remasters? I love Dark Souls and Demon Souls (to a far lesser extent) as much as many here but I don't want to play games I've experienced just a gen ago. It'd be cool if things like that were merely mentioned during conferences and not the megaton, talking points that a lot of people want them to be. I crave new material, not rehashed, quick and easy money ploys by developers.

I sincerely wish Neo rumblings were just that, rumblings. I'd like to see a new console when there is truly a need for them and there is a definitive and distinctive difference in the visuals that can be achieved now and what is being touted as the next big thing. I think it'd be a great blunder if Sony was reactive to MS. I honestly believe that they can sit back and relax and they'll continue to be the world leader and outsell the newer Scorpio come 2017. It doesn't seem sensible to release a console that has visuals that will be marginally better than what is currently possible with no exclusive games offered to up sell customers. I don't think the jump from graphics at medium settings to high or ultra settings necessitates new consoles, I'd rather wait for graphics and games that couldn't be achieved on current gen hardware.


I'm in the UK and have work tomorrow so I can't stay up for this tonight. I'd love to download it in the morning to watch on my trip to work while avoiding spoilers at the same time. Any suggestions? Last year I tried to hit gametrailers to download the conference but the front page was covered in videos that spoiled everything :/
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