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Sony FY2015 Q1 (PS4: 3.0m shipped) PS4 total = 25.3m shipped worldwide



LOL! "Sakujou appearance" killed me.
Sony hasn't done a price cut yet, so they really are taking a lot of profit from hardware.
Considering the reduced costs in manufacturing them.

I feel like they should do a price cut for the consumer but on the other side feel like they should keep it at that price for the company.

I'm so torn right now :p


It has, and will have the legendary library if going by that list. The difference is half the franchises in that image are no longer exclusive, but they're still on, or coming to the system either way. And that's why sales are so strong. I doubt consumers really care if the games they're buying are exclusive or multi platform, so long as the games are great either way.

On the OP, the sales are higher than I predicted. I think at a $299 price point, the console will see PS2 style surges. Surprised it's selling so well at $399.

It will have it at one point, the PlayStation 2 had it after one year. Was such an amazing period back then.
All that and no price cut, Christ. I hope they are loaded, hopefully enough to get them out of all those financially troubles they had.


Its threads like these that make me think back to the halcyon days of the start of this generation. A time when article after article stated that it didn't matter than PS4 sold 1m units in a day in two territories, matching what Xbox One did with 13. That everything but the holiday season is the preseason and doesn't matter. That the first to 10m will win the generation (ok this was a Don Mattrick quote and that prophecy seems to have been fulfilled).

Don't read too much into it.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
The decline is real.

I think they could hit 90, 100 mil during the main 6 years. But people are forgetting that like PS2, PS4 has huge opportunity growth in third world markets after that, especially now that its price can be significantly reduced being off the shelf parts unlike PS3.

PS4 can absolutely be sold as a budget unit like PS2 slim was and make bank after the 'first world' territories moved on
It's actually not outside the realm of possibility that they might be able to announce 25m sold-through at Gamescom next week. Unlikely, but not impossible.

It's already behind Wii, and though it might start to close the gap in later years after the Wii fell off, PS4 likely won't live long enough to truly catch up.

It's still ahead of PS2, and will probably stay ahead until next spring. But it will fall behind, and there's pretty much no way it'll have the longevity of PS2. The PS4's final numbers will be somewhere in the range of half that of PS2.

As said above PS4 exceeds PS2 now, but is falling behind not blitzing ahead. Remember that PS2 launched only in Japan and had production problems for a while; PS4 launched much wider and had far more units available for sale. That provided an initial advantage which is being eroded away.

If the PS4 meets its shipments it will be still way ahead of the PS3 next April. 38.5 vs. ~35 looking at Zhuge's chart.


Like everyone lol

Smartphones, Movies, Home Electronics ( read TVs) keep decreasing.

Movies is fine and always has been, the last year's loss was due to an unforeseen event - it's normally very profitable for them.

TV business is a non-issue as it's its own subsidiary now.

Smartphones is the biggest issue they have right now. Slowing down pursue rate seems like the best thing to do.


Operating income in the current quarter also includes 4.7 billion yen (39 million U.S. dollars) of insurance recoveries related to losses incurred from the cyberattack on Sony’s network services including the PlayStation®Network in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012.

How come Sony is still paying for this? I thought we were long past it now.


So... HW shipments from last quarter:

PS4 - 3M
Xbone + X360 - 1.4M
3DS - 0.8M
WiiU - 0.5M


What a complete domination of Sony in a quarter when they not only fought against MS pricedrop, but also did not have not a single one big exclusive! This 3M shipment was just fueled by the great multiplatform games and the "desirability" factor that PS4 has built for itself. And console is still at its launch price. :D

So Ps4 just shook off a big Xbone price cut as well as no major exclusives on the horizon (though Bloodborne launched in this timeframe right? Guess that helped), and continued to crush Xbox.


No, Bloodborne launch was at the end of March [so not in the this "financial Q1" of sony]. In this quarter, sales of PS4 was boosted mostly by multiplatform releases [MKX, pCars, Witcher 3 and Batman].

Wait, Sony as a whole I turning a profit now?

They turned to profitability recently, and it looks they will earn much more in the future.

There should be 40million PS4 in consumer hands in time for Morpheus.
Depends on the timing of Morpheus [1H 2016]. Sony plans shipping almost 39M by the April 1st, which means 40M in consumer hands will be sometimes in May.

This is why there hasn't been a price cut. It's still above PS2 trajectory and it's still at its original MSRP with shipments up YoY, plus they ate a direct competitor's price cut. That's nuts. $50 in NA/Japan is almost certain this fall but EU/RotW? Apparently there's no need. Have we reached "beyond anyone's highest expectations" yet? This is way better than the predictions of Sony going bankrupt a few years ago with nothing but gloomy numbers. Wow.

Yeah, Sony and Playstation are both in the great shape now. And who knows what impact will Morpheus have on its sales. As for pricedrop... they really don't need one anytime soon, except limited pricedrop in the US where MS will throw shitton of marketing money during holidays.

EDIT: And It's hilarious how close Xbone is to Ps3 figures.
Nobody expects of Xbone to sell as much as PS3 did [~88M as of now], so it will go under sooner or later. Zuge, what do you think, will Xbone go under PS3 by the end of this calendar year?

I wonder how low can ps4 price go. Does $100 ps4 slim at the end of this gen feasible? Maybe $150?
I am expect similar state as with PS3, it will go to ~$200 and stay there. It may go under $200 if they ditch the disc loader and go with a single 256GB flash storage stack.

Excellent results. 30m by the end of the year is within reach.
30M by the end of this year is guaranteed. Their last July-Sept quarter was 3.3M [this one should be higher, although this year there are no Destiny hype], and last Oct-Dec quarter was 6.4M [this one should be higher]. So, in calendar 2H 2014 Sony shipped almost 10M PS4 consoles. This year they will aim at at least 11, making the total shipments by Dec 31 2015.... ~36.5. This leaves them 2M to ship by the end of their FY, in the slowest quarter of the year [Jan-March].
Movies is fine and always has been, the last year's loss was due to an unforeseen event - it's normally very profitable for them.

TV business is a non-issue as it's its own subsidiary now.

Smartphones is the biggest issue they have right now. Slowing down pursue rate seems like the best thing to do.

They've been struggling with growing the pictures division for the last year, and it's not going to be a easy fix. Lack of any tentpole hits and the mediocre performance of ASM2 is hurting them. Add to the fact that they're losing the Bond license (literally to kill for), and that it still remains to be seen by how much the new Spidey reboot will reverse their fortunes. They're in dire need of a profitable franchise.

13.5m - 9.6m = 3.9m(/9 = 433k/month) shortfall to be distributed among the months. If they're going to push all of that I see a price drop in the mix.
Part of the problem is that you're overestimating the share of sales from the U.S. A 250k month in the States is about 750k worldwide.

The decline is real.
Yeah, but a decline from "highest ever" isn't shocking. PS4 performance definitely has a chance to exceed PS3 or possibly even PS1. I know I said "about half PS2" which isn't that high, but I meant it only as a general ballpark. Things could happen, like...
PS4 can absolutely be sold as a budget unit like PS2 slim was and make bank after the 'first world' territories moved on
...or VR really catching fire, or competitors choosing to take profit from a long gen and not forcing turnover, etc. Those sort of events could drive PS4 into 9 digits.

I personally expect contraction in the global dedicated console market. But why should you listen to me?


1.5M per month on average. 13.5/9.

700k July, Aug. 700k, 850k Sept, 750k Oct, 1.8M Nov, 2.0M Dec, 850k Jan, 750k Feb, 1.2M March.

Jul. 250k U.S (rest worldwide)

Aug. 250k U.S (rest worldwide)

Sept. 300-350k U.S (rest worldwide)

Oct. 250k U.S (rest worldwide)

Nov. 800k U.S, rest worldwide.

Dec. half split.

Jan. 350k U.S, rest worldwide. (SFV)

Feb. 200k-250k U.S, rest worldwide.

March, 550k U.S, rest worldwide. (Uncharted 4)

My estimates out of my behind. Comes about --> 9.6M.

13.5m - 9.6m = 3.9m(/9 = 433k/month) shortfall to be distributed among the months. If they're going to push all of that I see a price drop in the mix.

Dude.... just stop. You dont know what you're doing.


Eurogamer mentioned by the end of March 2016 they're expecting 38 million. Nearly 40 millions PS4s out in the wild when Morpheus launches. If even only 10% of PS4 owners jump on board with Morpheus that's 4 million sales. I fully expect at least this by the way. Thing is gonna be a success and ensure devs will have a reason to make VR only games. It will only grow from there.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
It will be interesting to see if the PS4 can remain ahead of the PS2 for the remained of the FY. Looking at the chart their forecast seems to have it still ahead, which is pretty impressive.

That chart does remind me how insane the Wii was early on though.
Very good numbers, a price cut will push dat thing hard, but this seems further away now.

Still expecting Morpheus to kickstart PS4 in Japan, something needs to happen there. All those incoming JRPGs need to be successful!


Nobody expects of Xbone to sell as much as PS3 did [~88M as of now], so it will go under sooner or later. Zuge, what do you think, will Xbone go under PS3 by the end of this calendar year?

Maybe. It'll certainly be tracking close to the PS3 over the next year or so imo.


I think they could hit 90, 100 mil during the main 6 years. But people are forgetting that like PS2, PS4 has huge opportunity growth in third world markets after that, especially now that its price can be significantly reduced being off the shelf parts unlike PS3.

PS4 can absolutely be sold as a budget unit like PS2 slim was and make bank after the 'first world' territories moved on

PS5 based on the same architecture after 5 years, Longer 'cross gen' period as the same architecture allows publishers to spread costs and risk by supporting PS4 for a lot longer. That also helps the idea of PS4 having longer legs into emerging/developing markets as it can be supported for longer with current franchises

We could get the benefit of a nice shiny new PS5 launch while Sony gets the benefit of PS4 being actively on the market for longer than any of their previous consoles.
The US to ROTW ratio is like 30:70.
Yes, he's possibly even more off than I said. I was trying to be generous.
About half of PS2 is less than PS3. You think that's the case?
Yes, if the gen is very much shorter. PS3 had no successor for 7 years. If PS5 comes out after 5 years and is very successful, PS4 might top out around the same as PS3, despite having sold much faster from the off.


Why do journalists keep calling the race close

It doesn't look close

because most 'journalists' are US based and am myopic enough to only tracking the US market...

PS4 and Xbox One are close 'enough' in US (and UK) but taken the world as a whole, the console 'war' is already over.....
Uncharted 4 and Horizon might push a combined 3 million consoles sold in 2016!



By the way, Drake & Alloy should team up in a game one day because both of their characters are alike and joke while facing danger. ;)


Why do journalists keep calling the race close

It doesn't look close

It's hard for American Journalists to reconcile the real sales difference between the consoles to their everyday life, because in the US the split is more 55/45, while Europe doesn't care about non-Playstation platforms, & the rest of the world doesn't know what an Xbox is.

They notice that half the people they know in America own an Xbox, so the sales numbers are too jarring for them so they block that info from registering.
Putting lipstick on your numbers. Quite popular during the PS3 era.

No lipstick. 3 million for one single SKU, which is PS4. Obviously all are shipments figures, because that's how financial reporting works.

Heck, they even destroyed the lipstick for Vita by completely not even bothering to report their sales.
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