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Sony was nervous about Horizon's female protagonist, did lots of focus testing

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Regardless of the gender of the character, I'm looking forward to learning more about this game. The trailer was awesome, but I need to be sold on GG making an open world SP game. No real trust there, despite the nice trailer.


I think the majority of gamers are not concerned to play a male or female character.
Not at all.

Btw, she looks awesome and this game is my game of the show.


lol. Had to call in focus testing.

Just terrible. Its funny because hes basically saying that Sony could have butt in and changed shit because of the protagonists sex. And if that's the case then you might as well throw in race and culture into the mix. Terrible management with these sorts of things.
Makes you wonder how many games were shot downs or altered in any way.
I actually never noticed that she was a female until people pointed that out after.

I only saw an awesome demo with a great protagonist. I couldn't care less what gender he/she is.


Btw, she looks awesome and this game is my game of the show.

I wonder if my appeal for this game is because it came out of nowhere but I'm with you. I fucking love what I've seen of this game and I hope it lives up to it. It seems awesome.


I think its great character design for the main protag.

It's fucking sad that they need to focus test this shit though. Having an artistic vision 'focus tested' is fucking whack. Let 'em create (wo)man!


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Is there sales data to suggest games like Silent Hill 3 sold worse than other games in the franchise? People mention the AC game, but that had Vita limiting the sales. It seems like the whole argument gets skewed by how well military shooters sell, which are typically featureless protagonists to begin with. Or sports games just using actual player likeness.


lol. Had to call in focus testing.

Just terrible. Its funny because hes basically saying that Sony could have butt in and changed shit because of the protagonists sex. And if that's the case then you might as well throw in race and culture into the mix. Terrible management with these sorts of things.
Makes you wonder how many games were shot downs or altered in any way.

i think GG did great with the character and IMHO it was a slam dunk.

At the same time, you bet they do a lot of focus testing on everything that might get people not to buy product, including race and sex. There is too much money in play here.

There is a reason for big budget games and movies usually having similar main characters - they try to figure out what would all of their market (gamers in NA and Europe) play the most.

But things are moving in right direction, at least when movies are in question... more and more female leads are happening, even in blockbuster movies.... that was almost unheard of just few years back.
The fact that they had to do focus testing to see if gamers were fine that a female was the star of the game is ridiculous
With the amount of money that goes into these projects? I think a lot of people are nieve in the amount of focus/play testing etc that goes into it all and what topics they cover


Gold Member
Fuck Yoshida and rock on Guerilla Games. Can't wait for this.

I can't imagine for the life of it why he meddles with affairs he can't even begin to comprehend. For God's sake, please leave this guy out of this and let GG do their job, because right now this is looking to be the game of the decade, the Half Life 2 of the 2010s. The sheer scope of this work of art, the beauty of it, the art direction and of course the protagonist. The basic elements of this game are perfection envisioned by the greatest artists, programmers and designers from around the world. Make no mistake people, we are looking at an entire new phase in gaming as a hobby and the industry as a whole.
I can't imagine for the life of it why he meddles with affairs he can't even begin to comprehend. For God's sake, please leave this guy out of this and let GG do their job, because right now this is looking to be the game of the decade, the Half Life 2 of the 2010s. The sheer scope of this work of art, the beauty of it, the art direction and of course the protagonist. The basic elements of this game are perfection envisioned by the greatest artists, programmers and designers from around the world. Make no mistake people, we are looking at an entire new phase in gaming as a hobby and the industry as a whole.

Have you played a GG game before?


lol. Had to call in focus testing.

Just terrible. Its funny because hes basically saying that Sony could have butt in and changed shit because of the protagonists sex. And if that's the case then you might as well throw in race and culture into the mix. Terrible management with these sorts of things.
Makes you wonder how many games were shot downs or altered in any way.

Yeah it's nothing new. Many publishers hesitated to fund Life is Strange because of the female protag. Square Enix was the first to choose not to interfere with the devs' vision. And that was for a small budget episodic game. And you know what is even more fucked up? Many gamers are part of the problem.

Case in point:

Yup and I'm one of them. Nothing against females. I love them and respect them. I have the best girlfriend in the world and I treat her like a princess. But playing as one in a video game I cannot.

I just cannot enjoy it and immerse my self into the world. As with most high testosterone males we want to come home from a long day at work and put on a video game and feel empowered for a short while. I just cant do that when playing as chick with big tits and vagina.

only exception is Ellie from Last of US. and I have no idea why it didn't bother me with her.

I realize I'm going to get a lot of hate for his post and probably get banned from GAF but just wanted to be honest.

Now imagine you focus test your game to see if it's financially viable and half of them share such opinions. It's not just the publisher that gets all the blame.


I wonder if my appeal for this game is because it came out of nowhere but I'm with you. I fucking love what I've seen of this game and I hope it lives up to it. It seems awesome.

Seeing a tough and beautiful girl fighting in a such awesome way a big robotic dinosaurs was pretty amazing.
I agree, I really hope this game will live up to the expectation.
Not to mention the amazing panorama ...


I don't know if people realize that big publishers and devs focus test everything. In terms of protagonists this can be from the gender all the way to hair and eye colour. When you are putting millions of dollars and countless worker hours on the line you try to make everything perfect for the current market climate.

Obviously artistic vision can override these findings but focus testing occurs no matter what.
Game looks great and as much as I don't mind using females in games I really would prefer to have a male protagonist in this. What a missed opportunity to use a Questar like character from Dino Riders.

Also I really hope they cut out most of the useless banter while playing, I hate hearing characters talk to themselves while they perform actions and there was way too much of that going around: "Gotta hunt" "Gotta sneak" "Gotta dodge" Gotta stfu!
Her design is utterly fantastic and really goes well with the world (at least what little we've seen). While I imagine they probably could've changed the gender and still gotten a great game, I'm glad we're getting their original vision.


The main problem for the western publisher (and I know this) when it comes to female characters is that male teenager prefer to play male characters. You know, things like puberty, sexual insecurity etc. It's something pretty well know ...

You'd be surprised at how many people I know who would do that. :p

My exact opposite. I know no one who are not willing to play a female character !
No seriously, I never know anybody who have this "issue"!


I think she's one of the best female character designs I've seen in ages. I love how unique she looks, how she looks rugged and muscled, how she has fierce features and red hair. I love love love her design, don't change one thing Guerrilla Games.
She'll change ever so slightly. They always do.


Will I want to protect her though?

But seriously, her design is fantastic. She isn't an over-sexualized barbie doll appealing to the male demographic that happens to kick ass. She just kicks ass.
Shame they had to feel nervous about it when they've had Lara Croft for years, and Nariko from HS amongst other female protagonists mentioned in this thread.

Game looks fantastic though!


Yeah it's nothing new. Many publishers hesitated to fund Remember Me because of the female protag. Square Enix was the first to choose not to interfere with the devs' vision. And that was for a small budget episodic game. And you know what is even more fucked up? Many gamers are part of the problem.

Case in point:

Now imagine you focus test your game to see if it's financially viable and half of them share such opinions. It's not just the publisher that gets all the blame.

Don't you mean Life is Strange? Remember me is not episodic and was published by Capcom.


I prefer to play as females, because I'm a straight male. I just don't really get the opposing point of view. Do some guys feel emasculated or something if there's no 200 pounds of muscles (and testicles!) on the screen?


I'm glad they kept that protagonist, she looks so normal, it actually made me realize how bad most female characters are designed.

& can people stop bringing up Metroid, Mirror's Edge, Heavenly Sword, or Beyond? If Horizon sells as well as those games, it would be considered a flop, the best selling game out of those is probably Metroid, & that game sells what, 2 million? Horizon selling only 2 million would be a disaster. I hope it breaks 6 million though. This was my game of E3, & that's in a year that had Dark Souls 3, Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian, Fallout 4, & FF7R.
lol. Had to call in focus testing.

Just terrible. Its funny because hes basically saying that Sony could have butt in and changed shit because of the protagonists sex. And if that's the case then you might as well throw in race and culture into the mix. Terrible management with these sorts of things.
Makes you wonder how many games were shot downs or altered in any way.

It would be bad management to not look into things. As others have said, this is going to be an extremely expensive project. One that if it fails could possibly lead to people being laid off. And anytime someone is laid off at Sony, guess who fans point the finger at? Yoshida. Because he's running that ship. It's important to make sure that what's being made is going to sell, particularly when there's a lot riding on it. Not just the IP itself, but jobs as well.


I'm glad they kept that protagonist, she looks so normal, it actually made me realize how bad most female characters are designed.

& can people stop bringing up Metroid, Mirror's Edge, Heavenly Sword, or Beyond? If Horizon sells as well as those games, it would be considered a flop, the best selling game out of those is probably Metroid, & that game sells what, 2 million? Horizon selling only 2 million would be a disaster. I hope it breaks 6 million though. This was my game of E3, & that's in a year that had Dark Souls 3, Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian, Fallout 4, & FF7R.

I'm sorry but logic and objective data have no place in this thread. You're supposed to say they are idiots for thinking the game would not sell because one franchise (Tomb Raider) is successful.


Unconfirmed Member
It's so insane that doing a female protag is still somehow considered "risky".

Obviously there are still a lot of "boys and their toys" out there, but seriously if that's the demographic you're trying desperately to appeal to, your game is not going to leave a lasting impression.

The one thing they should worry about is writing her (and the rest of the game) well.
The narration and character "chat" in the gameplay trailer was corny as heck, and didn't do an otherwise decent-looking game any favours.

*Stabs robot raptor*
"Shh... I'm sorry little one..."

Oh please! Just get back to rolling around and stabbing more robuts!


You'd think Sony would be more progressive than that. Especially given the number of games last gen with female leads.

Perfect Dark
Heavenly Sword
Tomb Raider
Remember Me
Mirrors Edge

I mean, Sony funded 2 of those and WERE funding Remember Me at one point.

The bolded is the only one that had enough sales to justify a game as big as Horizon, & even then the scope of TR is nowhere close to Horizon, which is probably the most expensive first party project ever.

Regardless, I'm glad the game is still happening, & I hope it becomes this gen's Uncharted.


To reiterate:

- They're braids, not dreadlocks.

- Focus testing is ubiquitous and done on nearly every product and piece of marketing you can think of, from movie posters to snack food to political candidates. They're not some special team you go to when you want opinions on something like a female or minority protagonist.

- Focus testing is not "bad". It doesn't "ruin the developer's vision". It's feedback. The choice to change anything remains with the developer.

- Focus testing is vital because people are launching products and they have no idea how they will be received. It's a huge investment and they have to reduce risk.
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