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STEAM | September II 2014 - Ride the Lightning

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GOD DANG IT, I NEED TO SELL YOU GUYS ON SILENCE OF THE SLEEP. It's really, really good so far. I need to mention it again.

No seriously, I literally think this is the best horror game I've played so far this year out of all the indie horror Steam releases. It's really, really good and a good bit unique, but very well executed. Some great art direction and audio design with a developer who's made something that is both interesting, and actually scaring me a few times, and avoiding pitfalls indie horror games usually fall in. It really starts picking up at chapter 2.

Huh, interesting? First time I hear about it.
Devs change engines for their own needs. There is literally no way Epic could account for all of that in a conversion tool. So no, it actually is a big hurdle.

There are actually guides for that: https://wiki.unrealengine.com/UE3_to_UE4_Transition_Guide

And plugins to migrate from UDK to UE4: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?14836-Plugin-UDK-Import-Plugin

UE4 is so open source that everyone can provide people with his own experience, tools and inventions. People are the ones who made UE4 get better.

I work with UE4, man so I know what I am talking about.

For example those devs switched from UE3 to UE4 with ease and got better results and they are small devs too: http://xingthegame.blogspot.com/2014/04/we-made-switch-to-unreal-engine-4.html and pros are more than cons.
Also kismet in UE3 sucks compared to the ease of blueprints in UE4, so learning blueprints is not an handicap, on the opposite, it facilitates the work and even non programmers can make games for UE4.

There is no excuse for someone to not get better. The only excuse is easy money.
Wow, I just realized I hit 1400 games (most of them are bundle crap though)... I know it's nothing compared to some of you folks, but still... backlog....


Almost all German Alien reviews are around 7/10, some even lower.

Main complaint seem to be the erratic behaviour of the Alien which sooner or later makes the game unfair and annoying instead of hard and thrilling.


Epic released tools and plugins to instantly port UE3 content to UE4. Also going from UE3 to UE4 is not a big difficulty for those used to work on UE3.

I'm done discussing this, but you're wrong. =p
There are no magic bullets in development.
I've known small teams that had to redo their whole game almost from scratch when they moved, and no matter how "easy" it is to move art (never mind the fact that UE4 uses a totally different scale than 3 and has different file formats), a crapton of code will definitely need to be rewritten.

There's no way a company with a large, complex game would be able to move it to a different engine without adding months of extra work in porting and retesting for bugs.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
? I mean some gaming related news, I didn't check Internet from yesterday :p

You missed a sweet Indonesian price mistake where the Paradox pack was on sale for approximately $0.05.
I'm done discussing this, but you're wrong. =p
There are no magic bullets in development.
I've known small teams that had to redo their whole game almost from scratch when they moved, and no matter how "easy" it is to move art (never mind the fact that UE4 uses a totally different scale than 3 and has different file formats), a crapton of code will definitely need to be rewritten.

There's no way a company with a large, complex game would be able to move it to a different engine without adding months of extra work in porting and retesting for bugs.

I didn't mean there will be no efforts at all, of course there will be, but they won't have to start their game from scratch when migrating like you presume, and losing few months for better results and to please customers is not a big sacrifice. They are small devs and not big companies, normally only big companies can afford mocking up their customers by using same rechewed maps
cough COD cough
, or same engine and same graphicsall the time
and blind fans will still buy their games. Samml devs have to prove themselves by striving more efforts to make a name in the market and and to attract more customers. Tht is why many new indie devs are using UE4 to prove they can make games with graphics.

They could have started using UE4 from scratch if they wanted, since they opted for current gen platforms (PS4/Xbone and PC) and not last gen ones. You see, not using the better tech, improving , having better graphics and results and doing more efforts is not sth devs can justify by any pretexts except for easy money. We are almost in 2015 and people still use source engine and UE3. .... There is only one explanation. and you know it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
this new LED monitor is breaking my brain. I was looking at poo before and didnt know it

im loving my new "fuck it" policy, burn all the money!

hopefully youll miss me when im homeless >_>


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
I kinda hope Arkham Knight and Mortal Kombat X end up as UE4 titles. I optimistically, and without any first hand experience, think it would be better for them.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
There are actually guides for that: https://wiki.unrealengine.com/UE3_to_UE4_Transition_Guide

And plugins to migrate from UDK to UE4: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?14836-Plugin-UDK-Import-Plugin

UE4 is so open source that everyone can provide people with his own experience, tools and inventions. People are the ones who made UE4 get better.

I work with UE4, man so I know what I am talking about.

For example those devs switched from UE3 to UE4 with ease and got better results and they are small devs too: http://xingthegame.blogspot.com/2014...-engine-4.html and pros are more than cons.
Also kismet in UE3 sucks compared to the ease of blueprints in UE4, so learning blueprints is not an handicap, on the opposite, it facilitates the work and even non programmers can make games for UE4.

There is no excuse for someone to not get better. The only excuse is easy money.
Wow man, this is so revealing. You totally disproved my points with those links. You should create a thread calling out Batman Arkham Knight for this sham.
this new LED monitor is breaking my brain. I was looking at poo before and didnt know it

im loving my new "fuck it" policy, burn all the money!

hopefully youll miss me when im homeless >_>
Welcome to the spacefuture. You can stay at my spacefuture house if all your spacefuture purchases make you spacefuture bankrupt.

Dr Dogg

Maybe guys if we start viewing games in '720p' our eyes might be able to see more than '30 frames per second'. Maybe that poster is on to something.

On a more serious note where do people get this stuff from? Is there a bunch of low-fi tech evangelists going round indoctrinating people with a load of rubbish or something? I can remember learning about the constant stream of information your eyes take in and then processed by your brain in rudimentary biology in early secondary school. NASA have done fecking loads of research on human vision dating back to the mid 60's. Even last year they published a great paper about human tolerances to high refresh rates and stability of motion that was still bloody vague in it's findings and not as concrete as some of the loopy claims seen interwebz wide.

this new LED monitor is breaking my brain. I was looking at poo before and didnt know it

im loving my new "fuck it" policy, burn all the money!

hopefully youll miss me when im homeless >_>

Make sure you keep the big cardboard boxes with your new toys. Might come in handy :p

What monitor did you get by the way?


Well, I finally broke down and got a copy of Euro Truck Sim 2. I ended up grabbing the going east dlc too for completions sake.

I trust it will be every bit as good as everyone says it is.
Wow man, this is so revealing. You totally disproved my points with those links. You should create a thread calling out Batman Arkham Knight for this sham.

I kinda hope Arkham Knight and Mortal Kombat X end up as UE4 titles. I optimistically, and without any first hand experience, think it would be better for them.

the pretext WB provided for sticking to UE3 with Mortal Kombat X and and Arkham Knight was that they had a contract to use UE3 till the end of 2014. Not only UE3 is bad for deferred rendered games like Batman, Bioshcok Infinite and Batman Games but it is bad for open world games. Expect very bad performances with Arkham Knight too on all platforms. They could have opted for UE4 with better performance and bettzr tech
I can show you many things UE4 can bring like advanced hair tech compared to the rocky female hairs or bald baddies in Arkham Knight and many other things
. But again this pretext doesn't stand up, since they look for easy money because using UE3 will let them release their game even on last gen platforms thus gaining more money. This is how Video games market works. It is not that because WE CAN'T, but it is because that WE DON't WANT TO.. That's it.

Aaron D.

Well, I finally broke down and got a copy of Euro Truck Sim 2. I ended up grabbing the going east dlc too for completions sake.

I trust it will be every bit as good as everyone says it is.


Be sure to hit the Radio option and tune into some real-time Euro stations while your cruising (I'm partial to the 80's station out of France).


You wat m8?
CRTs don't have a native resolution, that and natural blacks is the whole point about them...

When I ran games at higher than native, I got these giant streaks across my monitor. Like it was stretching the pixels to ungodly extents not desired. Maybe it was extreme color banding or something.


That's why "unpredictable AI" is an awful way to praise or criticize something. It can mean anything.

Some of the less enthusiastic reviews make it sound like the Alien is cheating and can appear in places it shouldn't be able to. Or maybe they're not paying enough attention.

One review complains about the kb/m controls btw and they're usually very pro kb/m, 'too complicated, especially when using the terminals via keyboard'. Strange.

ordered my second 970 too. #fuckit

You certainly will be #fucked when in six months max all games require 6GB VRAM.

I will too.

But they won't.

how do you say #fuckit in german?

Scheiß drauf!


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Maybe guys if we start viewing games in '720p' our eyes might be able to see more than '30 frames per second'. Maybe that poster is on to something.

On a more serious note where do people get this stuff from? Is there a bunch of low-fi tech evangelists going round indoctrinating people with a load of rubbish or something? I can remember learning about the constant stream of information your eyes take in and then processed by your brain in rudimentary biology in early secondary school. NASA have done fecking loads of research on human vision dating back to the mid 60's. Even last year they published a great paper about human tolerances to high refresh rates and stability of motion that was still bloody vague in it's findings and not as concrete as some of the loopy claims seen interwebz wide.

From what I've seen, the majority of this disinformation is the direct bi-product of the PC vs Consoles debate lately. Someone makes up an argument that "720p is better than higher PC resolutions because it's easier for your eyes to process" and people run with it to the point that it basically becomes an urban legend. The real reason behind it is they feel the need to justify their initial investment in a high-priced console, and human psychology tells us that one way people rationalize choices they've made is to discredit their alternatives so that their choice is justified in their own mind.

The reality is that the whole "PC vs Console" debate is pointless and counterproductive. Everyone is free to choose how they want to play their games and shouldn't be ridiculed or put down by others for choosing a platform that works for them.
There's an interesting article on Gamasutra about the work that went into the game design of The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. There are no real spoilers for the game in it but if you're really sensitive about this stuff you might want to skip it.

They address one of the biggest complaints that folks have with the game (which is that it can require a lot of backtracking) and how it happened.

I personally felt that the design of the game lacked a certain cohesiveness. The closest analogy I can make is when someone designs a UI for a program. One can have the most beautiful UI ever made but if it's a mess in the usability department then it's no good. You need someone to ensure that usability is never lost as a goal. I feel this game needed something similar for it's design. A cohesive and consistent overall vision that could have smoothed over some of the more jarring elements of the game.

That said, it's still a really good game. Just walking around the game world blew me away and I'm praying that the next Elder Scrolls game manages to look this good. That would be nirvana.
Dat 100% scanlines option in Metal Slug X.

Really wish they'd fix the sound/audio and add an option so that Kamikazing your Slug is done ith a button. Hate destroying that thing while holding Shot then jumping =_=
DotEmu has proven time and time again that they don't deserve full price for their games. I'll wait for a bundle.
The reality is that the whole "PC vs Console" debate is pointless and counterproductive.

It's been that way since the early 90s man. We've been doing this PC vs Console thing for 20+ years. It'll never change until the Consoles go away. Then it'll be Tablet vs PC or Cloud vs PC or whatever. Hell, the Middle East will get sorted before this nonsense.
the pretext WB provided for sticking to UE3 with Mortal Kombat X and and Arkham Knight was that they had a contract to use UE3 till the end of 2014. Not only UE3 is bad for deferred rendered games like Batman, Bioshcok Infinite and Batman Games but it is bad for open world games. Expect very bad performances with Arkham Knight too on all platforms. They could have opted for UE4 with better performance and bettzr tech
I can show you many things UE4 can bring like advanced hair tech compared to the rocky female hairs or bald baddies in Arkham Knight and many other things
. But again this pretext doesn't stand up, since they look for easy money because using UE3 will let them release their game even on last gen platforms thus gaining more money. This is how Video games market works. It is not that because WE CAN'T, but it is because that WE DON't WANT TO.. That's it.

What if WB, Cyanide or others just use heavily modified versions of the engine?

You take the example of Infinite, which uses a very modified UE3 to suit its need. Is that so easy to migrate to UE4?

What if they are used to their UE3 pipeline, are more efficient with it, and like it that way?

Also, why should we care which version of an engine (or even which engine) a game uses? Nice graphics are cool, but they definitely don't make any game better, they are definitely not what matters (or if they are to you, we definitely don't enjoy games the same way).
What if WB, Cyanide or others just use heavily modified versions of the engine?

You take the example of Infinite, which uses a very modified UE3 to suit its need. Is that so easy to migrate to UE4?

What if they are used to their UE3 pipeline, are more efficient with it, and like it that way?

Also, why should we care which version of an engine (or even which engine) a game uses? Nice graphics are cool, but they definitely don't make any game better, they are definitely not what matters (or if they are to you, we definitely don't enjoy games the same way).

Heavily modified UE3 WILL NEVER equal what UE4 offers now, we are at 4.5 version and UE3 took 8 years to reach 3.5 version.

Also your last argument doesn't stand, then why we buy new PCs, new graphic cards, new consoles? Why even devs come up with new techs or engine? If graphics won't improve many will lose their jibs and die. Graphics don't make a game better, but it the first thing you notice in the game, the thing that greets you first, sth THE GAME NEEDS. Also graphics can take part into the gameplay and not look pretty only just like how GOW3 graphics helped in bringing new titans gameplay, and how simulview tryue sky ( a tool that creates realistic clouds and skybox ), only used now in Driveculb where clouds creates shadows on the racefield and hide the sun and when they move and expose the sun again it dazzles you in the racefiled and you can't drive for certain time. This kind of things participate in the gameplay.
Truesky is compatible with UE4 engine if some people want to use it.


Epic released tools and plugins to instantly port UE3 content to UE4. You bring your game content from UE3 to UE4 and very few clicks you convert your game to use UE4 assets with no big hurdle. Ok it won't look as good as a game built from scratch with UE4, but still it can benefit from the additions and make it look better. Also going from UE3 to UE4 is not a big difficulty for those used to work on UE3.

For example those devs switched from UE3 to UE4 with ease and got better results and they are small devs too: http://xingthegame.blogspot.com/2014/04/we-made-switch-to-unreal-engine-4.html

There is no excuse for someone to not get better. The only excuse is easy money.
I think you are heavily underestimating the amount of custom shit each dev does to their UE3 games that simply will not port over with couple clicks of a button.
Yes, they could do it but it means extra work.
So they won't because some devs actually want to ship games in a reasonable time-frame.

Unless you prefer everyone delays their games even more.
then why we buy new PCs, new graphic cards, new consoles?

Wait, so devs/pubs should use this engine to justify people going out to buy hardware?

Last I heard, the companies you mention aren't making consoles, they're making games. If they think they can make a more stable, better playing and more cost effective game using UE3, why shouldn't they?
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