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Special Metal Gear Solid V: TPP stream announced for gamescom, hosted by Keighley

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I'm basically watching this just to see people play P.T. live. They're going to show some of Ste(ph/f?)anie playing it, so that should be amusing
I'm watching it because I can't sleep thanks to a fucking ingrown nail. It's submerged in diluted anti-septic right now.

Has Kojima said anything regarding this ? It's a legitimate concern.

I am not really buying all the teories like the we will be playing Solid Snake voiced by Hayter for majority of the game and others. This seems to be a big letdown in what seems to be almost overproduced game. It still looks super weird.

Incredibly so.
I mean look at all this, the attention to detail is insane, all the boxes, enemy interactions with horse poop, absolutely insane stuff, that has whole teams dedicated only for those things. And they are okay with the main guy basically not speaking?

That seems SO off


I'm confused as to how the mission structure will be. It seems you just leave once you complete your objective and then you get a rank for it. I thought it was more go from base to base completing a string of objectives towards a main goal and go back to Mother Base whenever you want type thing. This seems more confined. I mean look at the border around the base when he opens the iDroid. Is that there to outline an enemy camp or to show us the border of the game world that we can't pass through without getting a game over?
So that woman who always appears on those streams next to Kojima, is she his personal assistant ?

I'm confused as to how the mission structure will be. It seems you just leave once you complete your objective and then you get a rank for it. I thought it was more go from base to base completing a string of objectives towards a main goal and go back to Mother Base whenever you want type thing. This seems more confined. I mean look at the border around the base when he opens the iDroid. Is that there to outline an enemy camp or to show us the border of the game world that we can't pass through without getting a game over?

Yeah, I'm wondering this as well. I didn't like the mission-based narrative of Peace Walker, and it seems that this game will continue to operate as such.


A lot of us seem concerned that we'll be playing as Solid Link in this game. I wouldn't be too concerned about it though. Big Boss wasn't mute in Ground Zeroes, accept during gameplay. I don't anticipate that the Phantom Pain will be any different. I happen to think Big Boss's silence works well in that scene with Ocelot. You can tell there's a lot going through his head, and frankly, there's really not much to say in response to anything Ocelot is saying.
A lot of us seem concerned that we'll be playing as Solid Link in this game. I wouldn't be too concerned about it though. Big Boss wasn't mute in Ground Zeroes, accept during gameplay. I don't anticipate that the Phantom Pain will be any different. I happen to think Big Boss's silence works well in that scene with Ocelot. You can tell there's a lot going through his head, and frankly, there's really not much to say in response to anything Ocelot is saying.

Well... this makes sense. If that scene is a response to a emotional scene (maybe the one in trailer?) The part with glasses seems to imply so. Maybe we are overreacting without giving it a thought
A lot of us seem concerned that we'll be playing as Solid Link in this game. I wouldn't be too concerned about it though. Big Boss wasn't mute in Ground Zeroes, accept during gameplay. I don't anticipate that the Phantom Pain will be any different. I happen to think Big Boss's silence works well in that scene with Ocelot. You can tell there's a lot going through his head, and frankly, there's really not much to say in response to anything Ocelot is saying.

The problem is that he barely talked at all in everything we've seen so far, including Ground Zeroes. What if that is indicative of the final game ? That would be a serious bummer. Snake has always had a lot to say in previous games. He is not a silent protagonist or anything like it.
I'm confused as to how the mission structure will be. It seems you just leave once you complete your objective and then you get a rank for it. I thought it was more go from base to base completing a string of objectives towards a main goal and go back to Mother Base whenever you want type thing. This seems more confined. I mean look at the border around the base when he opens the iDroid. Is that there to outline an enemy camp or to show us the border of the game world that we can't pass through without getting a game over?

It looks like the GZ mission border, it probably expands after the first mission as there's stuff outside it.
I think you'll just get in a helicopter at the end of most missions and choose a mission from there, but don't have to go back to mother base.


The problem is that he barely talked at all in everything we've seen so far, including Ground Zeroes. What if that is indicative of the final game ? That would be a serious bummer. Snake has always had a lot to say in previous games. He is not a silent protagonist or anything like it.

Can you imagine if he said something in response to every one of Miller's radio calls? That would have driven me nuts lol. Unless they want to go back to old school codec style conversations, I could dig that. Personally, I was satisfied with the amount of Boss dialogue in GZ. Boss is well, the boss! He's got to have quite a bit of dialogue in cut scenes at least. I bet he gives a rousing speech or two to boost morale. As proof, I submit Kiefer was recording more lines as recently as gamescom, after he made comments that implied he was done with his part.
I've got to put this out there... I don't see how anyone can find Sins of the Father better than Not Your Kind of People or Nuclear... Not that it's a bad song, it's just really kind of "meh". Then there's the issue of auto tune. I have Sins of the Father on my iPod, but I think I'd be embarrassed if I was on a train and the person sitting next to me heard it emitting from my ear buds. It's over dramatic hacky broadway-esque music. I'd rock the other two songs loud and proud though. Clearly I'm on the minority here. What do you guys see in the song??

Sasaki for your trouble

I actually don't like it better than the other two. Still pretty good though.

The Whoaaaaa Haaaaaa gives me chills and makes me laugh at the same time.


Has Kojima said anything regarding this ? It's a legitimate concern.
kojima wanted snake to be like mad max in the road warrior and not say a whole lot + emoting via face capture rather than through dialogue. plus they got rid of that japanese conversational writing quirk that has one character repeating lines after another character has spoken them (e.g "Metal Gear?").

sutherland will get time to talk, but most likely during the more intense parts of the game.


I randomly want to mention that I love the mission based structure to GZ and PP. The gameplay mechanics are just so good and it truly feels like a sandbox to complete your missions. Here are guards, this is your objective. Do your shit. It's so much more open than other "open world sandbox missions" (drive to this exact marker and kill these people and now do this exactly as you you're told)

It's the first game ever I actually see me replaying multiple times, even the missions on different difficulties. I guess I just feel like lamenting the amaze that is MGS.
I normally don't do this, but I feel like replaying MGS3 already. Maybe get all trophies. Are there any fucked up ones like "don't die" that might screw me over in the long run?


The mission structure does seem a little more arcade-like than I hoped. I will know how I like it when I play the final game and see the general pacing of the game more of course.


So, is it basically confirmed you can make your own mercenary unit/name/logo for the MP?

I mean, I understand you need Diamond Dawgs for story purposes in SP, but both players had custom logos on their containers in the vid.
I randomly want to mention that I love the mission based structure to GZ and PP. The gameplay mechanics are just so good and it truly feels like a sandbox to complete your missions. Here are guards, this is your objective. Do your shit. It's so much more open than other "open world sandbox missions" (drive to this exact marker and kill these people and now do this exactly as you you're told)

It's the first game ever I actually see me replaying multiple times, even the missions on different difficulties. I guess I just feel like lamenting the amaze that is MGS.
I normally don't do this, but I feel like replaying MGS3 already. Maybe get all trophies. Are there any fucked up ones like "don't die" that might screw me over in the long run?

MGS3 platinum is pretty straight forward and can be done in basically one run, but there are missable trophies. one in particular for the face camo trophy i'd suggest looking at a guide for. and of course the kerotans. the no-kill run can be done on easy difficulty where they give you an unlimited tranq gun that also auto-camo's your index to 80.

as far as GZ goes, i completely agree. my major gripe with GTA and other open world games is that "mission-mode" is generally just as linear as any other game. go here, chase the guy with the triangle over his head, etc etc etc. options and multiple ways to tackle and missions is some true open world shit. even if their are mission parameters that limit some exploration, i'd take even a game with 5-10 GZ style missions.


I randomly want to mention that I love the mission based structure to GZ and PP. The gameplay mechanics are just so good and it truly feels like a sandbox to complete your missions. Here are guards, this is your objective. Do your shit. It's so much more open than other "open world sandbox missions" (drive to this exact marker and kill these people and now do this exactly as you you're told)

It's the first game ever I actually see me replaying multiple times, even the missions on different difficulties. I guess I just feel like lamenting the amaze that is MGS.
I normally don't do this, but I feel like replaying MGS3 already. Maybe get all trophies. Are there any fucked up ones like "don't die" that might screw me over in the long run?

That GZ mission where you have to track down and assassinate two MOVING targets is the sort of thing that I believe will make Phantom Pain give Rockstar a run for their money. Especially since there's so many weird small mechanics that can be used all the time.
So, is it basically confirmed you can make your own mercenary unit/name/logo for the MP?

I mean, I understand you need Diamond Dawgs for story purposes in SP, but both players had custom logos on their containers in the vid.

Not as far as I know. I think you'll just get to choose from a selection, or maybe the game chooses for you. It might make sense for everyone to have a unique logo though, so maybe.


So, is it basically confirmed you can make your own mercenary unit/name/logo for the MP?

I mean, I understand you need Diamond Dawgs for story purposes in SP, but both players had custom logos on their containers in the vid.

Sean "I got some horse poo in my" Eyestoneballs said that it was the player's 'Foward Operating Base'. I'm thinking we have an detached section of MB which will be the FOB that we can make custom logos on and whatnot.
Pretty cool, but I'm a bit confused about the "multiplayer" of it

How exactly can you use the phantom cigar to jump a day ahead if you are invading someone else's game?

Still pretty neat though, I like how different that mother base looked from the orangey one we first saw.


Gold Member
So how does this work, exactly?

Other players can just randomly infiltrate the forward base and just completely trainwreck it while I am on a mission or something?

I'm not sure how I feel about other players just Fulton-ing fucking everything and everyone they see, shooting up cyphers and whatnot.

...it's probably balanced somehow, I suppose.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
So how does this work, exactly?

Other players can just randomly infiltrate the forward base and just completely trainwreck it while I am on a mission or something?

I'm not sure how I feel about other players just Fulton-ing fucking everything and everyone they see, shooting up cyphers and whatnot.

...it's probably balanced somehow, I suppose.

Yeah well nobody knows for sure, i wish they would have explained the whole mother base and other players thing a little bit better. Hopefully we get some clarification at TGS.

Dat smile

DAT FOX-ENGINE. The game looks even better at night. This should be the best looking cross-gen game ever.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Still wish this game wasn't cross-gen.

Also, Burke domination.

I wish too but hey that was probably Konami's call. MGS is one of their biggest flagships. They don't have much left. Can you imagine how this game would look with current-gen only? holy shit.

Oh and about the strawpoll .... :D


Any song or track composed for MGSV >>>>> random song.
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