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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens - It's True. All of it.

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I was a little disappointed that Kylo wasn't the horror movie like monster I wanted him to be but in the end I was fine with it.

One issue I can't shake off is how the Starkiller Base's defences were so weak.
How come they couldn't defend themselves from one squadron of X-Wing fighters? When Hux said to release all squadrons it still felt as if they were only a handful of ships. Not to mention how the Han, Finn, and Rey just felt like they were all over the place in that huge base. The scale of the base's interiors felt so small.

It's tradition!


This entire movie was predictable. Adding another predictable element in wouldn't exactly be a shocking stretch.

I don't think the movie suffered for its predictability though

Yeah cuz his adopted daddy put him there. Do you think anyone else on that station actually respects him as a leader?

So you are telling me he actually is J.P. from grandma's boy?? This makes the performance a lot easier to swallow.


Agreed. Maybe the dude playing him is a great actor in other roles but I didn't think he pulled off the Ren role at all. Once the mask came off he was just about the least intimidating person on the planet. That scene with Rey was awesome, except when they cut to him and he just looked like he wet himself, even before she started fighting back. At least get someone who can look sort of mean and scary if you need to show him without a mask. That guy just looks petulant.

I really think that was intentional. When he takes off the helmet it humanizes him. Vader was a robot for all intents and purposes, but Ren is a young human. Its saying loud and clear Ren is not Vader but aspires to be Vader.

Ren is not perfect and is acting like a 20 something with daddy issues. The bad part is he can use the force. Its not consistent, but his potential is scary.


Reflecting on things I think it would have been better if leia wasn't in the movie at all. Her scenes were the only kinda awful parts.
Who's this Supreme One? And why did they choose full CG instead of some the great practical makeup effects they have...?

Popular theory is that Snoke is Plagueis (Palpatine's master). For reference, Plagueis is indeed canon. They probably chose CG instead of practical effects to keep people guessing as to who Snoke's character really is. It's a hologram, they can rework the character to anything they want until the big reveal.

Kylo Ren being an unhinged brat is exactly what I wanted. I never really hated the character of Vader, but I wanted Chewie to fuck Ren up. I love that I dislike the character of Ren and that he isn't some one-dimensional op Sith lord.

Yup. Better to simultaneously appreciate, sympathize with, and hate a villain than to just "know" they're powerful.

I mean...see Loki. Sniveling, childish, power-hungry brat who is ridiculously sympathetic and charming.

Darth Vader was kind of boring in ANH, tbh. ESB is where he was elevated. I'm not saying that's an excuse for anyone who feels Kylo was ineffectual or weak in TFA--I'm just glad we didn't have to wait another movie for his character to actually become a complex and *real* character, as opposed to Vader.


Popular theory is that Snoke is Plagueis (Palpatine's master). For reference, Plagueis is indeed canon. They probably chose CG instead of practical effects to keep people guessing as to who Snoke's character really is. It's a hologram, they can rework the character to anything they want until the big reveal.

Didn't Palpatine kill him? Or was that conversation removed from cannon?

I mean...see Loki. Sniveling, childish, power-hungry brat who is ridiculously sympathetic and charming.
Ren is severely lacking in the last two. He's a whiny little twit.


The leaks never said one way or the other. What happened there was a couple sites basically started speculating based on their own spoilers, and started pushing that pretty hard, so people came to basically believe they were one and the same. But they weren't. I remember Making Star Wars specifically having to back off their certainty somewhere after June.

But the leaks never definitively pointed at Rey as being Skywalker or Solo. They did however point straight at Kylo being Han & Leia's.

So just a case of the ol' "people like to act like they know things"-itis? It also doesn't make a lick of sense for Rey to be Leia and Han's daughter considering they didn't even recognize each other. I have a feeling Rey's backstory reveal will be a continuing thread throughout the two sequels and Luke will not be the father.
I think maybe that Rey has already been trained as a young kid and for what reason she was placed in hiding. Maybe Luke hid her and wiped her memory and when she got near the saber she had flash backs of the knights of Ren. I think thats why she has some knowledge of the force powers.

What if she is not going but returning to Luke

I think the same thing. If she isn't Luke's actual kid she is one of the children he started to train.
What EU books should be read. Kind of want to dive in now

All the old EU books have been wiped clean. They're starting over from scratch.

I liked the Shattered Empire comics. It picks up literally right after the battle of Endor and covers some neat adventures.

Most people like Lost Stars a lot even though it's technically a young adult novel.

Aftermath has some neat stuff in it if you can get past the nontraditional writing style.


I doubt any of this has a chance of happening but Disney is going to push Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Harrison Ford, and Adam Driver for the Oscars this year (first three for lead, Driver for supporting). Just thought it was a cool little mention to share but I doubt anything will come about of it.
I wonder if it was originally intended for the audience to find out who Rey's parents are but later cut? Daisy did say like a few months ago that people would find out who they are in this film.
Sorry, I just can't follow this narrative that Adam Driver's performance was shit. I mean, just...what?

It's mind-boggling to me. All the performances of the four leads (Rey, Finn, Kylo, and Han) were great, but Driver/Kylo was a standout to me. Could have been his performance, or how his character was written, or both--but it was great. I was seriously worried that he would be an Anakin-level sniveling whiner, and he totally has some of that immaturity, but it's delivered or expressed in a way that is sympathetic rather than repulsive.
Darth Vader was kind of boring in ANH, tbh. ESB is where he was elevated. I'm not saying that's an excuse for anyone who feels Kylo was ineffectual or weak in TFA--I'm just glad we didn't have to wait another movie for his character to actually become a complex and *real* character, as opposed to Vader.

Honestly I really appreciate him being weak. Because we'll be able to appreciate his transition even more when he finally becomes truly strong. Monotone characters fucking suck. This guy...we get to see his maturation from hot-head still wavering into his final form as a raid boss with full control of his fury and a new level of mercilessness.
I can't stop smiling listening to the soundtrack

I'm going back on Sunday to see it again

It just feels good man

Man where did all this dust come from, what the hell


Anyone else feel Han meeting face to face with Ben the first time above a giant chasm subconsciously foreshadowed his death a little too much? I mean, maybe that's the point, to pay homage to all the other Star Wars films where people are flung down into a bottomless pit, but it really felt like it was barreling straight towards that conclusion a little too hard.

Maybe if they at least treated the pit as an inevitable metaphor that Han treated with an urgency and desperation to change, it could have been an even more emotionally compelling scene for 2 characters we never see together before, but as it was, it was a shock but a little disappointing since Han didn't even seem to see it coming. Even a hint that he knew he could be facing his death would be pretty powerful.

Yeah, for a lot of people you could absolutely guess what was about to happen. So? It was an earned moment and an emotional moment. You still felt the conflict of Ben's feelings. That's a great movie moment. What's the point of killing a beloved character unexpectedly? For extra shock points? It's a sad and important story moment, not a gasp holy shit moment just to be a gasp holy shit moment.

And how do you think Han didn't realize he could die? You think he honestly thought he'd be able to easily get him on the side of the light? He took a chance and he knew it. He did it for Leia.
It's mind-boggling to me. All the performances of the four leads (Rey, Finn, Kylo, and Han) were great, but Driver/Kylo was a standout to me. Could have been his performance, or how his character was written, or both--but it was great. I was seriously worried that he would be an Anakin-level sniveling whiner, and he totally has some of that immaturity, but it's delivered or expressed in a way that is sympathetic rather than repulsive.

I also liked it alot. I don't get the hate. I thought he was awesome.



Haven't seen that and I guess many. What gave it away for me was a bunch of things. Han is heavily featured in the marketing, but the character has nowhere to go. So they have to write him off. Since he can't committ PG-seppuku like Yoda, he has to be killed off. But he is a major character, so it has to be impactful. What is Star Wars big on? Screwed up families with a baddie in them.

So... well... It wasn't a given to go down this road, but there was a certain amount of likeliness.
Honestly I really appreciate him being weak. Because we'll be able to appreciate his transition even more when he finally becomes truly strong. Monotone characters fucking suck. This guy...we get to see his maturation from hot-head still wavering into his final form as a raid boss with full control of his fury and a new level of mercilessness.

lol'd at "raid boss"

and yes, I absolutely agree. His character might be the one I'm most interested in, currently.


Just saw it. Bottom line, thought it was great. Most of the complaints I've read are overblown imo.

Though Starkiller base was kind of absurd. I'm assuming they have a way to move that thing around? It totally consumes stars and they're gone? And is Hosnian Prime in the same system as Maz's castle? Didn't expect that. And as other have said, yeah, Rey is OP.

I'm thinking she has to be Luke's daughter. Various shit makes a lot less sense if she's not.

Didn't Palpatine kill him? Or was that conversation removed from cannon?

Ren is severely lacking in the last two. He's a whiny little twit.

Palpatine did kill Plagueis in his sleep, supposedly. Here's my post on about Snoke a few pages back:


My theory on Snoke:

He is Plagueis, the one who trained Palpatine. Plagueis the Wise faked his death and used Palpatine as an unwitting pawn. Plagueis secretly paved the way for Palpatine's conquest AND the rebel victories in the OT, having the Empire's rise and fall orchestrated according to plan.


It's mind-boggling to me. All the performances of the four leads (Rey, Finn, Kylo, and Han) were great, but Driver/Kylo was a standout to me. Could have been his performance, or how his character was written, or both--but it was great. I was seriously worried that he would be an Anakin-level sniveling whiner, and he totally has some of that immaturity, but it's delivered or expressed in a way that is sympathetic rather than repulsive.

I found it to be exactly that, repulsive. Not in a "oh good a bad guy I can hate" kind of way but in a "oh look it's a JRPG tween villain" kind of way.

Maybe the acting is superb and I just hate the writing, I've never seen the guy in anything else so it's sort of hard to separate the two without some baseline, but I thought it came off awful.


Thinking about it more, I love love love what they did with Kylo Ren. His first appearance shows how absolutely intimidating and powerful he is, but as the movie progressed, that was slowly peeled away as his instability became more apparent. Seeing a villain being the one with the constant confliction was one of the most interesting parts of the movie for me. I mean seduction by the light? How cool was that line?

Yessss. The more I dwell on it, I fucking love how Kylo Ren was done.


semen stains the mountaintops
Is it space racist of me to assume the Mon Calamari was Ackbar?

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I was wondering if he was supposed to be Ackbar, I assume not cus they would have made it clear he was.
Yeah, taking out Starkiller felt pretty easy. It's like... I mean, that was it?!

I will say I love the concept of using entire stars for fuel, as outrageous as it is. Very sinister.
Just saw it. Bottom line, thought it was great. Most of the complaints I've read are overblown imo.

Though Starkiller base was kind of absurd. I'm assuming they have a way to move that thing around? It totally consumes stars and they're gone? And is Hosnian Prime in the same system as Maz's castle? Didn't expect that. And as other have said, yeah, Rey is OP.

I'm thinking she has to be Luke's daughter. Various shit makes a lot less sense if she's not.


Some people are going to hate that not being the case. They don't want the Skywalker line dying out. Hahaha. It's fake dudes.


Holy shit that you say that. During the movie my 7 year old said when Han died that he should come back as a Super Sayan.

That confirms two things:

1. I'm raising my children right, and
2. My 7 yo is smarter than JJ Abrams.

I overheard a kid in my second viewing say the exact same thing at the same moment.


Just saw it. Really loved it. Of course it's not as good as the originals but that's what I expected. It was very surprising how dark the movie was.

I didnt like the space lady in the cantina. In the beginning the pacing wasn't all there, and I don't see the point of the new space weapon to the plot of the film, but overall I really enjoyed it.

A few questions, why is C3P0s arm red and did Kylo die?


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I was wondering if he was supposed to be Ackbar, I assume not cus they would have made it clear he was.

Yeah he is Ackbar. It is weird how they had the non humans' appearance remain the same more or less. No obvious aging
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