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St. Louis Police Officer Shoots, Kills Teen During “Pedestrian Check”

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Exactly. This is why you can't have an honest conversation about gun control without discussing race. The second amendment is meant to allow citizens to protect themselves with firearms against the state. The framers of the constitution were extremely clear about this in their writings. What's the most famous group to do this? The Black Panther Party. Ironically, when the BPP exercised their second amendment right to protect themselves from oppressive state violence in the form of police brutality, conservatives like Ronald Fucking Reagan went on a mad dash to write new gun control laws. That's how modern gun control laws first got on the books.

Historically, U.S. gun control has its birth just after the Civil War, during reconstruction. However, the laws only applied to the millions of emancipated black Americans. Southern whites were terrified that former slaves were going to come and get revenge. Of course, blacks never did, but that didn't stop southern white militias from acting on their fears and using their guns to massacre black citizens. The entire purpose of gun control legislation then, and now, is to limit the right of blacks to carry firearms. That's why urban areas with high concentrations of black and brown people have the strictest gun control laws - verging on outright bans.

So to address the original contradiction. The pro-second amendment activists we see today aren't particularly concerned with state tyranny. Rather, their actions are motivated by centuries old racial fears. That's why when we see actual state tyranny in the form of white police officers killing unarmed black men, second amendment activists remain conspicuously silent. The police today are simply fulfilling the role of southern white militias during reconstruction.

I'm glad you know what you're talking about. Had no idea about this until I took a ethnicities and something or other class. It was excellent.


The issue isn't 2A. That's already regulated. Heavily in some areas. If we started enforcing our existing laws more, and locking repeat felons up, and dealing with the gang problems in this nation we'd be headed in the right direction.

I don't believe in an age where civil rights are being stripped that the answer is to take more away...

Their opinion magically shifts when the person shot is Black.

Sure, add that to the list of actions that need to be taken immediately Mammoth. It wont. And we will be here in 10 years with identical rates gun related deaths.

Bad ideas are bad ideas. It is a bad idea, and one that other nations survive/thrive without. No it is not regulated in any meaningful way. We don't need a right to be able to own all types of guns (not literally all -- you cant buy a bazooka after a certain year), we don't need a right to not be listed on an online database for gun ownership. People need to be heavily tested before buying a gun, people do not need anything besides a 2 shot shotgun, or a bolt action rifle. No one needs magazines. These things are what isn't being 'stripped away' but its common sense while mirroring other nations laws and guidelines. There isn't anything inherent in being born american that suggests you need magazines for your guns, or pistols. Or easy ways to kill multiple people.

Civil rights are being taken away, with no objection. Meaning: The civil rights that people think owning guns is supposed to defend them from? The call is already coming from inside the house. That government is here oppressing its people, and their weaponry is superior. They removed your right, and limited your 2a as it is. So to pretend that we can't give teeth to gun regulation, because of the original text, is absurd. The solution for gun violence is to revisit the amendment, as well as actual regulation. You know the regulation happening right now is severely lacking in every single area. Ya, little hyperbole. But you get the general message. The laws as they are as a joke. There is nothing honorable in mentioning that they do technically exist, but they are meaningless when it comes to the problem of guns in america.

You know what would solve everything, but these things aren't going to happen. I too have opinons that would solve everything, but these things aren't going to happen because of the power of lobbying and money in politics *as above mentioned* That is the reality. People are taking advantage of the system to render laws meaningless, as practiced. The laws today, are being diluted by interests. Nothing to write home about.

Pointing a finger in another direction is ok, but I feel like all directions need to be adjusted. We don't need any guns here in the way they are in 2014. Just using today as an example. Proof is other nations that are working just fine without all the random gun violence, and longer lifespan.

Meh, I've said all this before. And I know factually nothing is going to change until some how, money gets out of politics. -- going to calm down and convince myself to get Alien Isolation.. these threads are upsetting because you know what the problem is, and I know what the problem is. Everyone knows what the problem is. We can have responsible gun ownership, but we don't because of reasons. All while people continue to die.


I'm glad you know what you're talking about. Had no idea about this until I took a ethnicities and something or other class. It was excellent.

A lot of anti laws are like this. Some of the first drug control laws were against Chinese immigrants in California. That Chinese fella might bang some white woman after he gives her some opium.
A lot of anti laws are like this. Some of the first drug control laws were against Chinese immigrants in California. That Chinese fella might bang some white woman after he gives her some opium.
Yeah, weed laws also have ties to that in thinking Mexicans were coming up here with weed for similar results.


I love how the idea that the cops planted the gun after the fact is so out of this world to some folks following this story.

No cops deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore to me with the way this country is heading.
I love how the idea that the cops planted the gun after the fact is so out of this world to some folks following this story.
I think they see villains do this all the time in TV shows and assume it's a TV villain cop thing to do instead of realizing real villain cops are out there in great numbers, which is where the shows got it from in the first place.


According to the link below they recovered three "projectiles" which I am assuming are the bullets themselves. The suspect was also arrested before for unlawful use of a weapon and resisting arrest, he had a court date this November.


Description: Unlawful Use Of A Weapon (Subsections 1 - 4) { Felony D RSMo: 571.030 }
Date: 06/27/2014 Code: 3102000
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Resisting/Interfering With Arrest, Detention Or Stop { Misdemeanor A RSMo: 575.150 }
Date: 06/27/2014 Code: 2704000

He apparently also had an ankle monitor on him for the previous Felony.



Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I think they see villains do this all the time in TV shows and assume it's a TV villain cop thing to do instead of realizing real villain cops are out there in great numbers, which is where the shows got it from in the first place.

Tom Sellick made a whole movie about it. I distinctly remember the last scene where F Murray Abraham greeted Sledge Hammer with the threat of impending prison violence.


According to the link below they recovered three "projectiles" which I am assuming are the bullets themselves. The suspect was also arrested before for unlawful use of a weapon and resisting arrest, he had a court date this November.


Description: Unlawful Use Of A Weapon (Subsections 1 - 4) { Felony D RSMo: 571.030 }
Date: 06/27/2014 Code: 3102000
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Resisting/Interfering With Arrest, Detention Or Stop { Misdemeanor A RSMo: 575.150 }
Date: 06/27/2014 Code: 2704000

He apparently also had an ankle monitor on him for the previous Felony.


Let's wait and see how the evidence unfolds before taking a side in this.


Let's wait and see how the evidence unfolds before taking a side in this.

Not taking a side, just stating a few facts that have been dug up. I personally would like to know more about the Officer and his background.

I love how the idea that the cops planted the gun after the fact is so out of this world to some folks following this story.

No cops deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore to me with the way this country is heading.

I also find your previous post interesting.


I'm glad you know what you're talking about. Had no idea about this until I took a ethnicities and something or other class. It was excellent.
Yeah. What he's talking about also ties into the war on drugs, mass incarcerations, and the whole "tough on crime" political agenda.


I honestly think the cop should be fired for poor marksmanship if that most damning scenario about the incident is true (kid shot first, gun jammed etc.)

The awfully low standard for physical aptitude is something that must be changed to screen these people out of the system.

I don't care if the ineptitude of duty is a symptom of bigotry or sloth. The discussion shouldn't even have to go that far.

I believe rigorous physical testing must be demonstrated yearly for every officer who is lawfully allowed to physically interact with the public. We should be associating protein bars and kale shakes with cops, not doughnuts.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her


Allegedly armed. Witness testimony goes against this. But yea lets attack the agenda of the OP

Allegedly armed would work as well. And witnesses are not very reliable surprisingly. People lie all the time to cops and about cops to fuck them over. And yes I know police do this as well. But let's not pretend most people saw that title and expected something a little different when they read the facts. Who know could just have been me.
I'm inclined to trust the word of witnesses over cops. They say the man boy was unarmed and not doing anything, and the Police say he was armed and firing. until I have 100% proof the Police were in the right, this is just another execution. I refuse to believe anything they say, not after Ferguson at least.

They recovered the bullets or casings he shot. Pretty cut and dry so far with the physical evidence.

Easily could have been planted. The witnesses say he was unarmed. Why would they say that if he wasn't?


I'm inclined to trust the word of witnesses over cops. They say the man boy was unarmed and not doing anything, and the Police say he was armed and firing. until I have 100% proof the Police were in the right, this is just another execution. I refuse to believe anything they say, not after Ferguson at least.

Easily could have been planted. The witnesses say he was unarmed. Why would they say that if he wasn't?

Because they feel oppressed and use this as a catalyst to continue protests, similar to what has happened in Ferguson. Not saying there are not issues with police, but I see that as a reason if I was in their situation.

According to the link below they recovered three "projectiles" which I am assuming are the bullets themselves. The suspect was also arrested before for unlawful use of a weapon and resisting arrest, he had a court date this November.


Description: Unlawful Use Of A Weapon (Subsections 1 - 4) { Felony D RSMo: 571.030 }
Date: 06/27/2014 Code: 3102000
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Resisting/Interfering With Arrest, Detention Or Stop { Misdemeanor A RSMo: 575.150 }
Date: 06/27/2014 Code: 2704000

He apparently also had an ankle monitor on him for the previous Felony.


Evidence mounting more and more in favor of the cop.


I'm inclined to trust the word of witnesses over cops. They say the man boy was unarmed and not doing anything, and the Police say he was armed and firing. until I have 100% proof the Police were in the right, this is just another execution. I refuse to believe anything they say, not after Ferguson at least.

Easily could have been planted. The witnesses say he was unarmed. Why would they say that if he wasn't?

Easily could have been planted with all those witnesses? Like the above poster the mother was saying he was unarmed. She would never lie to defend her son. Is it that hard to fathom that wintesses lie because they hate the police? Or that witnesses see the wrong thing?

Let's be really intelligent here and based off of the physical evidence found what is the most likely scenario? If you believe it is more likely the evidence was planted in front of a bunch of people pretending that a gun shot bullets and than planted them not thinking forensics could figure that out rather than this felon with prior weapon charges shot at an police officer then you are delusional.


There is testimony that supports the officers story as well. Also, the main person saying he wasn't armed is the kids mother.

Care to share? All testimony I have seen supporting the cops story comes from police sources....

And the store owner also stated he didn't believe the boy to be armed.


Easily could have been planted with all those witnesses? Like the above poster the mother was saying he was unarmed. She would never lie to defend her son. Is it that hard to fathom that wintesses lie because they hate the police? Or that witnesses see the wrong thing?

Let's be really intelligent here and based off of the physical evidence found what is the most likely scenario? If you believe it is more likely the evidence was planted in front of a bunch of people pretending that a gun shot bullets and than planted them not thinking forensics could figure that out rather than this felon with prior weapon charges shot at an police officer then you are delusional.

Do you personally know anyone who was unjustly prosecuted because of unethical police conduct? What's your agenda? I have a reason to not trust the cops word in situations like these so I'm wondering why you're so EAGER to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Easily could have been planted with all those witnesses? Like the above poster the mother was saying he was unarmed. She would never lie to defend her son. Is it that hard to fathom that wintesses lie because they hate the police? Or that witnesses see the wrong thing?

Let's be really intelligent here and based off of the physical evidence found what is the most likely scenario? If you believe it is more likely the evidence was planted in front of a bunch of people pretending that a gun shot bullets and than planted them not thinking forensics could figure that out rather than this felon with prior weapon charges shot at an police officer then you are delusional.

Let's not do this condescending bullshit.


Even if he shot at the cop I can't say I blame him given how the local police have been acting. I'd be scared for my life too.

Point is a young man is dead because an off duty cop decided to bother him for no reason and the situation escalated and here we are.


Even if he shot at the cop I can't say I blame him given how the local police have been acting. I'd be scared for my life too.

Point is a young man is dead because an off duty cop decided to bother him for no reason and the situation escalated and here we are.

What happened to your lets not take sides until all the evidence is in.

Off duty or if something caught his attention he should look into it. How would you like an off duty firefighter to stroll by a burning house. Point is, as you say, all the evidence is not in yet. Are you also forgetting that the teen had a felony already and was supposed to be under house arrest? If it turns out he had a gun, would you have rather the officer keep strolling by because he was "Off Duty"?

So to get this straight, you can't blame a felon, who was breaking house arrest, who possibly had a gun and possibly shot 3 times with the intent to kill and possibly injure other people for shooting at a cop because of the actions of other officers?


I think what this person saying is let's view the physical evidence as facts and keep emotion out of it.

The physical evidence is a .... I suppose there is a very small and remote chance that is what planted. It has happened before. But it's not at all the most likely scenario. Just seems crazy to me to ignore the physical evidence because of what-ifs. But I guess that's what you do with you have a strong hatred and distrust of the police. We will see what other evidence comes out in the future.


The physical evidence is a .... I suppose there is a very small and remote chance that is what planted. It has happened before. But it's not at all the most likely scenario. Just seems crazy to me to ignore the physical evidence because of what-ifs. But I guess that's what you do with you have a strong hatred and distrust of the police. We will see what other evidence comes out in the future.

People get their emotions involved and then you see things like a poster above claiming "cops are chicken shit." You can choose to ignore physical evidence and facts, but then you're just being ignorant. The only reason it's getting blow up is because the guy was black. Sorry, but if you're a previous felon, your validity has just dropped.

And yeah I agree with you. I'm pretty sure evidence has been planted in the past somewhere in history. Like you mention though, it's unlikely that every scenario plays out this way.


As minx stated, I think planting the gun is a remote possibility. I would put more stock in the police department misreporting that the suspect had a firearm.
On the recovered gun:

Police initially identified the gun as a 9 mm Ruger. But a police source told the Post-Dispatch that the gun Myers fired at the officer was a 9 mm Smith & Wesson, which was bought at Cabela's in Hazelwood on May 5. It was then reported stolen Sept. 26 by a man from The Ville neighborhood. The owner told police that one of his sons stole the gun. When questioned, the son claimed the gun was stolen from him during a robbery that he did not report to police. It's unclear how Myers acquired the weapon, police said.




Sure, add that to the list of actions that need to be taken immediately Mammoth. It wont. And we will be here in 10 years with identical rates gun related deaths.

being from eastern europe, we are not allowed to get guns unless we have a really good reason (job, security) and even then we are not allowed to carry them outside in public under any circumstances. Only security guards can carry them outside and then they have to have state training, psch checks and no felonies of any kind (for instance hitting someone).

We have high number of illegal guns due to the wars 20 yrs ago, but very few people ever carry them because if you get caught you will certainly go to a jail for a year and then you will never be able to find a job again.

In that kind of state, where we have low amount of gun robberies, our police still carries guns but they are not allowed to discharge it unless their life is threatened. This happens only rarely, at something like bank robberies. If you hit a cop you will not get shot... you will get badly beaten tho and thrown in a jail for few years.

So while we might have significantly less "freedoms" when it comes to carrying arms, or even protecting your home (you will likely go to jail if you shoot home invader), end result is that we have very little gun violence.

Of course, chance of such strict gun laws happening in US are none.

I just read that 100,000 people are shot (not murdered) every year by guns... thats just crazy amount.

The ubiquitous everything-ness of the internet never ceases to amaze me.

This is still tragic though.I would think this would be a much larger media/public policy issue were it not for the upcoming midterms, ISIL, and the ebola outbreak.


Yes, people who knowingly walk into dangerous situations on the regular are chicken shit. Brilliant.

Thugs who are absolved of any responsibility for the crime and harassment they commit to the people they're supposed to be protecting are cowards, yeah.


Yes, people who knowingly walk into dangerous situations on the regular are chicken shit. Brilliant.

Wouldn't do that shit without the guns, badge, body armor, and state backing protecting them when they get caught in some illegal fuckery though. Fuck the cops.


It says he was working security.

Neighborhoods or buildings sometimes hire off-duty cops to wear their uniform and "provide security" aka scare people from doing things. Its authorized by the department. I think most appearances by cops at public events are off-duty (like at the fair or local parade).
Which is a conflict of interest in itself. If you're working as security I don't want you using your tax paid equipment for your own personal gain. There's a chain of grocery stores here that use cops as security and I remember movie theaters using them on the weekend growing up. They drive their government vehicles and use their government paid uniforms and equipment and no one seems to see a problem with this.


Which is a conflict of interest in itself. If you're working as security I don't want you using your tax paid equipment for your own personal gain. There's a chain of grocery stores here that use cops as security and I remember movie theaters using them on the weekend growing up. They drive their government vehicles and use their government paid uniforms and equipment and no one seems to see a problem with this.

City gets a cut. At least here in Allentown PA.
Yes, people who knowingly walk into dangerous situations on the regular are chicken shit. Brilliant.

No, cops are well known to be cowards. Their willingness to pull out a gun and shoot someone at the slightest hint of a threat proves this. They would never behave the way they do if they didn't have a monopoly on the use of force.
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