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Star Wars Battlefront Beta Thread: He’s holding a thermal detonator!


When are they going to start talking more about what the DLC plan are? I'm really enjoying the beta. But I really don't like the way paid DLC map packs have worked in Battlefield. If that's what they are going to do with Battlefront, I want to know up front that it is going to end being a ~$100 purchase.


I'm glad I got to play as it's saved me money, might pick this up on offer next year, hopefully they can sort out the atrocious gunplay by then.


I can't believe there is no tutorial when entering any vehicle for the first time. It's so frustrating trying to learn a thing while also being given no information and fighting for your life.

That said, any tips on being a good pilot?

How exactly does the shield work with the X-Wing?

How can I maximize my ability to shoot ground troops after taking care of opposing air units?

Are the spawn points for vehicles consistent?

I get that. I suck in the fighters but was so excited to play them. Sucking makes it not a lot of fun.

However, the full game will have single player opportunities for a lot of these scenarios (flying, piloting AT-STs, AT-ATs, heroes, cabling an AT-AT, etc.)


I wonder if it was done on purpose. It is pretty easy to cable a walker so maybe they wanted players to plan ahead on concentrate fire on the mountain walker first. I know I'm against a good rebel team when that one dies first and speeders are spread all over the map just trying to survive.

yeah I was thinking later and wondering the same thing. maybe just the higher AT-AT is supposed to be more risking or protected from tow cabling, just sort of a balancing thing. But that isn't really communicated to the player at all, and is just a shitty way of handling that.

Also on that note, it seems that vehicles hit box to the ground is way off. Like it seems I always explode or hit the ground, before I actually physically reach or hit the ground in game. I don't know maybe it is just an effect of the fish eye camera, but either that or my depth perception is off.

When are they going to start talking more about what the DLC plan are? I'm really enjoying the beta. But I really don't like the way paid DLC map packs have worked in Battlefield. If that's what they are going to do with Battlefront, I want to know up front that it is going to end being a ~$100 purchase.
um, they just announced that today, 2 big threads on it on the front page since this morning. Season pass is an additional $50, includes 4 expansions.


I was surprised when I checked my playtime for this beta.. 9 hours and I'm not sick of Hoth yet. Guess I'll enjoy the full game then.


I agree with you completely man that would be amazing.

I literally would not know what to do with myself if we ever got something like that, I can only imagine how amazing a single player campaign in the mold of something exactly like you have described would look like in this engine.

I also agree with your edit, I went from not so sure to day one after my first game I also can't wait to play on endor it is going to be mindblowing, shame you don't have it on PC I would party up with you.

Yeah PS4 only for me. Still it looks impressive to me, that silky smooth 60fps works wonders. And during my playtime, apart from a few matches with no opponents, I've had literally no lag or issues I can remember. And I love how in the Beta it just automatically has a bunch of people set up to play with, I can jump into a match in seconds. Hope the full game works as smoothly as this has been for me. Really impressed with my first foray in a long time into competitive mp FPS gaming!


Gold Member
I hope they don't do anything to balance walker assault. Played 6 matches today and all but one which was very close was won by the rebels.

I knew it would be easy for the rebellion once people knew what they were doing.

I really hope they do something with Hoth prior to the release though, just make it cloudy with a little bit of snow fall. Just to change it up a little because as much as I'm loving it now, I know by the time the full game rolls around and I've already played 10 hours on Hoth I'll want to play the other maps more.


I can't believe there is no tutorial when entering any vehicle for the first time. It's so frustrating trying to learn a thing while also being given no information and fighting for your life.

That said, any tips on being a good pilot?

How exactly does the shield work with the X-Wing?

How can I maximize my ability to shoot ground troops after taking care of opposing air units?

Are the spawn points for vehicles consistent?

-Not sure how it exactly works, but it soaks damage so pop it if you're being fired at or a missle is locked that you can't escape. I know the A-wing can ram Tie fighters with the damn thing on and not take damage (that or I'm getting really lucky). Pretty cheesy.

-Don't know myself, been trying to get that down. Trouble is if a enemy fighter comes in while you're distracted you're going to go down or atleast take a lot of damage. That's usually a lot worse than not killing a few troops here or there.

-Spawn points are consistant in each phase. They move once the uplinks change position.

If you're on a PC use a controller for flying instead of mouse, you'll hate yourself less.
Played a few times yesterday on hoth. Won as rebels the first and second games. Everyone was on point with the objectives and it was awesome. In the first game we did some serious damage to the at-ats during the first phase. Destroyed one on the second phase and won on the third. The second game we demolished an at-at before the second part. And almost won the game before the third phase.
Downloaded this to give a try before it ends.

Played the single player. It was pretty cool. Tried multiplayer but every time I got into a team, I lost connection to their servers before the match even began.

Oh well.


They perfectly nailed the Star Wars atmosphere which seems to come at an overall detriment to the game.
Blasters and lasers look amazing, but because of the laser speed every gun needs to be lead. Xwings and Tie fighters zooming over head looks great, but needing to pick up a power up to use them feels weird, because in the movies you never see an xwing/tir fight taking off during battle. Stormtroopers stick out like a sore thumb in Drop Zone while rebels can easily hide in the background. Everyone goes down quickly which means a lot more walking than actually playing. Hoth looks exactly like Hoth, which mean space that are a little too wide open, trenches a little too shallow, and no structures out in the field other than the hangar.

Basically they 100% nailed the Star Wars looks and feel during combat, but the game suffers because of it.
Tried it out again after a days break. I really want to like it but its just to simple. Instead of learning from Battlefront 2 they started from square 1 and it feels less thought out and deep then Battlefront 1. Rebooting the franchise be damned thats not what you do!

My biggest gripe is the lack of the class system. Not only does it create diversity in your teams loadouts but it promotes team work and using each classes strengths in a match. Without it you have everyone using the exact same builds because there are no restrictions. There is no engineers healing up your tanks and dispensers, no heavy infantry to take out vehicles, and no special classes that give each faction an interesting twist like the Spy and Wookie. Every class has stats and disadvantages. None of that is here.

Regenerating health leads to low health and dying, a lot. And with now respawn timers death is inconsequential.

The respawning mechanic is simply unacceptable. You can't choose where to spawn unless you have a buddy, and there is no indication of where your spawning on the map, because there is no map to make use of really. Its just there and unhelpful. The control points in past Battlefronts allowed you to choose where to spawn and allowed you to make adjustments depending on enemy placements. Here you spawn and hope you aren't shot in the back immediately.

The ship combat, while nice looking in first person, feels dumbed down compared to the fully controllable ships of past games and battlefield. No barrel roles, nothing.

Tokens are nonsense, plan and simple. Im having trouble thinknig of how this is any better then just having as apart of a loudout reward for completing the objective. It doesn't reward good play and thats bad design.

Lastly the fact that pretty much any blaster can hit somebody from miles away and kill them baffles me. There should be some sort of damage reduction based on distance. Getting snipe by a pistol blaster is garbage.

I wanted a new Battlefront and held out hope for this game, but its just not for me, or probably anyone looking for that Battlefront gameplay. Hope everyone has some fun with it! :)


Right, so you can out maneuver 1 guy with it but sense you are on cooldown, your screwed if anyone else shows up.

Yeah i feel this was done to keep it more balanced and accessible, my first time in an interceptor i spent half the map shooting down multiple other players. Took an A-Wing, X-Wing duo to finally take me down. I can't imagine what an actual vet could down without any cool downs.
Been following the thread and surprised that there haven't been more comments about the lack of mic support for this. Just finding it hard to enjoy this game without having to communicate with teammates on consoles. Any idea why this is a god idea?
Maaaan flying those vehicles in Hoth REALLY makes me wish for a new Rogue Squadron game.

It's so close...the engine and most assets are RIGHT there, they just need to make more planets, flight-specific levels, missions and a story to string together the missions...

...and we all know that'll never happen :(((


I joined a game in progress and got back-to-back-to-back spawns right next to the Walker coin. Couldn't get a fifth Walker, but spawned next to a Tie Fighter O_O

Constant bombardment of uplinks and I shot down all the Speeders.
Will never care about K/D again. Can't top 53-0.
Maaaan flying those vehicles in Hoth REALLY makes me wish for a new Rogue Squadron game.

It's so close...the engine and most assets are RIGHT there, they just need to make more planets, flight-specific levels, missions and a story to string together the missions...

...and we all know that'll never happen :(((
Even some single-player standalone DLC would work ala Far Cry Blood Dragon.


I really disliked Battlefront 2, but this game is perfect for casual gamers like me. Played all weekend, cant wait to see the other maps.


Just won the match single handedly as rebels. When you get an Orbital Strike, HOLD THAT SHIT.

Is there a trick to getting the orbital strike to work... because I have tried 3 times now, clicking, holding, trying to target different ATATs, and every time it won't actually activate... and yet it seems to work when the shields are up.


Gold Member
Played for a couple of hours of PS4 earlier and yep, day 1. Only thing now is PS4 or PC, have friends on both I want to play with hmmm.


The game is fun, yet ultimately flawed. I'll pick it up when I can get the full game + season pass in a single bundle for a cheap price ~12 months after it releases. BF4 will be more than enough to keep me satisfied until then.

I'm a little disappointed, frankly. It's far too easy and 'casual' I suppose, there's pretty much zero depth to it.


Is there a trick to getting the orbital strike to work... because I have tried 3 times now, clicking, holding, trying to target different ATATs, and every time it won't actually activate... and yet it seems to work when the shields are up.
Always aim at the ground so get up on a hill when using the Binoculars. That seems to do the trick for me.
There is still a lag problem where it seems like the game doesn't recognize I had OS ready to go in the first place. Then I just end up switching weapons a lot until it works.


Man, I'm really enjoying the game. I want to have it at launch but it's hard to justify it's price tag, when there is no campaign. I think they game should be like $30 or something.


I'm having fun with the beta but it really needs some serious balancing in the Hoth level. The empire has a big advantage.
Man, I'm really enjoying the game. I want to have it at launch but it's hard to justify it's price tag, when there is no campaign. I think they game should be like $30 or something.

I'm in this same boat too.

Really loved the beta, love the casual focused gameplay, but full price for MP only is a lot to ask, let alone $110 for the base game and season's pass.

Very good though and I plan to purchase a deluxe edition or so at a lower price. I'd be ok with $50 or $60 next year for the base game and all the DLC.
I'm having fun with the beta but it really needs some serious balancing in the Hoth level. The empire has a big advantage.

Honestly, now I'm thinking that, if the rebels are smart and actually save their orbital strikes, it might be too easy for them to win.

Playing with a friend now on a new round as rebels--we took the first AT-AT's health down by over half with a single orbital strike. Small arms fire did the rest--that's one AT-AT down (and the most troublesome, considering the other AT-AT isn't a factor until the third stage) before the first stage is over.
Honestly, now I'm thinking that, if the rebels are smart and actually save their orbital strikes, it might be too easy for them to win.

Playing with a friend now on a new round as rebels--we took the first AT-AT's health down by over half with a single orbital strike. Small arms fire did the rest--that's one AT-AT down (and the most troublesome, considering the other AT-AT isn't a factor until the third stage) before the first stage is over.

I agree. I haven't been in a game where the rebels lost in 5 or 6 games now. Everyone kinda figured out the best strategy and has been sticking to it fairly well. Still not perfectly balanced but not as awful as it seemed when I first played the beta. PS4 btw
I agree. I haven't been in a game where the rebels lost in 5 or 6 games now. Everyone kinda figured out the best strategy and has been sticking to it fairly well. Still not perfectly balanced but not as awful as it seemed when I first played the beta. PS4 btw

I'm still not convinced it's great design--I mean, an orbital strike is completely indefensible, unless you kill the rebel...but since there are insta-spawns and pickups don't disappear when you die, they just have to spawn back in a second later and do it again.

At least with the Speeders on the Rebel side, it's not an instant win--you still have to play the minigame to take down a walker.


They might have chosen to go with the black outfit to make him stand out more from the regular troops

Which is ok since Darth Vader also stands out significantly

But then they could have used his Rebel pilot outfit; which is what he was actually wearing during the Battle of Hoth.


Even past Star Wars games got it right:



No excuse.


I'm still not convinced it's great design--I mean, an orbital strike is completely indefensible, unless you kill the rebel...but since there are insta-spawns and pickups don't disappear when you die, they just have to spawn back in a second later and do it again.

At least with the Speeders on the Rebel side, it's not an instant win--you still have to play the minigame to take down a walker.

In the end orbitals might be a bit OP, but they still need to have enough Y-wings queued up to call in the strike and have it hit before vulnerability is gone.


For those of you who are playing the Survival Mission, what's your best time so far? I got mine to 5:31 just today. I am tempted to try and get it even lower later tonight. I enjoyed a brief competition with a buddy as we were trading lower times, but I thought I'd check in here and see if anyone else is having some fun with that. :)
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