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Spring Anime 2015 |OT| The Disappearance of YEAARRT!

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The only thing I can think about when watching Yamada Kun and the Seven Witches is how I'd love a darker take on this story where one of them dies while body swapped, forcing the survivor to live a complete lie of a life. Their family cries and mourns for their dead child, and the child can't very well say "but mom/dad, I'm actually your child but in another child's body!"
So, I don't watch a lot of anime so I still haven't checked out some that are considered to be among the best.
I've been looking at screens of the upcoming Steins Gate game and I really dig the artstyle.
I hear it's very good?
There's a show and a movie besides the visual novel right?
Show only has 1 season as far as I can tell which works out well since I don't have a lot of time these days.
Worth watching?


The only thing I can think about when watching Yamada Kun and the Seven Witches is how I'd love a darker take on this story where one of them dies while body swapped, forcing the survivor to live a complete lie of a life. Their family cries and mourns for their dead child, and the child can't very well say "but mom/dad, I'm actually your child but in another child's body!"

Theres is a manga with this kind of scenario. It's not as dark, but it's about how girl and boy can't switch back for years.


At the start of the gif it looks like they're about to fusion dance but then they don't and then they never do and now I'm not sure why this gif is even allowed to exist. not even going to keep it in the quote it's that upsetting.
Illya's just having fun. Let it be.
Ninja Slayer 07


Someone let me know if chiwa is in ninja slayer this week.

The blond girl showed up, snakes were involved. I'm glad Trigger is here to make shows about manly men and not fanservice bullshit.


So, I don't watch a lot of anime so I still haven't checked out some that are considered to be among the best.
I've been looking at screens of the upcoming Steins Gate game and I really dig the artstyle.
I hear it's very good?
There's a show and a movie besides the visual novel right?
Show only has 1 season as far as I can tell which works out well since I don't have a lot of time these days.
Worth watching?

I didn't see the show yet but it is very well regarded. Should be a worthwhile pick.


Etotama 08

Instead of Super Smash Bros., this week is Mario Kart. Or more accurately, Wacky Races. The old Hanna-Barbera staple is beloved in Japan, so to have an episode like this homaging it is pretty cool. I'd play this if it was a game. Seeing the unique vehicles created for each racer was pretty neat - I imagine Chu-tan would drive something like the wind-up mouse used to race Canary Mary in Cloudcuckooland - and the show's running jokes continued at a fine clip, including Uri-tan dying once again. Turning something that was once dramatic and serious into a running gag is part of why I love this show so much. They made you feel the sadness the first time in order to make it really effective, and then turned the tables.

I also like that the ED cards are drawn by each of the girls' main VAs. Ari Ozawa (Chiyo in Nozaki, Uma-tan here) handled this week's, for example. Fun stuff.


About a year ago or so, the AnimeGAF thread used to be this active all the time.

I didn't miss those days.

There was a time when I tried to keep up with the anime thread daily, it became too much work. Now I just wander in every once in a while. Sometimes I time it right and am gifted with events such as last night.
Log Horizon S2 1-Everything

I didn't enjoy this 2nd season. The currently problems they faced in the first season felt more dire. The filler kinda killed it for me as well.


Beyod the Boundry ep. 8-10
OK, mindfuck time with this. WTF is going on right now, I'm so lost....

Is she dead, is he dead, are they in another drem world like the last time, ugghh, obviously she is going to die in a sad way now, uugghh
It's hard to read what is going on right now because they are clearly just fu(king with the viewers with alternate realities. I need a quick cigarette, so I can finish this and watch Etotama; I had to beg on twitter for a Crunchy code this morning to watch it after all, lol.

BTW, she is a cutie Cajun...
Etotama - 08

They could've done some pretty cool stuff involving this race. I didn't dislike what they went with, but I think it was a letdown from what I initially expected. The intro was neat though.



Gunbuster 05

Some references in Takaya's room. I can see the inspiration taken from Yamato in this episode.

Again this episode demonstrates some great character writing. While Takaya is on Earth she meets up with her old classmate Kimiko. Due to space travel, time has progressed much faster for Kimiko than Takaya. Kimiko has aged several years, is married and has a child. Time is relative and Takaya has only experienced a few months apart from Kimiko yet her maturity is on the same level as the much older Kimiko.

On the tram ride down to the mission launch Amano attempts to keep face. The words coming out of her mouth completely contradict what she feels inside and it shows in her facial expressions. She breaks down at the worst possible moment but Takaya is there to bring her back to reality. The role reversal of Takaya and Amano's relationship in the moment of crisis enforces Takaya's growth.

After that moment of weakness, cue the cheesy music and super robo yelling. It's campy, silly and over the top. Amano remains the calm, analytical pilot while Takaya shouts her attacks into the void of space. I guess it works for their characters but I don't think the contrast between the previous mental breakdown and the yelling works on a thematic level.
Time dilation stuff was one of the brighter spots of Gunbuster.

FYI, do yourself a favour and watch the last episode in a manner "befitting" it. It deserves it.

Oh boy, saw some screens from Ninja Slayer this week.

Thanks Trigger.

Exquisite framing.

Naruto Shippuden 414

5 months of filler weren't enough to give this episode passable animation. Karin pulling Uzumaki Chains out of her ass was horribly animated and only compounded by the awful direction.

Ninija Slayer 07
Op gave me a mistaken impression of what this Nancy character will be like.I didn't sign up for another damsel in distress ...


Not sure how many people here buy anime physically or just stream everything, but whenever you do buy physical Blu-rays/DVD's, do you find yourself ripping them to your PC/Laptop and watching them on there or am I just weird? I feel more comfy and cosy just watching them on my laptop in bed unless its a Ghibli film or a tentpole film that I just have to watch on the big TV. I feel weird just buying BD's only to just watch them on my laptop, but I enjoy them a hell of a lot more. #Firstworldanimeproblems

Actually most of them gather dust. The ones I buy, are the ones I never watch.... because they are there.

One day, I'll watch Eden of the East and complain how unfinished it is!


I'm a weirdo who only watches one thing at a time, not even a movie of OVA in between. I'm watching City Hunter? Finish it first and then move on to the next thing! I guess its so I don't lose track of where I am, whats going on and I actually finish it all, absorb it all and when I move onto the next thing, it feels really refreshing! ! I get dizzy just looking at people on MAL who have 10 things on their currently watch list. Not to say you can't achieve those goals in any other way, but I couldn't imagine watching more than one thing at a time.

Also Splatoon rocks.


Actually most of them gather dust. The ones I buy, are the ones I never watch.... because they are there.

One day, I'll watch Eden of the East and complain how unfinished it is!

Ha I can understand that, the sense of urgency disappears. I have the Blu-rays for FMA: Brotherhood, Code Geass and Steins;Gate on my shelf among many others and I can't be bothered watching them right now too.

I'll be honest, I only got Geass because it was going out of print, but I think its not as rare these days but impossible to get with the slipcover brand new. I'm never going to watch it, especially after the things people post about it lol, but if something is going out of print, I jump on it like the fool that I am.


Sound! Euphonium Episode 2:

Okay, that was less boring then the last episode but still pretty bland and dull and not really seeing what all of the hullabaloo about this series is.
I'm a weirdo who only watches one thing at a time, not even a movie of OVA in between. I'm watching City Hunter? Finish it first and then move on to the next thing! I guess its so I don't lose track of where I am, whats going on and I actually finish it all, absorb it all and when I move onto the next thing, it feels really refreshing! ! I get dizzy just looking at people on MAL who have 10 things on their currently watch list. Not to say you can't achieve those goals in any other way, but I couldn't imagine watching more than one thing at a time.

Also Splatoon rocks.

Having 10 shows on the Watching list isn't uncommon as many people are watching shows that are currently airing, which being spread out weekly makes it easy to watch multiple shows at once.
I believe he started around when I did, back in April ish, right? He does watch pretty hard core though. I've only finished ~ 30 anime, but I haven't watched much in May.
Yeah I think so. But it's just like Cajun said yesterday, he's going through the honeymoon phase, devouring every single show there is. We've all been there, it's a great time ahaha. It was way back then that I watched School Days too... That show made me stop my spree for a good bunch of days lol. Since then, I only watch the seasonal stuff really, much like a good bunch of people on here.
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