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STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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I know it's a pretty niche game, but I figured I'd post my review of OOTP15 in here just in case someone was interested.

First off, this game isn't for everyone. You either need to be really into management sims, really into baseball, or a combination of both. If that sounds like you then you will probably enjoy OOTP. This is the first iteration of the series I've played so I can't say how anything has changed or improved, but what I've seen so far has been good.

The interface is clean looking and mostly well organized. It can sometimes be a bit of a search to find specific things, but honestly this is mostly a function of just how much information the game is presenting to you. I think the developers did an admirable job at keeping it as simple as possible. Mods are well supported and nicely integrated right into the main menu. Easy as a few clicks to download and install to get faces/jerseys/teams/names etc. for basically any league in the world or any time period.

The game itself thankfully matches up to the rest of the package. OOTP Developments have done a good job of making it accessible to basically any playstyle. You can get as in depth or as far removed from the action as you want. The most extreme version being full control of all personnel and in game management decisions for an entire organization. A more hands off style is just playing as commissioner of a league and watching things unfold. I personally prefer a middle ground between the two, just playing as a General Manager while letting the AI take control lineups. The AI is mostly competent on normal settings and won't do anything too outrageous. While you can play with real rosters, I think the game really shines when playing in a fictional league. Once you get familiar with the fake teams and players you can start to create the kind of RPG-ish storylines you might find while playing a game like Crusader Kings.

All the pieces fit together to form an enjoyable overall experience. If any of this seems like something you might enjoy, I definitely recommend giving OOTP 15 a shot.


I finally beat DmC. The last boss was a joke once I realized I could wreck his shit after his jump kick.

Played a little bit of The Swapper and Blood Dragon. I'm kind of feeling a sci-fi vibe at the moment. Not sure which I'll stick with.

I'm also kind of tempted to dust off the ps3 and finally get around to The Last of Us. But who knows what I will end up with? Too many games.... too little time.
It's unsettling how time can creep up on you. The How I Met Your Mother finale earlier in the year really hit home with me as, being in my mid-20s, I've begun to realise that aside from literally 2 or 3 friends, all the rest have entered new chapters of their lives and we seldom have time to catch up, which is a reality that the episode captured quite well. You don't realise how fractured your social circle has become until you take time to reflect, basically.

but you enter into new circles, filled with people with more life experiences and who know themselves better.

you also become more comfortable with yourself, and spending time alone becomes more fulfilling.

getting older is the best. You give fewer shits, make better money, know what you like more and you do that stuff more often.

venture forth and conquer!


anyone wanna help me out here? I cant seem to log in on Steam in my web browser, says my info is incorrect. I tried turning off enhanced steam and it happens still.

any way to fix this?

This may sound dumb, but are you logging in with your account name not profile username. I was doing that, and couldn't figure out why the hell it would not log me in. Also only applies if you have different names anyways.

Today I learned that you guys are incredibly young.
Thanks for making me feel old yet again! ;)

Ha you're old :p
Sounds like a depressing episode!

Yes it was. Especially if you enjoyed the show. It was a shit ending.

didn't help that the final scene shat on the entire show and its fans


new name for the show
How I asked for Permission to bang your aunt robin

Steam thread without JaseC. End of era. Truly.

seeing a steam thread without JaseC as the top poster will be....different.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
but you enter into new circles, filled with people with more life experiences and who know themselves better.

you also become more comfortable with yourself, and spending time alone becomes more fulfilling.

getting older is the best. You give fewer shits, make better money, know what you like more and you do that stuff more often.

venture forth and conquer!

That's a rather long-winded way of saying "You replace friends with Steam games." :p


Nostalgia posts and the start of "goodbye" posts make me sad. I don't want any of you to leave, even if you end up being more busy, it's always nice to come back after some time only to see some familiar faces.

I don't want to come back here one day and feel I can't identify myself with many of Steam-GAFfers. Life is full people we forgot and time isn't kind for this sort of things.
I know it's a pretty niche game, but I figured I'd post my review of OOTP15 in here just in case someone was interested.

Thanks for this. I've been waiting for a sale on 15. OOTP is my favorite sports sim series. Severely underrated.

Played a little bit of The Swapper and Blood Dragon. I'm kind of feeling a sci-fi vibe at the moment. Not sure which I'll stick with.

You can pound out The Swapper in a few hours, plus its a pretty sweet game.
Two games weren't taken, free for all so if you won one already you can enter again for the +1
Thunder Wolves -- MB-F579D84ACA92106B
Iron Grip: Warlord(pm for dlc) -- MB-C317AACEB7E059D3


Unconfirmed Member
AssCreed Unity, Mordor and Borderlands Not-So-Sequel are the only time wasters that are coming up on my side of the fence. A big part of the reason why I decided to do this giveaway is that I intend to hit Uni pretty hard this semester (I'd like to do my MFA in the US), so come a few weeks from now I'll likely begin to post only sporadically. End of an era, in a way. ;)

It's already weird not seeing you as the top poster in the Steam thread. Soon Rhaknar will have a Saoirse face shopped onto Laharl's body :/
That's a rather long-winded way of saying "You replace friends with Steam games." :p

nah man when I was in your spot I didn't play games for years. Backpacked for a year (including 4 months in your homeland...) got a grad degree, figured things out.

it'll all work out. Like a finger pointing to the moon, never look at the finger... That kind of thing


AssCreed Unity, Mordor and Borderlands Not-So-Sequel are the only time wasters that are coming up on my side of the fence. A big part of the reason why I decided to do this giveaway is that I intend to hit Uni pretty hard this semester (I'd like to do my MFA in the US), so come a few weeks from now I'll likely begin to post only sporadically. End of an era, in a way. ;)

My god :(


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
It's already weird not seeing you as the top poster in the Steam thread. Soon Rhaknar will have a Saoirse face shopped onto Laharl's body :/

Haha, I've been busy. I'm not sure where I'm sitting currently but I know I've posted a lot over the past couple of days.


GAF is my Mam's Sunday Roast.


I'm also gonna put my gaming life a little on the back burner soon. Already sold my 360, PS3 and Vita and 3DS is probably next.

But I'll stick to Wii U (for family/party games and Nintendo exclusives), PS4, PC and iPhone.

I realize I never bring my handheld devices anywhere and only take my phone with me which also have a number of sweet quick games.

Actually I'm probably gonna end up rocking the PC games real hard for the rest of the year. I just love SteamGAF and having this social element on the internet with a wide variety of people is great for me. :)

Also I can't seem to complete an education for the life of me. =;(


but you enter into new circles, filled with people with more life experiences and who know themselves better.

you also become more comfortable with yourself, and spending time alone becomes more fulfilling.

getting older is the best. You give fewer shits, make better money, know what you like more and you do that stuff more often.

venture forth and conquer!

I can agree with all of this aside of the "make better money" but that may be because I live where I live and it's the most harsh thing to get a positive perspective (I'm always open to some advice/words on this matter for reference, by PM, to avoid big off topic). I don't mind the rest and I even like it, to be honest. It's just, getting financial stability could give me much things that said money can't "buy".
Like, I want to become a father one day but I can't right now. :(
Hmmmm, I've tried twice now to nuke a Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition key from Modbot - I set the giveaway up wrong during the sale (no duration), and I wanted to clear it before making a new one.

It still shows up in my myloot message from modbot, any ideas?


I finished Lonesome Road last night, which brings my journey through the New Vegas DLC to an end.

Overall, I'd have to give LR a B+. It was a solid, enjoyable adventure with a few blemishes that held it back from true greatness. Storywise,
the endgame encounter with Ulysses
felt a little anticlimactic, especially after the other expansions kept foreshadowing some kind of epic clash in the Divide. Though they tried to build him up as some kind of personal nemesis, his motivation (once I managed to wring it out of him - dude's a graduate of the Kreia school of unnecessarily vague conversation :p ) rang a little hollow to me. To be honest, the B-story about ED-E's past resonated with me a lot more - it left me feeling genuinely fond of the little eyebot.

One thing I really enjoyed about Lonesome Road is that it revolves around exploring the ruins of the Old World, something I really enjoyed in FO3. There wasn't enough of that in vanilla NV, IMO. (I just wish there had been more functioning terminals and the like. Gleaning bits of lore about what the FO world was like before the bombs fell is the kind of thing that can keep me exploring well after I'm at the level cap, when xp and loot no longer have much appeal.) And while the story's pretty linear, there is some significant decision-making that takes place. Very interested in seeing whether my choices will factor into the ending when I finish this playthrough.

So yeah, if you have FO:NV but not the DLC's, they're all worth picking up, both for the extra perks and level cap increase and for the side-story they tell about the Courier.

And now I just have to finish up a little House-cleaning for the NCR and tidy a few loose ends
(off to visit the Enclave Remnants with Egon Spengler Arcade Gannon next)
, and it's off to the end game for me.

(Oh, and if I'm spamming up the thread with this stuff, let me know and I'll stop. ^^; )


Haha, I've been busy. I'm not sure where I'm sitting currently but I know I've posted a lot over the past couple of days.


GAF is my Mam's Sunday Roast.

You gotta keep up the pace, that 16k post record won't defend itself.
It's not ok to own DVDs anymore then? :p

I didn't see the benefit of Bluray and for the few films I do buy I like to have them on disc, the rest I rent :)

How do you game on the PC and not see the benefit of blu-ray? It's like comparing PS2 quality to current PC games. Not to mention they're usually the same price or cheaper.

you people have optical drives on your computers?

the fuck is this the 60s

I rip blu-rays/back up documents to blu-rays


It's not ok to own DVDs anymore then? :p

I didn't see the benefit of Bluray and for the few films I do buy I like to have them on disc, the rest I rent :)

Blurays are nicer than DVDs, but they really mismanaged the whole situation by being greedy pigs...
and now Bluray is dying as a format and we're probably looking at another new format that isn't a datacube.


I know it's a pretty niche game, but I figured I'd post my review of OOTP15 in here just in case someone was interested.

Thanks for the review, have been looking at sports management games recently and was curious about the series given the praise. OOTP 8 is available free from the developer and I've been meaning to take a look too see if it clicks with me despite not knowing a damn thing about baseball.
Blurays are nicer than DVDs, but they really mismanaged the whole situation by being greedy pigs...
and now Bluray is dying as a format and we're probably looking at another new format that isn't a datacube.

How are they greedy? Blu-rays are incredibly cheap and the cost is far less than DVDs were around the same lifespan. And overall sales still go up every year, but of course physical media in general is losing out to terrible digital services like itunes but blu-ray itself isn't dying yet.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
nah man when I was in your spot I didn't play games for years. Backpacked for a year (including 4 months in your homeland...) got a grad degree, figured things out.

it'll all work out. Like a finger pointing to the moon, never look at the finger... That kind of thing

Haha, yeah, I understood what you were getting at. ;) Speaking of Australia, I watched Tracks the other day (I do enjoy Mia Wasikowska) and it made me wish I made more of an effort to travel locally. The frustrating thing is that it's cost-prohibitive -- it's literally cheaper to fly to Indonesia than it is to travel to northern end of the state.


irresponsible vagina leak
Hmmmm, I've tried twice now to nuke a Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition key from Modbot - I set the giveaway up wrong during the sale (no duration), and I wanted to clear it before making a new one.

It still shows up in my myloot message from modbot, any ideas?

PM Stumpokapow?


Nearing the end of Bastion...yeah Transistor spoiled it for me. Transistor is an improvement over the gameplay elements that Bastion used, except Transistor is Linear as opposed to Bastion's allowance to revisit past dungeons/areas.

Also Ep. 2 of Wolf AMong us didn't appeal to me as much as Ep. 1, but I hear Ep. 3 and 4 are better.

Don't worry; episode 2 is probably the weakest in the series so far. It really picks up with 3 and 4!


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
Blurays are nicer than DVDs, but they really mismanaged the whole situation by being greedy pigs...
and now Bluray is dying as a format and we're probably looking at another new format that isn't a datacube.

on the topic of DVD VS blu-ray ... this is all I have to say about that:
All these talks about early/mid twenties taking big steps in their lives, leaving gaming and gaf slowly behind.... makes me realize how messed up my RL is...
Good luck fantomena, jasec, madrista with your future. Don't forget those of us stuck in the past.


just got back from my dad's

watching argieland game was fucking tense, i think my baby brother could feel the tension in the air cos he was moody as fuck (and the little guy got all frightened at his crazy family jumping and screaming when we finally scored lol)


ok since i'm pretty vain and search for my own name in every page here's some quote replying :p

Is it your longest post?
who knows, probably not

why do you ask

I was surprised by caricature baron as much as you, probably. It's so out of place and out of context.
I thought puzzle part is OK, though, I might change my opinion as I'm far from the end still.
i got tired of it very early

i'm not a fan of adventure games of this kind

i feel like the genre works better when it's crazy like the lucas arts games, but that might be me not really playing sierra games

I agree with a lot of this, ultimately I have to say I was disappointed with it overall.

As much as I love the concept (and it's definitely a fairly original idea in video games), the gameplay is so mundane it draws the game out to the point of tedium. I was already getting a bit over the puzzle gameplay by the end of chapter 1 before realising there are another 3 to go!

I'm still very grateful to the gaffer who gifted me his RU copy though as I did definitely want to play it!
yea i think there's a story in there that's worth telling but it was just not the right way. i totally appreciate the effort, i just think this needed a totally different gameplay


also holy shit this wc game
Don't focus on those checks-- most of them can be bypassed if you have the right set of skills/make the right decisions. Just pick a theme and go with it.

I try and pick a theme....and then I take an arrow to the knee.

you people have optical drives on your computers?

the fuck is this the 60s

4 computers. no optical drives. I've actually taken the optical drive out of my work laptop because it's annoying as shit.

DD 4 lyfe.


irresponsible vagina leak
All these talks about early/mid twenties taking big steps in their lives, leaving gaming and gaf slowly behind.... makes me realize how messed up my RL is...
Good luck fantomena, jasec, madrista with your future. Don't forget those of us stuck in the past.

SMH now I got depressed.
Blu-ray came out 8 years ago so it is old as a tech format.

And it continues to far surpass any digital format outside of the film studios that offer 4K downloadables. The bitrates are so much higher than any other service that it will remain the best option for viewing films and TV for a while.


How do you game on the PC and not see the benefit of blu-ray? It's like comparing PS2 quality to current PC games. Not to mention they're usually the same price or cheaper.

I game on PC due to the variety and cheapness off games not the graphical quality ;)
(also my PC isn't very powerful, I need a new one)

So for me, dvd quality is good enough when a Bluray costs 50% more. That's how I pc game :p

Plus frankly if I enjoy the movie enough and get immersed I don't notice resolution on films. Hell if I'm drunk enough I could watch vhs :/

Halo 2

Nostalgia posts and the start of "goodbye" posts make me sad. I don't want any of you to leave, even if you end up being more busy, it's always nice to come back after some time only to see some familiar faces.

I don't want to come back here one day and feel I can't identify myself with many of Steam-GAFfers. Life is full people we forgot and time isn't kind for this sort of things.

I'll always be here to share a cup of joe!


4 computers. no optical drives. I've actually taken the optical drive out of my work laptop because it's annoying as shit.

DD 4 lyfe.

I cannot stand it

I actually have like a CD/DVD folder thingie with old backups

burning 700 megs of stuff as if I was gonna look at it again

what was I thinking

I would die if I heard that fucking noise

even hard drives can be annoying

fuck shit that spins in general


Haha, in Deep Silver I trust... because Crytek itself sure as shit isn't going to do anything about the game. Come September it'll have been two years since Crytek assumed ownership and thus publishing rights. I hate the whole "lazy devs" thing, but it seems largely accurate in this case.

But you know who does have Second Sight? Imagine there's a animated gif here doing the 'this guy' motion.

It's no Wheelman, but it's something.
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