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Special Metal Gear Solid V: TPP stream announced for gamescom, hosted by Keighley

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Gold Member
Yeah! No official links have been posted, yet, however, but should be up within the next couple of days!

Is this confirmed? That's awesome.

I expected as much, but still. What about the Mother Base infiltration? They released screenshots and everything.
Is this confirmed? That's awesome.

I expected as much, but still. What about the Mother Base infiltration? They released screenshots and everything.

Not confirmed, but...

There is some extra content we're showing in the theater that wasn't in the event (we need people to visit the booth, after all). While we don't currently have a plan in place about distribution of said material, you need only look to the E3 rollout to understand how it will most likely go down.

So look forward to that? Always something new on the horizon...

Hope this helps! ;-)
I'm totally joining one clan, only to move to another clan, while still working with my original clan behind the scenes. But wait, turns out I've been with a third clan this whole time, who I'm lying to as well since I'm really working with the leaders of clan 1 and 2 to form a new, ultimate 4th clan.

Also my arm is an implant. Long story.


I'm totally joining one clan, only to move to another clan, while still working with my original clan behind the scenes. But wait, turns out I've been with a third clan this whole time, who I'm lying to as well since I'm really working with the leaders of clan 1 and 2 to form a new, ultimate 4th clan.

Also my arm is an implant. Long story.

I never trust a frenchman.
Possible GAF clan names updated:

- Guerilla Gaffers
- Glorious Gaffers
- Platinum Platypuses
- Diamond (Diamondo) Dawgs (Doges, Dawgzu)
- Rogue Rottweilers
- Felonious Foxes
- Notorious N.E.O.Gaffers
- Ignorant Infiltrators
- Sneaking Snakes
- Boisterous Bosses
- Articulate Apes
- Rampaging Rhinos
- Ominous Owls
- Overkill Ocelots
- Wily Wolves
- Secret Sloths
- Jabbering Jackals
- Guerrilla Gaffers
- Guerrilla Guerrillas
- Gaffer Goats
- Idiotic Iguanas
- Whoahaaa Wolves, Whales, Wankers
- Handsome Hayters
- Hater Hayters
- Infinite Ishmaels
- Voracious V's
- Venomous Valkyries
- Ignorant Iguanas
- Gaffling Giraffes
- Quiet Quails
- GAF Guerrillas
- Gullible Gaffers
Team A!
- Grasping Gaffers

Trying to stick with the two-word-names-that-begin-with-the-same-letter trend of MGO2, MGSV

Alright, I've got two more:

-Arendelle Abattoir
-Zelotypia Zaibatsu

"Zelotypia" means "excessive zeal in carrying out a project", which might describe Big Boss' behavior in TPP.

"Arendelle Abattoir" just sounds better and bad-ass.


Alright, I've got two more:

-Arendelle Abattoir
-Zelotypia Zaibatsu

"Zelotypia" means "excessive zeal in carrying out a project", which might describe Big Boss' behavior in TPP.

"Arendelle Abattoir" just sounds better and bad-ass.

Interesting names. I like. Updated.


Updated the list above.

Strawpoll on the choosing the GAF name?

Basically. Not sure where else we can take a poll specifically for forum members, so I'll have to do it by hand. Trying to keep it consistent with two word names that begin with the same letter & stick to animals, but many have posted others so there has been some deviation. It's all up to the majority in the end, anyway.


gaf patrol? im not going putting much energy into this guys, can someone else do so on my behalf so that i can claim credit?


But they're the SAME goggles!

I wouldn't be surprised if EVA somehow made an appearance.

Same type of goggles. That really doesn't mean anything. I wouldn't be surprised if EVA was in the game simply because of the story/timeline in which TPP takes place, NOT because of similar goggles.

This game needs to release already, people are going too far into the Kojima zone.



The thread title is "EVA appears in The Phantom Pain?" :lol

Some fans really have nothing better to do...

Wait... Hospital scene... Big Boss wakes up and hallucinates white flower pedals... The Boss died in a flower field... The Boss is actually Big Boss confirmed.



Fuck, I shouldn't have played MGS GZ. The wait is even more unbearable. Kojima's playing us like a goddamn fiddle. Completed it in 78 minutes (Main missions)


Gold Member
But they're the SAME goggles!

I wouldn't be surprised if EVA somehow made an appearance.

I'm totally cool with a FOX engine render of EVA...

Fuck, I shouldn't have played MGS GZ. The wait is even more unbearable. Kojima's playing us like a goddamn fiddle. Completed it in 78 minutes (Main missions)

GZ ending cutscene is like the most hype thing ever.



I remember when I heard "They played us like a damn fiddle" for the first time in GZ.

Brought a tear to my eye.
Few names at the top of my head.

Fiddle Hayters

Fiddle Gaffers

NeoGnome Soldiers


Venomous Snakes

Dastardly Diarrheas

Deeds With Shame

Sons Of BigBoss

Sons Of The Patriots

Sons Of NeoGaF

Can't wait for MGSV!!!!

Someone on the Metal Gear subreddit figured out the entire Afghanistan map.

Explanation at the link (and in the imgur album) shows that the released MGSV world map was actually just Afghanistan morphed to be difficult to make sense of. Pretty exciting, gotta say.

Here is a link to the first part of his/her discoveries

Bonus image showing that the parts of the overall map that was released are actually just repeating off angle copies of other parts of the map.

Congrats to jimhouseman84 of r/metalgearsolid!

I found this thanks to The Snake Soup.
Did anyone see that giant map that some users went full GTAforum crazy with figuring out how big the Afghanistan map is?

Any thoughts on it so far?

And, more unfortunately, he had a hand in bringing Watchmen to the screen. A fool's errand if ever there was one.

Actually, Alex Tse completely rewrote Hayter's abomination of a script and saved the movie.

The original script almost had NOTHING to do with the graphic novel.
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