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SPOILER ALERT: Halo 5 (Spoiler) Spoiler Thread of Spoilers Spoiler


Cortana getting the Halo at the end makes no sense to me. The whole time she's talking about using the Guardians to save humanity from itself and then she jumps to wanting to destroy all living species.
Cortana getting the Halo at the end makes no sense to me. The whole time she's talking about using the Guardians to save humanity from itself and then she jumps to wanting to destroy all living species.

We have no idea why she's snagging the ring, though.

Do I feel a #TeamCortana coming on?

That's how you know you've got a well-rounded villain, when some people start rooting for them :p

(Unless they're rooting for the villain because they're sick and tired of the heroes, then you've just fucked up.)


Cortana getting the Halo at the end makes no sense to me. The whole time she's talking about using the Guardians to save humanity from itself and then she jumps to wanting to destroy all living species.

maybe her rampancy isnt cured after all.
Cortana getting the Halo at the end makes no sense to me. The whole time she's talking about using the Guardians to save humanity from itself and then she jumps to wanting to destroy all living species.

To save humanity from themselves she's using giant superweapons to keep them in check. Might as well add a Halo ring to the weapons cache as a fail safe.


That's how you know you've got a well-rounded villain, when some people start rooting for them :p

(Unless they're rooting for the villain because they're sick and tired of the heroes, then you've just fucked up.)
I just need to see the end of the Master Chief and Cortana relationship with each other, because who knows what the hell it's defined as at this point, but it's certainly interesting. Hopefully they'll explore it some more like they did 4.
She can be my evil space mistress anytime.
Master Chief's GAF account?

KC Denton

To save humanity from themselves she's using giant superweapons to keep them in check. Might as well add a Halo ring to the weapons cache as a fail safe.
If I recall correctly the Halos seriously messed up the Domain the last time they were used, so she'd be grabbing them ASAP to stop them from being potentially used against her.
maybe her rampancy isnt cured after all.

My personal opinion is that rampancy isn't only about the mortality of an AI but is also somewhat of a mental illness to AI if that makes sense, but Cortana doesn't realize that and by "curing" her mortality she thinks she'd cured her rampancy but really its a bigger issue than just dying.


Just finished it. Really liked it, if I'm honest.

Locke felt shallow, and Arbiter felt shoehorned, but I didn't really have a problem with the overall arc, or how it ended.

The whole mantle of responsibility thing, and the Guardian idea, kind of screamed "Reapers" from Mass Effect. It's all kind of gotten a bit too complicated and muddled over the games, and I think that's the biggest frustration in that it just asked more and more questions, without necessarily answering that much. I enjoyed the ride though, and it has me anticipating where the story goes (job done from 343's point of view I guess?).

The Mantle was originally about maintaining biological diversity in the universe, right? And primarily driven by the need to combat the Flood. With 5, it seemed like through Cortana and the Prometheans, there was a revelation that AIs were the ones that should be given the title of Reclaimer, given the potential Cortana realizes. I suppose in reality, there's not much difference between an AI and the Prometheans, once they're tapped in the Forerunner network, or whatever it is.

What's the betting the Precursors show up in some capacity and are disappointed that the universe has become lost in fulfilling what they started? Now, my Halo lore knowledge isn't that great, I've only played the games and read a little bit on the wikia etc, but it seems to me that the original goal of the mantle, the title of reclaimed etc, has changed/evolved/been corrupted?

Edit: Did a bit more reading; so the Mantle for the Forerunners was their philosophy in acting as space shepherds for the Galaxy, protecting it and trying to guide it. They fucked up though by basically retarding the advancement of the races, leaving themselves the sole race able to combat the Flood.

Cortana, it seems, feels she's protecting the races from themselves, and to do that she's doing it by force. What's a few hundred million people that want to pick a fight, when she can oppress the rest into submission and "peace"? I guess her plan was to stabilize the Galaxy through force, and release Chief 10,000 years later with a "ta-da! Look what I did!". She kind of has a point; how many AI's in science fiction seem humanity the biggest threat? They can't all be wrong, though this is on a slightly bigger scale. I don't get the claiming of a Halo though, unless she's going to repurpose it some how.

The Flash

Not terribly pleased that I had to play as Locke for 80% of the game or that there were 3 "missions" were I just talked to people but good overall. The direction they're taking with Cortana is interesting. Perhaps a little too Mass Effect like but whatever. Throughout Mission 15 I kept thinking about her reaction to accessing Installation 04 for the first time, how overwhelming it was. The Legendary ending was spot on as well. Ties it all back together. This story should end on a Halo after all.
Haha, for the second time in a row, an AI/Ancilla takes over the galaxy.

Didact is somewhere palpitating, nightmares of Mendicant Bias all over again

I can't stop laughing
If I recall correctly the Halos seriously messed up the Domain the last time they were used, so she'd be grabbing them ASAP to stop them from being potentially used against her.

Oh, that could actually be it.

Guys, I just had a scary thought.

The Flood are ultimately revealed to be the Precursor's final revenge and ultimate test; whoever holds the Mantle must defeat the Flood, or else be utterly wiped from existence.

Cortana just seized the mantle.

My personal opinion is that rampancy isn't only about the mortality of an AI but is also somewhat of a mental illness to AI if that makes sense, but Cortana doesn't realize that and by "curing" her mortality she thinks she'd cured her rampancy but really its a bigger issue than just dying.

The domain was one big data dump, and if im not mistaken rampancy takes places because an AI has to process all the data and think themselves to death.

With the domain they might dump the data and not think themselves to death.
Or use the domain to access information and not split off too many tasks and limit their
computation usage. That is what the forerunner used the domain for to store and retrieve
data of their specie.


You know what would have pissed off Buck? Mocking his ODST squad. Instead she goes with "ur old". God Cortana, you have infinite processing power!


The gameplay in the campaign is awesome, I love it!

The story is probably the worst though. WTF happened to the Didact? How did Chief get reunited and "get the band back together" with the other Blue Team members?

If the answer is that it's in a book or comic, then that is pretty lame. The EU should enrich the narrative of the mainline entries to a series, not supplant it. I've read fall of Reach and a couple other early Halo books and enjoyed them a lot, and that knowledge made playing games like Reach more enjoyable. But I would have still been clear on what was happening in the main plot of every Halo before this even if I had only played the games.

It's fine for there to be references and such to the EU, but Halo 5 went too far with it. Also ya, the whole Chief vs. Locke thing they marketed this as is laughable. It consisted of Chief making Locke look like a bitch in front his friends, and then later they predictably teamed up.

#huntthetruth lol

Still is a 9 out of 10 game for me, because it fucking plays super well and the online is glorious.

EDIT: Someone also please explain to me how this is "twice as big" as Halo 4 or whatever they were saying. If anything, this campaign is on the short side.
Guys, I just had a scary thought.
So did I.

What if the next Halo is always-online due to leveraging Crackdown's cloud-processed dynamic destruction tech for the Guardians?

The gameplay in the campaign is awesome, I love it!

The story is probably the worst though.
Pretty much. Doing another run on heroic for fun and exploration and have been loving it the second time through. There are all kinds of extra nooks and crannies and alternative approaches, and the intel bits have been intriguing too.

Just had to crater expectations for story, background and any sense of resolution.
The domain was one big data dump, and if im not mistaken rampancy takes places because an AI has to process all the data and think themselves to death.

With the domain they might dump the data and not think themselves to death.
Or use the domain to access information and not split off too many tasks and limit their
computation usage. That is what the forerunner used the domain for to store and retrieve
data of their specie.

Her change in personality just seems really odd to me, it made sense when she was rampant but now if she's really cured rampancy than there must be something else going on that's interfered with her thought process and morality. A mental illness for AI would make sense and would be an interesting way to take on the issue whether it be rampancy or something else.


So did I.

What if the next Halo is always-online due to leveraging Crackdown's cloud-processed dynamic destruction tech for the Guardians?

Pretty much. Doing another run on heroic for fun and exploration and have been loving it the second time through. There are all kinds of extra nooks and crannies and alternative approaches, and the intel bits have been intriguing too.

Just had to crater expectations for story, background and any sense of resolution.

The bolded would actually make me happy... But it would be too controversial for MS/343i to go that route.


Here is where I am having trouble with Halo 5's story:

Halo 4 took the series in a different direction than I would have taken but I felt it still did the job very well. I was invested in Halo 4 and I loved all the extended media surrounding it. I could really get behind where they were taking the series, even if it wasn't where I would have taken it specifically.

Then Halo 5 comes along, and not only does the marketing campaign, as well as the podcast for hunt the truth lead us to believing a lot of things are going to be going on in Halo 5's story that in fact aren't at all. But then to top it off all of the extended media 343 has been releasing leads us in a completely different direction, with all of the background on the forerunners and their conflict with the humans. Leaving them to obtain the mantle and such, the lifetime of planning for the Chief and the strong hints that he may of had some geas or imprint of the Iso-didact himself. There was a lot going on and you could see they were headed towards something very interesting.

But then Halo 5 story happens, and it ruins everything that has been established within 343's own extended universe. They talked about how this game would change everything you thought you knew about Halo, and while it does they didn't do it in a clever way. This isn't one of those situations where there is a big reveal and you realize everything they had been telling you all along was kind of pointing to this and you didn't realize it. No, it was more of "Hey cortanas bad and shes leading AI's to take over the galaxy" Nothing pointed to that, it didn't seem interesting or clever.

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, I'm just stating how I am feeling right now, and that is that I don't think I can follow the Halo universe anymore. It's convoluted and makes no sense. What's really sad is that it would be easy to say 343 is the only reason why Halo went downhill (story-wise) but I can't even say that, because I liked Halo 4 and several of the extended universe stories. I don't see anyway this story can turn around. It literally seems impossible after what happened in Halo 5. Like, I can't conjure up one scenario that would fix where the universe is headed.

So disappointed by the story. Though I want to clarify I have a lot of respect for 343 and their team. I'm sure they worked their asses off, and it's evident by how great the gameplay and multiplayer is. It just completely went off the rails for me as far as the story goes.

Halo 4 has its moments, but honestly I think to me the Halo Universe ends where Bungie left it, with Chief back in cryosleep and always ready for his next adventure. (I know Bungie made Reach too later, which I loved, but in the Halo timeline Halo 3 is the final chapter). They even made that nice Encyclopedia after Reach, so it makes it easy to just treat that as final lol.

This reclaimer stuff is just so different than what came before, it's just a bit too out there. I liked the forerunners being more mysterious and not fleshed out.

I'll of course keep playing the games though, they are awesome and tons of fun. No complaints to 343 on the gameplay side, I even liked Halo 4 a lot more than most people seemed to.


Oh, that could actually be it.

Guys, I just had a scary thought.

The Flood are ultimately revealed to be the Precursor's final revenge and ultimate test; whoever holds the Mantle must defeat the Flood, or else be utterly wiped from existence.

Cortana just seized the mantle.

Hasn't she already passed that test with flying colors (mostly blue and purplish)?

Van Owen

Just watched Spartan Ops. Lol at the Halsey amputation. One bullet in the shoulder and the advanced alien race's only option is to amputate?


Her change in personality just seems really odd to me, it made sense when she was rampant but now if she's really cured rampancy than there must be something else going on that's interfered with her thought process and morality. A mental illness for AI would make sense and would be an interesting way to take on the issue whether it be rampancy or something else.

She is based off Hasley who thrives on power and information. She also does anything to get the job done. I guess Cortana being so overwhelmed by the network, those traits are magnified considerably. I could imagine old Cortana slowly return as they weaken the network in Halo 6, limit the wealth of her new knowledge and power. The never fail plan to beat AI.
Hasn't she already passed that test with flying colors (mostly blue and purplish)?

She wasn't claiming the Mantle back then, and the infestation in question was relatively minuscule.

Just watched Spartan Ops. Lol at the Halsey amputation. One bullet in the shoulder and the advanced alien race's only option is to amputate?

An advanced alien race of religious fanatics. Jul's people aren't exactly the best and brightest.


Just watched Spartan Ops. Lol at the Halsey amputation. One bullet in the shoulder and the advanced alien race's only option is to amputate?

Elites weren't an "advanced alien race". Not since joining the covenant. The prophets made sure that all they were good for in their caste system was being Warriors.

They had lost pretty much any other aspect of their society. Hence the amputation...


Halo 4 has its moments, but honestly I think to me the Halo Universe ends where Bungie left it, with Chief back in cryosleep and always ready for his next adventure. (I know Bungie made Reach too later, which I loved, but in the Halo timeline Halo 3 is the final chapter). They even made that nice Encyclopedia after Reach, so it makes it easy to just treat that as final lol.

This reclaimer stuff is just so different than what came before, it's just a bit too out there. I liked the forerunners being more mysterious and not fleshed out.

I'll of course keep playing the games though, they are awesome and tons of fun. No complaints to 343 on the gameplay side, I even liked Halo 4 a lot more than most people seemed to.

I pretty much look at Halo the exact same way you do. With Halo 4 I felt pretty happy, and optimistic for more, but 5 sent me to a state where I just look at it as Halo 3 was the end. Chief is still just floating out in space.


We're not doing this.
Master Chief put a Halo Ring on it. :E
It finally comes full circle.
Halo 4 has its moments, but honestly I think to me the Halo Universe ends where Bungie left it, with Chief back in cryosleep and always ready for his next adventure. (I know Bungie made Reach too later, which I loved, but in the Halo timeline Halo 3 is the final chapter). They even made that nice Encyclopedia after Reach, so it makes it easy to just treat that as final lol.

This reclaimer stuff is just so different than what came before, it's just a bit too out there. I liked the forerunners being more mysterious and not fleshed out.

I'll of course keep playing the games though, they are awesome and tons of fun. No complaints to 343 on the gameplay side, I even liked Halo 4 a lot more than most people seemed to.
I think it just feels more "space magicy" than the previous titles. Not saying Halo has been hard sci-fi or that it didn't have its moments like that. It's different in a YMMV kind of way. It doesn't feel like the same Halo that we fell in love with before. Is it a bad thing? Not necessarily, but a lot of ideas that Bungie laid before are now being extrapolated into something that I personally don't care for. The mystery is gone, and that's fine, but the answers aren't all that enthralling.


Just finished the campaign on Normal.

It was... not that good. Some of my pros and cons I jotted down:

+ Awesome opening and CGI cutscenes in general.
+ Vehicle segments were fun, but not used enough.
+ Sound design is top tier.
+ Multiplayer already seems much better than 4, haven't played a ton to make a solid conclusion.
+ Lots of unlockables.

- After an awesome opening, the actual intro level was lackluster.
- Graphics are underwhelming for a next-gen Halo game.
- Missions were way too linear. CE was more open. This of course goes with the design choice of the game, but I don't like it.
- I played more as Locke than MC. Awful.
- No variation in NPC's during in the Meridian town. Big pet peeve of mine. The area was not huge, would it kill them to make every NPC look unique?
- These areas were pointless, as well. Just give me a cutscene or if you have me walk around a town, make it way more interesting.
- Story is bordering nonsensical. I'm finding it hard to care about anything.
- Misleading trailers. MC and Locke live action trailers were hype and implied alternate timelines / point of views and impending death and made it look way more intriguing then what the game gave us in which that have a minor quarrel and end up being friends by the end. Lame.

Overall, I'd give it a 6/10. 343i is 0 for 2 when it comes to Halo. The Bungie games were much, much better.
I really liked the campaign. It has rekindled my interest in the whole Forerunner story arc. I really didn't like the direction 343 took with the Forerunner novels and Halo 4 but I like this new direction.

I agree with some of the people though that Bungie Halo is something else entirely. Part of me also wished Halo ended with the Master Chief entering the cryopod. But who am I kidding, Halo can go on forever if you ask me.


Just finished my Heroic solo run. Had a pretty good time with the game overall, and except for some sections of the final two missions (which were just full of dull, bullet-sponge enemies), I'm looking forward to playing through it again.

I'm not really sure about the story right now. It was good in the sense it was thought out, written and paced nicely. But I don't really like the direction it went in.

First off, I don't like Locke... at all. In fact, besides Buck, I don't like any of Fireteam Osiris - they all rub me the wrong way for whatever reason and I was really hoping that (at least) Locke would die at the end. Really, I don't even know why they were in the game. In the trailers, it was made to look as though there was a big conflict between Locke and Master Chief. It could have been really interesting, and something that built up throughout the entire game, giving different perspectives on the upcoming clash. Instead, it all came to a head about 5 missions in and basically ended with a weak fist fight.

That brings me to another thing: why is the Chief barely in Guardians? There's what... 3 missions as Blue Team out of 15? I'm not sure why. The story is basically entirely about the Chief, so why not tell it from his point-of-view? It didn't seem like there was anything gained by playing as someone new. In fact, one of the things I liked most about Halo 4 was the fact Chief (finally) spoke a decent amount and had some character buildup. Halo 5 was a step back in this regard, entirely because he wasn't in it enough.

Finally, the overall story... Cortana was always one of my favourite characters in Halo, and (aside from some rampancy related outbursts in Halo 4) it was always pretty clear what kind of 'person' she was. Halo 5 basically turned that on its head and redefined the character - which is not always a bad thing - but it did it waaaaay too fast. Assuming you've just played the five mainline Halo games and don't know about the extended lore, then Cortana does 3 games as your sidekick, 1 game as your dying sidekick, and then finally 1 game as the galaxy's (current) biggest villain. It's too big a jump. I don't like Cortana in the villain role at all, to be honest, but if 343i must go that route, at least give it some in-game buildup. Not just "Oh there's Cortana! She wasn't dead! Oh damn, she turned evil."

Oh, and what the hell happened to Cortana's face? Did the person designing it have some kind of severe brain injury halfway through and forget what she originally looked like?

Overall, I'd rate the game highly. The story wasn't what I wanted, but it was good nevertheless. The gameplay is absolutely top-tier, and the muliplayer is solid so far. When Forge and BTB are in, it's going to be the best Halo game from a pure gameplay standpoint. I'm excited for Halo 6. I just hope we get the real Cortana back.
I just finished the campaign and I honestly have no idea what was happpening in the story, and I played all the halo games. Why is cortana bad all of a sudden?


Someone said it seems she was modeled after the voice actor, which I can kind of see.

It's not necessarily even that the new model looks nothing like the Halo 4 one, because to be fair, the Halo 4 model is very different from the Halo 3 one, which was different from Halo 2's, etc.

It just looks weird. I can't explain exactly why, but it's the only facial model in the whole game that I don't think looks "right".
Here's one thing I'm stuck on... doesn't Cortana essentially offer everyone safety if they get with the program and allow AI's to run the show? Obviously she threatens to fuck shit up if you resist, but that's kind of what she offers... right?

In that case, why does she Guardian blast that planet the Infinity is above after it jumps to slipspace? The ships above the planet would all crash and it looks like it wiped everything out on the planet? Trying to understand the rationale behind that.

Also, even though it put a smile on my face I'm not sure what she wants with a Halo ring...
I don't think she blasted the planet and murdered everyone. She EMP'ed the planet, which I think we're supposed to assume she did at all the locations she had guardians. She named off every race in the galaxy, so my guess is she has one guardian at each race's home world.
Not terribly pleased that I had to play as Locke for 80% of the game or that there were 3 "missions" were I just talked to people but good overall.
But 343 assured us before launch that MC is still the main character!

I would say that threatening death from giant Forerunner police machines for not obeying her decrees a fairly evil thing. Even from a utilitarian perspective I think it falls flat since she is co-opting the same ideals as the imperialistic Forerunners who used the Guardians for the same reason she is using them now. That kind of rule led to the galaxy falling as easy prey to the Flood. She might say the Created will care for humanity, and other organic life too, but that was the same logic as the Forerunners. They cared for the galaxy and guided them, it just so happened none of the other species with the exception of humanity and San 'Shyuum, were powerful enough to oppose their rule.
I think it's a sure sign that Cortana is awful in Halo 5 with how much we're all having to try and figure out her motives and what it all means. And no---343 wasn't treating us like smart adults to figure it all out ourselves. I present the whole of Halo 5 as evidence to that point.


Just finished the campaign on Normal.

It was... not that good. Some of my pros and cons I jotted down:

+ Awesome opening and CGI cutscenes in general.
+ Vehicle segments were fun, but not used enough.
+ Sound design is top tier.
+ Multiplayer already seems much better than 4, haven't played a ton to make a solid conclusion.
+ Lots of unlockables.

- After an awesome opening, the actual intro level was lackluster.
- Graphics are underwhelming for a next-gen Halo game.
- Missions were way too linear. CE was more open. This of course goes with the design choice of the game, but I don't like it.
- I played more as Locke than MC. Awful.
- No variation in NPC's during in the Meridian town. Big pet peeve of mine. The area was not huge, would it kill them to make every NPC look unique?
- These areas were pointless, as well. Just give me a cutscene or if you have me walk around a town, make it way more interesting.
- Story is bordering nonsensical. I'm finding it hard to care about anything.
- Misleading trailers. MC and Locke live action trailers were hype and implied alternate timelines / point of views and impending death and made it look way more intriguing then what the game gave us in which that have a minor quarrel and end up being friends by the end. Lame.

Overall, I'd give it a 6/10. 343i is 0 for 2 when it comes to Halo. The Bungie games were much, much better.

This is exactly how I feel.


Junior Member
How much bandwidth does the Domain have? Their rampancy isn't cured, they simply have more room to operate, right?. My guess is all of these AIs are going to clog the domain and cause the ultimate Rampancy shit show.


Neo Member
The Forerunners were proud and arrogant. AIs can be immortal now, and much smarter than biological beings. Who's to say Cortana's empire will suffer the same implementation problems as the Forerunners'? We just don't know how it's going to play out yet.

I think a utilitarian argument works fine, and it might even be her own justification for the whole thing. Sacrifice a few million to secure peace for billions or trillions. From a utilitarian perspective, it's worse to allow chaos and tribalism and infighting to carry on unchecked and ruin even more lives eventually.

By that logic then Mendicant Bias was doing nothing wrong by joining with the Flood and wanting to unite every sentient being in the galaxy as one. You say AIs are smarter than human beings, but I subscribe to the Lazarus Long idea of artificial intelligence, it is as human as we are, but with our flaws magnified. Nobody is entitled to judge any species with extermination.


Just finished the campaign on Normal.

It was... not that good. Some of my pros and cons I jotted down:

+ Awesome opening and CGI cutscenes in general.
+ Vehicle segments were fun, but not used enough.
+ Sound design is top tier.
+ Multiplayer already seems much better than 4, haven't played a ton to make a solid conclusion.
+ Lots of unlockables.

- After an awesome opening, the actual intro level was lackluster.
- Graphics are underwhelming for a next-gen Halo game.
- Missions were way too linear. CE was more open. This of course goes with the design choice of the game, but I don't like it.
- I played more as Locke than MC. Awful.
- No variation in NPC's during in the Meridian town. Big pet peeve of mine. The area was not huge, would it kill them to make every NPC look unique?
- These areas were pointless, as well. Just give me a cutscene or if you have me walk around a town, make it way more interesting.
- Story is bordering nonsensical. I'm finding it hard to care about anything.
- Misleading trailers. MC and Locke live action trailers were hype and implied alternate timelines / point of views and impending death and made it look way more intriguing then what the game gave us in which that have a minor quarrel and end up being friends by the end. Lame.

Overall, I'd give it a 6/10. 343i is 0 for 2 when it comes to Halo. The Bungie games were much, much better.

Good post, I agree with all of this.


I think it just feels more "space magicy" than the previous titles. Not saying Halo has been hard sci-fi or that it didn't have its moments like that. It's different in a YMMV kind of way. It doesn't feel like the same Halo that we fell in love with before. Is it a bad thing? Not necessarily, but a lot of ideas that Bungie laid before are now being extrapolated into something that I personally don't care for. The mystery is gone, and that's fine, but the answers aren't all that enthralling.

Ya, I liked the forerunners as mysterious, or maybe just very slightly fleshed out as they were in that great "Legends" animated Blu Ray release a few years back of 7 different short stories.

I never felt the urge to meet one, much less fight one of their leaders.
Just finished it and I loved the ending. Story is definitely a setup but a necessary one. Flipping Cortana from good to bad will hopefully be better fleshed out in 6 though. All around it was a fun ride minus the warden fights.

I kinda somewhat wish Cortana was able to keep Blue team in the Cryptum so she could wake them 10,000 years in the future and have that be the start of Halo 6.


By that logic then Mendicant Bias was doing nothing wrong by joining with the Flood and wanting to unite every sentient being in the galaxy as one. You say AIs are smarter than human beings, but I subscribe to the Lazarus Long idea of artificial intelligence, it is as human as we are, but with our flaws magnified. Nobody is entitled to judge any species with extermination.
The Flood's nature is to destroy biodiversity and with it free will. That's in direct opposition to the noblest version of the Mantle, which the Librarian espoused: to preserve and protect life so that it can thrive in peace. Ideally, it's the responsibility of whoever holds the Mantle to tend the galaxy like a garden. Cortana, who may still be unstable, might have embraced a distorted version of that message. Mendicant Bias certainly did.
Fairly sure the campaign went under some sorts of rewrite at this point, the E3 demo is completely different in the final game, the intermission talking/walking areas sound like remnants of the old kind of open route structure they talked about.
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