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Splatoon |OT4| You're a detriment to your squad

It's really more of a skill difference than a perk difference.

You have to imagine everyone else has dozens or hundreds of hours over you.

So is it basically a matter of unlocking the 'core' weapon types and learning how to utilize them? I got the roller last night and already feel like I'm better because of that.


So is it basically a matter of unlocking the 'core' weapon types and learning how to utilize them? I got the roller last night and already feel like I'm better because of that.
I would say two basic skills are independent of weapon- learning how not to be a sitting duck and getting a feel for where opponents will come from on a given map.

Beyond that, yeah, you need to get a feel for each weapon type so you know how they're going to come at you. But you don't need to spend money unlocking each one- test them at the weapon store.


So is it basically a matter of unlocking the 'core' weapon types and learning how to utilize them? I got the roller last night and already feel like I'm better because of that.
It's more than your weapon. The character momentum has a very high skill ceiling. Then you get to aiming, etc.

I can pick a weapon I've never used and still score the top in turf war regardless of what I am wearing.


Good enough to reach S+, I guess :) Compared to the typical Japanese Tentatek, maybe not so much! I still have a lot of work to do.

And yeah, I must just be high on life. I maintain a pretty steady chill in just about everything I do, lol.

Enjoyed watching you slay people. I may have learned a thing or two. Thanks for posting that video. :)


You know a weapon is good when you pick it up for the first time and do things that make you say to yourself, "That was just mean."

The Custom Jet Squelcher is mean. I thought the L3D was mean. But trade in the deadeye barrage for 4.5 unit range suppression fire? Mean.


You know what's mean? Zinc Mini and Green Bucket are mean. Disrupt someone and then bubble and kill them while they're helpless. Mean.


I almost never see anyone use the standard .96 (my preferred version). Probably the best weapon to go along with the sprinkler.


You know what's mean? Zinc Mini and Green Bucket are mean. Disrupt someone and then bubble and kill them while they're helpless. Mean.
Yeah I mained the green bucket for a while; one of the meanest indeed.

But I can tell you the secret to beating it: don't try to run. You're not helpless; you can still shoot. So splat them in the window after they toss the disruptor, or at least push the bubble back.


Yeah I mained the green bucket for a while; one of the meanest indeed.

But I can tell you the secret to beating it: don't try to run. You're not helpless; you can still shoot. So splat them in the window after they toss the disruptor, or at least push the bubble back.
Yeah, the green buckets lack of range can make it hard to close in when bubbled.
Zinc mini though...


Zinc mini though...
Yeah that one's a different ball of wax. I typically play weapons where I don't fight head-on, i.e. buckets and blasters, so my general strategy is to outmaneuver, outflank, and stay aware of their whereabouts at all times. Fortunately it's not as popular as its kit is devastating.


Hmmm yeah i wasn't aware of that... Now i am actually rethinking this... What ARE the advantages over the DS in that case?

Maybe having a wall to hide behind before splatting in two shots? I guess overall it's a more aggressive weapon (two shot kill + wall + kraken, at least for the deco). One version of the DS has echolocator and the other has beacons so they feel more geared towards a supporting kind of role.


Know what we need now that updates are still coming?

A renovated Port Mackerel. One that isn't just as skewed as Moray Towers was. I know I can't be alone in my hatred for facing any snipers on the stage.
Didn't Nintendo say something about weapon rebalancing for when the new ones release?

Add in 1 extra blob of ink for every brush/roller?


A renovated Port Mackerel. One that isn't just as skewed as Moray Towers was. I know I can't be alone in my hatred for facing any snipers on the stage.
I actually think this could be done relatively simply by making it easier to travel across the "second level." Many don't realize you can already make it halfway across the central grid without touching the ground floor. At a minimum it would require only one more zamboni in the middle perpendicular lane.

Didn't Nintendo say something about weapon rebalancing for when the new ones release?
I just went and watched it for the first time. Yes, not only does it say that they will be "adjusting some of the already existing weapons," but that this update "will be divided into two parts, with the first part coming in April."


Hey SplatGAF, one quick question:

I´ve spent some time without playing, but in the last weeks I´ve gone back into the game (and it´s as awesome as always). I use a variety of wepons, but one of my favorites (Roller) seems to have been nerfed a lot: sometimes people are able to survive a swing that hits them fully and I´m even using one main Strengh Up. Is this normal (maybe they were using some Defense Ups) and I should be using more Strength Ups, or just unfortunate lag? Before when I played this everyday 1Roller swing would kill anyone instantly even without Strength Ups and even if victim was using Defense Ups...


Hey SplatGAF, one quick question:

I´ve spent some time without playing, but in the last weeks I´ve gone back into the game (and it´s as awesome as always). I use a variety of wepons, but one of my favorites (Roller) seems to have been nerfed a lot: sometimes people are able to survive a swing that hits them fully and I´m even using one main Strengh Up. Is this normal (maybe they were using some Defense Ups) and I should be using more Strength Ups, or just unfortunate lag? Before when I played this everyday 1Roller swing would kill anyone instantly even without Strength Ups and even if victim was using Defense Ups...

I'm pretty sure they changed it so only the center of the swing is a guaranteed kill or something like that.


You don't need damage up on roller. It doesn't do enough to matter. They did nerf it, you can't kill with the edge anymore. So now you have to aim more precisely. It's annoying but you'll get a hang of it. I think it's a fair compromise for those that thought the roller was too strong. It can get messed up with lag as your shot might be just slightly to the side of where they actually are. This wasn't as big of an issue back when the kill box was wider but again, you'll get used to it and it really isn't a big issue.

That said, your aim might be fine and it could just be lag. Dunno without seeing it in person.


I think it´s a mix of both: there have been instances were I got a full hit and the other guy survived with no ink on him, that would definitely be lag. But knowing about the edge thing will make me more careful. Still, it´s a very risky weapon with lag, one missed swing makes you a sitting duck :S

Thanks both for the info!


If I had to place money on the weapon/sub/special most likely to be buffed, it would have to be the ink mine. Is there anything less balanced (in the negative direction) in the game right now?

This had been well covered, but the frame data is still jaw-dropping: 63 frames until splatting. That's longer than any weapon's TTK, longer than the interval between range blaster shots, longer than it takes the rainmaker to splat! Of course it has many other weaknesses: limited radius, can't lay another one down while the first is active (e.g. sprinkler), distinctive placement animation. Hell, if they somehow allowed you to place it without surfacing from ink, that would be pretty sweet.

I want to make it work as I've been playing some rapid blaster recently. But it hardly even slows people down as a defensive mechanism, as the best counter when opponents see it activating is to keep swimming forward. It's not even that great for tower control as many cite- pretty simple to recognize and detonate when you see foes have just been on the tower. The only moment of glory I've had was a double splat at the center of Arowana Mall- and even that was suicidal.

A properly threatening ink mine could have a fun place in this movement-heavy meta.


Huge thanks to abd/cm diego for getting me a Shirt last night which had eluded me for over three months.

Thanks and apologies to anyone who played with me last night and had to hear me blabber about points while I was stupidly tired heh.

I am no longer stupidly tired, so I figured I'd make this post. I now own every Hat, Shirt, and Shoes in the game with three filled slots. A feat that's not all too impressive with things like Squads or even Ranked wins... but I did the bulk of it in Turf War out of a fear of losing Rank. So basically I spent 80+ hours grinding clothes in Splatoon. Worth it? Probably not, but I was playing the game anyways, and with a few exceptions it was fun seeing the progress bars fill up.

While in the process, I also got this:

Finally have a maxed weapon!

So I can now say that I've reached S+, obtained and leveled every piece of Gear, and maxed out a weapon. :D

Inquisitive_Ghost said:
I played some Custom Elitre Scope last night and wasn't terrible with it! It was fun.

It's clear that you've had plenty of Charger experience, because I was kind of expecting to get away with a lot more last night when you said you'd barely used the thing lol. You did really well with it from an enemy's POV.
It's clear that you've had plenty of Charger experience, because I was kind of expecting to get away with a lot more last night when you said you'd barely used the thing lol. You did really well with it from an enemy's POV.

Thanks, man. I always play the Hero Charger, so adding the scope and that range (and removing my bombs) means it can be difficult to switch.


I now own every Hat, Shirt, and Shoes in the game with three filled slots. A feat that's not all too impressive with things like Squads or even Ranked wins... but I did the bulk of it in Turf War out of a fear of losing Rank. So basically I spent 80+ hours grinding clothes in Splatoon. Worth it? Probably not, but I was playing the game anyways, and with a few exceptions it was fun seeing the progress bars fill up.

Yeah I like going to turf to rank up gear, the progress bars make it feel worthwhile haha. So when I do max out most of my gear (all would be in Turf as well cos I only go into ranked with 'nice' gear haha) I don't know if I would want to play Turf anymore...I'm also Level 50 (thanks to that level cap increase glitch) so no small experience point gains either. At least there's Splatfest XD


Yeah I like going to turf to rank up gear, the progress bars make it feel worthwhile haha. So when I do max out most of my gear (all would be in Turf as well cos I only go into ranked with 'nice' gear haha) I don't know if I would want to play Turf anymore...I'm also Level 50 (thanks to that level cap increase glitch) so no small experience point gains either. At least there's Splatfest XD

Hey hikaru, I ran into you a couple of days ago in solo ranked. You probably didn't notice me because I was using my girl inkling smurf "Squib"

It was Walleye/Moray Rainmaker and you were using the Zink Mini and I was using the Squiffer :p


Hey hikaru, I ran into you a couple of days ago in solo ranked. You probably didn't notice me because I was using my girl inkling smurf "Squib"

It was Walleye/Moray Rainmaker and you were using the Zink Mini and I was using the Squiffer :p

Hey I was with you in turf last night, you were using the squiffer I think as well XD You dropped after one match tho. I think Triforce (might be getting people mixed up...) was there too, but he disconnected twice.

I remember Squib! Cos when I saw the name I said out loud "SQUIB!" just cos it's funny haha. Errr, did I do bad? >.< I remember I started that night off doing fairly well then kinda went win/loss/win/loss. I'm a pathetic A ranker now haha, I'm not playing 'safe' anymore and just keep playing even when I get kinda dangerously low and about to drop rank. I feel like I'm a better player than when I was in S rank though :p


Hey I was with you in turf last night, you were using the squiffer I think as well XD You dropped after one match tho. I think Triforce (might be getting people mixed up...) was there too, but he disconnected twice.

I remember Squib! Cos when I saw the name I said out loud "SQUIB!" just cos it's funny haha. Errr, did I do bad? >.< I remember I started that night off doing fairly well then kinda went win/loss/win/loss. I'm a pathetic A ranker now haha, I'm not playing 'safe' anymore and just keep playing even when I get kinda dangerously low and about to drop rank. I feel like I'm a better player than when I was in S rank though :p

Oh lol well I think you could have done better, although I don't use Zink Mini in Rainmaker that much. I think just focus on keeping turf for you team, getting those crucial kills and maybe sharing bubble.

Also my Smurf is mainly for charger practice in solo. I'm still inconsistent with Splatterscopes/E-Liters but I'm learning Squiffer casually. Keep at it, eventually you'll get the S back!


Oh lol well I think you could have done better, although I don't use Zink Mini in Rainmaker that much. I think just focus on keeping turf for you team, getting those crucial kills and maybe sharing bubble.

I guess I belong in A rank then so I should stop my whinging LOL.


Now max out the Custom Jr ;)

I'm tempted to pick it up, but I ain't about to work towards maxing something with <100k points in it lol. It'd take months.
And both your Squelchers had good kits to work with, CJr is an uphill battle even with Disruptors. :p
What?! Now surely the world will end.

Not with a bang, but with a splat.

With this and Ryechu returning, I'm going to have to redo that charger tier list soon aren't I? :p

I saw Ryechu was on the other night. I was amazed.

I wish I could remember why I even picked up charger at all. I was using the Aerospray RG before that (of course it was the bloody gold Aerospray, lol) and then for some reason I can't remember I seemingly randomly decided to go from every beginner's favourite weapon to the most technical class. It was before I had played with GAF at all, though.

I was playing TPHD the other day and I realized why. I really like precision (which is why I stick to chargers and not splatlings) and I just really like killing shit from a distance. Bubbler and Kraken are the most obviously trollish weapons, but snipers get you before you even know they're there.

(I was picking bokoblins off with the bow and just went "I love sniping things~" lol. I guess I had to say it out loud in a different game before it all came together).
From the tales of gears, I went from this:

To this:

I think it's an improvement. Nothing more fun than having a evil green sweater to go with the evil green bubble weapons (mink zini and green bucket)
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