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Special Metal Gear Solid V: TPP stream announced for gamescom, hosted by Keighley

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Unconfirmed Member
David Hayter was recently asked on twitter what car Solid Snake would drive, to which he responded, "Cobra".

I personally think that's pure bullcock. Ever since my interest in cars shot up from 'nothing' to 'I really like cars' I've always had an idea of the vehicles each Snake would drive in their everyday lives. The Cobra is too small to boast that mean look you'd expect from a car Snake would drive (
and Ford manufactured it, ew

For Solid Snake, the 2008 Viper SRT10 - The name says it all. A powerful snake for a legendary Snake.

So what do you guys think? Agree, disagree?

The Cobra chassis was a modified design by British company AC, the engine was the only part sourced from Ford. This was all done under contract by then independent Shelby American, for Ford which wanted a car to compete against the Stingray. Ford later helped redesign the chassis for the third iteration because AC's designs were awful. They also supplied a more powerful engine compared to the Mark I & II.

Secondly, Solid Snake, after leaving the military became a recluse in Alaska. There is no way he would drive a Viper. You might as well have said he would drive a Maserati 3500 GT.
*Sn4ke_911 grabs from behind*

"SPIT IT OUT (Seriously. What the hell is up with the sound when Snake tells a guy to 'SPIT IT OUT?' :lol)"

In hignsight maybe Ground Zeros would have been more impactful if
they didnt give away the entire story and every "shocking moment" in the game in a trailer 10 months before it was out.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
In hignsight maybe Ground Zeros would have been more impactful if
they didnt give away the entire story and every "shocking moment" in the game in a trailer 10 months before it was out.

Well GZ is so short, they had to show us something.


Secondly, Solid Snake, after leaving the military became a recluse in Alaska. There is no way he would drive a Viper. You might as well have said he would drive a Maserati 3500 GT.

I'm aware. It was done for fun. Same as Liquid driving a car that was manufactured after his death.
In hignsight maybe Ground Zeros would have been more impactful if
they didnt give away the entire story and every "shocking moment" in the game in a trailer 10 months before it was out.

Yeah, definitely. Fortunately, TPP isn't ten minutes long! The game is amazing, but the story was spoiled long in advance.
not to send this thread back into this territory, but some of the reactions to chico = quiet as a theory seem to come off as a liiiitle ignorant to the world around them (and i don't really mean that towards anyone in particular in this thread, just in general). i thought it at least a possibility before it was denied by joosten, but eitherway...would it be a bad thing for transexuality to be addressed in some form in a video game?


Unconfirmed Member
not to send this thread back into this territory, but some of the reactions to chico = quiet as a theory seem to come off as a liiiitle ignorant to the world around them (and i don't really mean that towards anyone in particular in this thread, just in general). i thought it at least a possibility before it was denied by joosten, but eitherway...would it be a bad thing for transexuality to be addressed in some form in a video game?

Absolutely not, but the theory is kinda filmsy and they already jossed it so, no point speaking of it.
not to send this thread back into this territory, but some of the reactions to chico = quiet as a theory seem to come off as a liiiitle ignorant to the world around them (and i don't really mean that towards anyone in particular in this thread, just in general). i thought it at least a possibility before it was denied by joosten, but eitherway...would it be a bad thing for transexuality to be addressed in some form in a video game?

Well, first of all - I wouldn't have an issue with a transgender character. But I think the problem people are having revolves around why people think Chico is Quiet - not the fact that the character is transgender. The evidence boils down to "Kojima tweeted sausage pics," and "Paz told Chico to shut up - QUIET!" I don't think the people you're calling out are mean-spirited in any way nor do I believe they are suggesting that it would be a problem.


Kojima Station 7pm today will introduce TPP gameplay footage revealed at Gamescom incl MB that hasn't unveiled yet. & will do PT live play!
It was the hardest decision ever but I went with Donna.

These theories though. Everyone isn't someone else guys. Ishmael is Gray Fox though...
but not really
Kojima Station 7pm today will introduce TPP gameplay footage revealed at Gamescom incl MB that hasn't unveiled yet. & will do PT live play!

So...wait a minute does this mean there is something extra besides the MB footage that they were hiding?

I mean that'd be great but I don't think so.


Gold Member
So...wait a minute does this mean there is something extra besides the MB footage that they were hiding?

I mean that'd be great but I don't think so.

Of course not. The Mother Base stuff leaked through hidden camera footage, as far as Kojima's concerned the MB infiltration hasn't been unveiled yet.

So we'll get the gameplay demo from the livestream and the Mother Base infiltration stuff.


I've got to put this out there... I don't see how anyone can find Sins of the Father better than Not Your Kind of People or Nuclear... Not that it's a bad song, it's just really kind of "meh". Then there's the issue of auto tune. I have Sins of the Father on my iPod, but I think I'd be embarrassed if I was on a train and the person sitting next to me heard it emitting from my ear buds. It's over dramatic hacky broadway-esque music. I'd rock the other two songs loud and proud though. Clearly I'm on the minority here. What do you guys see in the song??

Sasaki for your trouble


I've got to put this out there... I don't see how anyone can find Sins of the Father better than Not Your Kind of People or Nuclear... Not that it's a bad song, it's just really kind of "meh". Then there's the issue of auto tune. I have Sins of the Father on my iPod, but I think I'd be embarrassed if I was on a train and the person sitting next to me heard it emitting from my ear buds. It's over dramatic hacky broadway-esque music. I'd rock the other two songs loud and proud though. Clearly I'm on the minority here. What do you guys see in the song??


I actually don't like the song at all.


Is there a legit track for sins of the father yet?
Or is it still the fan edited one with the muted backgrounds but you still know something is off.


I've got to put this out there... I don't see how anyone can find Sins of the Father better than Not Your Kind of People or Nuclear... Not that it's a bad song, it's just really kind of "meh". Then there's the issue of auto tune. I have Sins of the Father on my iPod, but I think I'd be embarrassed if I was on a train and the person sitting next to me heard it emitting from my ear buds. It's over dramatic hacky broadway-esque music. I'd rock the other two songs loud and proud though. Clearly I'm on the minority here. What do you guys see in the song?

It's a fantastic song and I'd never be embarrassed if someone heard me listen to it. Debating on what song is better than another is foolish. Music is the most subjective form of entertainment out there.


https://twitter.com/alamocitycon/status/501794328592015360 https://twitter.com/alamocitycon/status/501785029853601793/photo/1

I wonder what Konami and Kojima will be thinking about this? A person who is not 'supposed' to be related to Metal Gear Solid anymore is 'still' indirectly proclaiming himself to be Snake and kind of promoting MGS games.

Coincidence or a ruse? I will go for the latter since there is a lot of sound being made about Hayter for the last 2 months.


You're reaching far. David Hayter is best known among gamers as the voice of Solid Snake and 90+% of his twitter followers are following him because of his voice work as Snake. So of course he identifies with that.


It's a fantastic song and I'd never be embarrassed if someone heard me listen to it. Debating on what song is better than another is foolish. Music is the most subjective form of entertainment out there.

But what about it makes you think it's fantastic? Is it the vocals? Lyrics? Instrumentals? Do you prefer Sins' genre style to the alt rock style of the other songs?

I'd have to disagree with you when you say that it's foolish to debate whether one song is better than another. Is it foolish to contemplate which is the better song? Contemplation is an internal debate of sorts, and it appears to me that you've just about insulted everyone who cast a vote as a result of your statement. Either way that's not what I'm promoting here. I've given my opinion and I'm looking for other opinions. I'm not out to change minds and no one is going to change mine.

I guess what I don't like about Sins is it's genre, which is some pop/pseudo theater blend. It's an interesting song but I find it kind of cringey.


But what about it makes you think it's fantastic? Is it the vocals? Lyrics? Instrumentals? Do you prefer Sins' genre style to the alt rock style of the other songs?

I don't think it's foolish to debate on which song is better than which, at least not on a personal level. Either way that's not what I'm promoting here. I've given my opinion and I'm looking for other opinions. I'm not out to change minds and no one is going to change mine.

I guess what I don't like about Sins is it's genre, which is some pop/pseudo theater blend. It's an interesting song but I find it kind of cringey.

I find it to be really epic. I like a wide variety of music genres, so all those elements you mentioned are certainly a part of why I like it. As for liking other rock over this, it simply depends on what mood I'm in. I absolutely love Nuclear. I love classic rock, too. I love techno, trance, house, acid jazz, instrumental rock, metal, heavy metal, orchestral, etc. I never ally myself with a single group or band either. I cherry pick songs I like if it has a beat I can get behind.


That's why I do like it. I like it for a lot of the same reasons I like Heavens Divide.

I never realized how similar those songs were until you mentioned that. I've personally never liked plays or theater, musicals or any of that stuff. In fact, I'm repulsed by those outlets. I'm willing to admit that it's probably unreasonable stuff. Just not my cup of tea I guess.
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