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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens - It's True. All of it.

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I'd like to understand how the entire galaxy can really just sit back and let something like the First Order come to fruition after the GE was pretty much destroyed after ep6?

I understand the senate is compassionate towards the Resistance but like gave them no help? Handful of x-wings vs starkiller?

I'd really hoped they explained more about that but I think they didn't get into politics because of the prequels and shit like blocked trade routes. They didn't really seem to cover why the new order arose and what kind of damage they did with the star killer.


Are there any good spoiler discussions/interviews/anything? Whether it be from the cast or interesting peeps discussing it. I need something to satisfy the hunger before a rewatch :3


I understand the senate is compassionate towards the Resistance but like gave them no help? Handful of x-wings vs starkiller?

The relationship (or lack thereof) between the Republic and the Resistance is one that I hope is explored in other media (comics, books).

I get the impression that the Resistance essentially acts as an off-the-books "proxy force" for the Republic in a shadow war against the First Order. They receive limited support from the Republic so the Senate can maintain "plausible deniability".


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Say what you will about the prequels, but some of the music...



Sometime last year there was some casting discussion about an actress named Maisie Richardson-Sellers. IIRC it was thought she had a larger role in the film, but she was just in a brief shot of the crowd when the Starkiller weapon fires. IMDb says her name is 'Korr Sella'. Searched and found this:

Obviously some of that changed or was inaccurate speculation, but the gist was true - Sella was at a pub when the Starkiller weapon destroyed the planet. She seemed to be wearing some kind of Republic officer uniform.

Perhaps that character will be featured more heavily in a spinoff or other expanded material?

Its in the novel. She was sent by Leia to ask the Republic for support. Leia claims there are forces out to get her in the republic itself and that if she were to step in there she would be met with some unfortunate 'accident'


The relationship (or lack thereof) between the Republic and the Resistance is one that I hope is explored in other media (comics, books).

I get the impression that the Resistance essentially acts as an off-the-books "proxy force" for the Republic in a shadow war against the First Order. They receive limited support from the Republic so the Senate can maintain "plausible deniability".

It would have been nice if the movie, ya know, explained shit like this. But no, Abrams was more interested in hurtling the audience along from one hurried action sequence to the next.

I can't believe I'm going to say this but ROTS might have been a better movie.
Oh so the murder of many will be let go? Come on man. There's obviously a counsel anyway, it's not just her.

Kylo/Ben needs to answer for the crimes.
Certainly looked like Leia was running the whole thing. And she told Han to bring back their son, and Han tried to convince Ben that it wasn't too late. And the "council" is made up of people like Admiral Ackbar. I'm not saying he would be welcomed back as if nothing happened, but I'm fairly certain Leia would be able to convince everyone that Snoke is who is really to blame, as if everyone didn't already know that.


For those asking about C-3PO's red arm, I could've sworn he mentioned something about it being under repairs or being upgraded. So it makes sense that he had the gold one back at the end cause repairs/upgrades were done


Its in the novel. She was sent by Leia to ask the Republic for support. Leia claims there are forces out to get her in the republic itself and that if she were to step in there she would be met with some unfortunate 'accident'

Cheers, thanks for the info.


Rewatched tonight. So good. Caught a few things that I'm surprised I missed (the oceans/island comment and the ending...duh).

One thing I'll say, I don't normally go to theaters on opening weekend because I hate rude moviegoers. Last night I was pleasantly surprised at how respectful the audience was. Tonight, not so much. Wish I could force choke all the assholes that don't know it's not cool to talk during importance scenes.

Also, I really need some TFA Expanded Universe stuff in my veins like ASAP.
I have a few friends that like to act cool because they're gonna wait and see it when it's not so crowded. *They* aren't giving into the corporate hype machine, no sir.

Well, my screening had basically zero children, extremely respectful patrons, and an all-around party atmosphere. Have fun with a screaming cadre of seven-year-olds in two weeks.


I've been thinking about it, and I don't think Rey necessarily needs to be Luke's daughter. You want a real gutpunch twist that will get that dark side temptation going? Find out your family didn't just leave you, or hide you away for protection, they straight up abandoned you. Why the hell would Luke hand her over to Unkar Plutt?

Luke wasn't part of her past, he isn't her father, he is her future and can become her father figure (as she had started to see Han as a father figure). She isn't the child or grandchild of the chosen one like Luke and Ren are. She is a genuine nobody who becomes somebody. The force in her wasn't some dormant power reawakening from some repressed memory, but the result of her hope and wonder. She never suddenly became a Jedi in the film, all her powers were raw and the result of feeling it out based on what she had observed and understood from myth.

Not that this precludes some later familial revelation or twist or what have you.

I disagree. I think Rey will end up being Luke's daughter. Luke was training both Rey and Ben(Kylo), Ben went bad, Luke panicked and decided he wanted out-did a Force wipe of Rey's memory and went into hiding. This would explain the "awakening' ie: "surpressed memories" and the reason why she was able to do the Jedi mind trick so easily on the storm trooper and also how good she was with a light saber. She had *already* been trained by Luke! My theory anyways.

Fantastic movie. But seriously, when will the Empire learn that death stars and planet killers just don't work out for them?


Delete this sick and ignorant comment if you don't want to be banned.

I was wondering if he was supposed to be Ackbar, I assume not cus they would have made it clear he was.

It was him. He is in the credits. Same as Nein Nubm(sp?, Lando's co-pilot from Jedi)


I'd like to understand how the entire galaxy can really just sit back and let something like the First Order come to fruition after the GE was pretty much destroyed after ep6?

I understand the senate is compassionate towards the Resistance but like gave them no help? Handful of x-wings vs starkiller?

It does seem like the Republic is as much an incompetent mess as it always was. Certainly there is a massive intelligence gap to let the First Order finish that Starkiller base. You can't tell me no one noticed a planet sized weapon that dwarfs the Death Star is being built, especially when you have a whole spin off about the Resistance getting the plans for the original Death Star.

It is a very well made movie, but I wish it had the balls for a bit more originality. Seeing things like the MF, Hoth and Cloud City for the first time was awesome and this didn't have those moments.
I highly doubt Leia would sentence her son to death.

I think we all pretty much know he's going to die throwing Snoke down a shaft.

I'd like to understand how the entire galaxy can really just sit back and let something like the First Order come to fruition after the GE was pretty much destroyed after ep6?

I understand the senate is compassionate towards the Resistance but like gave them no help? Handful of x-wings vs starkiller?

Well there was some kind of new republic fleet in those nearby systems, but they all got nuked. The resistance / republic would generally be more well armed than that, but being blindsided by the starkiller they were conveniently left with about the same fighting strength they had at yavin.
I'd like to understand how the entire galaxy can really just sit back and let something like the First Order come to fruition after the GE was pretty much destroyed after ep6?

I understand the senate is compassionate towards the Resistance but like gave them no help? Handful of x-wings vs starkiller?
I'd liken it to the Nazis coming into power after the defeat of Germany and its allies in World War 1. And the Starkiller attack on the planets would be akin to the Nazis nuking London or New York in 1939 instead of simply invading Poland
Maybe I just have bad hearing or something but I didn't notice any Yoda or Obi-Wan voices in the flashback sequence like people are talking about.


Fantastic movie. But seriously, when will the Empire learn that death stars and planet killers just don't work out for them?
They wiped out an entire solar system
and killed a few trillion people in the process
and got rid of the entire opposing force. I don't think I would call that "don't work out". It got the job done if you ask me.
I disagree. I think Rey will end up being Luke's daughter. Luke was training both Rey and Ben(Kylo), Ben went bad, Luke panicked and decided he wanted out-did a Force wipe of Rey's memory and went into hiding. This would explain the "awakening' ie: "surpressed memories" and the reason why she was able to do the Jedi mind trick so easily on the storm trooper and also how good she was with a light saber. She had *already* been trained by Luke! My theory anyways.

Fantastic movie. But seriously, when will the Empire learn that death stars and planet killers just don't work out for them?
Problem with this theory is you'd think Luke would of at least dropped off his own daughter with a family or someone to watch out for her.


I really loved the movie on one hand, but on the other it's hard to objectively say how good it is since it so heavily relies on nostalgia and retreaded plot. I really wish one of those two things was slightly less. That and holy shit the entire movie was one crazy coincidence after another. The only way this shit even remotely happens is if the force or whatever is guiding literally everything everywhere at all times.

I also thought Finn's turning away from the stormtroopers was kind of hamfisted as fuck. They made it way too ridiculously obvious that you're wondering why none of the other stormtroopers are noticing it. That and his first like 5 minutes on screen are him huffing and sweating the entire time. After that Finn was rad.

And I was kind of disappointed they did literally nothing with Gwendolyn Christie's character.


Kills Photobucket
They wiped out an entire solar system
and killed a few trillion people in the process
and got rid of the entire opposing force. I don't think I would call that "don't work out". It got the job done if you ask me.

Destructive as destroying the system would be, it's one system in the Galaxy. And destroying the system would likely have almost no effect on the strength of the Republic Fleet.

And I was kind of disappointed they did literally nothing with Gwendolyn Christie's character.

I will be really let down if she is dead. My hope is that while Kylo Ren serves as the antagonist for Rey, Phasma serves as the antagonist for Finn.


Hmmm...so there's an interesting theory going around that Kylo, after slaughtering all of Luke's students, spared Luke's daughter, and took her to Jakku and left her there.

In the novelization of the film, Kylo clearly knows quite a bit about Rey, mumbling to himself "It is you" as Rey grabs the blue lightsaber.
It was very, very good overall. I wish it didn't try so hard to parallel the OT, especially with Starkiller, which is just fucking dumb, and I wish it gave more explanation of how a status quo that so closely resembles the OT status quo can exist post RotJ (which makes the new trilogy kinda depressing if you think about it - they defeated the Empire for this?)

But the new characters are great, and nearly all the key emotional beats land, which goes a long way towards making up for story deficiencies and is not something I can say about the prequels. Or, for that matter, Abrams' Star Trek films, or GotG.


I disagree. I think Rey will end up being Luke's daughter. Luke was training both Rey and Ben(Kylo), Ben went bad, Luke panicked and decided he wanted out-did a Force wipe of Rey's memory and went into hiding. This would explain the "awakening' ie: "surpressed memories" and the reason why she was able to do the Jedi mind trick so easily on the storm trooper and also how good she was with a light saber. She had *already* been trained by Luke! My theory anyways.

Fantastic movie. But seriously, when will the Empire learn that death stars and planet killers just don't work out for them?

I thought the movie all but screamed at us that Rey was Luke's daughter, and after I thought about it I (and others) have also floated the idea that Rey already had some training but it was somehow forgotten or repressed -- This would explain her proficiency with the force and the lightsaber which happened so quickly, and that would also fit well with the title of the movie.

Re. my above point -- The movie was full of subcommunication by the film makers. For instance, when Rey pulled the lightsaber out of the snow just like Luke on Hoth -- That seems like the film makers are communicating something just to us. Pulling a lightsaber out of the snow holds no significance to the characters in the scene, it's something only meant for the audience.

Stuff like the similar trajectory from a desert planet and the lightsaber in the snow and all that can be explained away as circumstantial -- But all of that supports a couple of parts in the movie that more clearly tell us something.

  • 1) The part where the Lightsaber calls out to Rey and gives her visions. That it did this at all is interesting, but, again, could be explained away as other things. However, things go further when Maz describes a lineage going from Anakin to Luke to Rey. I felt like this was near confirmation on its own.
  • 2) What seals the deal is the ending, for me, when Luke looks at Rey with such recognition. That's not the look of someone who's laying eyes on a stranger or someone who doesn't hold special significance to them.
I really loved the movie on one hand, but on the other it's hard to objectively say how good it is since it so heavily relies on nostalgia and retreaded plot. I really wish one of those two things was slightly less. That and holy shit the entire movie was one crazy coincidence after another. The only way this shit even remotely happens is if the force or whatever is guiding literally everything everywhere at all times.

I also thought Finn's turning away from the stormtroopers was kind of hamfisted as fuck. They made it way too ridiculously obvious that you're wondering why none of the other stormtroopers are noticing it. That and his first like 5 minutes on screen are him huffing and sweating the entire time. After that Finn was rad.

And I was kind of disappointed they did literally nothing with Gwendolyn Christie's character.
This is my little brothers complaint after watching every action movie ever.
I'd like to understand how the entire galaxy can really just sit back and let something like the First Order come to fruition after the GE was pretty much destroyed after ep6?

I understand the senate is compassionate towards the Resistance but like gave them no help? Handful of x-wings vs starkiller?

The same thing that led to the destruction of the New Republic in the old continuity: bureaucracy.

In the new timeline, the Republic never wiped out the Imperial remnants and they became the First Order.

I did expect a Republic fleet to show up for the attack on Starkiller Base though.


Destructive as destroying the system would be, it's one system in the Galaxy. And destroying the system would likely have almost no effect on the strength of the Republic Fleet.

I will be really let down if she is dead. My hope is that while Kylo Ren serves as the antagonist for Rey, Phasma serves as the antagonist for Finn.

The Republic demilitarized beyond a token fleet. System defense was left to systems beyond whatever fleet they kept for the Capital system. Starkiller base pretty much resets the Galaxy to where the First Order could very well be the most powerful force in the galaxy again


Problem with this theory is you'd think Luke would of at least dropped off his own daughter with a family or someone to watch out for her.

Well she seemed pretty self sufficient and older(not a baby or young teen) and the memory(implanted by Luke?) of her parents apparently leaving the planet with hope they're coming back for her...just seemed to fit with her memories being wiped/implanted/ etc.

Leaving her with Leia and Han would have been all to obvious, what other family members would she have at that point?
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