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Steve Irwin dead at age 44. Killed by a.....

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Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
some people in this thread really disappoint me

"he had it coming! haha"

seriously wtf? the dude enjoyed entartaining people he loved his job and you all act like he deserved it or something.

this thread is so disgusting.

and for the record I've never watch any of his shows/documentaries or whatever but laughing at another persons death it's just not right imo.


Himuro said:
We're talking about a death of a guy who wrestled crocs and pissed off snakes.

No disrespect, but I don't see why everyone has to go all boo hoo hoo for the guy. It sucks he died, but I don't see why people have to get offended because some others think it was going to happen eventually.

you might have that opinion but there's no need to express that in a thread like this


intangibles, motherfucker
whytemyke said:
No disrespect, but I don't see why it should matter to you what people do when someone dies.

And nobody has a problem with you thinking it was going to happen... everyones got a problem with you trolling the thread (which is what you're doing at this point, and it should be said that if this was a nintendo thread you'd be banned for a month for repeating the same shit over and over). You've said your piece man. There's no reason for you to be here, other than to piss people off which is clearly what you're trying to do.

EXACTLY. If i went into a PS3 thread and Trolled, i would be banned in 0.7 Seconds. I think its BS that Trolling is damn near ignored in the OT


Seriously. Have some respect. Why don't some of you people stop trolling and start pouring out cans of Fosters for him. I'll always remember watching him when I was a kid. It's a damn shame. R.I.P. Steve. Thanks for the memories.


Strike said:
Seriously. Have some respect. Why don't some of you people stop trolling and start pouring out cans of Fosters for him. I'll always remember watching him when I was a kid. It's a damn shame. R.I.P. Steve. Thanks for the memories.



Himuro said:
He would dangle a kid near a sting ray and you know it.

So? I'd dangle a kid near a sting-ray too if I was wading with them, it isn't like they're going to launch themselves out of the water in a desperate search for something to stick their stingers into, they're fairly placid and sedate creatures and there isn't much reason to be scared of them under normal circumstances.


Himuro said:
Owen Hart's death was a freak accident, and totally unexpected.

Steve Irwin's death was completely inevitable simply by watching his show and the actions he does while pestering these animals.

Grasping straws.

Himuro said:
When Proof died, as it turned out, the guy could have completely went another route and not have gotten anyone killed.

Proof's death was another example of "when keeping it real goes wrong".

lol, two worst posts ever.

Holy shit!

Just got online....he was one of the most crazy awesome guys ever! Loved the guy. Of all the ways to go and what you have done and know for...this is just ironically out of the blue, a random stingray?! The f*ck?!! Always seemed like those crocs would be the way to go.

Rest in peace Mr. Steve Irwin. :(

*And trolling in this thread? What the hell for? Just to rile people up? Seriously what kind of responses is expected here?!



It's a sad day indeed. The guy was a true legend in Australia. It's a pity that he died in such a way.

He always seemed invincible in his shows, and nothing ever scared him. I feel so bad for his family.


Sad, sad news.
Here in Australia, most of the major newspaper websites got hammered out of existance the minute the story broke.

He was a good bloke who did everything for the animals. He hammed it up for TV just because he knew that would get him more cash for animal protection and conservation.
His wife and daughter will be absolutely shattered.

Good on you mate.
GDJustin said:
What's crazy is that he was filming a documentary at the time, so the death was undoubtedly filmed...
This is the first thing that crossed my mind. Somewhere in the world there's a video tape of Steve Irwin being stabbed through the heart by a Graint Stringray's stinger.

I wonder, will his wife want to watch it? Just to "be with him" for his last moments? What a horrible choice to make. :(


Himuro said:
We're talking about a death of a guy who wrestled crocs and pissed off snakes.

No disrespect, but I don't see why everyone has to go all boo hoo hoo for the guy. It sucks he died, but I don't see why people have to get offended because some others think it was going to happen eventually.

guy had a wife and two young children.

regardless of what you feel for his occupation - and i don't see how being enthusiastic about dangerous animals for the perservation and broader understanding of creatures on this planet is bad - or the fact that he once dangled his child over a croc he's leaving a whole family behind and it's very tragic. That's the 'boo hoo hoo' aspect.

I don't think that's particularly hard to understand.

Is his death SHOCKING? No.
Is it still tragic? Yes.
WordAssassin said:
This is the first thing that crossed my mind. Somewhere in the world there's a video tape of Steve Irwin being stabbed through the heart by a Graint Stringray's stinger.

I wonder, will his wife want to watch it? Just to "be with him" for his last moments? What a horrible choice to make. :(

Damn, that's just freakin' horrible to think about.
This is really sad. :(

Torn by the thread btw. On the one hand Himuro and that side of the "argument" are right. I never really watched his show but my wife loved it and forced it on me a few times and whenever she did I would say "Come the **** on, that's nuts, someday he is going to pay."

But on the other hand every one lashing out at Himuro are right too. He had two young kids, a beautiful wife, millions of kids who looked up to him, and even if he "had it coming" he still died young, too young, and in a horrible freak accident, and it ****ing sucks and it's depressing.

Can something be unsurprising and shocking at the same time? If so, this is one of those things.

Anyway, rest in peace Steve. Terribly ****ing sad.
Himuro said:
Steve Irwin's death was completely inevitable simply by watching his show and the actions he does while pestering these animals.

Yep only the other day I said it's only a matter of time before a ray stings him through the heart. Grow up.
I don't think that will ever hit the internet. That's pretty far out there in the realm of speculation. IF it was filmed (which isn't quite the sure thing you guys seem to think it is, although it does seem probable)...there's the one print, everyone knows about it, and it will be heavily controlled. I cannot imagine the sort of monstrous person who would want that available to the public would ever be able to get their hands on it.


echoshifting said:
I don't think that will ever hit the internet. That's pretty far out there in the realm of speculation. IF it was filmed (which isn't quite the sure thing you guys seem to think it is, although it does seem probable)...there's the one print, everyone knows about it, and it will be heavily controlled. I cannot imagine the sort of monstrous person who would want that available to the public would ever be able to get their hands on it.

God, I don't even want to think about it. It reminds me of that Kevin Cosgrove 9/11 tape.
Yeah, I can't imagine it ever hitting the net but I do think it was filmed. He prob'ly had a camera on him at all times because he ws obviously doing something to piss the stringray off.

I wonder if, perhaps, they'll release the documetary he was making, but cut out that part, and have the second half be like a memorial? That'd be kinda nice, I'd watch that.
I'm still dubious that it was filmed. He was such a professional, despite the completely insane things he was always doing...if he was on film I'd like to think he would be taking every precaution and he'd only let his guard down after they yelled 'cut' and he thought he was safe.

I dunno, it's all speculation and I don't want to get too deep into it. It's such a freak thing to happen, as anyone who has actually spent time in the water with rays can attest to, as they are very docile and would rather swim away from you than impale you when threatened, that it will be hard to say what actually happened unless they provide specific details.
Lead story on Channel 9 Australia 4:30pm news, with expert comments from some guy from the Sydney Aquarium. (channel 9 I believe has the rights to the "Croc Hunter" show, but hasn't shown it for years)

They have already planned a memorial tribute episode to be shown on Wednesday night.
Expect a lot of cutting and pasting with probably Ray Martin doing voiceover.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
there's always one.. Himuro, you're acting like a bitter, cynical asshole.

regardless of how 'inevitable' it was, his death is tragic.

grow the **** up.
Damn. I loved that guy when I was a kid. He has a wife and kids too. Regardless of being in so many dangerous situations, I honestly didn't expect this to happen.

Rest in peace...
When you die how about we all sit around and talk about whether you deserved it or not.

Well Himuro does strike me as a pretentious twat. . .

This is shit news, but at least the guy took the risks most of us dare not. He really set a new standard for wildlife show hosts. Before Steve Irwin it was all, let's look from afar - now everybody is risking life and limb in the face of danger because of him.

Jeff Corwin (IIRC) is a fine example of a Irwin influenced animal show host.

It sucks, but hey - at least he didn't die by slipping on a bar or soap, or choking on a chili donut.


This whole thing sort of reminds me of the Siegfried & Roy incident a few years ago. How is he nowdays anyhow?


Regardless of whether or not you were SHOCKED by the news, the guy was a frikken hero and a big conservationist, and is a real bloody loss to the animal kingdom.

Have some respect, because he did alot more in his 44 years than most of us will ever do.


Damn that's just not fair... What a wonderful spirit.
I remember during a Conan interview that he would have wanted to have gone out filmed though:/


As a Queenslander, I am gutted.

An absolute national treasure.

As for the people saying he deserved it or had it coming, I suggest its best not to comment about something you know little about.

Irwin lived and breathed conservation. His shows were designed to educate and make people respect nature.

As for Collision Course, it may be a low quality cash in, but every cent of profit he made from that film went straight back into conservation.

RIP Steve.

"Crocs Rule".


Will start substantiating his hate
He always did expect to die from doing what he loved. You can say he brought upon himself (I'm sure he would) but it's still sad. He seemed like a good guy and he leaves a family behind.


Every other year or so, someone tells me that Steve Irwin's been killed, by a croc, a snake or whatever, but I'd never expected it to actually happen. I haven't watch many of his shows, but I was watching Grizzly Man not too long ago and wondered if he was still doing this crocodile hunter stunts. At least he had a less painful death than Timothy Treadwell and didn't drag any one else into it.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
from imbd.com:

Personal quotes

"If something ever happens to me, people are gonna be like 'we knew a croc would get him!'"


So sad. I used to watch his show all the time back in the early, uhh, 00s. He seemed like such a cheerful guy. Real shame.


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
nnnoooo. ****, never thought this guy would die by doing his wildlife stuff...what a random and trajic accident. :(


****ing sad. He may have been goofy and a bit nuts, but he was a good bloke. I think he would have prefered being eaten by a croc.

Still. RIP, Steve. Ferreals. *pours out a 40* :(
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