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Star War: The Force Awakens Review Thread

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Basically , good not great but with time will be seen as terrible ?

Also, a remake of ANH? Oh boy.

Any review that starts by "It's not a great film but..." should be considered null.
Man you guys would hate video game reviews then :p

I use RT when I want something to watch, it's good to filter out the utter shite and see what's popular.


Rotten Romatoes is fed by/feeding of the fanboys desire for societal acceptance and reconformation, thus pushing critical thinking/analysis out of the mainstream. Reviewers instead of critics. Its sad, but I guess it can't be helped.

Yeah, sure, whatever. RT is a really good way to determine the likelihood that you may or may not enjoy a film and whether it is worth taking the risk and spending actual time and money to go see it. Simple as that for me really.

A film that gets pretty much universally panned has a pretty low probability that I will enjoy it. Opposite for a film that is universally praised.


Looking at Metacritic's scores for the previous Star Wars movies.. holy hell, didn't know they had ROTJ so low.

ANH - 92
ESB - 79
ROTS - 68
AOTC - 54
ROTJ - 52
TPM - 51

Blasphemy, I say!


Anyone think this will win best VFX?

The shortlist this year

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Bridge of Spies
Ex Machina
Furious 7
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2
In the Heart of the Sea
Jupiter Ascending
Jurassic World
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation
The Revenant
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Terminator Genisys
The Walk

Note: Shortlist does not mean nominated.

Yeah, sure, whatever. RT is a really good way to determine the likelihood that you may or may not enjoy a film and whether it is worth taking the risk and spending actual time and money to go see it. Simple as that for me really.

A film that gets pretty much universally panned has a pretty low probability that I will enjoy it. Opposite for a film that is universally praised.

You do notice that "Yeah, sure, whatever." can come off more telling than it was meant to be?


53 reviews, still all fresh.

Mad Max: Fury Road isn't going to win GAF's Movie of the Year award any more now, is it? :(

Don't fret... I'm excited for Star Wars. Have tickets to two screenings this weekend.
I don't care how good The Force Awakens will be, Fury Road has me on lock.


The only one giving it a mixed review on Metacritic also gave Pulp Fiction a 60. So he doesn't count, according to my thoroughly researched investigation.


The shortlist this year

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Bridge of Spies
Ex Machina
Furious 7
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2
In the Heart of the Sea
Jupiter Ascending
Jurassic World
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation
The Revenant
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Terminator Genisys
The Walk

Note: Shortlist does not mean nominated.

You do notice that "Yeah, sure, whatever." can come off more telling than it was meant tbe?

I think it will be the Martian.
I'm going to sleep after witnessing this craziness. Wonder where it's going to be at when I wake up in 7 hours.

Does anyone know if Cole Smithey is reviewing this? If so, he'll probably be the first rotten reviewer.

Fury Road was at 8.8 and then 8.7 for the longest time (and 98%). It was the bluray release reviews that brought it a bit down.

Yup. It's a shame because Fury Road was the most fun I had in a movie theater. That film editing blew me away.


Yeap, that's extremely high. Sitting exactly the same as Mad Max: Fury Road atm.
Don't worry, some opportunistic fucks are going to come in and knock that down for the clicks. Just wait.

....Not meant to prematurely attempt to poison the well with regards to legitimate reviewers that may not like the film. Just pointing out the inevitability of a few Armond Whites seeking a spotlight.


The Star Wars "feel" is the most important element to me. The prequels, despite being objectively bad pieces of cinema, are still somewhat watchable and enjoyable for me because they still had some of that Star Wars "feel."


I'm going to sleep after witnessing this craziness. Wonder where it's going to be at when I wake up in 7 hours.

Does anyone know if Cole Smithey is reviewing this? If so, he'll probably be the first rotten reviewer.

I hope Armond White (if he's still around) doesn't have an opinion on this film.
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