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Sony FY2015 Q1 (PS4: 3.0m shipped) PS4 total = 25.3m shipped worldwide


Well with the new revision, i'd say so. Just getting rid of clamshell mode should do wonders for their cost cutting

That's what I was thinking, would be interesting to see a breakdown. That plus the fact that there is still huge demand at the current price point is very good news for their financials.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Out of 10 gamers, 5 have a PS4, 3 an XBox One and 2 a Wii U.

That's being generous with MS regarding roundings.


Hard to do much about that now, considering it's all about perception.

In Europe (most of it, anyways), there's only the PS4. The Xbox brand isn't worth much here, outside of the Halo/GoW players. Also, it doesn't help that many of the cool features aren't available here..

But, kudos to Sony. They really hit the nail on the head with the PS4, although they got jumpstarted by Microsoft.

I agree. I mean...i am a PS4 owner from Singapore. I've always watched all the E3 conferences...and Microsoft always announced many new cool services for the Xbox One...but deep in my mind, i always need to remind myself............70% of the services stuff Microsoft talked at E3 is not gonna work in Singapore....i mean all the Kinect camera stuff that requires a big ass living room (we lived in flats in singapore), all the TV stuff that isn't compatible with our local cable services, etc......

So microsoft will no doubt try harder......but showing off US only services and features to the global audiences isn't going to help it.
So the PS4 is showing no signs of slowing down then. Good. There are people saying sales are going to slow down significantly as the gen goes on and I want to see them proven wrong.
I think it should be fine eventually once PS3 cross gen stops being a thing. There still isn't much for Japanese gamers that isn't already available for them on PS3.
I'm not even sure ps3 crossgen will be gone anytime soon. One thing jp dev learn last gen is they really don't have the resource to make high production value games like western publisher. Other than few huge jp publishers, many dev roll back to ps2/ps3 esque games just on higher resolution and framerate. Sone of them are even portable games from vita.


But why? I have all the consoles too and the only time I get a multiplat on XB1 is when they're surprisingly close performance-wise and I happen to find the XB1 version at a lower price.
But PS4 isn't almighty though and gets to take the back seat if there is a PC version, both consoles are struggling with multiplats this generation which is by far their biggest problem.

This is a sales thread, & in terms of sales PS4 is "almighty", multiplats are always doing better on PS4 than PC & XB1.
Just make a gaming console.

It's nice to see how simple product design can be. No paradigm change, no new lifestyle but just a product that can do what it supposed to do better than the competition.
So the PS4 is showing no signs of slowing down then. Good. There are people saying sales are going to slow down significantly as the gen goes on and I want to see them proven wrong.

PS4 hasnt even hit its stride yet. Its still LAUNCH PRICE

And we have huge games like Battlefront and Fallout 4 hitting this holiday.

PS4 is gonna sell well over 100 million. At the very least we know PS5 is a certainty

Mr Swine

Good for Sony, not so good for MS and Nintendo when PS4 sells as much as all their consoles have done this quarter. Does anyone know if Xbox One sales are slowing down, getting better or the same?
So the PS4 is showing no signs of slowing down then. Good. There are people saying sales are going to slow down significantly as the gen goes on and I want to see them proven wrong.

With Battlefront + Black Ops 3 + Syndicate + MGSV marketing, this Holidays will boost PS4 sales a lot. And after that, Spring 2016 with Uncharted 4, Street Fighter V should give them decent PS4 sales. Some niche games but well received franchises like Persona 5 also help that. And if we look into near future with FFVIIR, FFXV, Horizon, KH3, DQXI, GoW4 i would say "Damn"


PS4 hasnt even hit its stride yet. Its still LAUNCH PRICE

And we have huge games like Battlefront and Fallout 4 hitting this holiday.

PS4 is gonna sell well over 100 million. At the very least we know PS5 is a certainty

I think 'official price drop' is the secret weapon sony has in their arsenal....that and an inevitable new slim model.....

They will get a big sales spike whenever they are ready for an official price drop.....but since the cost to manufacture has decreased, keeping the price of ps4 at launch price make sense to increase the margin.

Remember kids...as much as Sony wanted to win these 'sales numbers games'....ultimately the game that they really wanted to win is the 'profit margin' game....


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I'm not even sure ps3 crossgen will be gone anytime soon. One thing jp dev learn last gen is they really don't have the resource to make high production value games like western publisher. Other than few huge jp publishers, many dev roll back to ps2/ps3 esque games just on higher resolution and framerate. Sone of them are even portable games from vita.

Once crossgen PS3 dies, it'll be Vita that lives on. Even though sales basically doubled from last year in Japan for PS4 which is good, many are still resistant to picking up consoles in general like years past.

Basically dedicated hardware and core gaming in general seems to be close to death in terms of fan engagement..and for a majority of the devs in Japan who focus on those games, that isn't good. That's why SE is trying so hard, on top of capitalizing on western success.


PS3 cratered and vita is vita:(. I really need to finish off the last of my PS3 games so I can pack it up. It's hogging a hdmi port.
With Battlefront + Black Ops 3 + Syndicate + MGSV marketing, this Holidays will boost PS4 sales a lot. And after that, Spring 2016 with Uncharted 4, Street Fighter V should give them decent PS4 sales. Some niche games but well received franchises like Persona 5 also help that. And if we look into near future with FFVIIR, FFXV, Horizon, KH3, DQXI, GoW4 i would say "Damn"
Ps4 has just hit it's stride



Just make a gaming console.

It's nice to see how simple product design can be. No paradigm change, no new lifestyle but just a product that can do what it supposed to do better than the competition.

This so many times over. I also think it's one of the key reasons the 360 was also successful at clawing back market share, aside from Sony simply fumbling with the PS3 that is. You don't need gimmicky USP's, as proven by the success of the PS1, PS2 and now PS4. Just make a console that is gaming focused, and designed from the ground up to offer better specs, features, services, systems etc that are related to gaming, whilst considering value proposition.
Anyway. You guys should know that PS4 sold better this quarter than Xbox One + Xbox 360 + Wii U + Wii + 3DS combined....

I think it should be fine eventually once PS3 cross gen stops being a thing. There still isn't much for Japanese gamers that isn't already available for them on PS3.

the JRPG push in the next few years seems to be insane ( well, compared to PS3/Wii era at least), i sure hope it can revitalize console market.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I wonder how low can ps4 price go. Does $100 ps4 slim at the end of this gen feasible? Maybe $150?

I think that's feasible as long as die shrinks go at a good pace. 14nm 150$ 40 watt PS4 is easy to see, and that is primarily because they went with basic parts this time instead of the Cell and other technologies from PS3 which can't be shrunk in every consumer machine to turn a profit like that


With Battlefront + Black Ops 3 + Syndicate + MGSV marketing, this Holidays will boost PS4 sales a lot. And after that, Spring 2016 with Uncharted 4, Street Fighter V should give them decent PS4 sales. Some niche games but well received franchises like Persona 5 also help that. And if we look into near future with FFVIIR, FFXV, Horizon, KH3, DQXI, GoW4 i would say "Damn"

We have no games to play.......I mean time.
This so many times over. I also think it's one of the key reasons the 360 was also successful at clawing back market share, aside from Sony simply fumbling with the PS3 that is. You don't need gimmicky USP's, as proven by the success of the PS1, PS2 and now PS4. Just make a console that is gaming focused, and designed from the ground up to offer better specs, features, services, systems etc that are related to gaming, and consider value proposition.
Ms really screw themselves over by making console that are more expensive, but weaker than competition. At least with ps3 more expensive price tag, we know it had a lot of potential and sony first party are there to prove that ps3 is a pretty powerful console.


PS news is nice but its sounds like they kind of just broke even in terms of meeting their overall company goals?

Should we buy stock? :D
If PS4 is siting at 25 million sold through by Paris Games Week than it would mean that they had very bad couple of months. Like shockingly bad.
It's actually not outside the realm of possibility that they might be able to announce 25m sold-through at Gamescom next week. Unlikely, but not impossible.

What are these numbers like in comparison to the Wii during this time?
It would be super interesting if it reached those hights or even surpassed them. It'll probably overtake PS2 sales during its lifetime surely?
It's already behind Wii, and though it might start to close the gap in later years after the Wii fell off, PS4 likely won't live long enough to truly catch up.

It's still ahead of PS2, and will probably stay ahead until next spring. But it will fall behind, and there's pretty much no way it'll have the longevity of PS2. The PS4's final numbers will be somewhere in the range of half that of PS2.
The PS2 was in a much stronger position after this period of time, yet the PS4 is just blitzing past it and everything else.
As said above PS4 exceeds PS2 now, but is falling behind not blitzing ahead. Remember that PS2 launched only in Japan and had production problems for a while; PS4 launched much wider and had far more units available for sale. That provided an initial advantage which is being eroded away.

Does it mean PS3 has no chance to hit 100 millions mark? ...Now it seems we will never know when Xbox 360 and PS3 will hit 90millions...

Yes, PS3 has almost no chance to hit 100m or top Wii. It might be possible if Sony aggressively cut the price and promoted it hard for customers less concerned with the cutting edge. But that's very unlikely due to manufacturing costs and other factors; it wouldn't make financial sense to take the hit just for meaningless bragging rights.

We'll probably find out a number eventually, though. They might announce when they pass 90m--they have a history of milestone PR. But even if not, it's likely they'll announce a final number whenever they discontinue production.


Excellent results. 30m by the end of the year is within reach.

Financials seem pretty good, even from a company wide perspective, when you consider where they were a couple of years back. I would imagine PS4 is probably close to being profitable at sale if it isn't already. Given these results I can't see a price cut this year, despite the improvements in performance I doubt Sony would turn down $500 million or so extra just to pursue more market share when they're already so dominant. No point in wasting too much money on the US market either, doesn't matter whether they're ahead of Xbox there or not when worldwide sales are so strong.

Very valid points. I think it comes down to how much money Sony can make via software, subscription, and accessory sales to offset a price reduction on the PS4.

A lower priced PS4 would do exceptionally well for Sony. We've reached a point in the generation where the majority of publishers and developers are placing their bets on PS4, so consumer faith in the value of the product is at an all-time high. It makes a lot of sense to go after increased market share right now. Increased market share would lead to higher software, subscription, and accessory sales. They can 'solve' the problem of a lower priced PS4 by being smart in how they market the rest of the products and services for the PS4.
PS4 hasnt even hit its stride yet. Its still LAUNCH PRICE

And we have huge games like Battlefront and Fallout 4 hitting this holiday.

PS4 is gonna sell well over 100 million. At the very least we know PS5 is a certainty

I've been predicting that it'll sell over 100 million for a good while now, but there are people on here that think the PS4's momentum will drop off a cliff due to the console market somehow losing its relevance during the gen. I find that a baffling prediction to be honest. If the system is doing well now, it's absolutely going to kill it when the exclusives from the best studios Sony has start rolling in.


Excellent results. 30m by the end of the year is within reach.

Very valid points. I think it comes down to how much money Sony can make via software, subscription, and accessory sales to offset a price reduction on the PS4.

A lower priced PS4 would do exceptionally well for Sony. We've reached a point in the generation where the majority of publishers and developers are placing their bets on PS4, so consumer faith in the value of the product is at an all-time high. It makes a lot of sense to go after increased market share right now. Increased market share would lead to higher software, subscription, and accessory sales. They can 'solve' the problem of a lower priced PS4 by being smart in how they market the rest of the products and services for the PS4.

Whether it's worth it or not basically depends on if they can sell every unit they produce at the current price, or if they're close to supply exceeding demand. My feeling is that unless they see troubling indicators otherwise we'll be waiting until next year for a price cut.


As said above PS4 exceeds PS2 now, but is falling behind not blitzing ahead. Remember that PS2 launched only in Japan and had production problems for a while; PS4 launched much wider and had far more units available for sale. That provided an initial advantage which is being eroded away.

The PS2 launched in October 2000 at $299, and had a price drop to $199 just a year and a half later in May 2002. The PS4 launched in Nov 2013, so it's now past the period the PS2 had it's major price drop during it's lifecycle. if the PS4 received a $100 price drop tomorrow, I've no doubt it would surge in sales.


Imagine if Sony's 1st party studios had hit the mark and delivered a couple more must-haves... probably 28-30 by now.

Even so, pretty amazing turn around by Sony. Next year should be massive for PS4 with Uncharted, Horizon, Morpheus, and whatever else they have cooked up.

I think they are reaching a point with declining production costs where a price drop to $349 won't hurt the bottom line as much, so I'd expect to hear something about this (probably after Christmas).


Is it? I don't see profit mentioned anywhere.

I may be blind.

From the OP

Sales increased 12.1% year-on-year (a 7% increase on a constant currency basis) to 288.6 billion yen (2,365 million U.S. dollars). This significant increase was primarily due to increases in PlayStation 4 (“PS4”) software sales and PS4 peripheral device unit sales as well as the impact of foreign exchange rates, partially offset by a decrease in PlayStation®3 (“PS3”) hardware and software sales.

Operating income increased 15.1 billion yen year-on-year to 19.5 billion yen (160 million U.S. dollars). This significant increase was primarily due to PS4 hardware cost reductions, the above-mentioned increases in PS4 software sales and PS4 peripheral device unit sales, partially offset by the negative impact of the appreciation of the U.S. dollar, reflecting the high ratio of U.S. dollar-denominated costs and the decrease in PS3 software sales.

Operating income in the current quarter also includes 4.7 billion yen (39 million U.S. dollars) of insurance recoveries related to losses incurred from the cyberattack on Sony’s network services including the PlayStation®Network in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. During the current quarter there was a 15.6 billion yen negative impact from foreign exchange rate fluctuations

I May Be Blind
Today 11:18 AM


1.5M per month on average. 13.5/9.

700k July, Aug. 700k, 850k Sept, 750k Oct, 1.8M Nov, 2.0M Dec, 850k Jan, 750k Feb, 1.2M March.

Jul. 250k U.S (rest worldwide)

Aug. 250k U.S (rest worldwide)

Sept. 300-350k U.S (rest worldwide)

Oct. 250k U.S (rest worldwide)

Nov. 800k U.S, rest worldwide.

Dec. half split.

Jan. 350k U.S, rest worldwide. (SFV)

Feb. 200k-250k U.S, rest worldwide.

March, 550k U.S, rest worldwide. (Uncharted 4)

My estimates out of my behind. Comes about --> 9.6M.

13.5m - 9.6m = 3.9m(/9 = 433k/month) shortfall to be distributed among the months. If they're going to push all of that I see a price drop in the mix.
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