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Splatoon wins 'Best Multiplayer' and 'Best Shooter' @ TGA 2015


Totally deserved it. Hope it'll bring more crowd to see just how great and fun the game is.

Please explain..
I literally laughed and turn the awards off when this was announced.


Probably late, but whatever.


Innovative gameplay, solid design, high skill cap, constant stream of updates, a surprisingly good single player campaign, and overall, just a blast to play... when your teammates aren't driving you to drink heavily.

The brilliance of ink as a mechanic can't be overstated. There's so many things to consider when you're shooting, whether it be shooting to kill, shooting to block a path, shooting for points, shooting for map control, shooting for your own mobility, shooting to make squid paths for your team, shooting to climb up a vantage point, shooting to recover health... There's so much weight behind just hitting that button and shooting ink.

Also stealth, if you move slowly enough/ use ninja squid, and accelerated health regen.

Yezzzzzzzzzz. Shooting and swimming in Splatoon are some of the most amazingly deep single-input mechanics I've ever seen. Each one seamlessly accomplishes and influences so many different things it's absurd. They both complement each other in a perfectly coherent way via the properties of ink, and it doesn't just affect you, but your team and your enemies as well. Some of the lowest complexity I've seen with some of the highest depth. Superb game design. God I gotta go play Splatoon now.

My cousin walked into the room as I was playing it over Thanksgiving break and said "I heard this game was really stupid. Why is it so colorful? Have you even played call of duty before?" laughed and walked out.

That's so ridiculous I almost don't believe it... Almost..


Completely deserved wins. The naysayers must be judging on the unusual cartoon visuals alone and dismissing all it has to offer.


The reactions remind me of the times Between Worlds won GOTY on Gamespot, I mean how could they it was the same year as GTA V and TLoU?!

Instead of people going "ok so there must something this game has going for it, I'll check it out" we get crap like it being a colorful kids game. Wtf is this shit? It's why I no longer consider myself a gaming enthusiast in the general sense.

Late reply but I prefer highly skilled competitive shooters. Not saying Splatoon is not as I don't know for sure, but from the outside it doesn't seem to be that way. Also maybe because it is just different and unique. Which I suppose is a good thing these days.

Remove specials from the equation and you have a top contender imo. This is coming from someone who played CS GO regularly prior to the release. The very ink you spray on the ground is literally the space you have to work with, you're a sitting duck in enemy ink but there is also neutral ground where you can walk normally but not swim. You're constantly being put in decision making positions that greatly impact the outcome of the entire match and the possibillities are endless.


Splatoon is probably my pick for GOTY, so I'm very happy for it. Bought it on launch day and have rarely missed a day without at least a match or 2. Still not getting old for me.


I'm still pissed at walmart for waiting 3 days and then cancelling my thanksgiving order.

I need to just buy it full price...


Splatoon is good. It brought new ideas and concepts to the genre.

I don't think it's a bad choice.

i think Halo 5 is better

boiled goose

good with gravy
Splatoon is really the online online multiplayer shooter that has hooked me for an extended period so it definitely deserves it.

Ive enjoyed other games in spurts, but with splatoon I can pick it up every now and again and have a fun session. Once you get good enough that your performance generally determines the outcome of the match is awesome.

It's also really innovative by turning some problems with shooters on their heads. Sure the paint the turf is not the first time it's been done, but it is the main mode here. What this means is that new players can have fun and contribute without dying and respawning every 5 seconds. The game is popular for a reason. It's fun.

Other interesting innovations:
-these mechanics punish camping
-inking turf increases mobility, stealth, reloading, health. controlling a point of interest adds a lot of strategy. You dont have to kill opponents to do damage. controlling/inking areas adds up.
-"missing" shots is not worthless, but you still get punished by using up in.
-"reload", hide, regen, "run" is one button
-gyro aiming allows you to aim while pressing face buttons.

These little things add up to a pretty compelling and novel experience. Expect copycats from Sony and Microsoft next gen.


Completely deserved wins. The naysayers must be judging on the unusual cartoon visuals alone and dismissing all it has to offer.

Not really, I play online and coop what I would call shooters, games where recoil control, accuracy, selecting gun attachments, quick to aim, dealing with flinch and doing the good stuff like strafing, jump shooting and what i would call GUN PLAY is the order of the day. Accuracy, recoil control, feathering teh gun, quick scoping snipers....I just dont see it at all in Splatoon...

Games in this category are very popular, the COD, Halo, Destiny, BF etc.

I am sure Splatoon is a good multiplayer game but I would not put it in a 'shooter genre' by any stretch of the imagination....

and I dont see the COD, Destiny or Halo crowd taking any notice of a few critics in a room who probably are not really into 'shooters' and taking any note, at all.
Not really, I play online and coop what I would call shooters, games where recoil control, accuracy, selecting gun attachments, quick to aim, dealing with flinch and doing the good stuff like strafing, jump shooting and what i would call GUN PLAY is the order of the day.

Games in this category are very popular, the COD, Halo, Destiny, BF etc.

I am sure Splatoon is a good multiplayer game but I would not put it in a 'shooter genre' by any stretch of the imagination....

and I dont see the COD, Destiny or Halo crowd taking any notice of a few critics in a room who probably are not really into 'shooters' and taking any note, at all.

It's a third person shooter, it's plain as day.


Splatoon definitely deserves the recognition.

Congrats Splatoon and Nintendo. Big win considering the way the industry typically leans Western, especially when it comes to shooters and institutions like Halo in the year end awards.


Only watched a few episodes (maybe 3-4) of that back in the day. I was meh on it.

So Why is 3/4 of my avatar the MC from the show?


Dude, what?
The avatar is a part of you'r life. The avatar is a part of you.


Lucina for me is love. Lucina for me is life. <3

Not really, I play online and coop what I would call shooters, games where recoil control, accuracy, selecting gun attachments, quick to aim, dealing with flinch and doing the good stuff like strafing, jump shooting and what i would call GUN PLAY is the order of the day. Accuracy, recoil control, feathering teh gun, quick scoping snipers....I just dont see it at all in Splatoon...

Games in this category are very popular, the COD, Halo, Destiny, BF etc.

I am sure Splatoon is a good multiplayer game but I would not put it in a 'shooter genre' by any stretch of the imagination....

and I dont see the COD, Destiny or Halo crowd taking any notice of a few critics in a room who probably are not really into 'shooters' and taking any note, at all.
So now it's not even a shooter?

The hell is going on in here?

boiled goose

good with gravy
Not really, I play online and coop what I would call shooters, games where recoil control, accuracy, selecting gun attachments, quick to aim, dealing with flinch and doing the good stuff like strafing, jump shooting and what i would call GUN PLAY is the order of the day. Accuracy, recoil control, feathering teh gun, quick scoping snipers....I just dont see it at all in Splatoon...

Games in this category are very popular, the COD, Halo, Destiny, BF etc.

I am sure Splatoon is a good multiplayer game but I would not put it in a 'shooter genre' by any stretch of the imagination....

and I dont see the COD, Destiny or Halo crowd taking any notice of a few critics in a room who probably are not really into 'shooters' and taking any note, at all.

Hahaha. A competitive shooter in which you shoot is not a shooter (by any stretch of the imagination...)


umm all of these are in splatoon.
jump shooting
quick scoping snipers

shooting ink vs bullets does add different mechanics. You can through ink over obstacles for example.
Splatoon has equivalents of machine guns, gattling guns, sniper rifles (with and without scopes), shotguns, melee weapons, accurate guns, spray guns, semi automatics, grenades, bazookas, air strike, mines, but... it's not a shooter.

A perfect example of people talking shit without knowing what they are talking about AT ALL.


Wow I am convinced, time to move from Bo3 and destiny etc, gunplay sounds great.

I am not saying its a good game, but it is not what I would refer to as a shooter = great gun play.

lol, this is like the 3D Mario argument

the game might not jive with you for the reasons you mentioned, and that's cool, but it's a third person shooter. that's not really debatable.

Mory Dunz

Dude, what?
The avatar is a part of you'r life. The avatar is a part of you.


Lucina for me is love. Lucina for me is life. <3



ha ok, i'll stop the weekenders gif.

I like my avatar, I just don't care about the people in it.

Speaking of Splatoon, I got back into it again after that last direct for a bit. Cool that it won, but I'm surprised one of the big names didn't take it.

ha ok, i'll stop the weekenders gif.

I like my avatar, I just don't care about the people in it.

Speaking of Splatoon, I got back into it again after that last direct for a bit. Cool that it won, but I'm surprised one of the big names didn't take it.

Please more weekenders gifs please
Best part of the Splatoon experience is how short each match is. I can just turn on the Wii U and play a handful of games in just 15 mins and then go about my day. Even if a game is going bad I know itll be over soon.

Thats one thing I miss sorely when Im playig Halo for example. On average matches are like 8-15 minutes long. I have to really invest in it whereas Splatoon is more pick up and play.
Best part of the Splatoon experience is how short each match is. I can just turn on the Wii U and play a handful of games in just 15 mins and then go about my day. Even if a game is going bad I know itll be over soon.

Thats one thing I miss sorely when Im playig Halo for example. On average matches are like 8-15 minutes long. I have to really invest in it whereas Splatoon is more pick up and play.

This one dude I know that might get a Wii U and thinks this game looks cool is perplexed at the really short time of each match.

I told him that it just works and you have to experience it.


Not really, I play online and coop what I would call shooters, games where recoil control, accuracy, selecting gun attachments, quick to aim, dealing with flinch and doing the good stuff like strafing, jump shooting and what i would call GUN PLAY is the order of the day. Accuracy, recoil control, feathering teh gun, quick scoping snipers....I just dont see it at all in Splatoon...

Games in this category are very popular, the COD, Halo, Destiny, BF etc.

I am sure Splatoon is a good multiplayer game but I would not put it in a 'shooter genre' by any stretch of the imagination....

and I dont see the COD, Destiny or Halo crowd taking any notice of a few critics in a room who probably are not really into 'shooters' and taking any note, at all.

Take it from a guy who's probably spend months of his live playing CS 1.6, the only thing that are truly lacking in Splatoon are Spectator mode, more community features(like Tournament Mode, Party VC, Leaderboards, more social features, more streaming features).

- Recoild control is present,
- Strifing is present, usually users with weapons that allow greater mobility use it and are notoriously difficult to hit.
- Accuracy is unparalleled for a console shooter without k+m controls
- Aiming is precise for chargers(snipers) hence the earlier gifs I showed of some charger play. While other weapons require varying degree of aiming.
- Gyro is miles better at fast/twitch like aiming - compared to regular control methods on consoles
- Jump shooting is prevalent, it's very important for rollers, chargers(snipers) & blasters, while other classes don't utilize it as much because it places them at a disadvantage.

I'd recommend you checkout some videos of Yugo1 or Dude playing before making such statements.


Very well deserved.

I'd probably have awarded Rocket League the multiplayer award but compared to every other nominee in both lists Splatoon was above and beyond them all as the better, more innovate and more importantly, more fun game.


The fact that Splatoon made Japan serious about the Shooter genre is already GOAT worthy, let alone some awards from TGA.

Congrats Splatoon!


Not really, I play online and coop what I would call shooters, games where recoil control, accuracy, selecting gun attachments, quick to aim, dealing with flinch and doing the good stuff like strafing, jump shooting and what i would call GUN PLAY is the order of the day. Accuracy, recoil control, feathering teh gun, quick scoping snipers....I just dont see it at all in Splatoon...

Games in this category are very popular, the COD, Halo, Destiny, BF etc.

I am sure Splatoon is a good multiplayer game but I would not put it in a 'shooter genre' by any stretch of the imagination....

and I dont see the COD, Destiny or Halo crowd taking any notice of a few critics in a room who probably are not really into 'shooters' and taking any note, at all.

None of those games have ink traversal, so I don't consider them shooters.

Yes, that's how flat out dumb your logic sounds to everyone here.


Late reply but I prefer highly skilled competitive shooters. Not saying Splatoon is not as I don't know for sure, but from the outside it doesn't seem to be that way. Also maybe because it is just different and unique. Which I suppose is a good thing these days.

Splatoon has a different type of skill ceiling. It's not about technical skill such as learning ladder physics in CS GO and being able to consistently use it to your advantage. The mechanics are very straight forward to master, everybody knows how to perform a squid jump with 100% consistency, for example.

That's what I... like about Splatoon, I don't have to spend hundreds of hours refining my grenade placement; practicing stuff like that has more to do with translating the move you picture in your head into the game. This has nothing to do with strategy (i.e. the fun part), it's just something you have to learn if you want to enjoy CS on a high level.

The skill part in Splatoon is all about map awareness. There is a TON to learn in terms of angles you can die from and the various distances depending on which weapons the other team has.

You can't easily distinguish a high skill player from a pro in Splatoon, the difference isn't visible to someone who isn't into the game. You can only notice the difference if you understand the reasoning behind a player's move. The sniper gif circulating is more about knowing the common angles than anything else, anyone can jump into an empty map and replicate the same thing he did, whereas I can post you now some videos of CS players who've mastered the arts of bunny jumping, very few are able to reach that level of technical skill because it requires countless hours of practice.
Not really, I play online and coop what I would call shooters, games where recoil control, accuracy, selecting gun attachments, quick to aim, dealing with flinch and doing the good stuff like strafing, jump shooting and what i would call GUN PLAY is the order of the day. Accuracy, recoil control, feathering teh gun, quick scoping snipers....I just dont see it at all in Splatoon...

Games in this category are very popular, the COD, Halo, Destiny, BF etc.

I am sure Splatoon is a good multiplayer game but I would not put it in a 'shooter genre' by any stretch of the imagination....

and I dont see the COD, Destiny or Halo crowd taking any notice of a few critics in a room who probably are not really into 'shooters' and taking any note, at all.

This post is hilarious. Even by your own definition (cherry-picking and self-serving as it is) Splatoon is a shooter. Hang out in an S-rank lobby for one game and tell me you're not full of shit... and then I'll know you're full of shit.

Edit: in case it wasn't clear, I'm happy the game's getting recognized. It's great. Also would have accepted Rocket League for best multi, though. Also great.
lol, this is like the 3D Mario argument

the game might not jive with you for the reasons you mentioned, and that's cool, but it's a third person shooter. that's not really debatable.

It's basically "I like blue. I do not like powder blue. Therefore, powder blue is not a real shade of blue."


Take it from a guy who's probably spend months of his live playing CS 1.6, the only thing that are truly lacking in Splatoon are Spectator mode, more community features(like Tournament Mode, Party VC, Leaderboards, more social features, more streaming features).

- Recoild control is present,
- Strifing is present, usually users with weapons that allow greater mobility use it and are notoriously difficult to hit.
- Accuracy is unparalleled for a console shooter without k+m controls
- Aiming is precise for chargers(snipers) hence the earlier gifs I showed of some charger play. While other weapons require varying degree of aiming.
- Gyro is miles better at fast/twitch like aiming - compared to regular control methods on consoles
- Jump shooting is prevalent, it's very important for rollers, chargers(snipers) & blasters, while other classes don't utilize it as much because it places them at a disadvantage.

I'd recommend you checkout some videos of Yugo1 or Dude playing before making such statements.

Exactly, your post nailed it. Geordiemp's remarks of Splatoon are the typical BS from people who don't know the game. It's hilarious.


Unconfirmed Member
Really must pick this up. Always loved the look of it but wasn't able to get it as my Wii U has very flaky wifi access (due to the distance from the router) but this has now been sorted with a wired connection so maybe it's time to finally pick it up.


I'm not even a fan of Destiny, but I feel like that should've won with how upgrades and customization go into the game.

Guess I'm wrong
Destiny is a utter cluster-fuck and the upgrades and customization are merely tools of addiction which don't even have the common decency to disguise themselves.


Best multiplayer I can see, but I'm impressed it won best shooter as well. It does make me happy to see Splatoon succeed considering how niche I thought it looked at its announcement, and what system it was on.

To be honest, I think it's it is the other way around.
People expect some 'Best Multiplayer' contenders to be fun and colourful, and shooters to be 'mature' but that is stupid and besides the point.
Splatoon is an absolutelyamazing shooting game, lots of content, great gameplay and deserved to win. Best multiplayer...I'm not so sure. Lack of local co-op, no voice chat, etc means that as a multiplayer game, it falls a bit short.

It's amazing though, everyone should go play it
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