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Splatoon | Review Thread


The thread is just filled with these. But I'm pretty sure we saw that coming :D

Discussing the low number of maps at launch (5) is fine and should be discussed. But some people are just coming in here to shit post and dip.

It's a bummer that EAD decided to go this route with the maps. It's a strange design decision but I understand why they did it. Most people are just going to think they're just starving players from extra content but it's pretty much the same thing they're doing with their rank mode. For rank, they want people to get enough experience playing the game so people wouldn't just go into rank mode and get destroyed and not know what to do.

They want the community to slowly get used to the starting maps/modes and roll new stuff out steadily.

All those maps seem to be done, they're releasing every few weeks after launch, it's not like they're just buying time for themselves.

Most people seem to think that we wont be seeing new maps till months from now or something.

I think they were told to hold back maps for every couple of weeks since the summer release list is pretty barren. So instead of launching the game in May with 10 maps or whatever, release it with 5 and then release more over the summer to keep people talking about that instead of the lack of games.


sorry if this has been addressed before but can you play this game without the standard wii u control pad? my controller is busted (literally) and I need to send it off for repair so I don't want to get the game at launch if I can't even play it.
Lol all that salt over some good reviews.

sorry if this has been addressed before but can you play this game without the standard wii u control pad? my controller is busted (literally) and I need to send it off for repair so I don't want to get the game at launch if I can't even play it.

No, you can only play local 1 vs 1 with one person using a different controller.
I think they were told to hold back maps for every couple of weeks since the summer release list is pretty barren. So instead of launching the game in May with 10 maps or whatever, release it with 5 and then release more over the summer to keep people talking about that instead of the lack of games.

Don't they have Yoshi's Wooly World launching in a few weeks though?
Way better reviews than expected, and also surprised that they have a single player campaign. Havent followed too closely and thought this was a MP only game


Junior Member
i would rather have the game sooner and have content drip fed than wait, honestly. plus from what i heard there is a meaty single player. so what COD has 12 maps, everyone is just gonna pick nuketown over and over anyways


End of June (in the EU only) then nothing till Mario Maker in September atm (though reckon we could see something announced at E3)

Art Academy: Atelier is released the same day as Yoshi's Woolly World in the NoE territory.


In Europe, the game still doesn't have a release date in America for some reason

I'm curious what their plans for Xenoblade and Star Fox are. So far it's
September: Mario Maker
October: Fatal Frame
November: Yoshi

So Xenoblade August and Star Fox December?
End of June (in the EU only) then nothing till Mario Maker in September atm (though reckon we could see something announced at E3)

So they have Splatoon for June, Yoshi's Wooly World for July (EU and Japan I think) and then Mario Maker in September, which leads into the fall stuff which will be Xenoblade (EU and US) and maybe something they're showing at E3.

I'm fine with having 4 exclusives from now till the end of the year, plus whatever dlc they have planned for each game.

Oops. How can I forget about Fatal Frame!? Damn.


Seems like the reviews confirmed the only thing that matters to me: Fun game is still fun!

Personally, I think people are way too fixated on length of games, and amount of various content these days. Not that this isn't important, especially when price is involved, but it seems like how fun or enjoyable a game is takes a backseat in our overall decision to to buy. Enjoyment is quite hard to quantify, so I'm not surprised.

In its current state, Splatoon is neither broken, nor missing features that are integral in conveying the game Nintendo envisioned or advertised. If more - free - content is on the way to help build on the fully functional & enjoyable experience, all the better!

Some reviewers will be hung up in the initial 'light' content(which still offers a decent amount to explore), and some will have shown to have enjoyed the game too much to care. So we are seeing a bit of both, and there's justification for each. In the end, no one is forced to purchase the game. It's up to the individual to decide if and/or when to jump in.

Seeing that I've bought full-priced games over the last few generations that were neither as refreshing nor as fun as Splatoon(though great games), I'd most happily pay $60 to have more of the thrill that I experienced during the test fire demo. I'm certain I will enjoy every moment of it until even more content is released, and well after.


Just got home from work and certainly wasn't expecting this kind of reception.
Good to hear the game will be such a blast, even after loving the test fires!

Lol all that salt over some good reviews.

People are actually angry cause it's getting great scores? LMFAO.
Fanboys at their worst is such a hilarious thing to behold. They can't help but show their true colours every now and again. ;P


I'm curious what their plans for Xenoblade and Star Fox are. So far it's
September: Mario Maker
October: Fatal Frame
November: Yoshi

So Xenoblade August and Star Fox December?

Xenoblade I want ASAP, got it preordered for $30!


By the way, if some people forgot, the first Splatfest special event in Splatoon's online multiplayer starts at 6 AM (PT) on June 20th and ends at 6 AM (PT) on June 21st over the weekend.


I haven't informed myself at all about the game yet so I'm just going to use this thread: can I do the Mario Kart 8 thing with Splatoon? Meaning, can I play splitscreen with a friend and online with other people at the same time? That is really the "to buy or not to buy" question for me.


I haven't informed myself at all about the game yet so I'm just going to use this thread: can I do the Mario Kart 8 thing with Splatoon? Meaning, can I play splitscreen with a friend and online with other people at the same time? That is really the "to buy or not to buy" question for me.

Unfortunately that's not an option. Can't say whether it's because the game takes a performance hit when doing split screen local or because they prioritized the Gamepad functionalities, but yeah. It's a bummer and a feature I really hoped they'd have in.


I haven't informed myself at all about the game yet so I'm just going to use this thread: can I do the Mario Kart 8 thing with Splatoon? Meaning, can I play splitscreen with a friend and online with other people at the same time? That is really the "to buy or not to buy" question for me.

Nope. Online is one person per system. Separate game mode for 1v1 where the screen and game pad are split on one console.


Well I might have to borrow my roommates WiiU for this, if it's reviewing this well and I like it I might even consider purchasing my own WiiU.


Unfortunately that's not an option. Can't say whether it's because the game takes a performance hit when doing split screen local or because they prioritized the Gamepad functionalities, but yeah. It's a bummer and a feature I really hoped they'd have in.
Thanks for the prompt answer. Bummer. :-/

Nope. Online is one person per system. Separate game mode for 1v1 where the screen and game pad are split on one console.
Well, that's something at least.


These are some really good scores, which is not surprising as the global testing was really fun. Still can't justify the price of the game especially considering the launch content


Looks like the big surprise is the single payer. Nobody seemed to expect a full fledged single player experience.


I was completely sold on Splatoon from the testfires but I'm a little surprised at just how positive the reviews were (quite a few perfect scores in there).

The simple fact is that the game is unique and is a lot of FUN so peripheral issues like the number of initial maps simply pale into insignificance for me. I was unsure how much of a factor they would be for reviewers in general. It seems as if most of them gave a good score to a game they enjoyed playing. Shocking! lol

Splatoon's next hurdle is to sell well and I feel like it will within the constraints of Wii U's installed base.
If any other company released a game with 2 game modes and 5 maps, withouth voice chat with friends, with content locked behind amiibo and with the promises of new future content they would have given them 5/10 all the way.

But it's a nintendo game so they give it tons of 9/10.

Here's a wild concept: it's fun. I mean, that's the whole point of games for most people, having fun.

Not having 30 maps, 15 modes and a bunch of other bullet points that you don't even play but once or twice. But hey, it's there, so it must be an awesome game!


Seems all reviews have the same complain about the online aspect of the game. I'll wait and see the 'in progress' reviews, to have a clear picture.


Splatoon with all patches pre-installed? Like most game companies do for reprints anyways

But those reprints are paid for with early adopters paying the extra $20-$50, so the publisher has no problem eating the cost. Nintendo would be paying to reprint discs for free content updates probably amounting to less than a couple gigs by November. It's just not economically worth it.


Here's a wild concept: it's fun. I mean, that's the whole point of games for most people, having fun.

Not having 30 maps, 15 modes and a bunch of other bullet points that you don't even play but once or twice. But hey, it's there, so it must be an awesome game!

Exactly...and it's unique. Unique isn't always fun but when it is that's truly something surprising and special.

Splatoon isn't a paint by numbers shooter (errr...) that's copying the exact formula of existing games. It may not have all their bullet points (voice chat, a million modes/maps on day one) but they don't have its gameplay mechanics AT ALL.

That is a key factor that the review complainers are missing. Splatoon is not a FPS and it's not about deathmatches either. I'm pretty sure that if Splatoon were simply Nintendo-themed COD without feature parity it would have reviewed less positively.



Those are some high scores indeed.

The WiiU is the console that just keeps giving.
Just made this i know it's Yoshi Wooly World, but it's the best i could do.



Yeah the music in this game is refreshing and awesome. I hope with their next big expansion they also bundle in new tracks.

Call me unrealistic and setting myself up for dissapointment, but im 99% confident Hideki Naganuma will work on some tracks.


IGN whines about that it needs more content even though more content is already slated to be added in the coming months
Edit: I know they aren't reviewing what's not in the game yet, but they score they give it now is the score people are going to remember, not the score they might ive it after the new modes are added

Yea but it's still perfectly justifiable. This looks like the game was rushed to release, instead of waiting to have all the content in at the start. Just because it's getting free content in the coming months, doesn't mean it's worth the $60 right now.


Call me unrealistic and setting myself up for dissapointment, but im 99% confident Hideki Naganuma will work on some tracks.

I would love that, and he seems to really love that idea too going by his Twitter. He retweets anyone who mentions that he should be one of the composers on Splatoon.


IGN whines about that it needs more content even though more content is already slated to be added in the coming months
Edit: I know they aren't reviewing what's not in the game yet, but they score they give it now is the score people are going to remember, not the score they might ive it after the new modes are added

Then publishers can ship broken titles and receive scores for patches they might send in the future?

Oh wait....

IGN is fine in this regard.


Yea but it's still perfectly justifiable. This looks like the game was rushed to release, instead of waiting to have all the content in at the start. Just because it's getting free content in the coming months, doesn't mean it's worth the $60 right now.

Then you can wait.
It's the same thing with pre-orders, no one is forcing anyone to buy day 1 bugged games that need 4+ patches to run correctly after launch.

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