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Steve Irwin dead at age 44. Killed by a.....

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Online Ho Champ
Himuro said:

Seriously. I am going to hell for this.

I don't feel sympathy for people I don't know, even if they die. Just another thing that society tells us to do because it's just and right, and others pretend to feel sad just to be with everyone else. You're not brain washing me like you do with curse words, society and peer pressure! **** that noise.

its not so much the dying part thats so hard ....just the fact that you will miss them like crazy till you die that makes ya feel sad.

RIP Irwin, atleast you died on doin what ya love...the guy lead an extraordinary life ...and had a tragic death...

anybody got a rez?

gg croc hunter


My girl's mum cried, my mum was really shocked and felt all weird inside, I used to think he was a bit over the top and have called him a dick in the past, but you know how it is when they say 'you don't know what you have 'til it's gone'. Cool dude.
Wow, so it is true. I had to double check to make sure this wasn't a joke topic.

Considering his career and nickname, Steve Irwin could have had a much messier end. Anyone ever see how large crododiles deal with a big prey?


I know Steve'd be against it, but I hope they ****ing harpooned the stingray that got him and shredded it into a million billion pieces :(


RSLAEV said:
I know Steve'd be against it, but I hope they ****ing harpooned the stingray that got him and shredded it into a million billion pieces :(
LOL What a stupid thing to say.


Duderz said:
Very sad over this news.

How horrible. What a terrific guy.
Yeah, enthusiastic about nature, preserving wild life and educating... his methods were a little unorthodox but he got the job done without harming the animals. He did everything on their terms...

This is a sad day... RIP Steve Irwin, your son (?) will hopefully carry on the legacy :'(

I never really knew how much I loved this guy until I heard he died. He was an easy target for jokes, but no matter what I ever said about him I always admired his sincere enthusiasm for his work. You can't help but feel happy when you see someone doing what he or she loves and spreading that passion to others with absolute enthusiasm. Lame and cliched as it sounds, I think he is and was an inspiration.


I was sitting in webdesign class today when one of my friends just erupted out with this news.
Pretty shocking. Apparantly the poison in those stingrays is so strong that if you're stung in the leg, you may have to amputate. Being stung in the chest gives you no chance.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Like I said in the other thread, this really sucks, it was so sudden and unexpected. I learned a lot about crocs and other reptiles from his show.

Stingrays are quite docile and only attack out of defense. I have seen Irwin handle animals in distress, hoping his repeating of 'Easy Mate' will pacify them. So I wont be too surprised if I find out it was a 'handling accident gone wrong'.
It had to break sometime.

I dont disregard his efforts in wildlife awareness, but there is a right way and a wrong way.
My wife wonders when Ian Gordon is going to fall down some stairs :)
This makes me so sad. Steve Irwin was such an awesome guy with so much enthusiasm, charisma and love for life and you could see it so passionately in his work. My thoughts go to his wife and kids.


Dot Hacked
I cried... :(

Its a shame he had to go out just from doing what he loved but in another way it is probably better then dying some other random way. :(



Wikipedia said:
The BBC reported that this was only the second known fatality in Australian history from a stingray attack.[14] The Sydney Morning Herald lists it as the third known death; the other two deaths being n 1938 and 1945.[15]


I can't believe he's dead!


Oh man, he was such a fantastic personality and it was always great to see him on his programs because he was just so passionate about his work. What a waste.


venison crêpe
I just woke up and heard this. Woah. I was only watching his program yesterday and thinking what a great person he was; how charimastic and passionate he was about his job.

A really great tv person, may he rest in peace :(
Wikipedia said:
The BBC reported that this was only the second known fatality in Australian history from a stingray attack.[14] The Sydney Morning Herald lists it as the third known death; the other two deaths being n 1938 and 1945.[15]

His death is not in vain. If I see a stingray anywhere near me, I'm getting out of the water.
I don't know, somehow I think it was a worthy death. Dying a way nobody has for 60 years is not bad. Better than getting eaten by a croc/lion. People get eaten by crocs/lions every day.
The thought of a stingray barb going thru your heart was something i've always sorta feared after seeing them down in Florida a long time ago... it was at sea world but i remember the instructor working with a HUGE sting ray during one of their demonstration shows i seen in person..the stingray barb that pierces flesh is shaped like a long arrow with jagged edges so once the string ray whips its barb inside flesh..the tip tends to get stuck in the flesh becaouse of those jagged edges on the barb..then as its stuck in the flesh..the stingray itself whips the object around like mad, tearing up the flesh inside.

Now imagine this going thru a man's heart then getting whipped around a bit while its stuck in your heart...not good at all.

RIP bro..

PS> Everyone making jokes etc about this need to be ashamed of yourself, have some f'n respect, geezus


Always sad to have another life cut short, no matter the sistutation. Even more so I feel for his family (especially his young children), hopefully they will experince much brighter days after this terrible tragedy.
Mr.Potato Head said:
PS> Everyone making jokes etc about this need to be ashamed of yourself, have some f'n respect, geezus

Yea, should they?

People die, it's fact of life. Humor is also a big part of life. I see no reason a joke can't be made. Jokes are made about everything, there is no tasteless line.

Does it suck Steve Irwin died? Hell yea! The guy is a legend, and was one of the true badasses. He led a great life though, quite short but great, and he went out doing what he wanted. I think it's quite easy to be respectful of someone and joke about them. His death by an animal is ironic, and that is kind of funny to begin with. I think that's especially why people are shocked. I know I didn't believe it, the first thing that popped into my head was, "this has to be a joke".

I feel more sorry for his wife and kids really, making a joke about them would be more crossing the line of disrespectful.

Buggy Loop

Lindsay said:
I cried... :(


You know him? i hope?

Im with himuro with these things, i mean, yea it sucks he died, really cool guy and all, but feel sadness or even cry for someone thats not related to you? Shit, i didnt even cry when one of my friend (mostly just a guy i knew and he was hanging with some of my other friends) died in car accident back in high school.


Scary Euro Man
Cdammen said:
RIP Steve Irwin, your son (?) will hopefully carry on the legacy :'(


If that child isn't healthily crocodilophobic after that, then there's something wrong with him.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Buggy Loop said:
Im with himuro with these things, i mean, yea it sucks he died, really cool guy and all, but feel sadness or even cry for someone thats not related to you? Shit, i didnt even cry when one of my friend (mostly just a guy i knew and he was hanging with some of my other friends) died in car accident back in high school.

Wow, you guys are so cool you ought to start a club or something.

It's simple: different people react in different ways.


VistraNorrez said:
Yea, should they?

People die, it's fact of life. Humor is also a big part of life. I see no reason a joke can't be made. Jokes are made about everything, there is no tasteless line.

Does it suck Steve Irwin died? Hell yea! The guy is a legend, and was one of the true badasses. He led a great life though, quite short but great, and he went out doing what he wanted. I think it's quite easy to be respectful of someone and joke about them. His death by an animal is ironic, and that is kind of funny to begin with. I think that's especially why people are shocked. I know I didn't believe it, the first thing that popped into my head was, "this has to be a joke".

I feel more sorry for his wife and kids really, making a joke about them would be more crossing the line of disrespectful.
Not only that, making a joke is just some people's way of coping with death.
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