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Splatoon 2 introduces Pearl and Marina, Icecream vs. Icrecream Splatfest

I'm still thinking about this after someone pointed it out earlier tonight.




Clearly the answer here is for something incredibly apathetic.

Snow Sculptures vs Ice Sculptures

Motorcycle vs Racecar

Paper vs Plastic

Dog vs Slightly More Different Dog But Not Enough That It's Aesthetically More Appealing.
Hmm not bad! Better than other things at least. I already saw the cream wordplay many times on YouTube.


I disagree, covering your opponents ink is not really double, because there is a high probability that that spot will change again before the match is over. Covering 90 percent of your own zone is first priority in the first two mins. Securing the middle, or your opponents side it's most important in the last minute only.
It is double. That's just a fact. Whether or not it is reclaimed has no bearing on that.

Now you can certainly disagree on strategy. I've found your way to be much harder to consistently win against good players who will lock you out. If you can hold the line with 3 or less then having someone painting your whole area is wonderful. But it's hard to rely on that in solo play.

I took this post to heart and in my next match we did 66% to their 22%. Lol!
We need Splatfest that has some random themes so we won't see one sided popular vote again.
Fork vs Spoon
BBQ sauce vs Ranch
Or just pizza with pineapple vs no pineapple on pizza so we can know who is worse than the other one inherently.

I know nobody played the first one outside of the 284 WiiU owners, but it's pretty funny how many folks suggest this one considering it already happened in the first game.



I know nobody played the first one, but it's pretty funny how many folks suggest this one considering it already happened in the first game.

Only in Europe though, we need it to come to America to definitively prove
that pizza without pineapple is garbage, always


Only in Europe though, we need it to come to America to definitively prove
that pizza without pineapple is garbage, always

I seriously want to know where this hatred of pineapple and ham on pizza originated. Quite honestly, anchovies, spinach, & canned tuna are a lot worse.


My impressions as a new comer to Splatoon:

1. Why didn't they copy the motion controls from Zelda? The no vertical with the sticks threw me off. I turned it off but I will give it a second try during the single player mode because people recommend it and I want to try something new. However, as I'm still playing Zelda I might not use it in Splatoon because it could confuse me control wise in those two games.

2. Dualies and Rollers are fun to use.

3. I lost and won evenly which is really good. Often demos I played was one sided which annoyed me.

4. I like all 4 maps. However, why was there a 90% chance of one map starting. I played inklbot academy 90% of the times compared to the other. Same with other rotation, I played the tower just one time.

5. I liked that matches took a short amount of time. It's perfect with my life style with constant real life interruptions.


4. I like all 4 maps. Why was there a 90% chance of one map starting. I played inklbot academy 90% of the times compared to the other. Same with other rotation, I played the tower just one time.

that's just how probability works dude. If you flip a coin 100 times you're always gonna get these runs of heads like 10 times in a row or some shit.

it does suck, i got sound stage like 6 times when starting


that's just how probability works dude. If you flip a coin 100 times you're always gonna get these runs of heads like 10 times in a row or some shit.

it does suck, i got sound stage like 6 times when starting

I never had that issue in other multiplayer games. Granted I don't play many of them. So there will be always 2 maps rotating every two hours in release?
I never had that issue in other multiplayer games. Granted I don't play many of them. So there will be always 2 maps rotating every two hours in release?

Yep, it's better than the first game which had them rotate every 4 hours.

I think Splatfests will go back to their old way where it's the same 3 maps over a 24 hour period though.


If pizza is like sex, in that it's always sort of good, than regular pizzas without pineapple are the blue balls of pizza. It can come close to brilliance, but never quite reach perfection.

I seriously want to know where this hatred of pineapple and ham on pizza originated. Quite honestly, anchovies, spinach, & canned tuna are a lot worse.

Exactly, pineapple is easily the best of the controversial toppings.

Any predictions for the next splatfest? I'm secretly hoping for APA Citations vs Chicago Citations, would be a guaranteed victory for Marina. Chicago Style for life!
I can see dogs vs cats a thing. Or rabbit vs guinea pigs. Or NeoGAF vs 4chan.

I never played the first Splatoon so I don't know what's already been used.


Yep, it's better than the first game which had them rotate every 4 hours.

I think Splatfests will go back to their old way where it's the same 3 maps over a 24 hour period though.

But every day at the same time won't be the same maps? Say I play every night at 6pm I won't play the same maps every night? that will only be possible if there was 12 or 6 maps and they kept the same two maps combo in rotation.


If pizza is like sex, in that it's always sort of good, than regular pizzas without pineapple are the blue balls of pizza. It can come close to brilliance, but never quite reach perfection.

Exactly, pineapple is easily the best of the controversial toppings.

Any predictions for the next splatfest? I'm secretly hoping for APA Citations vs Chicago Citations, would be a guaranteed victory for Marina. Chicago Style for life!

Retro VS. Modern
Walking VS. Driving
Beach VS. Mountains
Horizontal Stripes VS. Vertical Stripes
Spicy VS. Sweet


Or how about Mario vs. Zelda? That would get uncomfortably competitive and would lead to a lot of hurt feelings, which imo is exactly what Splatfests should be about, lots of salty arguing

But every day at the same time won't be the same maps? Say I play every night at 6pm I won't play the same maps every night? that will only be possible if there was 12 or 6 maps and they kept the same two maps combo in rotation.

Nope, it's all random so you'll get to play all the maps even if you play at the same time each day.


Mario would win easily popularity wise imo. Not that Nintendo would let it happen but it would be awesome if they did.

Or how about Mario vs. Zelda? That would get uncomfortably competitive and would lead to a lot of hurt feelings, which imo is exactly what Splatfests should be about, lots of salty arguing

Nope, it's all random so you'll get to play all the maps even if you play at the same time each day.

Sounds good. Cheers!


Gold Member
the coolest Splatfests from the first game were Autobots v Decepticons and Spongebob v Patrick

I was surprised when Team Decepticons won. I picked Decepticons expecting to take an L, figuring it would be a lopsided event that time around because everyone loves Autobots! Despite the popularity Team Decepticons just smashed the win rate.


I didn't realize the West shares the same scoring for Splatfest. I guess I cancelled my own wins since I was team cake in Europe and team ice cream in America lol.

I still haven't chosen between the two...maybe at the release I'll have the final choice on where to put my loyalty to.


I was surprised when Team Decepticons won. I picked Decepticons expecting to take an L, figuring it would be a lopsided event that time around because everyone loves Autobots! Despite the popularity Team Decepticons just smashed the win rate.
the old Splatfests didn't handle matchmaking very well in that all ranks were allowed to play against each other; higher ranked players would game the system by choosing the side that was less likelier to have noobs


Yesterday on Moray, I fail jumped from up high and nearly died. Luckily, I had the Inkjet available, activated it and it threw be back on the map. I couldn’t shoot enemies, but didn’t die either. Pretty cool.


Technically speaking a one-sided curbstomp is if Pearl weren't close in all three categories.

The fact that we lost by only 3% despite the sheer opposing numbers is pretty good.

This is what I'm thinking. If there were 3 times as many players on ice cream side...then cake had to fight that much harder? Though I kept seeing some people say they were fighting ice cream vs ice cream. I think that's weird because I never had a problem finding opposition. But I was team cake even though I prefer Marina over Pearl big time. Wondering how many people actually prefer ice cream over cake and didn't just pick ice cream because their preferred idol chose it.

Anyway, not upset I was on the losing team. Cake fought hard and kicked ass.


This is what I'm thinking. If there were 3 times as many players on ice cream side...then cake had to fight that much harder? Though I kept seeing some people say they were fighting ice cream vs ice cream. I think that's weird because I never had a problem finding opposition. But I was team cake even though I prefer Marina over Pearl big time. Wondering how many people actually prefer ice cream over cake and didn't just pick ice cream because their preferred idol chose it.

Anyway, not upset I was on the losing team. Cake fought hard and kicked ass.

I personally prefer ice cream over cake any day of the week.

But if it was Rock VS. Pop, I would pick the midget's side, for sure.


Well hey, if you like both Cake and Ice Cream then why not use the Idols themselves as a swaying factor towards your team choice.

I like both but figured it would be best to choose what I'd lean more towards. Because the idol thing is too obvious.

I personally prefer ice cream over cake any day of the week.

But if it was Rock VS. Pop, I would pick the midget's side, for sure.


Lol jk.

It'd be so messed up though if one splat fest they flat out just do a Pearl vs Marina thing and it's like 90% Marina. And as the results are posted Pearl is cussing out all the haters in squid language.
1. Why didn't they copy the motion controls from Zelda? The no vertical with the sticks threw me off. I turned it off but I will give it a second try during the single player mode because people recommend it and I want to try something new. However, as I'm still playing Zelda I might not use it in Splatoon because it could confuse me control wise in those two games.

I think this is so that when you hold your controller level, your character will always face forward at the standard angle. By not allowing the control stick to affect the Y orientation, the player has absolute confidence that the tilt of their controller is the authority on their vertical view angle. If the control stick could affect the Y orientation, the "angle base" would move around, and it's possible to get the camera snagged into a situation where the player is holding the controller level, but instead of looking foward, they would be looking straight at the ground or at the sky.

It works in Zelda since you're only aiming for short spurts at a time. Every time you let go of the ZR trigger, the view is being reset.



Lol jk.

It'd be so messed up though if one splat fest they flat out just do a Pearl vs Marina thing and it's like 90% Marina. And as the results are posted Pearl is cussing out all the haters in squid language.

That would be pretty hilarious, especially if Marina slowly backs away/exits from the chaos.
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