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Sony teasing The Order sneak peak at 1pm PT today.

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What's the logic behind releasing a horribly compressed video for your gameplay reveal? We're talking about publishers who can spend millions on marketing, surely they had someone who knew that releasing a bad video is, well, bad!

Love the effects though, that plasma gun is a sight and I like amount of recoil while shooting but overall this game need a better showing.


Oh interesting, maybe Sherlock is one of the member of the order.
Who else is famous within the era?

Well, loads of people. Depends on what you mean by 'famous'. It's quite a significant moment in history considering the Industrial Revolution happened during that period,

I will mention someone though that might make an appearance. He was certainly around at that time. He was more 'infamous' rather than simply 'famous' though,

Jack the Ripper
What's the logic behind releasing a horribly compressed video for your gameplay reveal? We're talking about publishers who can spend millions on marketing, surely they had someone who knew that releasing a bad video is, well, bad!

Love the effects though, that plasma gun is a sight and I like amount of recoil while shooting but overall this game need a better showing.

The compression ruined it for me, couldn't make much out, all the details were all muddy.


Oh interesting, maybe Sherlock is one of the member of the order.
Who else is famous within the era?

Marx (although he died 3 years prior to 1886), Darwin (d 1882), Dickens, Benjamin D'Israeli, Gladstone, Faraday and a load of physicists & Chemists.
Some of the art so far.







This is why I am still so excited for this game (and the characters are simply badass).

Its premise is so unique: a victorian steampunk world.

I will say but I hope the gameplay is less like gears in the sense of shooting your way through hordes of enemies and more like RE4 when your hunting the beasts.

Stuff like this makes me confidence:



Top: old
Bottom: new

You're also comparing a direct grab vs. a capture from an awful youtube video which was grabbed from a terrible twitch stream. I'd wait to pass judgement on ZOMG downgrades because of the afwul quality of the latest footage. There are certainly hints of improvements on some things (lighting, shaders).
It blows my mind some people are even trying to dissect graphics this way. Its just, No.


This is why I am still so excited for this game (and the characters are simply badass).

Its premise is so unique: a victorian steampunk world.

I will say but I hope the gameplay is less like gears in the sense of shooting your way through hordes of enemies and more like RE4 when your hunting the beasts.

Stuff like this makes me confidence:
Thank you for posting that. The artwork is new to me. If those are some of the environments in the game then i can't wait to see the E3 reveal. Im expecting a blowout and direct-feed capture.
From the revolution? He died way before this.

In the REAL WORLD yes, but in this game's universe, this is supposed to be the same Marquis de Lafayette who fought in the Revolution. It said as much in the Game Informer preview article for the title.

Hes supposed to have had his lifespan greatly extended by the restorative power of the Knight's elixir.


I really can't understand all those people who claim this game looks boring based on few minutes of gameplay.

I know, it's the human nature.

Back to the game, if the Order will be the next Gears on PS4 (maybe with some improvements!), I'm more than happy, but seriously RaD, think about a co-op or MP.
I know it's late to talk about this ... :(


This is why I am still so excited for this game (and the characters are simply badass).

Its premise is so unique: a victorian steampunk world.

I will say but I hope the gameplay is less like gears in the sense of shooting your way through hordes of enemies and more like RE4 when your hunting the beasts.

Stuff like this makes me confidence:

I'm sure there will be some exploration in more open area, some detective stuff, puzzle.
Not sure about stealth or item management or skill tree and melee.
Don't know how long they are going to hide the mythical stuff.


That's some macabre shit.

It's the Black Water substance that the Knights of the Round Table found. It gave them extended life and quick healing (like seen in this video).

It's given them the opportunity to fight the half-breeds through the centuries, which is the main plot for this game.


The action in this trailer from about 2:00 is what is keeping my faith with this game.


Although worth watching through if you don't know the background story to the Knights & the black water, and the backstory of unrest & revolution.


YouTube gameplay quality versus earlier frame buffer grab.

Overall visuals, lighting, post processing, fog etc have been improved, but the detail is all but murdered in this poor quality footage.



Lighting and all the added effects improves the old build a lot.

The old build looks more like a video game, now with all those added effects it looks like a CGI, amazing stuff.


And shit, maybe I need to read more stuff about the era to get full enjoyment of the game, or else I'm gonna miss a lot of Easter egg sort of stuff.


Those are just their aliases dude.

They are titles the team members have assumed. They are not the supposed to be the actual mythical characters of Arthurian Legend.

Pretty sure they are supposed to be (in that universe anyway) because of the black water stuff.
Why 'sigh'? They have God damned werewolves. Do you think they're going to shy away from exploiting other historic figures, fictional or otherwise?

Any chance for Jeanne d'Arc, how she somehow ends up fighting the demons with the Knights of the round table? Doesn't make much sense but a Paris level would be cool, a mishmash of historical figures.
Any chance for Jeanne d'Arc, how she somehow ends up fighting the demons with the Knights of the round table? Doesn't make much sense but a Paris level would be cool, a mishmash of historical figures.

The problem with including Joan of Arc is the fact that she was burned at the stake. Kind of hard to include a character that is dead.

OK yes, so was the Marquis de Lafayette at this time, but the difference is, Lafayette died a rather mundane death from illness, whereas Joan died a very dramatic death that is a part of her legacy.

Joan of Arc and her death at the stake are rather inextricable intertwined. It would be hard to imagine a universe where she was still around.
I really can't understand all those people who claim this game looks boring based on few minutes of gameplay.

I know, it's the human nature.

Back to the game, if the Order will be the next Gears on PS4 (maybe with some improvements!), I'm more than happy, but seriously RaD, think about a co-op or MP.
I know it's late to talk about this ... :(
It's not just that it looks boring, it's that it doesn't look well designed. You have to remain stuck in that small enclosure, shooting guys until you're told to shoot a particular spot that blows up the building, at which point your teammate scripts a bullet in his ass and you transition to a dull-looking on-rails section.

That's not good game design by any stretch of the imagination.
Pretty sure they are supposed to be (in that universe anyway) because of the black water stuff.

In the Game Informer preview (If I recall correctly), this is not the case.

It mentions that Galahad "Assumed that title" and that others had that name before him.

Which wouldn't be the case if he were the veritable Galahad himself.


Dreams in Digital
It's not just that it looks boring, it's that it doesn't look well designed. You have to remain stuck in that small enclosure, shooting guys until you're told to shoot a particular spot that blows up the building, at which point your teammate scripts a bullet in his ass and you transition to a dull-looking on-rails section.

That's not good game design by any stretch of the imagination.

Yep, the whole game is going to based in that one small scene. This is now getting beyond childish. Did you know that the new Halo is a game about a guy looking out at a landscape. Damn boring.


It's not just that it looks boring, it's that it doesn't look well designed. You have to remain stuck in that small enclosure, shooting guys until you're told to shoot a particular spot that blows up the building, at which point your teammate scripts a bullet in his ass and you transition to a dull-looking on-rails section.

That's not good game design by any stretch of the imagination.

I doubt you have to remain stuck there. The player just chose to. And I think the point of that bullet in the neck segment was more to highlight the fantasy element of him repairing his wound by drinking some strange vial of fluid.

The better gameplay take away for me was that the thermite weapon looked fun and interesting to use. Very different sort of dynamic than plain aim and shoot. He was actually aiming above and around the enemies instead of directly at them, as the fiery substance would drop down on to them.


When I first looked at the tweet it inked to a conversation about the game not hitting in 2014 but now it is a blank reply. I guess the other guys 2014 comment deleted? I dunno. But there is no conversation he is replying to anymore
I'm sorry for becoming the origin of a "delay busted" rumor, lol. I asked him wether he could confirm that the footage shown yesterday was from the old pre-gamescom build. It is not, so I deleted my tweet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's not just that it looks boring, it's that it doesn't look well designed. You have to remain stuck in that small enclosure, shooting guys until you're told to shoot a particular spot that blows up the building, at which point your teammate scripts a bullet in his ass and you transition to a dull-looking on-rails section.

That's not good game design by any stretch of the imagination.
oh gosh here come the armchair devs.

tell me how many times you've played a sequence like that last gen that spans 3 mins. geez.
Technically speaking, a sequel could include a myriad of historical figures.


Because while this game is set in 1886, its fairly obvious that the year being merely part of the subtitle, the game's universe won't stay in that time period.

They could make sequels like The Order:1920, The Order:1665, The Order:1095.

The only time periods I could see not working is anything before the time of proper Arthurian Legend, which would be around 650 A.D, following the collapse of the Roman Empire during the nascency of Briton England. Since it is established in the game's fiction that "The Order" these game's follow was founded in this time period by King Arthur himself to combat the "half breed" menace.


Despite the crappy stream quality, framerate and terrible tearing (I really hope it's just the stream, this would be unplayable), I'm awed with graphics. Lighting in the second scene when flames flicker and are reflected on everything in the room is simply amazing. I dig cinematic games and can't wait for some proper footage. That Twitch PR stunt wasn't a good idea. It does game a disservice.

We can see that the substance they use for healing (is it called Black Water?) works only for the knights and ordinary people can't be healed that way or maybe they aren't doing it for some reason (side effects?) Thermite gun is also a great idea. Thermite is actually used in military but not against humans, a really terrible and inhumane way to be injured or killed. In reality, it would burn through everything it touches and we see some surfaces don't react to it.

It's also nice to see that enemies react differently to being shot in a leg, for example. One of the guys on the balcony grabs the place he is shot at, then is shot again and falls. But it's still a game so they do dumb things like stand in the middle without cover and shoot. With more realism in graphics, situations like that will stand out more and more to players. I hope RAD still have time to improve AI. Bad AI is a widespread issue in today's games.

Now, quality footage please, Sony. Graphics whores, myself included, are waiting.


It's not just that it looks boring, it's that it doesn't look well designed. You have to remain stuck in that small enclosure, shooting guys until you're told to shoot a particular spot that blows up the building, at which point your teammate scripts a bullet in his ass and you transition to a dull-looking on-rails section.

That's not good game design by any stretch of the imagination.

hmmm ... we are really moving forward here from boring to bad designed!
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