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South Park: The Stick of Truth |OT| Bigger, Longer, and Uncut (In select regions)

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So I'm almost positive that I found everything in the school on both visits but it still says there's 3 equipment left.


I've just started playing this. Its so weird, like stepping into the cartoon. Its fun just wandering around and randomly hitting people and destroying stuff.


6 hours into the game since yesterday, got it on Steam, really loving it so far. The attention to details is incredible.

I started it at Hard Mode directly from the get go, no regrets. I see the Mormons frequently but the difficulty feels just right like this.

I assume Normal must be really too easy, right?


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
there is a section
in sewers with broken wall and glowing eyes behind it
what is it ? is it a side mission/Easter egg thing?


there is a section
in sewers with broken wall and glowing eyes behind it
what is it ? is it a side mission/Easter egg thing?

Not much there...

You make friends with the Crab People

I never once used a fart in battle except for tutorials. Are they important? I beat the game a week ago.
I looked up my time today...only 12 hours...felt longer. Loved every second.
Finished it last night, it's a great game and lots of fun, but sometimes it just makes me wonder if Obsidian even did any Q.A. and testing on the damn thing. o_O

Run into some glitch last night where the game would go in an infinite loading screen. Quit and restarted, the same.... Reloaded an old save and replayed the last boss battle, THE SAME.

Turns out, if you had a particular character as a partner at the end of that fight, that would happen. How did this go through testing and nobody noticed? :-|

Also, the game just froze on me on several occasions, once even after choosing 'Quit Game' from the PS menu button. Had to reboot my ps3 to get it to respond again.

I hope I won't run into this same kind of bullshit now that I'll be starting my 2nd playthrough. e_e


Bought this when Amazon dropped the price, finally got around to playing it. There seems to be a sound bug in the PS3 version when connected to a receiver over HDMI, had to disable Dolby Digital and DTS to get any audio at all. Anyone else see this?

Chitown B

Not much there...

You make friends with the Crab People

I never once used a fart in battle except for tutorials. Are they important? I beat the game a week ago.
I looked up my time today...only 12 hours...felt longer. Loved every second.

they do gross damage, which hurts enemies over time like bleeding. They're pretty useful, at least as addition to weapons. Once you get the Nagasaki, it's pretty powerful damage.


Ugh, I wanted to see if there was an achievement for the Hasselhoff face...

I saw 2 descriptions.

Defeat the final boss.

Kenny. So he's the final boss, huh? :/
I never get by without watching spoilers fuck damnit!


Rodent Whores
Ugh, I wanted to see if there was an achievement for the Hasselhoff face...

I saw 2 descriptions.

Defeat the final boss.

Kenny. So he's the final boss, huh? :/
I never get by without watching spoilers fuck damnit!

That's why my priority is always to beat the game first, then worry about achievements second.


So what do you do with all this junk stuff and broken stuff?

There's an achievement for keeping all the stuff you find and never selling anything to stores. Otherwise junk is just vendor trash with a bit of fanservice sprinkled on it.


This may have already been brought up, but does the main character have
the same power as Kenny to not die? I mean we have him in the spaceship crash and being squished by his dads huge balls, then he just wakes up the next morning. Is it possible he died both times and the same power Kenny had caused him to be reborn and his parents just put him back in his bed?


This may have already been brought up, but does the main character have
the same power as Kenny to not die? I mean we have him in the spaceship crash and being squished by his dads huge balls, then he just wakes up the next morning. Is it possible he died both times and the same power Kenny had caused him to be reborn and his parents just put him back in his bed?
That's never addressed in the game. They explain his special power near the end. I don't think he has another on top of that.


Finished it last night, it's a great game and lots of fun, but sometimes it just makes me wonder if Obsidian even did any Q.A. and testing on the damn thing. o_O

Run into some glitch last night where the game would go in an infinite loading screen. Quit and restarted, the same.... Reloaded an old save and replayed the last boss battle, THE SAME.

Turns out, if you had a particular character as a partner at the end of that fight, that would happen. How did this go through testing and nobody noticed? :-|

Also, the game just froze on me on several occasions, once even after choosing 'Quit Game' from the PS menu button. Had to reboot my ps3 to get it to respond again.

I hope I won't run into this same kind of bullshit now that I'll be starting my 2nd playthrough. e_e

SIgh...as is the case with almost every game, QA most likely found any issues you encountered, the development team made a choice to not fix them. QA's job isn't to fix the bugs, just find and report them.


all right, but the german pc version today.

hope the uncut patch worked.
dont know where/when I will be able to check that.

btw.: are there episodes that were kind of prequels to the game?
heard something like that.
^^ Yeh wondering the same. How essential is to watch the episodes before starting the game?

If you haven't seen the show, then the game will still be hilarious and fun. If you have seen the show, it'll be a little more hilarious and fun. There aren't really any "Prequel episodes", either you've seen the majority of the show or you haven't.


btw.: are there episodes that were kind of prequels to the game?
heard something like that.

The prequel episodes are the Black Friday trilogy. Season 17, starts with Black Friday.

You can watch them on the South Park Studios web site.

^^ Yeh wondering the same. How essential is to watch the episodes before starting the game?

Not terribly essential. They're funny, but you won't miss anything important if you don't see 'em.


how can I use my bow outside of fights?

want to shot at the chinpokemon in the tree in te beginning.

Press L1 or is it L2 so you get the cross hair then you hold one of the triggers to aim/shoot

Been a while since I've played it so can't quite remember


^^ Yeh wondering the same. How essential is to watch the episodes before starting the game?

Not essential to playing the game, but you will miss or not get a lot of references from the show's many seasons.
edit: In general, not specifically about the Black Friday trilogy.

Any planned DLC campaigns or a full sequel? I would really like to see them move onto a new theme. Maybe the kid superheroes -- Mysterion, Coon, Professor Chaos, Mintberry Crunch!

Chitown B

this is old, but:

At E3 2012 in June 2012, it was announced that there would be multiple DLC packs, the first 3 of which will debut on Xbox 360 first and the DLC pack "Mysterion Superhero" would be an Xbox 360 exclusive. In the gameplay trailer released on December 9, 2012, it was revealed that the pre-order bonus would be the "Good Times With Weapons" pack, which includes the Bulrog Chicken Attack, Cartman's Kick-Ass Sai weapons, and the Samurai costume.

the good times pack didn't happen, so take it with a grain of salt. but there IS a DLC link at the title screen


Rodent Whores
this is old, but:

At E3 2012 in June 2012, it was announced that there would be multiple DLC packs, the first 3 of which will debut on Xbox 360 first and the DLC pack "Mysterion Superhero" would be an Xbox 360 exclusive. In the gameplay trailer released on December 9, 2012, it was revealed that the pre-order bonus would be the "Good Times With Weapons" pack, which includes the Bulrog Chicken Attack, Cartman's Kick-Ass Sai weapons, and the Samurai costume.

the good times pack didn't happen, so take it with a grain of salt. but there IS a DLC link at the title screen

Hm, I wonder how that jives with the show creators' statement at Comic Con about using the extra material for the show instead of for DLC.


Oh man, I love what they did to
, didn't expect this at all.

Still have the 2D version of our hymn stuck in my head, haha.


That's never addressed in the game. They explain his special power near the end. I don't think he has another on top of that.

I know, but it just seems like they set things up in a way to leave that door open. Maybe in a DLC or future game? Dunno. Anyways, was just something I noticed.

I REALLY hope they're going to make more games like this. I don't play many RPG games, but I have to say even though it was a briefer experience, this is right up there with Persona 4 Golden for me in terms of how much I enjoyed the experience.


I'm not sure how people are complaining about the length well, I do. If you play the game on normal, it is too easy and you can perhaps breeze through the game. Playing on hardcore, I couldn't beat one of the cool important sidequest bosses until later when I was stronger. I do think the game is still easy on hardcore if you learn certain strategies.

My game time so far playing on hardcore is 20 hours and I'm not done yet.
I'm at the photo quest, please don't spoil it for me if I'm close to the end.
. I am doing all the sidequests I find but what's awesome is I am not seeking them. I am just coming across them as I play and it's cool. There is a TON to explore. A lot of the buildings and important stuff you find from the show have something to it that you can find once you have unlocked an ability.

The game has been awesome. A GOTY contender for me being an unique game. It's not another COD or another Assassins Creed. It is truly different for being a RPG with humor. Even the sidequests are hilarious. As any first entry, it's not perfect but the potential is massive. The combat system and all of the attachments and items named after the South Park universe offers a ton of variety. I hope any future title expands this.


how do I use my bow outside of battle with mouse and keyboard?

edit: found out myself.

game is fun.
cartman send me to recruit 3 kids, but I have been looking around the town for almost 3 hours with butters now.

are there places with stronger enemys?
or do they level with me?
can you miss stuff?
is leveling up pretty slow?
and how long did it take for you to beat the game once/100%?


-Each fight gives you the same amount of xp regardless iirc, and it's relative to your level.
-There are missable chinpokomon and friends, and missable sidequests I suppose.
-Leveling up feels slow in the begining but it's impossible not to reach level cap before the end, even without grinding (which is completely unnecessary anyway).
-If you're lost, check out your map, it shows where you need to go for quests.
-Beating the game with all friends/sidequests/chinpokomon took me about 14 hours on hardcore. Still missing quite a few achievements though.

I'm not sure how people are complaining about the length well, I do. If you play the game on normal, it is too easy and you can perhaps breeze through the game. Playing on hardcore, I couldn't beat one of the cool important sidequest bosses until later when I was stronger. I do think the game is still easy on hardcore if you learn certain strategies.

I played on hardcore and still found the game a bit easy, never ran into a fight that was really challenging. I can't imagine how boring playing the game on normal must be.


Finished it last night, it's a great game and lots of fun, but sometimes it just makes me wonder if Obsidian even did any Q.A. and testing on the damn thing. o_O

Run into some glitch last night where the game would go in an infinite loading screen. Quit and restarted, the same.... Reloaded an old save and replayed the last boss battle, THE SAME.

Turns out, if you had a particular character as a partner at the end of that fight, that would happen. How did this go through testing and nobody noticed? :-|

Also, the game just froze on me on several occasions, once even after choosing 'Quit Game' from the PS menu button. Had to reboot my ps3 to get it to respond again.

I hope I won't run into this same kind of bullshit now that I'll be starting my 2nd playthrough. e_e

Just hit this part. I'm about to start my third try. Obsidian is a trash developer. They make entertaining games but they don't spend a dime on QA. Its shameful.


-Each fight gives you the same amount of xp regardless iirc, and it's relative to your level.
-There are missable chinpokomon and friends, and missable sidequests I suppose.
-Leveling up feels slow in the begining but it's impossible not to reach level cap before the end, even without grinding (which is completely unnecessary anyway).
-If you're lost, check out your map, it shows where you need to go for quests.
-Beating the game with all friends/sidequests/chinpokomon took me about 14 hours on hardcore. Still missing quite a few achievements though.

I played on hardcore and still found the game a bit easy, never ran into a fight that was really challenging. I can't imagine how boring playing the game on normal must be.

Agree. Hardcore is not hardcore and is easy but there were a few fights that were challenging, one of them a sidequest. It should be fixed. I do think hardcore prolongs the game though. And I agree. Normal is a snoozefest and SUPER EASY. Like you can just run through the game. I couldn't play the game on normal.
Just hit this part. I'm about to start my third try. Obsidian is a trash developer. They make entertaining games but they don't spend a dime on QA. Its shameful.

Publisher deals with QA testing. Also probably deadlines that stopped Obsidian from fully ridding most of the bugs which was also the case with NV as Bethesda rushed em. Same could probably be said with Ubisoft who left little time for actual bug fixes and more for other irrelevant things.


I think the problem with the difficulties is none of them seem to adjust the timings. If you always hit the timings then no matter how they adjust damage and other things. Players will find it easy.

I started playing this on hardcore, it wasnt fun. I dont think this is the sort of game that should be kicking your arse.


So there is a GeForce Experience entry for this game.

Naturally, it only consists of two options: Display Mode, and Resolution. I'm really not sure why they even bothered. Even more hilariously I can't click optimize because it needs to verify things with me booting up the game.


Rented this for Xbox 360 on Redbox.

LOVED it. It's like an awesome combination of South Park, Super Mario RPG, and Earthbound.

My biggest complaint is that I suffered a gamebreaking glitch toward the end of the game.


After defeating Craig, I walked up the stairs towards the top of the tower. Instead of triggering the next event where you see Randy and Mr. Slave, the game just showed my character in that room, except it was empty. Then, the fucking credits rolled. I thought it was a joke, because it seemed like something Matt and Trey would do, so I actually started laughing. I "skipped" the credits, and then it took me to a game over screen!

When I hit continue, I was still in the room, but Mr. Slave, Randy, and all the kids were there, but they weren't saying anything. I was confused as hell, so I went to the next room and triggered the final boss fight and beat the game.

I missed the ENTIRE part of going inside Mr. Slave's ass and seeing The Sparrow Prince, Catata Fish, Mr. Hat, etc. Didn't even realize I missed it until I looked up a Let's Play to figure out exactly what happened in my game.

So yeah....pretty much got screwed there, but I still enjoyed the game immensely.
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