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STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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I got your next avi jaceC.



So there's this Korean Comic I'm reading called Mrs. Angel.
You could replace the main character with Ronan and it would still work and be perfect.
Ronan's Wacky Korean Adventures.
are you playing on Normal? if you feel like you're getting stomped or can't advance there's probably other places you can go

there's no real.. "grinding" in the game as enemies that die stay dead, so you can't cheese it, but there might be another area where you'll find enemies that are easier to fight according to your attributes

OCD-ness is tough in this one tho as your inventory becomes a god damn mess if you pick up everything (and there is a loooooot of shit), but sorting stuff through labels (equipment, ingredients, etc) keeps my inner craziness at ease

Yep, I'm on normal. I'll try searching around.


Isn't Wasteland 2 Beta access you got from KS the Steam Early Access up now? It's gone through a lot of changes since it's been up but still seems a ways off a full release. Might be worth sticking your head in the forums there to get an idea but it's not like you're losing anything though, right?

This is really a surprise because I got it from the $45 Numenera kickstarter (two potentially great game for a great price), since I assume it before that only the backers from Wasteland 2 certain tiers that would get the access to the beta. Do we know if our characters could be carry over to the full game? If the beta like Divinity Original Sins where the progress from the beta couldn't carry over, I prefer to save this for August.


Well, since everyone else is doing it...
According to Modbot, these keys are unclaimed.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 4 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Brazen Prototype #1 -- MB-54FD0A57E762ED82 - Taken by nja
Brazen Prototype #2 -- MB-EC380B733F2AAA7C - Taken by Evrain
Brazen Prototype #4 -- MB-C1CDEDD9DE78FDD0 - Taken by Pakkidis
Time Gentlemen Please Ben There Dan That -- MB-82F710FAACD32B99 - Taken by Madridista


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker--if you have both fewer than five posts in this thread--you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Thomas Was Alone -- MB-DDD8A5B8046AB443
Thomas Was Alone #2 -- MB-CE5D748159733A8A - Taken by City 17
Thomas Was Alone #3 -- MB-A58E709FB13B6013

ok, one last time before I go to bed ;)

Dr Dogg

This is really a surprise because I got it from the $45 Numenera kickstarter (two potentially great game for a great price), since I assume it before that only the backers from Wasteland 2 certain tiers that would get the access to the beta. Do we know if our characters could be carry over to the full game? If the beta like Divinity Original Sins where the progress from the beta couldn't carry over, I prefer to save this for August.

I can't remember what tier I backed for Numenera but there were quiet a few that had Wasteland 2 as part of them. No idea what the situation is with builds and save game as such but there has been a fair few updates recently and it's coming along. I do get the feeling Numenera won't get officially released until 2016 but I'd rather InXile take their time. I mean I've got doubts Obsidian with get Pillars out this year but again I'd rather they take all the time they need.


Wow awesome. Thank you very much Shadownet (and Gray). I appreciate it. <3

You're welcome :) I love Sherlock Holmes so I hope you will too!

I'm playing Wolf Among Us (thanks to Shadownet) and I'm really digging it so far. Just in time for episode 5 too.

At the moment I'm playing as I would personally make the choices. Then I'm going to go through (possibly) and just be a complete big bad asshole.

I should do that. I'm making all the nice guy choices so far.

I can't believe that I'm so stupid for thinking this. But I was like damn TellTale when I saw
Faith's head on the doorsteps.
that's some graphic stuff.


it's not, lol, it just screams gone home to me because the colors are oh so 90's and dem headphones are probably jammin out to some cassette tapes
seems legit.

so...who wants to play so Co-Op/multiplayer Goodness?!

Speedrunners, BattleBlock, Magicka?

Maybe Strike Vector


I think it's time to give away my Company of Heroes bundle. Any interest in that? I was thinking putting it up with ModBot, but I can give it to someone who particularly wants it etc.

Grr really want divinity original sin but can't find anywhere selling it cheap

I can buy it for you from the Russian store. It's 599 rubles ($17.4), add me on Steam if you're interested, I've done this plenty of times throughout the sale lol. I actually wonder how Dunderhassan's selling it for cheaper, must have something to do with the trader he's dealing with getting cheap keys from somewhere and still making the profit even after selling it for a lower price. I'm not a trader though and I'm not making profits, I'm just willing to help people get cheaper games lol.
I think it's time to give away my Company of Heroes bundle. Any interest in that? I was thinking putting it up with ModBot, but I can give it to someone who particularly wants it etc.

I can buy it for you from the Russian store. It's 599 rubles ($17.4), add me on Steam if you're interested, I've done this plenty of times throughout the sale lol. I actually wonder how Dunderhassan's selling it for cheaper, must have something to do with the trader he's dealing with getting cheap keys from somewhere and still making the profit even after selling it for a lower price. I'm not a trader though and I'm not making profits, I'm just willing to help people get cheaper games lol.

Just got it, thanks anyway though :)


I can't remember what tier I backed for Numenera but there were quiet a few that had Wasteland 2 as part of them. No idea what the situation is with builds and save game as such but there has been a fair few updates recently and it's coming along. I do get the feeling Numenera won't get officially released until 2016 but I'd rather InXile take their time. I mean I've got doubts Obsidian with get Pillars out this year but again I'd rather they take all the time they need.
With Wasteland 2, Divinity: OS, The Witcher 3, I'm fine with waiting though :p
I'll hate myself if this games ended up in my backlog because of overabundance of good RPG in short time frame.
How do you give away humble bundle stuff? Do you just put the gift link where the person has to put their name and email?

And I still can't believe Pillars of Eternity is coming out this year, thought it was far far away for some reason. Think I confused it with the new Torment game's delay. Such a great year for the genre.


Ubisoft is on a roll lately, Rayman Legends, Child of Light, Valiant Hearts... Sure they'll have a turd or two, but I cant find another major company pumping out so many quality titles one after the other.
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