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Sony FY2015 Q2: PS4 shipment 4 million, cumulative sell in at 29.3 million


Gold Member
No gimmicks needed.

And this is the key thing here.

It proves that all people want at the end of the day is games. No bullshit, no in your face features that detract from the classic experience, just games.

Which is why I still feel that ultimately VR will be a mistake and that the mass market is not ready for it yet.


*shrugs shoulders*

We shall see. But there's a world of difference between people clicking on a video for something that's been discussed to death on the Internet and actually buying something with their hard earned cash.

I'm not saying that the game will flop by any stretch of the imagination but I don't think that it will be some kind of all consuming phenom either. The original was a hit, people loved it. Are the contemporary gaming audience (the kids who grew up with the PS2, not the PS1) going to rush out and experience that game for themselves?

In saying that, mindless nostalgia made frankly awful Jurassic World the third highest grossing film of all time.

I can see where some people are coming with this Bloodbourne comparison but I feel like remake of a Final Fantasy game (albeit the most popular one) just isn't directly comparable to an original game that was released during something of a drought of PS4 releases.

It's true, I am adorable.

'Fond' memories do not, and have never, translated into definite sales.

The game released as a PS1 classic and was the best if not the best selling PS3 classic on PSN. It's got an iOS port, PC port and an upcoming PS4 port and that's just the original game.

You're doubting what a remaster will do?


And this is the key thing here.

It proves that all people want at the end of the day is games. No bullshit, no in your face features that detract from the classic experience, just games.

Which is why I still feel that ultimately VR will be a mistake and that the mass market is not ready for it yet.

Agreed. Either that or sales of motion sickness medication is about to sky rocket.

The game released as a PS1 classic and was the best if not the best selling PS3 classic on PSN. It's got an iOS port, PC port and an upcoming PS4 port and that's just the original game.

You're doubting what a remaster will do?

Seems to me that the market could already be pretty saturated with people who have played the game, albeit in it's original form.


And this is the key thing here.

It proves that all people want at the end of the day is games. No bullshit, no in your face features that detract from the classic experience, just games.

Which is why I still feel that ultimately VR will be a mistake and that the mass market is not ready for it yet.

I'm still not convinced the market at large wants to wear something on their face. To this day I think this is what lead to the failure of 3DTVs: nobody wanted to have to wear damn 3D glasses when they sat down to watch some TV or play some games.
The Final Fantasy VII Remake is the epitome of the 'fan boy echo chamber' or (as I like to call it) The Scott Pilgrim Effect in so much as GAF will gush and rave about it but no one in the 'real world' will be that bothered let alone rush out to buy it.

You are absolutely wrong about that. The reveal trailer has around 10 million views on YouTube. That ain't niche.


Seems to me that the market could already be pretty saturated with people who have played the game, albeit in it's original form.

Oh come on. Now you're just disagreeing for the sake of it. Devil's advocate only works if both sides are at least somewhat feasible/reasonable. I can't see how anyone would honestly think that ports are saturating the market for the first remake of a game.
Superb business by Sony - they are slowly and surely climbing out of that rut, with the Playstation brand leading the way. And to think that these numbers are about to go ballistic with the behemoths that are COD and Star Wars BF on the near horizon, coupled with a price drop.

Yeah, those two bundles should do really well. Coupled with the price cut, holiday season looks to be a great one for them.


That's ridiculous.
Could even be a bit less if they ever bother getting us accurate PlayStation 2 and 3 numbers. I was calculating based on Sony having sold 366 million consoles, but they are supposed to have reached 370 in April even according to GAF.


Gold Member
I'm still not convinced the market at large wants to wear something on their face. To this day I think this is what lead to the failure of 3DTVs: nobody wanted to have to wear damn 3D glasses when they sat down to watch some TV or play some games.

Yep. When was the last time you saw someone talk about google glass for example?

This is the kind of stuff that is made by tech geeks for tech geeks.

I'm not doubting how good the experience itself might be (I'm sure its great) however the issues stem from physically having to wear a heavy device on your face.


Wow even with zero meaningful competition the quad can't outpace the wii. Nintendos sales monster. What an accomplishment.


Yep. When was the last time you saw someone talk about google glass for example?

This is the kind of stuff that is made by tech geeks for tech geeks.

I'm not doubting how good the experience itself might be (I'm sure its great) however the issues stem from physically having to wear a heavy device on your face.

Oooh Google Glass excellent example. Yep that pretty much vanished as far as I can tell. Yea I would not at all be surprised to see VR fall flat after saturating the enthusiast market. I just can't see it appealing to the mainstream.

Wow even with zero meaningful competition the quad can't outpace the wii. Nintendos sales monster. What an accomplishment.

The Wii had no competition because it sold to a completely different market than its competitors. A market that has entirely abandoned Nintendo and console gaming at large hence the underwhelming performance of the Wii U. The outlier of the Wii does not in the slightest diminish the impressive sales that the PS4 has managed.


Wow even with zero meaningful competition the quad can't outpace the wii. Nintendos sales monster. What an accomplishment.

Soon it will, PS4 sales won't drop like a rock on 4/5th year. Wii didn't even outsell PS1 let alone PS2.

Not that big of a monster when it all said and done.


Junior Member
wow, how much you dig to recover this tweet. Must have done through the reserves of diamonds and oil to bring out this post. :D


uncut edition is still amazing and maybe will remain amazing next decade


how amazing is sony turnover since 2009


You are absolutely wrong about that. The reveal trailer has around 10 million views on YouTube. That ain't niche.

I didn't say that the game would bomb, just that it wouldn't be a huge driving of PS4 sales etc which the poster I was replying to claimed.

I think that niche is probably too strong a word for what I was trying to communicate. It'll sell, but I just don't see it being some huge (GTA5 ???) sized sales phenom.



uncut edition is still amazing and maybe will remain amazing next decade


how amazing is sony turnover since 2009

Amazing how PS3 managed to outsell the 360 worldwide. That was the biggest reversal in the industry's history.

I hope Xbone remains competitive so Sony won't get cocky ever again, we need a industry where everyone pushes themselves to the limit.


The Final Fantasy VII Remake is the epitome of the 'fan boy echo chamber' or (as I like to call it) The Scott Pilgrim Effect in so much as GAF will gush and rave about it but no one in the 'real world' will be that bothered let alone rush out to buy it.

That's like saying Gran Turismo, Halo, and Uncharted are echo chambers as well, which is about ~10 million in those massive chambers.

While I don't expect a JRPG to sell 10 million in 2017, it will still sell ~7 million, which should be higher than God of War & Gears.
The only games I can see outselling the Final Fantasy 7 remake on PS4 are the Grand Theft Auto games, some CoD games and Gran Turismo. I think FF 7 will be bigger than basically everything else on the platform.


Comparing PSVR to Google Glass is one hell of a lopsided comparison. Google Glass, the awkward thing you are meant to wear out in public, who's only benefit is a poor quality display floating in the corner of your vision to tell you what the weather is like or if you got a text message... hardly compares to something designed for living room use at home either by yourself or with a small gathering of friends/family, something which literally puts you in a game world and lets you interact naturally with that world. Be IN a Ferrari driving around Monza, stand ON the edge of a cliff overlooking the grand canyon, or a crater on the Moon... the two devices could not be more different.

VR delivers on it's promise in ways we could only have dreamed about a few short years ago. To overlook the huge ream of reaction videos from first timers trying these devices, to overlook the huge potential to change our world, and just lump it in with 3D glasses... madness. VR through word of mouth and public demo booths, will explode onto the wold's consciousness. Just wait until someone you know has it to try out, or it's on display at a local mall etc. Once people en masse, non gamers especially, see and experience VR, it will explode.


Sony increased their annual shipment target for PS4 : that's 17,5 million now instead of 16,5 million. That mean they have to ship 10,5 more million between october and april.

The Game & Network Service Division also has a new annual target for operating income with 80 billion yen instead of 60 billon yen.

For the year, that would put the video game above music, pictures, mobile, cameras and TV.

Iirc, at the height of xbox one Live subscription fees in 360 twilight years, the Microsoft division Xbox is in was making about 1 billion operating income.

The numbers for Sony Video Games Division will only get bigger.
I didn't say that the game would bomb, just that it wouldn't be a huge driving of PS4 sales etc which the poster I was replying to claimed.

I think that niche is probably too strong a word for what I was trying to communicate. It'll sell, but I just don't see it being some huge (GTA5 ???) sized sales phenom.

I don't think any one expects it to sell like GTA or COD.
I bought a PS3 late. Some time in 2011. I was a Nintendo-only player up until then, until RE4 changed my mind on what games could be. After a brief stint in PC, I settled on the console.

The reason I bought a PS3 over the 360 came down to a single factor: exclusives. PlayStation had Infamous, Uncharted, God of War, Heavy Rain, and a slew of remasters that made the purchase simple. I didn't know which games I actually wanted to play, I didn't know much about any of them. But this late in the lifecycle, multiplats plus all these exclusives seemed much more appealing than multiplats plus Halo and Gears.

I ended up loving my PS3. And by the quick turnaround between my purchase and the launch of the PS4, I already trusted the PlayStation brand. I trusted that they would deliver unique experiences I couldn't get anywhere else.

Last of Us ended up being the nail in that coffin. Last of Us gave new meaning to "only on PlayStation."

I bought a PS4 at launch. The only two games I played for the first year were Tomb Raider: DE and Last of Us Remastered. But I didn't regret my purchase, because I bought my PS4 on a promise I felt that Sony made to me. That, eventually, I would have experiences I could only get from their machine.

And I already feel that that has been delivered. Between Bloodborne and Until Dawn, I am contented by my decision. PlayStation takes care of me. PlayStation loves me. PlayStation makes me feel powerful and beautiful and like I'm the only player in the world.

And that's why I am announcing that I am going to marry my PlayStation 4. I am writing this from a small yacht, accompanied by an ordained minister/sea captain, and soon we will be Mr. and Mr. PlayStation 4.

Can't believe how much I'm crying over this. So embarrassing!! rt if you cry every time

Mar Nosso

I hope amir0x lives in shame to this day still.

I also hope 2016 will see PS4 up YOY and it likely will with the onslaught of incredible games being unleashed.
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