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Sony Reportedly Waiting on Xbox Series X Price Before Setting the PS5 Price (Updated OP)


Rage Bait Youtuber

He then said that one factor Sony can't control is the "price level" of the next-gen console space. Totoki implies that Sony is waiting to see what the price of the Xbox Series X will be before putting a price on the PS5, so as to be competitive.

"What is not very clear or visible is because we are competing in the space, so it’s very difficult to discuss anything about the price at this point of time, and depending upon the price level, we may have to determine the promotion that we are going to deploy and how much costs we are prepared to pay."

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RSI Employee of the Year
I listened to the conference. That's a VERY liberal interpretation.

He simply said they cannot discuss the price, which may very well mean that they don't want to reveal it to the competition in advance.

Usual incorrect reporting making something into something it isn't for clicks.


I listened to the conference. That's a VERY liberal interpretation.

He simply said they cannot discuss the price, which may very well mean that they don't want to reveal it to the competition in advance.

Usual incorrect reporting making something into something it isn't for clicks.
this is what i understood as well.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
In other words, one wants to undercut the other, the question is... which?

I see Sony going in cheaper and Ms being utterly terrible at changing the price, as usual.


I listened to the conference. That's a VERY liberal interpretation.

He simply said they cannot discuss the price, which may very well mean that they don't want to reveal it to the competition in advance.

Usual incorrect reporting making something into something it isn't for clicks.
Well isn’t that the same but with different wording?


I listened to the conference. That's a VERY liberal interpretation.

He simply said they cannot discuss the price, which may very well mean that they don't want to reveal it to the competition in advance.

Usual incorrect reporting making something into something it isn't for clicks.

it's intentional to make clickbait articles.

some fools still believe PS4 price was defined in the day MS said the famous $500.

Price is one the last, if not the last thing they will reveal.


RSI Employee of the Year
Well isn’t that the same but with different wording?

No it's not. Not wanting to DISCUSS a price not to let your competition know in advance does not in any shape or form mean that you have not decided. It may very well be (and it likely is) that they don't want to give the competition a chance to change their price to undercut them.

Whoever wrote this article simply picked the juiciest interpretation (of many possible) for a VERY vague statement and made it into a headline.


...lacks reading comprehension.
Sounds like they are not confident with their specs alone to beat Microsoft. If they were, they could announce right now. Getting the feeling with the lack of Lockhart info that Microsoft might go with 12 TF at 399 and just take the loss. Sony would be really screwed if that secondary SKU was just a ruse.


I listened to the conference. That's a VERY liberal interpretation.

He simply said they cannot discuss the price, which may very well mean that they don't want to reveal it to the competition in advance.

Usual incorrect reporting making something into something it isn't for clicks.



I expecting 400€/$ with a GPU between 5600XT and 5700XT + Raytracing hardware + custom hardware (for other tasks such as IA)


sony is very afraid. they wont get the same pass as current gen... this time around xbox might even win. we will see.. xbox would def. deserve it with all their customer pro choices, like pro-crossplay, pro-BC, pro-EA access, no cencorship etc.
whereas sony, didnt really allow crossplay, blocked ea access in the beginning, no BC etc.


Yeah like Abriael_GN Abriael_GN and llien llien (hilarious and sadly all to true comic) said, this is purposeful misrepresentation for clicks...

It always cracks me up when gamers think MS or Sony have these kind of reactions to each other and willingly would blow off focus groups, studies, and their own experts to get in a gotcha...

Ms going with older ram, quick jam in some GDDR5, that won't change costs right?

What's this MS wont allow used physical media...flip the switch because we will hur hur

What's that Sony is making a cross gen system too?, who care double the specs, no triple them it's not like these parts and numbers were done months ago...its reactionary REACTIONARY
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Gold Member

Imagine going to a big and expensive university, you graduate, study some more, get a specialization, study even more, get a job, get into a doctorate program on economics, bust your ass off, get the doctorate, look for a better job now that you are a PhD. Job hunt... contacted by a head hunter for "one of the biggest companies in the world". Being hired by sony, a huge mega corporation, first day on the job, they say they have to determine the pricing of the newest shit...the ps5. They say you have to sign a huge NDA, the consequences of breaking such NDA would kill you career.

Ok, its done...lets get to work...

"oh no, we are going to wait"
"yes, we have to wait and see what Microsoft does"



Phil Spencer will announce new X series pricing starting 1 million dollars.. Sony will come back with 599.99.. Phil will say 598.99.. mad lad.
That's a dangerous game right there. Microsoft could literally announce it lower than cost which would hurt Sony in the end. Making all those console sales a deficit instead of making any money on them. Their new NVMe solution can't be cheap.
Sounds like they are not confident with their specs alone to beat Microsoft. If they were, they could announce right now. Getting the feeling with the lack of Lockhart info that Microsoft might go with 12 TF at 399 and just take the loss. Sony would be really screwed if that secondary SKU was just a ruse.
By this logic Microsoft isn't confident in their specs because if they were they would just announce now.


RSI Employee of the Year
That's a dangerous game right there. Microsoft could literally announce it lower than cost which would hurt Sony in the end. Making all those console sales a deficit instead of making any money on them. Their new NVMe solution can't be cheap.

But that's not what they said.


contacted by a head hunter for "one of the biggest companies in the world". Being hired by sony, a huge mega corporation,

bwahaha... you didnt describe sony here, but microsoft. sony is a little fish compared to MS. they are nothing. Sony net worth as of February 03, 2020 is $87.78B. Microsoft is now worth over $1 trillion - yes, TRILLION.

sony could easily go bankrupt if they fuck up PS5. easily.


Gold Member
bwahaha... you didnt describe sony here, but microsoft. sony is a little fish compared to MS. they are nothing. Sony net worth as of February 03, 2020 is $87.78B. Microsoft is now worth over $1 trillion - yes, TRILLION.

sony could easily go bankrupt if they fuck up PS5. easily.

Wrong. PlayStation is 19% of their total revenue as a company. Imaging sensors, insurance, and the like are the larger revenue / profits.


They didn't say much to the people they work for, not saying anything to the consumer either.
Stakes are high(er) for them, especially coming from 110M+ owners, have to thread carefully as expectation also runs higher.
Not a fan of their approach nor the people at PlayStation ATM (beside Shuhei), but I understand their choice(s) as well as user frustration(s).


The actual cfo never mentions ms or xsx . All of this was the author’s interpretations
But seems Sony strategy from the start think about crushing the Xbox above all

"We targeted Microsoft from day one -- we were ruthless," he says. "I'm not of this mentality anymore, but at the time it was life or death as far as I was concerned. We had this expression in our business meetings: 'Kill them right at the start and take no prisoners' when it came to Microsoft. It worked at least for PS2, and it continued to work on PS3 and PS4, and it'll probably continue to work on PS5 because we drove piles under the strength of the PlayStation equals games concept at that stage when we were getting ready to take Microsoft on."

PlayStation 2 launched in Japan in March 2000, ahead of its North American release in October and then Europe and Australia in November of that year. The European launch was tough, with Deering saying that the financial losses in this region were larger than those of the US and Japan combined.

"We had a tough year in the first year of PS2 because it arrived late, the cost was very high, the yen was not that weak," he remembers. "I had a rough bit with Tokyo because we had a loss year in the PS2's first year. Everyone lost, but our loss was as big as the US and Japan combined. That was possibly because we sold more PS2s and they were all sold at a loss."


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Sounds like they are not confident with their specs alone to beat Microsoft. If they were, they could announce right now. Getting the feeling with the lack of Lockhart info that Microsoft might go with 12 TF at 399 and just take the loss. Sony would be really screwed if that secondary SKU was just a ruse.
I think they just don't want MS to try to come in at similar specs but $100 cheaper. They probably want to sell the PS5 at $500
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You do understand that you're quoting something from 2 decades ago, from someone who hasn't worked at Sony for a generation, who also said that his mentality has changed since?
There's a financial reason that Sony don't use anymore an aggressive policy against Xbox?
If it's a winning formula why not?


RSI Employee of the Year
There's a financial reason that Sony don't use anymore an aggressive policy against Xbox?
If it's a winning formula why not?

Because nowadays hardware manufacturing is a LOT more complex than it used to be. And so is the distribution and marketing pipeline. Setting prices reactively may very well be a very bad idea if one wants to be profitable, especially against a company that has a LOT more money in the bank and can probably afford to take larger losses.

Regardless, there is no indication whatsoever that Sony is doing it, because that's not what they said. Simple as that.
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