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Space Dandy |OT| We're up all night to... ASK D-N-A... again, baby!

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I liked it enough. It didn't blow my mind, but the animation was pretty good and the ending theme was awesome. I'll keep watching it for the time being.
I like it.

Animation near the end was spectacular, and I like the main character so far. Music was pretty great as well.

The only thing I disliked was the robot's voice. Not sure if I like an autotune'd robot talking a lot.


This wasn't very good. It was trying too hard and it shows. Boobies and ass? Cat-like alien? Overdramatic main character? Yeah, it's all there.

And then they all
die at the end
? What a fucking waste. But there's another episode? Why? It's not even explained at all. This is just dumb for the sake of being dumb.

l m a o

The dub sucks and it's not just QT's awful auto-tunned voice.

I liked Dandy's and Meow's voice well enough. The tone definitely matches the light hearted and dopey atmosphere that the show's going through. I think any other voice than the one Dandy has would've been ruined during the speech part.

QT should've been voiced by T-Pain


Perhaps you might not just enjoy a slapstick comedy? That, or you were expecting Cowboy Bebop. :p

Maybe. I like slapstick but in spurts. Not an entire episode of it. I was actually kind of expecting a goofier Cowboy Bebop. But I thought there would be a story or something.


I don't really care for the writing in the english dub. It feels very Excel Saga and I just don't always dig that. Hoping it gets better in future episodes... I do like a lot of wacky shows (Panty & Stocking etc) but sometimes the writing really misses (see: Gurren Lagann's awful, awful dub...)

edit: It was GORGEOUS though. So that helps.


Tragic victim of fan death
I'm pretty sure everything I hate about Space Dandy is the same as kill la kill except I hate the latter more because fuck Mako.


Finishing work an hour before this broadcasts in the Uk but based on impressions here I think I'm going to love it. If only I could finish this early every week!


I think many went into it expecting something completely different...

Like the fanservice stuff is whatever..you either like it or not. But some people seem upset that it is as silly as it is.

oh well...like KLK I will enjoy it's fuck you imma do me attitude week to week.
This wasn't very good. It was trying too hard and it shows. Boobies and ass? Cat-like alien? Overdramatic main character? Yeah, it's all there.

And then they all
die at the end
? What a fucking waste. But there's another episode? Why? It's not even explained at all. This is just dumb for the sake of being dumb.

What the fuck did you expect? Have you seen the trailers? Actually, have you seen at least one screen? ACTUALLY, did you even notice what the show is called?

Everything you described is exactly what they've been showing off up until this point. Were you expecting Shingeki?


Maybe. I like slapstick but in spurts. Not an entire episode of it. I was actually kind of expecting a goofier Cowboy Bebop. But I thought there would be a story or something.

We've known pretty much since the reveal that this was gonna be an over the top slapstick comedy with action. So if you were expecting anything different, then that's your own fault.


Master of the Google Search
The dub was amazing, the narrator was the best character and the ending was wack.

It's just a giant joke and parody series and it's all the more amazing for it.


The dub was fine. I didn't like the tits and ass stuff at the beginning, but the craziness in the latter half redeemed it for me somewhat. I'll have to understand that this isn't taking itself seriously at all, which is what I should have grasped onto immediately when it started off by breaking the fourth wall.

The ending was great for a first episode.


What the fuck did you expect? Have you seen the trailers? Actually, have you seen at least one screen? ACTUALLY, did you even notice what the show is called?

Everything you described is exactly what they've been showing off up until this point. Were you expecting Shingeki?

We've known pretty much since the reveal that this was gonna be an over the top slapstick comedy with action. So if you were expecting anything different, then that's your own fault.

How about a STORY for one? The episode was just all over the place! I would like/expect at least that!
So the first half of the episode totally didn't do it for me, the focus on boobies and breasteraunts, while certainly not something that should have surprised me based on the show's previews, just felt like it overstayed its welcome. It served a purpose in introducing a character that would become part of Dandy's crew but some of the aspects just made me feel pretty awkward instead. Narrator shenanigans and pre-boobies sequence aside (which I enjoyed) I was hesitant about the state of the show when it hit its first commercial break.

And then they jumped back in the ship and the show became sublime. Dandy's humor started hitting its beats, his "go with the flow" attitude was brought to the forefront and the second half all but redeemed what was a truly lackluster beginning. The second half pretty much exemplified everything that I was anticipating about the show with truly stellar animation sequences, upbeat music, and a level of insanity that could only be brought in with a character like Space Dandy.


How about a STORY for one? The episode was just all over the place! I would like/expect at least that!

Giant evil space ape in a wig wants to chase down Space Dandy for some reason while the latter is a terrible Alien Hunter who takes things way too easy and is a fan of boobies.

Not too sure it's gonna get more involved than that.


because one auto tune robot = the entire dub? I think the auto tune voice for the robot is plenty fitting.

Dandy's voice and delivery was great.

True, but it's not like the rest of the dub was any good.;p

Definitely felt like a "average" anime dub with typical shitty sounding supporting characters to boot.


How about a STORY for one? The episode was just all over the place! I would like/expect at least that!

- dandy is being hunted by one part of an empire that is at war with another empire led a creepy pimp gorilla wearing a wig whose flagship is part of the statue of liberty with a ballgag for some reason
- dandy has no goddamn idea about this
- dandy pulled a chord in space-time that did (or will do, or has done) something weird
- ???


Stormy Grey
What a lighthearted and goofy as fuck parody prodding at space opera's various levels of bullshit.

The villain's ship has the statue of liberty with a ballgag on the front. People trying too hard to take this too seriously.

And this coming from someone who dislikes pretty much all but 4 anime shows.


How about a STORY for one? The episode was just all over the place! I would like/expect at least that!

There was a story, as other posters have pointed out to you. Not the writing team's fault you were asleep during the humorous moments with the narrator.
How about a STORY for one? The episode was just all over the place! I would like/expect at least that!

Well, to me it looked like most of it is just going to be "filler", for lack of a better word. Not sure if there's an overarching story line. I wouldn't mind one either. I'm just saying, I knew what I was going into from the start. Just a silly over the top anime with good production values and fun characters.


Guys stop using the word "filler" just because it doesn't look like the series is going have a serialized plot...


Stormy Grey
Yeah this is the main thing that pushes Kill La Kill over Space Dandy: it has a story. You root for the main character, it does a great job of setting a location and telling a story, despite being wacky as fuck.

I didn't learn a single thing in the first episode of Space Dandy despite this being the first episode aside from the fact they hunt aliens. The writing was awful. Compare to Cowboy Bebop and you learn a whole shit load about the galaxy during its time period in just the first episode.

First episode of Space Dandy was a gallery show of cliche anime tropes. It sucked.

I'm convinced you didn't actually watch the show, did the boobies distract you too much


Yeah this is the main thing that pushes Kill La Kill over Space Dandy: it has a story. You root for the main character, it does a great job of setting a location and telling a story, despite being wacky as fuck.

I didn't learn a single thing in the first episode of Space Dandy despite this being the first episode aside from the fact they hunt aliens. The writing was awful. Compare to Cowboy Bebop and you learn a whole shit load about the galaxy during its time period in just the first episode.

First episode of Space Dandy was a gallery show of cliche anime tropes. It sucked.

Did you even listen to the Narrarator? He explained the entirety of the plot, the main cast's motives, and the generic shonen "YOU ARE THE KEY" trope all in one episode. It gave a hell of a lot of lore regarding the universe.

Don't even. Show has plenty of story.


not every first episode has to explain much....

it introduced us to the main cast and did a very quick intro of the world...

Fuck BeBop (which this will not be but still) didn't give us much plot until episode 5 IIRC.

chill out.


Yeah this is the main thing that pushes Kill La Kill over Space Dandy: it has a story. You root for the main character, it does a great job of setting a location and telling a story, despite being wacky as fuck.

I didn't learn a single thing in the first episode of Space Dandy despite this being the first episode aside from the fact they hunt aliens. The writing was awful. Compare to Cowboy Bebop and you learn a whole shit load about the galaxy during its time period in just the first episode.

First episode of Space Dandy was a gallery show of cliche anime tropes. It sucked.

I like you.

The show just looks like it's going to spoonfeed its viewers and play it safe (as far as comedy/parody animes go). It's just not a good anime.
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