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Sony refused cross platform play in Minecraft


This is wrong and I criticize Sony for doing it...but.

When I first heard this I just BUSTED out into laughter. I just imagined this is how it went.

*Phil Spencer walks up to Shuhei.*

Phil: H-Hey Shu-Shuhei...uhm...

Shuhei: Look me in the eyes when you speak to me.

Phil: S-Sorry Yoshida-san. Will...uhm, would Sony like to-

Shuhei: Look me in the eyes Mr. Spencer. LOOK..............

*awkward silence as well as a death stare showdown, but obviously it's one sided*


*Shuhei slaps Phil across the face and Phil runs off crying, in the process of him running away and crying we hear:*




I keep trying to think of a reason that Sony isn't doing this and I can't come up with a single reason. It's only a positive for gamers as they'll in theory have more people to play online games against.

And they've done PS4 + PC cross play so this definitely isn't some global policy at Sony. Hopefully we find out more soon.
Bloody hell, what a response.

Look guys, I get that it's a popular game, I rarely see it mentioned here on GAF hence I'm surprised at the rate this thread has grown. There are plenty of popular games out there that are not popular on GAF at all.

And for what it's worth, it's a shitty policy, but to be honest I don't really care since it's not a game that I play. If this involved a game that I did play then I'd have a part to play in the discussion but as far as this game is concerned...

But then, maybe I should know better, much of this thread isn't even about the game itself as the discussion is focused on the "politics" surrounding the issue at hand. Let's just hope the policy is the exception due to who publishes the game rather than the rule.
you should care because games you do play won't even waste time and resources to implement cross play due to these anti consumer policies.
It's so WEIRD because Sony was the first to support something like this (FFXI had 360/pS2/pc cross play!), so I ...don't get the backpedal.

(Yes, I know XI wouldn't be true cross play like this, but the fact that MS had to make a special exception to their Live policy at the time to try to break into.Japan w/ XI makes it noteworthy all the same.)

Sony is doing REALLY WELL right now.

They have a history of performing the most consumer friendly actions when they are slipping a bit in the market.

When they are killing it in all markets they get cocky.


Where were most of you a few years ago regarding this topic?

Or during the 360 PS3 generation?

Now all the sudden it is important..."Anti consumer" "assholish"

When this happened during those times with Microsoft on the other side of the fense....most didn't gave a fuck. Xbox and PlayStation gamers.
people can love their playstation and still want xbox to do well so sony has competition, nothing's wrong with what he said

I just think it's fucking stupid to call Sony arrogant when with little competition they are still releasing great games regularly, and one little thing that will be forgotten by the end of E3 is suddenly making them "arrogant". Reminds me of the 4K blu ray hoopla that meant nothing in the end, just some bullshit outrage.

How is this anti consumer if you have a choice as a consumer to purchase the game on other platforms?


This is wrong and I criticize Sony for doing it...but.

When I first heard this I just BUSTED out into laughter. I just imagined this is how it went.

*Phil Spencer walks up to Shuhei.*

Phil: H-Hey Shu-Shuhei...uhm...

Shuhei: Look me in the eyes when you speak to me.

Phil: S-Sorry Yoshida-san. Will...uhm, would Sony like to-

Shuhei: Look me in the eyes Mr. Spencer. LOOK..............

*awkward silence as well as a death stare showdown, but obviously it's one sided*


*Shuhei slaps Phil across the face and Phil runs off crying, in the process of him running away and crying we hear:*


I own a PS4 and i vowed to never ever buy any console from Microsoft ever again since the original XBONE reveal, but damn, how far up the ass of sony fanboyism have you to be to come up with something like this?


I thought some of mah boys from Nintendo's side were crazy but the Sony fans can be pretty batshit insane too using mental gymnastics to make a positive a negative choice for a company.

There is no negative for Sony at all and Apple and Nintendo signed in on the deal so how worse can the conditions even be.

Ps i am also a fan of sony games and hardware but why the need to defend the company every single time.

If even Nintendo the company with the most crazy business decisions and company self pride ever said yes it really can't be that bad. Unless ofcourse they are afraid of a psn breach again lol.

Market leader what? Pc and mobile/tablet Minecraft are Sony only is so on the console space with most sold consoles this gen. But competitive companies never work together!?! WRONG Samsung and Apple for example work together (Samsung produces parts for Iphones) and those are one of the biggest rivals customer wise.

Cross play would be a huge benefit and Sony denied it multiple times in the past when Microsoft did it was something about servers with FFXIV. Sony denied Rocket League too wich became big thanks to them putting it on ps plus.

Sony's selfpride prevents a nice feature to come to Minecraft the biggest game of the century so far. This will also make the PS4 version behind in updates and it possibly won't get multiplayer servers + realms cuz of it.


Where were most of you a few years ago regarding this topic?

Or during the 360 PS3 generation?

Now all the sudden it is important..."Anti consumer" "assholish"

When this happened during those times with Microsoft on the other side of the fense....most didn't gave a fuck. Xbox and PlayStation gamers.

PSWii60 gen I barely paid attention to the industry, so that's where I was. I was living a more carefree life with no drama and just playing games. Then I found NeoGAF.

Either way, that's neither here nor there. If Sony wanted that last gen, why deny it this gen when everyone is finally on-board? Spite is rather unbecoming.
This is wrong and I criticize Sony for doing it...but.

When I first heard this I just BUSTED out into laughter. I just imagined this is how it went.

*Phil Spencer walks up to Shuhei.*

Phil: H-Hey Shu-Shuhei...uhm...

Shuhei: Look me in the eyes when you speak to me.

Phil: S-Sorry Yoshida-san. Will...uhm, would Sony like to-

Shuhei: Look me in the eyes Mr. Spencer. LOOK..............

*awkward silence as well as a death stare showdown, but obviously it's one sided*


*Shuhei slaps Phil across the face and Phil runs off crying, in the process of him running away and crying we hear:*


so you're into BDSM
and depending if you're a Sony or Microsoft fanboy you either identify as Top or Bottom.
tell us more about your day dreams, honey
other than the novelty of walking up to someone in game and seeing their on the 'opposite' console who cares?

unless the game is dying and there is literally no one to play with on PlayStation this feature isn't even needed.



"We've been doing that with PS3 and PC, PS4 and PC most recently with Street Fighter 5 and Rocket League and other games. That's nothing new for us, in terms of working with developers and publishers to allow cross-platform play between PC and PS4," said Sony Worldwide Studios' Shuhei Yoshida to Eurogamer at the time.

"Because PC is an open platform it's much more straightforward," Yoshida continued. "Connecting two different closed networks is much more complicated so we have to work with developers and publishers to understand what it is they are trying to accomplish... We also have to look at the technical aspect - and the technical aspect could be the easiest. We also have to look at policy issues and business issues as well."
I just think it's fucking stupid to call Sony arrogant when with little competition they are still releasing great games regularly, and one little thing that will be forgotten by the end of E3 is suddenly making them "arrogant". Reminds me of the 4K blu ray hoopla that meant nothing in the end, just some bullshit outrage.

How is this anti consumer if you have a choice as a consumer to purchase the game on other platforms?
Sony is arrogant for saying "EA Access is not a good product for our consumers" instead of allowing their consumers to decide that for themselves, and for not allowing crossplay here when their consumers might have friends on another platform.

And 4K Blu ray hoopla did not mean nothing in the end. pro's lack thereof is THE reason why I was interested in xbone x and why i'm still now considering it or the xbone s.
other than the novelty of walking up to someone in game and seeing their on the 'opposite' console who cares?

unless the game is dying and there is literally no one to play with on PlayStation this feature isn't even needed.

Where were most of you a few years ago regarding this topic?

Or during the 360 PS3 generation?

Now all the sudden it is important..."Anti consumer" "assholish"

When this happened during those times with Microsoft on the other side of the fense....most didn't gave a fuck. Xbox and PlayStation gamers.
wow. you guys don't have to defend everything these public companies do. this is anti consumer, and pro company it's simple as that.


Business wise it makes sense for me, given the PS4 is the lead platform in the console space. Want to join the (large and quickly growing) PS4 userbase in online gaming? Buy a PS4. But as a consumer I would obviously prefer crossplay.
Sony is arrogant for saying "EA Access is not a good product for our consumers" instead of allowing their consumers to decide that for themselves, and for not allowing crossplay here when their consumers might have friends on another platform.

And 4K Blu ray hoopla did not mean nothing in the end. pro's lack thereof is THE reason why I was interested in xbone x and why i'm still now considering it or the xbone s.

Congrats to you, meanwhile Sony is still outselling the competition.


Business wise it makes sense for me, given the PS4 is the lead platform in the console space. Want to join the PS4 userbase in online gaming? Buy a PS4. But as a consumer I would obviously prefer crossplay.

Thing about Minecraft though is that the servers are largely barren on consoles. This update fixes the issue tremendously which helps sells for console versions with a play anywhere and with anyone mentality. PS4 being locked means those servers will stay barren and become deader as time goes on as people move to greener pastures.


They already do crossplay on many titles and continue to, why would they refuse unless MS got some unreasonable requirement?

But they won't do it with MS. They just don't want to.

Psynoix president Jeremy Dunham, the studio behind Rocket League, told IGN:

“We’re literally at the point where all we need is the go-ahead on the Sony side,” said Dunham, “and we can, in less than a business day, turn it on and have it up and working no problem. It’d literally take a few hours to propagate throughout the whole world, so really we’re just waiting on the permission to do so.”

Psyonic's system does all the handshaking between networks and Sony still won't allow it. At some point you have to accept that ms isn't getting in the way here

Where were most of you a few years ago regarding this topic?

Or during the 360 PS3 generation?

Now all the sudden it is important..."Anti consumer" "assholish"

When this happened during those times with Microsoft on the other side of the fense....most didn't gave a fuck. Xbox and PlayStation gamers.

Really? I recall people being similarly upset with MS... the only difference is, the games in question weren't as big as the games Sony is blocking now...

I own a PS4 and i vowed to never ever buy any console from Microsoft ever again since the original XBONE reveal, but damn, how far up the ass of sony fanboyism have you to be to come up with something like this?

so you're into BDSM
and depending if you're a Sony or Microsoft fanboy you either identify as Top or Bottom.
tell us more about your day dreams, honey

LOL. I knew this was coming. I really don't know why this popped into my head but OBVIOUSLY it's cause I'm a fanboy. Love it.


It's just funny that Nintendo does it, but Sony won't. I would expect Nintendo to have a more closed mind than Sony regarding this. I would also expect PSN to be more than capable of working with it if Nintendo's online system can.

I think it's subjective. Companies are run differently, as are networks. I think they should look into getting it done, 100%, but can totally understand why they wouldn't.
Where were most of you a few years ago regarding this topic?

Or during the 360 PS3 generation?

Now all the sudden it is important..."Anti consumer" "assholish"

When this happened during those times with Microsoft on the other side of the fense....most didn't gave a fuck. Xbox and PlayStation gamers.

I just think it's fucking stupid to call Sony arrogant when with little competition they are still releasing great games regularly, and one little thing that will be forgotten by the end of E3 is suddenly making them "arrogant". Reminds me of the 4K blu ray hoopla that meant nothing in the end, just some bullshit outrage.

How is this anti consumer if you have a choice as a consumer to purchase the game on other platforms?

Your posts are terrible and you both should feel terrible.

Here's a post of mine from 2013 tearing Microsoft a new asshole for being anti-consumer and arrogant.
Sony is arrogant for saying "EA Access is not a good product for our consumers" instead of allowing their consumers to decide that for themselves, and for not allowing crossplay here when their consumers might have friends on another platform.

And 4K Blu ray hoopla did not mean nothing in the end. pro's lack thereof is THE reason why I was interested in xbone x and why i'm still now considering it or the xbone s.
I think Sony knows their audience better than we do. Some people are happy of sony protecting their platform from bad business practives like EA Access. Other are happy with them not investing in BC because they don't seem to care about it. Now some people doesn't need this feature. I think Sony is doing great job satisfying their audience. Thankfully MS and Nintendo are doing the same with the oppsosite decisions.
Where were most of you a few years ago regarding this topic?

Or during the 360 PS3 generation?

Now all the sudden it is important..."Anti consumer" "assholish"

When this happened during those times with Microsoft on the other side of the fense....most didn't gave a fuck. Xbox and PlayStation gamers.
Because I'm primarily a Playstation gamer and didn't give a shit about Xbox last gen? And I want feature parity with other devices in my games because I'm buying them for myself now?
Stop bringing in last generation guys.


This particular reason why people are okay with things like this and EA Access baffle me.

Guess it's okay for a company to shit on its customers because they're the market leader.

How are they shitting on me? Again, I think they should enable cross-platform play, but I lose absolutely nothing by them not doing it.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Really? I recall people being similarly upset with MS... the only difference is, the games in question weren't as big as the games Sony is blocking now...

Yep. People criticized MS back then when they were the ones preventing cross platform play. Now it seems Microsoft and Nintendo will do it, but Sony is preventing it on their side.


Thing about Minecraft though is that the servers are largely barren on consoles. This update fixes the issue tremendously which helps sells for console versions with a play anywhere and with anyone mentality. PS4 being locked means those servers will stay barren and become deader as time goes on as people move to greener pastures.

I don't play Minecraft but that is a good point. I think it is more of a general policy of Sony to not have crossplay with their competitors than it is a specific decision in regards to Minecraft. But I agree specific titles can benefit greatly from crossplay and as a consequence it can be a selling point for a console.
I think Sony knows their audience better than we do. Some people are happy of sony protecting their platform from bad business practives like EA Access. Other are happy with them not investing in BC because they don't seem to care about it. Now some people doesn't need this feature. I think Sony is doing great job satisfying their audience. Thankfully MS and Nintendo are doing the same with the oppsosite decisions.

I swear shit like this makes me ashamed to own a Pro and a PSVR. The fanboyism makes me wish to not be identified with Playstation owners lest people think me a sycophant.

Sony isn't protecting me from shit by preventing me from subbing to EA Access.

I am not fucking happy that Sony won't let me play games on the PS4 that I've already bought from them two or three times on other platforms.

I am their fucking audience. I spend thousands on each platform they release.


I swear shit like this makes me ashamed to own a Pro and a PSVR. The fanboyism makes me wish to not be identified with Playstation owners lest people think me a sycophant.

Sony isn't protecting me from shit by preventing me from subbing to EA Access.

I am not fucking happy that Sony won't let me play games on the PS4 that I've already bought from them two or three times on other platforms.

I am their fucking audience. I spend thousands on each platform they release.
I'm pretty sure that's sarcasm.


To be fair this offers little to Sony's bottom line. They would much rather have you buy a PS4 to play with your friends.

Bad strategy when you and your friends can play on your tablet/pc/phone. Given which platforms the majority of people play Minecraft on, chances are one of these options will be the better route.
Congrats to you, meanwhile Sony is still outselling the competition.
what's that gotta do with my contentment with their product? great, Ps4 is trudging to 100 million consoles sold...and for that reason I should not be upset that sony is not allowing crossplay or EA access?
Human speak bad Sony. Human fanboy. Human bad. Me not fooled with avatar.
what I don't understand is: he calls mr. nice guy a fanboy. mr. nice guy has a Yakuza avatar - playstation exclusive game, and mr. fanboy is making a point on sony, and that makes him a fanboy somehow? for saying something in favor of the competition? wtf?
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