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Square Enix at Gamescom '15: FFXV headlines main stage, other "reveals" teased

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Yeah, Sakimoto has a lot of projects on his plate right now, so producing music with VGO means next to nothing for a FF12HD.

Trust me, I want it too, but who knows when it'll happen. It took Square ages to push FF10HD out of the door, after all.
Yep, I am basically driven by wishful thinking, nothing points to it lol I guess it'll happen when the time is right, if it ever does.


I was bored so I made this little comparison just to show how close they have gotten to achieving CGI-level graphics on the character models.

The first picture is from the very short TGS 2010 video. I know it is blurry, but that was the best quality I could find.

I was bored so I made this little comparison just to show how close they have gotten to achieving CGI-level graphics on the character models.

The first picture is from the very short TGS 2010 video. I know it is blurry, but that was the best quality I could find.


Yep. I remember reading an interview with someone (Nomura?) who claimed that they didn't see Versus as a spin-off, but rather as a "counterpart main title", or something. As if they considered all 3 games to be Final Fantasy XIII.

My memory could be failing me, though...

Yup, that's right.


Crystal Bearer
I was bored so I made this little comparison just to show how close they have gotten to achieving CGI-level graphics on the character models.

The first picture is from the very short TGS 2010 video. I know it is blurry, but that was the best quality I could find.


Probably helps that Luminous uses a method that essentially ports CG models into a real time environment for use.


Not an asshole.
Am I the only one who is craving a DQVIII HD remaster for PS4?

...it's pretty much all I want at this point.
Loving the avatars in this thread. :p

Gamescom is growing ever closer. Time to throw the cynicism aside and be excited. It's worth getting excited about. ;)


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Am I the only one who is craving a DQVIII HD remaster for PS4?

...it's pretty much all I want at this point.

It would be nice if they can port and translate Bahamut Lagoon, Treasure of Rudras, Seiken Densetsu 3, and Live-a-Live to PSN by M2 like how Sega and M2 ported and translated Monster World IV to PSN.


The dub sounds too much like an exaggerated cartoon and not real people.

Yugiri was by far the largest step down. I loved her voice actor before as she actually put in effort. This one sounds like a robot, and completely killed the character for me.

Edit: I'm an idiot I thought it said XIV.

I will agree I don't find the VA for XV to be exceptional. It feels off.


I need a FFXII HD remaster. It's been so long since I've booted up the game.

And of course, I can't wait for new FFXV info. I am praying for an area similar to FFXII's Phon Coast.



For the love of all that is good SE don't show anything related to Duscae in gamecom.

show me more inside cities footage pls.


Junior Member
I need a FFXII HD remaster. It's been so long since I've booted up the game.

And of course, I can't wait for new FFXV info. I am praying for an area similar to FFXII's Phon Coast.

Eh, Phon Coast has great music, but what else was so good about it? Couldn't recall atm.

I'm more hoping to seeing a place like Narshe from FFVI, or Burmecia from IX.
Have we discussed the fact that Squeenix has said this will be their biggest show ever, or do we just think that is marketing crap?
Have we discussed the fact that Squeenix has said this will be their biggest show ever, or do we just think that is marketing crap?

Maybe it's just me reading this at 2 in the morning. But it just sounded to me like they're talking about in a broader sense, like "for these years we have more stuff to show people than ever before" or something like that.

Otherwise it's probably just marketing crap, I seriously doubt they will be pulling another E3 on Gamescom.


that puzzling face
Maybe they meant "It's gonna be the biggest Gamescom 2015 we've ever done, out of a sample size of 1"



Eh, Phon Coast has great music, but what else was so good about it? Couldn't recall atm.

I'm more hoping to seeing a place like Narshe from FFVI, or Burmecia from IX.
I don't think we need to worry about the locales. I think artistically, Accordo could be something that surpasses any request I could have for a town to be remade.

Phon Coast is an overworld area and I'm definitely more worried about FFXV delivering on that front. So I guess I understand those kinds of expectations.


Junior Member
I don't think we need to worry about the locales. I think artistically, Accordo could be something that surpasses any request I could have for a town to be remade.

Phon Coast is an overworld area and I'm definitely more worried about FFXV delivering on that front. So I guess I understand those kinds of expectations.
True. I think the towns and cities in XV is great thus far. I'm much more concerned about dungeons and overworld, which Duscae and Goblin cave instilled little faith in me.


Am I the only one who is craving a DQVIII HD remaster for PS4?

...it's pretty much all I want at this point.

I'd love for all the Dragon Quest Android and iOS ports to be released on Steam, like the Final Fantasy ports. Overall, I'd love for Square to reveal some overall strategies for their Steam releases. Until now it has just been "Oh, looks like Final Fantasy ** has been added to the database. Guess it's coming to PC."
Eh, Phon Coast has great music, but what else was so good about it? Couldn't recall atm.

I'm more hoping to seeing a place like Narshe from FFVI, or Burmecia from IX.
I wanna see something very mine-y. If my theory is correct, Lestallum might be that, actually. Lestallum(from some footage of the city) seems to be the place where the Exineris mining company is located. We know they are a mining corporation because of the flyers in Episode Duscae that offer job opportunities to female miners interested. I wonder if they will incorporate some sort of mine dungeon located under Lestallum. I've always had the feeling of some sort of "earth" connection given the pipes that seem to be present all over Lestallum, all originating from within the earth(guessing they might pipe in war air or hot spring water from thermo pockets and subterranean wellsprings). There's also the connection to Titan(who was always an Earth elemental summon).

What I wanna see is a massive forest. I know there's woodland areas in Duscae, but I mean something thick with a mysterious atmosphere, sorta like the Phantom Forest of FFVI or the Evil Forest of FFIX. Something like this:


In terms of lineup richness, SE is at their best since forever, so much potential in both their Western and Japanese rosters, it feels great seeing them like this, it shows they want us to see what they are working on.

I'll join those saying they're not worried about XV's cities, I am already impressed with what we've seen so far lol but overall a JRPG world has to be varied, so we need Duscae counterparts: a coastal area, a desert, snowfields, islands, mountains, scorching grounds, metal graveyards, whatever you want, but VARIETY.

Even though having Type-0 as a reference for past work isn't quite enthusiastic, I trust them to do well for now. We should see quite a bunch of areas at Gamescom.
IN 20 DAYS OMG *0*


Am I the only one who is craving a DQVIII HD remaster for PS4?

...it's pretty much all I want at this point.

Considering it's the best JRPG for PS2 I'm sure a lot of people want it. You can make it look amazing on PC too which is great, I replay it ever year.


Final fantasy 15 has been added to the xbox one pre order section, never have seen any games on the psn or xbox store that are more than a year away from release unless they are coming soon, any indication this is a good sign it's coming sooner then expected?


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Final fantasy 15 has been added to the xbox one pre order section, never have seen any games on the psn or xbox store that are more than a year away from release unless they are coming soon, any indication this is a good sign it's coming sooner then expected?

I expect it for spring 2016 ww. I don't know why everyone is so pessimist about this. Everything points at that sincerely.
Final fantasy 15 has been added to the xbox one pre order section, never have seen any games on the psn or xbox store that are more than a year away from release unless they are coming soon, any indication this is a good sign it's coming sooner then expected?

Ehhh....i doubt it. I just think they've probably got a release date and told Sony/MS etc.

I still feel it'll be a summer-ish release next year, probably. Although there could be proof that Ito loves us and wants us to be happy if FFXII IZJS HD comes out this year.

I expect it for spring 2016 ww. I don't know why everyone is so pessimist about this. Everything points at that sincerely.
Spring 2016 is waaay too packed, at least on PS4. A summer release would be perfect.

Plus ain't Star Ocean 5 a spring release? I doubt Square would cannibalize their own games.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Spring 2016 is waaay too packed, at least on PS4. A summer release would be perfect.

Plus ain't Star Ocean 5 a spring release? I doubt Square would cannibalize their own games.

SO5 is a fall/winter 2016 for sure. Game is barely at 30% development now.

No, I think late spring 2016 is the perfect window for the title (FFXV), I expect the release date window announced just in few weeks at gamescom. I can't see how this game could come any later. Fall? Crazy. No believing in it.


SO5 is a fall/winter 2016 for sure. Game is barely at 30% development now.

No, I think late spring 2016 is the perfect window for the title (FFXV), I expect the release date window announced just in few weeks at gamescom. I can't see how this game could come any later. Fall? Crazy. No believing in it.

Star Ocean 5 was confirmed for Japan in 2015 wasn't it? And early next year for everyone else? I'm sure I heard that at E3


I expect it for spring 2016 ww. I don't know why everyone is so pessimist about this. Everything points at that sincerely.
I think it's because Kagari is always so pessimistic about it. I believed Fall 2015 at one point and they just laughed at my face (ha-ha, kidding)

But yeah, its just Kagari being negative about this game and pretty much all of square as always.
SO5 is a fall/winter 2016 for sure. Game is barely at 30% development now.

No, I think late spring 2016 is the perfect window for the title (FFXV), I expect the release date window announced just in few weeks at gamescom. I can't see how this game could come any later. Fall? Crazy. No believing in it.
yea, release window will be 2016. I expect nothing more specific than that.


I expect it for spring 2016 ww. I don't know why everyone is so pessimist about this. Everything points at that sincerely.

Yeah, i'm going with a May/June release too. Maybe Late June to have a final push at E3.
Those who says that Spring is too packed for XV, i think Fall could be worse, i doubt wants to go against Mass Effect Andromeda and Horizon.


yea, release window will be 2016. I expect nothing more specific than that.

Yeah I feel we'll get a release window (2016) either at Gamescon or TGS.

Yeah, i'm going with a May/June release too. Maybe Late June to have a final push at E3.
Those who says that Spring is too packed for XV, i think Fall could be worse, i doubt wants to go against Mass Effect Andromeda and Horizon.

XV won't release before E3 IMO. Too big of a marketing push for the game lost.
It's not really a matter of pessimism, I just don't see any logical reason for Square to release their biggest game in the middle of a bunch of high profile AAA games lol

I mean, sure they could try and release it before the fiscal year is over but why though?
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