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STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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Dr Dogg

Danny Murphy is the worst fucking commentator this side of Mark Lawrenson (incidentally they both sound very much alike). Yeah, yeah wrong thread but I need to vent.

What's it like in 2002? :p

Says you who's still using WinAmp :p

Jedi holocrons are the future, man. >.>

That brings back some traumatic memories of The Force Unleashed. Didn't mind the game at all but fuck getting all those Holocrons for 100%. Some of them required you to almost have noclip on to reach the,.


All these talks about early/mid twenties taking big steps in their lives, leaving gaming and gaf slowly behind.... makes me realize how messed up my RL is...
Good luck fantomena, jasec, madrista with your future. Don't forget those of us stuck in the past.
Wait, I'm still gonna game, actually pretty much this year but yeah I gotta cut it down as well.
I meant the BDA. Nobody wanted to pay their licensing fees. Noticed how we only got bluray in the PS3 last gen, and there are hardly any separate drives being sold, keeping the media costs high?

We only got blu-ray last gen because the format had just launched(players still went for 400 dollars plus when the PS3 launched) and obviously Nintendo had no need for it with the Wii. Both the Xbox One and PS4 use it now. Keep in mind the 360 launched before blu-ray was a thing, they couldn't exactly switch formats at that point.

And optical drives for PCs at this point are a relatively niche product. No reason to use put pc games on blu-ray when digital distribution is the main resource for games.

And blu-rays are incredibly cheap compared to DVDs(very few companies overcharge now outside of anime companies) and the rewritable ones aren't that pricey either when you consider the amount of storage you are getting.


What should I play next?

Metro: Last Light
Finish Crysis 3 off
Finish Sonic enerations off
Finish State of Decay off
Play more Stanley Parable
Start Splinter Cell Blacklist
Start Shadowrun Returns
Play more Nosgoth
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (Just finished FC3 though)
Giana Sisters
Trine 2
FF VII again


Unconfirmed Member
What should I play next?

Metro: Last Light
Finish Crysis 3 off
Finish Sonic enerations off
Finish State of Decay off
Play more Stanley Parable
Start Splinter Cell Blacklist
Start Shadowrun Returns
Play more Nosgoth
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (Just finished FC3 though)
Giana Sisters
Trine 2
FF VII again

Just finish of Sanic Generations and get it over with.


It's already weird not seeing you as the top poster in the Steam thread. Soon Rhaknar will have a Saoirse face shopped onto Laharl's body :/


I am so, so sorry.
What should I play next?

Metro: Last Light
Finish Crysis 3 off
Finish Sonic enerations off
Finish State of Decay off
Play more Stanley Parable
Start Splinter Cell Blacklist
Start Shadowrun Returns
Play more Nosgoth
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (Just finished FC3 though)
Giana Sisters
Trine 2
FF VII again

Metro LL


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I have an optical drive for No One Lives Forever. ;)

Speaking of, Night Dive's trademark filings should be approved next month, unless someone comes forward at the last minute. As per the US copyright database, Fox retained ownership of the games themselves, so there's a good chance NOLF and NOLF 2 will hit GOG/Steam before the end of the year.


What should I play next?

Metro: Last Light
Finish Crysis 3 off
Finish Sonic enerations off
Finish State of Decay off
Play more Stanley Parable
Start Splinter Cell Blacklist
Start Shadowrun Returns
Play more Nosgoth
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (Just finished FC3 though)
Giana Sisters
Trine 2
FF VII again

I'd say to finish off something you've already started before ripping into a new game. Maybe State of Decay, depending on how far into it you are - haven't played it myself, but a friend of mine loves that game, and watching over his shoulder, it looks like fun.
For those who don't know Barnes and Noble is having its biannual 50% off Criterion sale. Incredible films, lots of supplements, etc across nearly 100 years of filmaking.

Criterion is the company who first started providing extras for films on the laserdisc. Commentaries and such.


I need something to play next. I'm too OCD to play Divinity.

it feels really good when you abandon the perfect build in favor of just having fun

the battle system is much more involved anyway, so ussually the outcome hardly relies on your level or where you put points in, but just how you move/etc


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
So uh, guys, I had to steer clear of the topic a couple of days due to work, and I return to... 113 new pages.

Shit, I can't read all that.

Biweekly threads incoming I guess.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Reposting before I head to Snoozeville (at 7am):

Since I've the space to use, I thought this might be fun:

ModBot said:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- MEGA GIVERS ONLY! You must have given away at least 25 games through ModBot to become eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Family Sharing access to JaseC's account -- MB-A43DBA50E95E0FC5 - Taken by Enco. 117 entrants total.


If anybody thinks they can attempt to get away with submitting a support ticket with Valve to claim ownership, I can only say that I've been using the same PayPal account and the same debit card for the past several years, and have many physical copies of games to submit as evidence...

...so, basically, don't be stupid. You won't get far. Be smart, though, and, well, you'll more or less never have to pay for another Steam game again.

Good luck.

I'm sure this goes without saying, and I'll edit this into the OP as well as the giveaway post, but if the winner -- regardless of the intention -- triggers any sort of ban, access will be revoked. Again, don't be stupid. ;)


irresponsible vagina leak
For those who don't know Barnes and Noble is having its biannual 50% off Criterion sale. Incredible films, lots of supplements, etc across nearly 100 years of filmaking.

Criterion is the company who first started providing extras for films on the laserdisc. Commentaries and such.

Can I buy Burnout Paradise Steam from there?


Anyone have more info on Wasteland 2 beta on steam?
What should I play next?

Metro: Last Light
Finish Crysis 3 off
Finish Sonic enerations off
Finish State of Decay off
Play more Stanley Parable
Start Splinter Cell Blacklist
Start Shadowrun Returns
Play more Nosgoth
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (Just finished FC3 though)
Giana Sisters
Trine 2
FF VII again
Metro Last Light


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Let's see if this works:

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- Only GAF members who are NOT junior members are eligible for this giveaway.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:


Hammerwatch -- MB-29EDA6F885AF1350 - Taken by user237

Accidentally bought 2 copies from HumbleBundle.. I think the link let's you grab it.

If not let me know, and I'll gift it too you.
it feels really good when you abandon the perfect build in favor of just having fun

the battle system is much more involved anyway, so ussually the outcome hardly relies on your level or where you put points in, but just how you move/etc

Any tips Salsa? Same reason I can't enjoy Skyrim or BGII, I just feel too OCD.

I'm also at a point in the game that I can't go outside the gate without getting stomped - might be missing something, but I also don't like my Battlemage at all.
What should I play next?

Metro: Last Light
Finish Crysis 3 off
Finish Sonic enerations off
Finish State of Decay off
Play more Stanley Parable
Start Splinter Cell Blacklist
Start Shadowrun Returns
Play more Nosgoth
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon (Just finished FC3 though)
Giana Sisters
Trine 2
FF VII again

Trine 2 is pretty easy, relaxing, and have some really nice graphics.
Fez is awesome, but a game you really should devote a lot of time to.


Any tips Salsa? Same reason I can't enjoy Skyrim or BGII, I just feel too OCD.

I'm also at a point in the game that I can't go outside the gate without getting stomped - might be missing something, but I also don't like my Battlemage at all.

are you playing on Normal? if you feel like you're getting stomped or can't advance there's probably other places you can go

there's no real.. "grinding" in the game as enemies that die stay dead, so you can't cheese it, but there might be another area where you'll find enemies that are easier to fight according to your attributes

OCD-ness is tough in this one tho as your inventory becomes a god damn mess if you pick up everything (and there is a loooooot of shit), but sorting stuff through labels (equipment, ingredients, etc) keeps my inner craziness at ease


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Any tips Salsa? Same reason I can't enjoy Skyrim or BGII, I just feel too OCD.

I'm also at a point in the game that I can't go outside the gate without getting stomped - might be missing something, but I also don't like my Battlemage at all.

Salsa will give tips I'm sure.. but remember use the environment and skills/spells that work together... an easy tip is at the NW gate of the city:

Unchain a player that can use ranged... aggro the zombies.. and then run back towards the gate... when you get them down far enough the guards will help... and if they kill the zombies.. you get the EXP

Think like that, and it's easier.


I can't wait till hard drives die and everything is solid (and affordable)

Hell yeah, moving up to my 120gb SSD was the best decision I made and usually install most of my most current played games to it. Can't wait til they become way cheaper cause when I bought the 120gb it still 85$

Dr Dogg

So uh, guys, I had to steer clear of the topic a couple of days due to work, and I return to... 113 new pages.

Shit, I can't read all that.

Biweekly threads incoming I guess.

Good job you didn't do one if your usual massive quote posts. It would probably be 40ft in size!

Anyone have more info on Wasteland 2 beta on steam?

Isn't Wasteland 2 Beta access you got from KS the Steam Early Access up now? It's gone through a lot of changes since it's been up but still seems a ways off a full release. Might be worth sticking your head in the forums there to get an idea but it's not like you're losing anything though, right?
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