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Special Metal Gear Solid V: TPP stream announced for gamescom, hosted by Keighley

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Unconfirmed Member
RoyaleDuke said:
Actually, Alex Tse completely rewrote Hayter's abomination of a script and saved the movie.

The original script almost had NOTHING to do with the graphic novel.
Wrong. In fact, Hayter's script was so good Alan Moore, a known critic of movie adaptations, personally said it was great.
It's big.

I was watching the old gameplay videos and just thinking about the scale and it blows my mind how big just this one area of the game is.

Wrong. In fact, Hayter's script was so good Alan Moore, a known critic of movie adaptations, personally said it was great.

Alan Moore clearly didn't read the same script, because what we got was way more faithful, just short of doing a 12 part miniseries on HBO.
Hatter's script wasnt great. It has a very campy ending which is why it had to be redone.

Oh and I would have a hard time believing Alan Moore liked it. He denounced anything Hollywood that has his name in it.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Alan Moore clearly didn't read the same script, because what we got was way more faithful, just short of doing a 12 part miniseries on HBO.

What we got was a film that wore the skin of the comic book and had none of the heart. There are plenty of impactful differences. The movie is pure spectacle. Very nice to look at, but there is nothing Under the Hood, so to speak.

Hatter's script wasnt great. It has a very campy ending which is why it had to be redone.

By all accounts the awful, Hollywood ending we got is the one Hayter came up with.


Kojima sends a message once again.

That's the right proportion sauerkraut to wurst.


Someone on the Metal Gear subreddit figured out the entire Afghanistan map.

Explanation at the link (and in the imgur album) shows that the released MGSV world map was actually just Afghanistan morphed to be difficult to make sense of. Pretty exciting, gotta say.

One of my biggest concerns for this game is that, like MGS4, the core gameplay and tactical opportunities will be great and varied but there just won't be enough game to make use of them. I really hope the maps will be big enough so that we don't end up with Peace Walker (or Ground Zeroes for that matter) style missions where we constantly go back to the same locations with slightly tweaked enemy placement and mission objectives.

Gun Animal

One of my biggest concerns for this game is that, like MGS4, the core gameplay and tactical opportunities will be great and varied but there just won't be enough game to make use of them. I really hope the maps will be big enough so that we don't end up with Peace Walker (or Ground Zeroes for that matter) style missions where we constantly go back to the same locations with slightly tweaked enemy placement and mission objectives.

I have a feeling there'll be about 3-5 extra mission for every main mission, just like Ground Zeroes and Peace Walker. I don't have an issue with it at all, as long as the extra missions (and main missions for that matter) are all well made. Considering the way these levels are being designed, in sort of a Hitman style, how many levels did the Hitman games have on average? I think something like that would be more than reasonable.
Did anyone see that giant map that some users went full GTAforum crazy with figuring out how big the Afghanistan map is?

Any thoughts on it so far?

Actually, Alex Tse completely rewrote Hayter's abomination of a script and saved the movie.

The original script almost had NOTHING to do with the graphic novel.

Wrong. In fact, Hayter's script was so good Alan Moore, a known critic of movie adaptations, personally said it was great.

I don't think he said great, more like it was the best adaptation we can have transitoning from print to film.

i don't know about what alan moore said, other than the fact that he despises all of the movie adaptations of his work. but i do know that hayter's script for watchmen, was at the time pretty faithful to the source material. but that statement is relative. early watchmen scripts from the 90s were absolutely nothing like the comic.

the interesting part is...hayter's script took place in modern day. so it was basically a faithful recreation of the comic, but set in modern times. alex tse, after zach snyder took over due to the huge success that was 300, was tasked with taking hayter's script and setting it back in the 80s like the comic was. i actually loved the movie. it definitely would have been better as a mini-series, but it was as close as you could possibly get to squeezing watchmen into a 3 hour movie.

What we got was a film that wore the skin of the comic book and had none of the heart. There are plenty of impactful differences. The movie is pure spectacle. Very nice to look at, but there is nothing Under the Hood, so to speak.

By all accounts the awful, Hollywood ending we got is the one Hayter came up with.

you're probably right that hayter came up with it. as i said, the main change from his script to tse's is the time period. i do disagree that it's awful and "hollywood." the original ending of the comic is just as silly and really not all that different.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
you're probably right that hayter came up with it. as i said, the main change from his script to tse's is the time period. i do disagree that it's awful and "hollywood." the original ending of the comic is just as silly and really not all that different.

I'm sorry for going off-topic but this is a pet-peeve subject of mine :D. I'm kind of cross-posting here too, so I'm being an all round terrible poster:

Barring the fact that the film can't physically give us everything the comic does, it manages to bring many a classic scene from the comic to the screen fairly faithfully. Unfortunately, it also manages to miss the point on so many levels it is painful. It might have all the surface elements of the comic book ending but it has none of what makes it truly special.

I'll give you an example that highlights exactly what is wrong with the film: Night Owl's reaction to Rorschach dying, right? Pure, unadulterated, Hollywood bullshit. It's awful. A brilliant scene utterly mangled in translation.

The film gives us Rorschach and Manhattan's exchange, sure, but what could've been a contemplative moment between two characters is torn asunder by a cringy Hollywood "NOOOOO" from Nite Owl, followed by him then beating up the guy who not only soundly pounded him mere moments ago without breaking a sweat, but who also has a monumental enough ego that it would be completely out of character for him to simply let it happen (case in point: he never got over having his arse handed to him by The Comedian all those years ago, hence why he was so vicious during the rematch. His ego isn't just essential to his character, it's essential to the plot too).

Now, in the comic, this scene is a quiet moment between Manhattan and Rorschach, the moral absolutist/existentialist man facing God and being judged in the snow, alone (in stark contrast to Veidt meeting Manhattan later on, I might add). No one else really knows what happens to him here. It's an intensely emotional moment in the comic that never threatens to be trite or histrionic.

Was Nite Owl's insertion into this scene necessary? Did it drive the plot along or give us a better understanding of the characters and their motivations? Did it perhaps add a layer of symbolism or thematic development? No. So why add him in? They had to have Nite Owl do those things because Hollywood can't have (what is ostensibly) a "bad guy" getting away with his nefarious scheme without having some kind of comeuppance. Is that a sentiment the comic holds to? No, absolutely not. It's much more complicated than that.

So, as I said before: The film wears the comic's skin, but it does not have it's heart.

Anyway: Metal Gear, eh? Love it.
So no jungle gameplay, then? :(

I'm afraid not. In all honesty, I wouldn't mind if they decided to only show a mission or two being completed in a new approach with each presentation (for example, the way they are doing it now). I watch these demos and trailers so often that I've been worried about being burnt out by the time the game is released. Fortunately, with the way they have distributed footage for The Phantom Pain, I don't think it will be that big an issue. As much of the game as we have seen (probably over an hour's worth of content at this point), we still know next-to-nothing about how it will all play out - which is incredibly exciting!


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
The multiplayer video was leaked to youtube and was promptly taken down. Gamespot reported it.

"promptly"? lol no, they took it down just a few hours ago. I posted it yesterday and it was still there.
I'm sorry for going off-topic but this is a pet-peeve subject of mine :D. I'm kind of cross-posting here too, so I'm being an all round terrible poster:

Barring the fact that the film can't physically give us everything the comic does, it manages to bring many a classic scene from the comic to the screen fairly faithfully. Unfortunately, it also manages to miss the point on so many levels it is painful. It might have all the surface elements of the comic book ending but it has none of what makes it truly special.

I'll give you an example that highlights exactly what is wrong with the film: Night Owl's reaction to Rorschach dying, right? Pure, unadulterated, Hollywood bullshit. It's awful. A brilliant scene utterly mangled in translation.

The film gives us Rorschach and Manhattan's exchange, sure, but what could've been a contemplative moment between two characters is torn asunder by a cringy Hollywood "NOOOOO" from Nite Owl, followed by him then beating up the guy who not only soundly pounded him mere moments ago without breaking a sweat, but who also has a monumental enough ego that it would be completely out of character for him to simply let it happen (case in point: he never got over having his arse handed to him by The Comedian all those years ago, hence why he was so vicious during the rematch. His ego isn't just essential to his character, it's essential to the plot too).

Now, in the comic, this scene is a quiet moment between Manhattan and Rorschach, the moral absolutist/existentialist man facing God and being judged in the snow, alone (in stark contrast to Veidt meeting Manhattan later on, I might add). No one else really knows what happens to him here. It's an intensely emotional moment in the comic that never threatens to be trite or histrionic.

Was Nite Owl's insertion into this scene necessary? Did it drive the plot along or give us a better understanding of the characters and their motivations? Did it perhaps add a layer of symbolism or thematic development? No. So why add him in? They had to have Nite Owl do those things because Hollywood can't have (what is ostensibly) a "bad guy" getting away with his nefarious scheme without having some kind of comeuppance. Is that a sentiment the comic holds to? No, absolutely not. It's much more complicated than that.

So, as I said before: The film wears the comic's skin, but it does not have it's heart.

Anyway: Metal Gear, eh? Love it.

just one last brief comment on this so as not to derail the thread. i get where your coming from. but the comic had the guy banging SS right then and there. that to me was a bit out of character to begin with and would have been really ridiculous if it was in the movie.

I'm afraid not. In all honesty, I wouldn't mind if they decided to only show a mission or two being completed in a new approach with each presentation (for example, the way they are doing it now). I watch these demos and trailers so often that I've been worried about being burnt out by the time the game is released. Fortunately, with the way they have distributed footage for The Phantom Pain, I don't think it will be that big an issue. As much of the game as we have seen (probably over an hour's worth of content at this point), we still know next-to-nothing about how it will all play out - which is incredibly exciting!

i really don't think we need to see any more of this game. give the press a playable first hour or two for previews and that's it


i really don't think we need to see any more of this game. give the press a playable first hour or two for previews and that's it

Allowing press to play the hell out of the first mission like they've been showing us recently would be fine I suppose. I'm surprised we have yet to get any direct feed footage of the Mother Base bit at all. Also, 1080/60 gamescom video where are you?!
Allowing press to play the hell out of the first mission like they've been showing us recently would be fine I suppose. I'm surprised we have yet to get any direct feed footage of the Mother Base bit at all. Also, 1080/60 gamescom video where are you?!

Thursday! If it'd anything like the E3 footage distribution, it should be on Gamersyde just after it airs.
What we got was a film that wore the skin of the comic book and had none of the heart. There are plenty of impactful differences. The movie is pure spectacle. Very nice to look at, but there is nothing Under the Hood, so to speak.

By all accounts the awful, Hollywood ending we got is the one Hayter came up with.

Okay I just realized that I do not remember the entirety of the ending. I do remember it being different than how it is in the script.
It feels like we should know something about MGO by this time if it is expected to release in early 2015. My guess is that it's still a good year or more away. Sigh...


Gold Member
I loved how the E3 and GDC playthroughs of the same mission complimented the game more than 2 separate missions would.

I don't know, I don't think the second video added much new content/info aside from horseshit [literally]. The night gameplay was nice, but infiltrating the exact same compound was a huge letdown.

It was interesting however to see how the game adapted to your playstyle by changing guard positions, adding helmets and such.

I'm still playing GZ a lot and the AI in it still surprises me at times. The "randomness" of it all is great. I love how you play 4 times in a row and a fifth time some guard suddenly is not in the place he was the previous 4 times. There seems to be a truckload of stuff going on 'under the hood'.


It feels like we should know something about MGO by this time if it is expected to release in early 2015. My guess is that it's still a good year or more away. Sigh...

I doubt that. They wouldn't hold up MGSV for MGO if it wasn't anywhere near done. It'd get a separate release or a big patched add-on.


What are the chances Ground Zeroes PC still releases this year?

More than likely. That's if they use the same build as what was released in March, though. We've seen they've added new animations and features in the TPP gameplay videos so far.

For example; enemies no longer awkwardly hold their rifles with their left hands while using their flashlight. They use their right hand to hold the rifle and their left for the flashlight. Falling (when tranq'd) animations have been added. Different colored markers have been added for enemy soldiers in different states, such as it now being blue when they're incapacitated. STN when stunned, and the --- is strictly for enemies held up.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
It feels like we should know something about MGO by this time if it is expected to release in early 2015. My guess is that it's still a good year or more away. Sigh...

I dunno. There are still a few tradeshows between then and now, aren't there? If they are going to show more stuff, I hope it's just MGO being played in the Afghanistan level.

just one last brief comment on this so as not to derail the thread. i get where your coming from. but the comic had the guy banging SS right then and there. that to me was a bit out of character to begin with and would have been really ridiculous if it was in the movie.

That's the bit you find ridiculous? I was expecting the squid debate! XD

I don't think that scene is out of character at all. Dan's whole arc is based around his repressive personality, particularly his sexual repression. That's something that we see resolved earlier in the book when he and SS make love on the Owl Ship in their costumes. He has something of a breakthrough and becomes much more assertive, which in turn becomes the catalyst for him to break Rorschach out of jail and all the events that follow.

In the comic, the scene is a beautiful, tender and most of all human moment at the peak of the story. Those two had only moments before become complicit in both mass genocide and the most insane conspiracy the world has never known. In the midst of monsters (Rorschach, Veidt, Manhattan) and monstrosities (the murder of a million New Yorkers) and in the moment, these two desperately reached out to each other for comfort in both their bodies and in their shared past. The fact that Dan smells of Nostalgia is both literal and figurative; their intimate relationship started by their nostalgia for a past they've been chasing through most of the book and that is now more than ever forever out of reach.

This notion of a destroyed innocence/unreachable past is reinforced by their shadows being a reference to the "Hiroshima Lovers" graffiti that permeates the book; itself an allusion to the lost and more innocent pre-nuclear world...

...or summink.
For example; enemies no longer awkwardly hold their rifles with their left hands while using their flashlight. They use their right hand to hold the rifle and their left for the flashlight. Falling (when tranq'd) animations have been added. Different colored markers have been added for enemy soldiers in different states, such as it now being blue when they're incapacitated. STN when stunned, and the --- is strictly for enemies held up.

It would be nice if they would add these improvements to the PC version of GZ.



Whoa, this totally passed me by. I was too busy playing Blood Dragon all day. lol

Yup! Confirmed by ToraShiro, who also stated that the base infiltration will NOT replace MGO (for those worried that base infiltration would be the extent of the multiplayer)!

Good news then. I noticed there were people that actually believed MB infiltration was all there was going to be of MGO. Silly them...

It would be nice if they would add these improvements to the PC version of GZ.

I'm sure of it. I was actually thinking those improvements would be added to GZ in the inevitable GZ/TPP bundle 6 or so months after TPP releases.


David Hayter was recently asked on twitter what car Solid Snake would drive, to which he responded, "Cobra".

I personally think that's pure bullcock. Ever since my interest in cars shot up from 'nothing' to 'I really like cars' I've always had an idea of the vehicles each Snake would drive in their everyday lives. The Cobra is too small to boast that mean look you'd expect from a car Snake would drive (
and Ford manufactured it, ew

For Big Boss, the 1970 Chevelle SS 454 - This is the epitome of a muscle car and holds all the power and aggression with a mean look to boot. Something you'd expect a legendary mercenary to drive. Here it is in action.

For Solid Snake, the 2008 Viper SRT10 - The name says it all. A powerful snake for a legendary Snake.

For Liquid Snake, the 2014 McLaren P1 - A British supercar for the blonde super soldier seems very fitting, don't you think?
I know he's dead by this point in time (2014), but let's use imagination shall we?

For Solidus Snake, the 1968 Charger R/T - This beast is a force to be reckoned with, much like Solidus, especially in that suit of armor. The Charger was a powerful muscle car back in the classic era of American muscle, so what better vehicle for a former U.S. president to cruise in?
What helped me come to this decision was Solidus' charging attack during the final boss battle.

So what do you guys think? Agree, disagree?


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I just saw this... dunno what to make out of it.


Uhm... that has nothing to do with Chico...

Kojima revealed this:


It became a huge shitstorm around the interwebz and that's why he tweeted the tweet you posted. Theories are she has similar abilities to the The End and that's why her skin needs the sun or some shit.
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