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Special Counsel Mueller Impanels Washington Grand Jury in Russia probe




I hope people realize how far they've zoomed in on that chart to make that "giant" drop happen...
Cernovich complained his friends were getting subpoenas and he expects one.
So the alt-right influence machine is under threat at the very least.
It means Trump is about to bring about the firing of Mueller, that's what.

There's no stopping this train. And every Republican congressperson and senator in DC knows it. There's literally nothing Trump can do that will stop everything from coming to light and all the requisite indictments that will result.
I want to see the following people indicted.

Trump Jr
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rex Tillerson
Betsy DeVos
Scott Pruitt
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus
Paul Manafort
Mike Flynn
Steve Bannon
Mitch McConnel
Stephen Miller
Carter Page

Anyone I'm missing?

Looks like an Ayra Stark list of those who wronged the American people.

Who is the guy who makes epic animated gifs? This needs to happen


This is interesting timing too with that bill in congress being worked on to prevent Trump from firing Mueller. Watch him do it over vacation.


I am now expecting the 10pm news that Mueller is fired and then Trump will hide out during his 17 day vacation for it to blow over.


I want to see the following people indicted.

Trump Jr
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rex Tillerson
Betsy DeVos
Scott Pruitt
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus
Paul Manafort
Mike Flynn
Steve Bannon
Mitch McConnel
Stephen Miller
Carter Page

Anyone I'm missing?

Nunes maybe?
Rohrabacher seems to be an open secret for being friendly of Russia and was mentioned by Ryan but idk if thats related enough
I want to see the following people indicted.

Trump Jr
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rex Tillerson
Betsy DeVos
Scott Pruitt
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus
Paul Manafort
Mike Flynn
Steve Bannon
Mitch McConnel
Stephen Miller
Carter Page

Anyone I'm missing?

Tiffany Trump will be the last one standing


CNN has the second Mueller scoop today:

Federal investigators exploring whether Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Russian spies have seized on Trump and his associates' financial ties to Russia as one of the most fertile avenues for moving their probe forward, according to people familiar with the investigation.

The web of financial ties could offer a more concrete path toward potential prosecution than the broader and murkier questions of collusion in the 2016 campaign, these sources said.

One year after the FBI opened an investigation, the probe is now managed by special counsel Robert Mueller. Sources described an investigation that has widened to focus on possible financial crimes, some unconnected to the 2016 elections, alongside the ongoing scrutiny of possible illegal coordination with Russian spy agencies and alleged attempts by President Donald Trump and others to obstruct the FBI investigation. Even investigative leads that have nothing to do with Russia but involve Trump associates are being referred to the special counsel to encourage subjects of the investigation to cooperate, according to two law enforcement sources.
While we won't see anything potentially for at least another 8-12 months , I love the slow drip of information that is probably destroying Trump inside.


Honest question, what would happen if on the day of reckoning Mueller says something like "we came to the conclusion that there was no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no impeachment, investigation closed"

What would happen next? Of course, apart than the deep sense of desperation in all of us


There's no stopping this train. And every Republican congressperson and senator in DC knows it. There's literally nothing Trump can do that will stop everything from coming to light and all the requisite indictments that will result.

I know people say it wouldn't stop if Trump resigned but it would be interesting to see what would happen. Nobody likes their dirty laundry being aired and I feel the establishment would be desperate to brush it under the carpet and use Trump resigning as the it's all over, back to normal, nothing to see here, just close up that investigation, no need now. I hope not but they are self serving bastards.
I think we can expect Sean Hannity to do some rants over the next few days about how Mueller is a criminal and can't be trusted to do anything and that the special counsel and grand jury are really some sort of secret force from King Obama that are out to get the dearly beloved President Trump and his family+friends.

But yeah, this is awesome news. It'll take a while to see the payoff of this happening, I think, but in the meantime I look forward to seeing what Trump's reaction will be.


I want to see the following people indicted.

Trump Jr
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rex Tillerson
Betsy DeVos
Scott Pruitt
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus
Paul Manafort
Mike Flynn
Steve Bannon
Mitch McConnel
Stephen Miller
Carter Page

Anyone I'm missing?

You forgot the ringleader, Tiffany.


I want to see the following people indicted.

Trump Jr
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rex Tillerson
Betsy DeVos
Scott Pruitt
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus
Paul Manafort
Mike Flynn
Steve Bannon
Mitch McConnel
Stephen Miller
Carter Page

Anyone I'm missing?



I want to see the following people indicted.

Trump Jr
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rex Tillerson
Betsy DeVos
Scott Pruitt
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus
Paul Manafort
Mike Flynn
Steve Bannon
Mitch McConnel
Stephen Miller
Carter Page

Anyone I'm missing?
Sean Hannity and Devin Nunes.


Honest question, what would happen if on the day of reckoning Mueller says something like "we came to the conclusion that there was no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no impeachment, investigation closed"

What would happen next? Of course, apart than the deep sense of desperation in all of us

then we neuter the GOP with the 2018 midterms and get them out of the presidency in 2020
Honest question, what would happen if on the day of reckoning Mueller says something like "we came to the conclusion that there was no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no impeachment, investigation closed"

What would happen next? Of course, apart than the deep sense of desperation in all of us

Republican smugness will be insufferable.

So, pretty much like now.


I want to see the following people indicted.

Trump Jr
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rex Tillerson
Betsy DeVos
Scott Pruitt
Paul Ryan
Reince Priebus
Paul Manafort
Mike Flynn
Steve Bannon
Mitch McConnel
Stephen Miller
Carter Page

Anyone I'm missing?
Jill Stein.
Honest question, what would happen if on the day of reckoning Mueller says something like "we came to the conclusion that there was no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no impeachment, investigation closed"

What would happen next? Of course, apart than the deep sense of desperation in all of us

Nothing I guess, I would hope Democrats wouldn't turn it into some Benghazi style shit because it would just empower him more. I mean there is the chance that nothing happens to Trump directly, but it's hard to not see at least one person taking the fall for everything.
Honest question, what would happen if on the day of reckoning Mueller says something like "we came to the conclusion that there was no collusion, no obstruction of justice, no impeachment, investigation closed"

What would happen next? Of course, apart than the deep sense of desperation in all of us

Internment camps for his enemies.

As it was written in the beginning.


She's kinda cute.

Now excuse me while I go bathe.


Unconfirmed Member
I have been in a shit mood lately. One of my parents died, I can't stop drinking, I have wild mood swings, but this has made me happy today.
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