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Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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M3 ep1-6

First 3 episodes set up an interesting world introduced a few characters and made me want to find out more, the lead scientist was starting to grate by the end of ep3 as he went full on but it was the only really duff note. Akashi was starting to stop being so damn aloof and Emiru was starting to actually talk so I was looking forward to seeing this go somewhere.

But then the end of episode 4 made me think there were going to problems,
Heito went from one note psycho to parody status and Emiru lost all semblance of being a character to become a plot device. Episode 5 is full of awesome scenes where we get to watch Heito be a psychologically abusive asshole to Emiru due to his constant invasive presence in her mind, thanks Okada! Better yet in Episode 6 we complete Emiru's transformation into a pure plot device as we get even more scenes of Heito loving her despair before she becomes the ghost girl of Akashi's dreams.

I so loathe the Heito character I hopped ahead and I know he lasts until at least ep.
and this is a pretty big road block as he forms a perfect pair with the comically evil scientist of characters I've about had my fill of. Is this show going to try and make me care about Heito?


High School DxD S1

No this was crap, not irredeemable like some of the crap I've watched recently just largely forgettable nonsense with the occasional good joke but mostly just limped across the screen. The fan service was constant and ill proportioned enough to become pure noise, the rest of team were largely cookie cut and the only hint of anything interesting with Raisa was the
arranged marriage subplot. To be frank though that is telegraphed from ep 3 or 4 and is not worth the wait, it plays out how you think and they do nothing with it

Yeah this is another dud from that MAL list, if you want some fan service in your comedy and a show worth watching Demon King Daimo is where it's at (fan service is too intense to recommend without the health warning but it is funny and well written).

Well I'd disagree. I found DxD much better than Daimo (which I thought asnt good at all). Though maybe I'm tainted by really enjoying the LN series with its world building being a major strength, which was a huge surprise for me. You get some of that in the anime, but as always with anime that gets watered down.

Though that said I bailed on the last anime season because of changes / how rushed it is in terms of the novel story. My time is better spent reading further novel installments.


M3 ep1-6

First 3 episodes set up an interesting world introduced a few characters and made me want to find out more, the lead scientist was starting to grate by the end of ep3 as he went full on but it was the only really duff note. Akashi was starting to stop being so damn aloof and Emiru was starting to actually talk so I was looking forward to seeing this go somewhere.

But then the end of episode 4 made me think there were going to problems,
Heito went from one note psycho to parody status and Emiru lost all semblance of being a character to become a plot device. Episode 5 is full of awesome scenes where we get to watch Heito be a psychologically abusive asshole to Emiru due to his constant invasive presence in her mind, thanks Okada! Better yet in Episode 6 we complete Emiru's transformation into a pure plot device as we get even more scenes of Heito loving her despair before she becomes the ghost girl of Akashi's dreams.

I so loathe the Heito character I hopped ahead and I know he lasts until at least ep.
and this is a pretty big road block as he forms a perfect pair with the comically evil scientist of characters I've about had my fill of. Is this show going to try and make me care about Heito?

So you really went ahead with it, huh.
This brings back memories. Memories I'd apparently locked away somewhere deep in my mind, because reading this I realized I'd completely forgotten about the existence of Heito (but now those scenes are coming back, not sure how to feel about that.)
Well I'd disagree. I found DxD much better than Daimo (which I thought asnt good at all). Though maybe I'm tainted by really enjoying the LN series with its world building being a major strength, which was a huge surprise for me. You get some of that in the anime, but as always with anime that gets watered down.

The world building kept me in for longer than most of the other elements as I liked the idea of a 3 way battle between Heaven, Hell and the Fallen Angels. It was strongest for me up until the end of the arc that rescued Asia but then it lost it's way with the school rivalry which made the arranged marriage arc almost feel like a retread. Do any of the later series explore the overall plot or do they spend as much time on the school rivalry stuff?

Edit: Ahhh I saw your update so they fluffed the overarching plot in S3? Shame as that was by far the best part
M3 ep1-6

First 3 episodes set up an interesting world introduced a few characters and made me want to find out more, the lead scientist was starting to grate by the end of ep3 as he went full on but it was the only really duff note. Akashi was starting to stop being so damn aloof and Emiru was starting to actually talk so I was looking forward to seeing this go somewhere.

But then the end of episode 4 made me think there were going to problems,
Heito went from one note psycho to parody status and Emiru lost all semblance of being a character to become a plot device. Episode 5 is full of awesome scenes where we get to watch Heito be a psychologically abusive asshole to Emiru due to his constant invasive presence in her mind, thanks Okada! Better yet in Episode 6 we complete Emiru's transformation into a pure plot device as we get even more scenes of Heito loving her despair before she becomes the ghost girl of Akashi's dreams.

I so loathe the Heito character I hopped ahead and I know he lasts until at least ep.
and this is a pretty big road block as he forms a perfect pair with the comically evil scientist of characters I've about had my fill of. Is this show going to try and make me care about Heito?

But Heito's past :(
But Heito's past :(

I'm not sure it can rebalance his behaviour towards Emiru in any of his interactions with her, how long does it take to get there?

I knew Emiru was being set up as
tragedy fuel from the start, her insecurity, being the poor kid at school, etc meant that she wasn't seeing ep 24 (unless it's as a Corpse, the way the monsters are set up as memories and her defence of them as human all but guarantees it). The way she was fed to Heito is kind of hard to accept as is the obvious relish the show has for her despair and his delight in it.

Edit: I might return to this but I've yet to finish Selector and I think I'll get my Okada there for now (I know, I'm a sucker for melodrama and this handled it better than M3)


I'm not sure it can rebalance his behaviour towards Emiru in any of his interactions with her, how long does it take to get there?

I knew Emiru was being set up as
tragedy fuel from the start, her insecurity, being the poor kid at school, etc meant that she wasn't seeing ep 24 (unless it's as a Corpse, the way the monsters are set up as memories and her defence of them as human all but guarantees it). The way she was fed to Heito is kind of hard to accept as is the obvious relish the show has for her despair and his delight in it.

Edit: I might return to this but I've yet to finish Selector and I think I'll get my Okada there for now (I know, I'm a sucker for melodrama and this handled it better than M3)

What you wrote in the spoiler tags might have actually been preferable to what really happens to her (although my knowledge only goes up to episode 12 or something)...
What you wrote in the spoiler tags might have actually been preferable to what really happens to her (although my knowledge only goes up to episode 12 or something)...

Well that sounds appealing,.... yeah I'm going to watch more Eccentric Family and come back around to this down the line at some point when the memory of this is far less fresh (ep 5 especially).


Utena, as far as I've heard, seems a wilder ride than Penguindrum and I'm hesitant about trying something that surrealistic. The symbolism or deeper meanings didn't seem that hard to grasp on it, but I'm afraid that Utena will go overboard and I'm not sure I'd like to try something that's potentially very abstract. More or less the same fears I had with Evangelion, which I didn't like much.

Basileus' post is a bit reassuring, but still I have my doubts.
Penguindrum's final act is more abstract than any storyline in Utena. Utena certainly has its quirks, but everything is grounded in concrete characters.

Now the Utena movie is a whole other kettle of fish.
Degeneracy? Both of them are several hundre years of age, you know.

Still, Ononoki does "mark" Koyomi with her foot once, but that's all I can remember that could be considered fanservice.
Ah Anime fanservice. The thing that awakens the slumbering foot fetish inside us all :v
I so loathe the Heito character I hopped ahead and I know he lasts until at least ep.
and this is a pretty big road block as he forms a perfect pair with the comically evil scientist of characters I've about had my fill of. Is this show going to try and make me care about Heito?

What? Your hopping ahead failed you pretty badly.
He gets pretty much written out of the show in the first half after he gets LIM'd, shows up in a few flashbacks, doesn't even get turned into a machine, and makes a barely relevant appearance at the end.


Another - Ep. 4
This death scene wasn't nearly funny or creative as the first one. You are really disappointing me anime.
Also, apperently the main character is fucking stupid that he doesn't realise that the girl is a ghost after she flat-out told him that she is a ghost.
Yeah... as you can tell the writing in this show is not very good.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Penguindrum was poorly planned out. It wasn't just abstract, per se, but also confused about what it should be, and thus confused the audience as well. Ikuhara did a better job with YuriBears but YuriBears had its own issues, like being relatively tepid all the way through, and an underdeveloped cast.

Utena had a much stronger vision behind it.


Penguindrum was poorly planned out. It wasn't just abstract, per se, but also confused about what it should be, and thus confused the audience as well. Ikuhara did a better job with YuriBears but YuriBears had its own issues, like being relatively tepid all the way through, and an underdeveloped cast.

Utena had a much stronger vision behind it.
I wouldn't contradict anything you said here, just commenting on the comparative level of abstraction/symbolism. In fact, Penguindrum's weirdness at the end is probably because of it being more confused when it comes to plot.

Russ T

Another - Ep. 4
This death scene wasn't nearly funny or creative as the first one. You are really disappointing me anime.
Also, apperently the main character is fucking stupid that he doesn't realise that the girl is a ghost after she flat-out told him that she is a ghost.
Yeah... as you can tell the writing in this show is not very good.



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You probably need 2 PhDs and a lot of shrooms to unpack Adolescence.


Nagi no Asukara ep.19-20
I legit just yelped like a little girl at the end of ep.20 when
Manaka finally woke up
! This show does such a great job of putting you through a whirlwind emotionally from happiness to sorrow then from a world of despair to one of hope. I know there is still a long road to travel in the final six episodes, but these two were extremely good.


Anne-Happy 3

So the school really wants to do something with all this unhappiness. Ren kind of has things easy with a comparatively mild issue and being otherwise competent. Hibiki has good taste. I'm half-surprised Botan didn't die halfway through the episode. How do you break your foot with a jump rope?

Netoge 3

Nice to see Rusian and Neko are still on good terms. No real grudges held. That leek was cool. Ako seems to be stabilizing a bit-wait, never mind.
What, a twist, the catgirl guy Rusian confessed to is actually a woman. And their teacher. Would've preferred her to be a guy, but whatever. Sure is convenient for them.
Nagi no Asukara ep.19-20
I legit just yelped like a little girl at the end of ep.20 when
Manaka finally woke up
! This show does such a great job of putting you through a whirlwind emotionally from happiness to sorrow then from a world of despair to one of hope. I know there is still a long road to travel in the final six episodes, but these two were extremely good.
It also had the best ED of the season. The first cour.
Kabaneri 02

Mumei's action sequence was phenomenal, so baddass. Some of the animation in this is so good too. In close ups specially, they manage to make the subtle movements such as cloth and hair movement to look so natural. The amount of work, care and love put into this show is astounding. My only hope is that this keeps up because this is right now my stand out of the season, easily.

EDIT: Also, this show's ED might be my favourite of the season. I mean if you haven't yet, just listen to this.
Man, the more I read the My Hero Academia manga, the more sad I am that the anime is only going to be 13 episodes.

The stuff that happens later on in this manga is nothing compared to what the anime can cover in 13 episodes. Especially at the rate it's going.

I really hope it does well enough to get a second season.


attack on trains 2

dragon ball super 39

need I say more :p?


Netoge 3
I was wondering why Nekohime was in the OP. Having everyone coincidentally play the game is kinda lame but whatever the show is enjoyable so I'll roll with it.


White Album ep.1-3
I always wondered about the first series so I figured I'd give it a shot tonight and it is pretty boring so far. At least they are college aged for once! You can already see that the current girlfriend/childhood friend is screwed because Miss idol is gonna try to jump on his junk, but I'm surprised he's not already banging the dozen or so ladies in his life, lol. I'm not sure how far down the rabbit hole this goes, but we'll see over time..


Kumamiko 1: couldn't get into this

Kuromukuro - Episode 1-2

Wow wtf. How have I been sleeping on this. Best looking PA Works show since The Eccentric Family, Okamura doing awesome mecha action, really smooth CG animation, and Inoue doing awesome character animation and action for TV anime?! So good!

The premise is pretty cool for a mecha show too. The female-centric characters and advanced research facility setting reminds me of Rinne no Lagrange, while the weird CG mecha designs remind me of Gigantic Formula. It definitely feels like its own thing though, with the man out of time, samurai action, and so on. Can't wait to see where this goes next!

Kuromukuro 1 was pretty fun. Not really a fan of the setting or the designs (especially the robots). There's a nice weight to how the cg robot action is shot and framed though, it almost feels like they're part of the same show.

I do find it disappointing that the samurai guy seems to get a terrible hair cut.

My Hero Academia is the only show out of those that upset me so much I couldn't finish watching the first episode. Maybe it gets better, but man, that first episode made me so angry.

I get this way whenever I think about The Revenant. Such garbage.


Thinking out loud here, what is the best ecchi show that actually has a decent story and/or is a good/fun watch? (Not named *monogatari)


Bungou #3
Wow. Things got a bit too real for my taste. They were meant to investigate some people, and yet their client was supposed to escort them to the designated place? That's completely unlike what I'd expect a PI agency's modus operandi to be, and I really don't like it when characters pick the idiot ball up and run with it.

Also, is it me, or is this the third show this season with "stands" (the others being Big Order and obviously JoJo)? Not that it's a bad thing, but it's still kind of funny.

Netoge #3
Meh-ish episode. Maybe things will get better once the show delves more into Ako's real life, but this was just more of the same.

I really don't like how the girls who were playing as male characters now look in-game like they do in real life, complete with Master being miss fanservice incarnate. Meh.

On an unrelated topic, I really don't feel Joker Game's opening at all. It feels like it's trying to sound cool but failing pretty badly at it. Maybe it's that the brasses do a couple really repetitive patterns that gobble up the soundscape and make it sound boring.

Sakamoto #1
I was just thinking about why I didn't like this show at all a couple days ago despite thinking the premise was good at first. The conclussion I've reached so far is that I believe the theme of the show is way too simple. Of course there're a couple series such as One Punch Man that are obvious satires of well-established genres, but that show did make things interesting even though all episodes ended with Saitama walking up to the bad guys, punching them once and saving the day (much to his dismay). Sakamoto, by comparison, is all about him being way too cool and succeding at everything not by luck but because he's just plain awesome, and while I think he could definitely work as one of several characters (think Nozaki-kun), basing the whole show around a boring character such as him gets stale really fast unless it's handled well.

I think even the "perfect guy" premise could be made to work if he was put in situations that weren't just about going "sasuga Sakamoto-kun!", but ep1 was so boring and forgettable to me that I don't see myself following it after this. I don't think that even making it into a short series to make sure gags don't overstay their welcome would work in the end, since the episode was basically two completely unrelated halves that weren't even all that fun on their own.


Robotics;Notes 18-19

Nae has learned the lessons of the Part-Time Warrior well. Boy this show takes it sweet time getting to the conflict, Steins;Gate got there in a fraction of the time.
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