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Sony teasing The Order sneak peak at 1pm PT today.

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Well, releasing a new video showing a lot of the stuff we had seen before, only in much worse quality this time, really doesn't look like a smart move.

Also, while compression is really bad, that sign should still be somewhat visible. It's probably gone for good, for some reason.

No, it's still there, it's just the quality of the stream. You can make it out on occasions.
If there's any problem I have with Sony is that they don't show off their games in the best light. With Infamous they just showed the same mission being played over and over again in almost every trailer. Now with The Order they're using Twitch? I'm really looking forward to this game so I hope we get a better trailer at E3.

If they don't show the game in the best light and the fact is the game should be better than this, then you should definitely look forward to the final product.

You won't definitely have the 'ooh shit I am so dissapointed with this game because, I have been spoiled by trailers already syndrome', that has occured.


lol at everyone jumping on my ass because the videos released yesterday look like shit.

well if we're just going to post random comparison pics,

The top picture looks better. Which build is which?


If they don't show the game in the best light and the fact is the game should be better than this, then you should definitely look forward to the final product.

You won't definitely have the 'ooh shit I am so dissapointed with this game because, I have been spoiled by trailers already syndrome', that has occured.

Of course I'm looking forward to it but I'm not sure I understand your reasoning. A great trailer gets people hyped and excited, a crappy trailer just turns them off. As we've seen in this thread.
People who say this is boring, they do know that this is probably on easy and by a non expert player, right?

Because it looked fine to me. Seriously, and we haven't even seen the exploratory segment, or more of the story.

People (even me) call TLOU one of the best games of last gen, and it didn't have amazing combat, but great pace and great story.

But then why don't they show that?? I really want to see what's interesting about this game, but so far, I've seen nothing out of the ordinary, other than the graphics and mêlée system.
I don't mean different skins. Resistance did not have your typical dude-bro weapons - each was unique and defined the gameplay. Tell me now, where is your list of The Order's weapons? Where is your list of The Order's enemy types and behaviours?

So what exactly are you trying to prove with your circular argument? I've played the resistance trilogy, and, while every weapon is unique, it barely made any difference to the gameplay than a handgun/sniper approach (a bit more creative death animations). Other than that, it's your standard shooter. Some bosses (like the spider tank) really encompasses the zenith of the depth the gameplay is available.

So no, I'm not sure what all the weapons and enemies are in the game. But tell me right now, are we going to see a deviation from the moment-to-moment gameplay that blends cutscene, QTE's and setpieces? And how exactly are new weapons going to change the way we approach enemies. We're still going to heavily rely on convenient waist high cover and press "x" to awesome sequence like what we've observed in that short gameplay stream. Are you suggesting his won't be the case for the whole game? If so, then the're pretty inconsistent with their design.


The top picture looks better. Which build is which?

Top: old
Bottom: new

You're also comparing a direct grab vs. a capture from an awful youtube video which was grabbed from a terrible twitch stream. I'd wait to pass judgement on ZOMG downgrades because of the afwul quality of the latest footage. There are certainly hints of improvements on some things (lighting, shaders).
Well, releasing a new video showing a lot of the stuff we had seen before, only in much worse quality this time, really doesn't look like a smart move.

Also, while compression is really bad, that sign should still be somewhat visible. It's probably gone for good, for some reason.

It is still somewhat visible. The compression is that bad.

Looking at old twitch streams from Sony, some are pretty good quality. So did they mess up, or did the only person who recorded this forget to tick above 320p?


Is there a bloody video....I'm sick and tired of people complaining and i don't even know what they're complaining about.
It's a beautiful looking game and has that 'Ryse' next-gen sheen to it, rather than the 'last-gen' upscaled look.

But, the gameplay does look a bit janky and raw at the moment, not like a game coming out this year. In fact, it has something in common with 'Ryse' there too :D
Does twitch really need promoting on PS4? Seems to have been a roaring success in how quickly streaming took off.

And it's hard to call this promoting 1886 successfully when the footage isn't very good and has noticeable capture issues that can easily be mistaken for technical issues in game.

The issues with the footage are really apparent when you watch it on a 40" TV. Just release the HQ footage, RaD/Sony.

Well most marketing by any company isn't really aimed at the type of enthusiast consumer you find on message boards like this, it's for the people who haven't bought a PS4 yet, the "softcore"
Of course I'm looking forward to it but I'm not sure I understand your reasoning. A great trailer gets people hyped and excited, a crappy trailer just turns them off. As we've seen in this thread.

That is exactly my point: crappy trailers shouldn't make you less excited, IF the game is actually going to be something more satisfying than what they have shown in the marketing fase.

If the trailers suck, because the game sucks, well that's a different story, but that is not what you are saying in your post about Sony marketing their ''awesome games'' badly.


Dreams in Digital
I think there will be levels you traverse via stealth in which you find resources, levels that are much darker with the threat of supernatural harm, levels that are out and out gun fights, levels that are designed to explore the relationships between the characters, and levels that mix all of these elements together. Locations will vary from alleyways, to grand old building, dirty back street slums, huge large open spaces, Victorian bridges, rivers and parks filled with trees.

That's what I'm imagining.


Looks like Gears of War set in a pseudo Victorian London. Interesting. Gives me "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" vibe.

Graphics also look very good. Even if the feed wasn't HD.

Whether it's a Gears beater remains to be seen though.
I remember the buildup for Uncharted 3. They showed off almost all of that game and there were no surprises left. I don't blame Sony for being more careful, whether they're taking it too far is another story.


Thread delivers as predicted lol

Anyway, I'm almost sure that the order vs rebel combat sequences will be the most uninteresting part of the game, these sections don't need to reinvent the well in my opinion, as long as the controls feel solid, and the shooting mechanics do well, I'm happy. And I hope that the AI is better than what the video showed. It's also nice to see the fancy weapons in action though, that thermite gun will be all sorts of fun.

I'm looking forward to get blown away during the E3 showcase. I think the potential 'detective' gameplay, a better look at the melee system, and the halfling combat can make this game more interesting than what it is right now. I'm still trusting RAD and their vision based on their interviews.


lol at everyone jumping on my ass because the videos released yesterday look like shit.

well if we're just going to post random comparison pics,


This is ridiculous Sony. Downgrading like some other companies wasn't enough for you, now we have to play the game on twitch?


Dreams in Digital
Looks like Gears of War set in a pseudo Victorian London. Interesting. Gives me "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" vibe.

Graphics also look very good. Even if the feed wasn't HD.

Whether it's a Gears beater remains to be seen though.

It's nothing like Gears Of War. If it was like Gears Of War, I'd hate it and wouldn't buy it. Luckily it reminds me of a cross between Uncharted and TLOU which is an instant buy for me.


That said, I watch a lot of movies so I'm pretty used to filtering out the black bars on 21:9 content.

I watch a lot of movies too... on this projector screen, which I purchased just so that I would never have to deal with black bars again.

(My game machines are hooked up to my plasma as the projector has too much input lag for my tastes.)

Must be weird living in such a stagnant and narrow minded aesthetic bubble. If you don't like it, don't buy it.

I want to buy it, though. I think the game looks great and I'd love to play it – just without the black bars. I'm simply frustrated that there's nothing I can do to rectify RaD's shitty design decision. At least give me the option.

4x MSAA is great and all, but to my eyes, whatever Second Son had for SMAA is perfectly fine – and undoubtedly far less performance intensive. Why couldn't RaD just implement Sucker Punch's tech and up the picture to full 16:9?

Proponent didn't answer my PM about where he worked (which would have lead to my asking about his marketing firm email address), so we'll never know if he posted dozens of fanboyish posts about day one 1080p/60fps™ purchases for PS4 / XB1 hate for his job, or if he was just a regular console warrior with an unfortunate workplace.

Oh well!

Christ, even Sony is astroturfing now? Who's next, Nintendo!?

These are dark times we post in.


4x MSAA is great and all, but to my eyes, whatever Second Son had for SMAA is perfectly fine – and undoubtedly far less performance intensive. Why couldn't RaD just implement Sucker Punch's tech and up the picture to full 16:9?
They obviously could. They are choosing not to. Contrary to what some people seem to believe, it is clearly a creative decision, not a technical one, they could present it full screen and it would still be the best looking game so far. They just don't want to.


Man its going to suck being a dev in this generation if people think that internet streams show the game in 100% quality and 100% smoothness. The amount of posts on GAF over simple internet quality misunderstandings is insane. People recognise that a blu-ray movie is superior to a youtube version so why not use the same logic for game videos.

They need to give their PR people a few tech lessons.


The top picture looks better. Which build is which?

I think there are two things going on here.

1) some people not considering that the second screenshot is much lower in quality than the first due to streaming compression

2) some people simply don't like the art direction tweaks with different lighting and colors and effects -- and that's fine. I would never take that away from you. but that's *not* a technical downgrade. Dark Souls 2 got downgraded. This hasn't.


I watch a lot of movies too... on this projector screen, which I purchased just so that I would never have to deal with black bars again.

(My game machines are hooked up to my plasma as the projector has too much input lag for my tastes.)

I want to buy it, though. I think the game looks great and I'd love to play it – just without the black bars. I'm simply frustrated that there's nothing I can do to rectify RaD's shitty design decision. At least give me the option.

4x MSAA is great and all, but to my eyes, whatever Second Son had for SMAA is perfectly fine – and undoubtedly far less performance intensive. Why couldn't RaD just implement Sucker Punch's tech and up the picture to full 16:9?

Christ, even Sony is astroturfing now? Who's next, Nintendo!?

These are dark times we post in.

They said the 21:9 was an artistic decision, I thought? They wanted the larger image field it gives and the resemblance to cinema wide picture. I love it.


Looking stellar. The only disappointing bits are the smoke effects and the movement of the clothes hanging in the street. Also, wasn't this game supposed to feature some kind or dynamic destructability (or I dreamt it?)


They obviously could. They are choosing not to. Contrary to what some people seem to believe, it is clearly a creative decision, not a technical one, they could present it full screen and it would still be the best looking game so far. They just don't want to.

If that's truly the case, well... they're dumb. =P


The gameplay we've seen, at face value, doesn't look that special. Not that it doesn't look fun, but I think people want to see something unique/couldn't be done last gen. The graphics are fantastic though, even with the shitty stream quality, this fact is obvious.

Whoever made the decision to show gameplay of this game via a Twitch stream needs their head kicked in.
1. Did RAD ever make a bad game? No
2. How are the visuals, the setting? Breathtaking, CGI level almost
3. And the gameplay? Another 3rd person cover shooter so safe to say media will deduct points for "no next gen gameplay". It's not bad but they will try to convince you it's bad because it's not new.

jus play good games

I don't know about Victoria era, did Sherlock and Watson live in 1886?

Geez, it's going to be a long wait till E3 to see more of this game. The sneak peek and all the uncertainty surrounding it has just exacerbated things now. If they don't have some truly killer footage to show at the conference then the game will never live it down.
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