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Stranger Things |OT| Hey, you guys...it's our time. It's our time in here July 15th


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Can someone point me in the direction of a nice Dustin shirt? Barring other suggestions I am going to get one of these images custom printed on a shirt.

Just google Stranger Things Dustin Shirt. I got tons of hits though some are far better designed than others of course. Still several looked pretty cool.


Stopped after Episode 5. Will not watch any more.

Slow, meandering, boring, NOT well acted at all, never funny, always predictable.

Reference to Under the Skin cemented this as a grab-all SO META reference-munching and ultimately empty shell of a series.

Seriously, guys, this is everything that's wrong with today's mass culture. It's a reboot/remake in disguise.

If you want great, subtle references in a genre setting with nuanced characters you actually care about, in hard to predict yet sensical situations with actual dramatic consequences, watch The Americans.
You sir are a Foreign Jackass. :p


Seriously, guys, this is everything that's wrong with today's mass culture. It's a reboot/remake in disguise.

If you want great, subtle references in a genre setting with nuanced characters you actually care about, in hard to predict yet sensical situations with actual dramatic consequences, watch The Americans.
Maybe just let people like what they like without being a jackass about it.


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Still patiently waiting on a bluray with special features announcement

Give me some VHS tapes.

Up to episode 5 and I'm loving the show! Going to binge-watch the final three episodes later tonight. Looking forward to it! I love so much about this show - everything from the eighties throwback intro to the amazing electronic soundtrack. It's getting really interesting now so I can't wait to see how everything plays out. It's a damn good show and well worth watching. I wouldn't say I'm as enamoured and hyped over it as some of the posters here but I do think it's exceptionally good and one of the best Netflix shows to ever be released.

I'll report back later with my final impressions once I've finished the last three episodes.


I binged it over the weekend and thought it was fantastic. Perfect dose of nostalgia and creepiness. Expertly done; I look forward to more work from the Duffer brothers.

Mr. F

Finished it last night, I enjoyed it by and large but wasn't without the occasional gripes.

Lucas just sucked, full stop. His constant contrarian attitude even in the face of overwhelming proof of whatever he happened to be whining about was irritating. I don't care if "every friend group has one!" it was annoying to the point where I found it hard to buy him and Mike as supposed best friends.

Dustin is great.

Bigger gripes;
I will say the more they showed of Eleven's backstory and the general flashbacks of the lab/government building, the hokeyer it felt. I think the show given its apparent budget was best when it was showing and not telling, the wider the lab story got kind of ran counter to what I was to believe as a viewer.

small sets, cheap looking 'science stuff' everywhere, and hallways with lab coats walking up and down. I kind of wish it had gone a bit more understated in its presentation because it felt less imposing as a governmental force and more like an old dude and 15 soldiers/doctors occupying this massive monolithic building.

I also kind of wish
we had seen more of the upside down


I'm with Foreign Jackass. The show goes exactly where you expect, the characters have no depth and REMAIN cliche even with a subversion or two, the acting is so-so (these ain't no Stand By Me or Mean Creek kids), the fantasy aspect is totally off-the-rack, and the plot is mostly pretty predictable.

The fact that the show was slightly predictable was a breath of fresh air for me. In the current era, television is trying to surprise you with twists nearly every episode, which gets damn exhausting. I felt Stranger Things struck an excellent balance between meeting the audience's expectations (begin predictable) and offering enough surprises to keep things interesting.

I think my favorite example of this is the initial "subplot" of Nancy. It seems she's just focused on because it needed a subplot. Then she goes to the party, and it becomes pretty clear that something bad is going to happen there. Initially, you feel like Steve is going to get offed because he's being a prick, but then that doesn't happen and Barb gets killed instead. It sort of subverts your expectations but not that much: you half expected something bad to happen, and it did.

The other facet of this is Jonathan taking creepy pictures of everyone. I immediately called out "the monster is going to be in one of the pictures!". But the creepy picture angle is dropped for the moment to focus on Nancy looking for Barb. Only later does it come up with Steve breaking the camera and Nancy taking the pictures. Finally, 2 or 3 episodes later, the monster IS revealed to be in the pictures. It's a fun payoff. I was so happy that it happened even though I had been expecting it since that initial scene. it played right into my expectations, but that was a good thing, and I enjoyed the series more for it.

Anyway, my two cents on the "predictability" of Stranger Things.

EDIT: Added spoilers.


I'm with Foreign Jackass. The show goes exactly where you expect, the characters have no depth and REMAIN cliche even with a subversion or two, the acting is so-so (these ain't no Stand By Me or Mean Creek kids), the fantasy aspect is totally off-the-rack, and the plot is mostly pretty predictable.
Tropes aren't bad, and the idea that they inherently are is a bad view to have when discussing tv and film. Even tv tropes tells you on the front page they aren't bad things. Also a predictable plot does not make it a bad plot, this is another toxic opinion.


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Tropes aren't bad, and the idea that they inherently are is a bad view to have when discussing tv and film. Even tv tropes tells you on the front page they aren't bad things. Also a predictable plot does not make it a bad plot, this is another toxic opinion.

My thoughts exactly. It's bottom of the barrel criticism. It's like calling something boring as a criticism.


My thoughts exactly. It's bottom of the barrel criticism. It's like calling something boring as a criticism.

Everything done in movies ever is practically a damn trope. It's the most overused criticism when people attempt to "review" something. Spoiler alert, just about every story has been told and re-told in differing ways. Nothing is truly original. If this were the gaming forum, it would be derivative gameplay or some shit.

Oh, and I love the Americans too, but it ain't trope free either.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Everything done in movies ever is practically a damn trope. It's the most overused criticism when people attempt to "review" something. Spoiler alert, just about every story has been told and re-told in differing ways. Nothing is truly original. If this were the gaming forum, it would be derivative gameplay or some shit.

Oh, and I love the Americans too, but it ain't trope free either.

Story telling by nature is inherently based all around tropes, arch types, etc. Its like criticizing a painter for using paints.


Just watched the first two chapters. Man this show is good. Like really really good. Also a lot more scary than I thought it would be.
The problem with this show isn't solely because it happens to have tropes. It's that I've already seen it before. From Akira, Carrie, Mai the Psychic Girl, Scanners, and so on. Tropes are bad when they're overused and you can see where the story is going before the curve or you've already seen the same scene in almost the same context. The greatest benefit of Stranger Things has been time. If someone made this story in the 80s, I imagine it would have been less celebrated. In the hands of terrible directors this show would have be type of tv series Garth Marenghi's Darkplace was making fun of.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The problem with this show isn't solely because it happens to have tropes. It's that I've already seen it before. From Akira, Carrie, Mai the Psychic Girl, Scanners, and so on. Tropes are bad when they're overused and you can see where the story is going before the curve or you've already seen the same scene in almost the same context. The greatest benefit of Stranger Things has been time. If someone made this story in the 80s, I imagine it would have been less celebrated. In the hands of terrible directors this show would have be type of tv series Garth Marenghi's Darkplace was making fun of.

I've seen Macbeth a dozen times and know exactly where the story is going to go but each time I've seen it, and worked on it, its been very different. Again a predictable story is by no means a negative if they do something interesting with the elements already there and I think Stranger Things did more than enough to stand on its own.
I've seen Macbeth a dozen times and know exactly where the story is going to go but each time I've seen it, and worked on it, its been very different. Again a predictable story is by no means a negative if they do something interesting with the elements already there and I think Stranger Things did more than enough to stand on its own.

You're going to toss Shakespeare in the argument. Lame. A predictable story does matter depending on how the story is written. Several of Shakesspeare's plays were made with the audience already knowing the general story ahead of time and don't rely on unpredictability. That doesn't make it better written that is just how it was made. Alien is wholly dependent on the audience not knowing what is going to happen to appreciate the full weight of the story unlike Shakespeare. Stranger Things leans more on the Alien side. Knowing the plot twists lessens the impact of the show.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
You're going to toss Shakespeare in the argument. Lame. A predictable story does matter depending on how the story is written. Several of Shakesspeare's plays were made with the audience already knowing the general story ahead of time and don't rely on unpredictability. That doesn't make it better written that is just how it was made. Alien is wholly dependent on the audience not knowing what is going to happen to appreciate the full weight of the story unlike Shakespeare. Stranger Things leans more on the Alien side. Knowing the plot twists lessens the impact of the show.

Yes I'm going to toss Shakespeare in there. It seems you're missing the point. We've had the same Shakespeare plays for centuries and I don't see any complaints about the ending of Romeo and Juliet. Or how about I use more modern plays and musicals or are those now excluded as well?

Or how about stories based on known historical figures. I've seen a dozen adaptations of the life of Lincoln and the best don't change the story, they tell it in an interesting manner and play with the myth. Or how about the stories about World War 2. Many know the general beats of the history behind that war and the complaint about its outcome being predictable isn't really a worthy criticism when telling stories about the war itself.

As someone who has seen tons of the movies this show references I find its far more than just the sum of its parts. It does a lot with a little and leverages the themes, movies, and tropes of its time to make something interesting, new and entertaining. Not too mention some of the actual surprising parts for me is when it subverted rather well known tropes.

Edit: I guess it should be noted I don't judge entertainment like this on how surprising or shocking it is much the same I don't personally care about spoilers. Spoil it all for me and I won't much care if the actual story itself or the acting or the basic elements don't really make it work. You could have told me all the major plot points and story beats to Stranger Things beforehand and I would have still loved it.
Yes I'm going to toss Shakespeare in there. It seems you're missing the point. We've had the same Shakespeare plays for centuries and I don't see any complaints about the ending of Romeo and Juliet. Or how about I use more modern plays and musicals or are those now excluded as well?

Or how about stories based on known historical figures. I've seen a dozen adaptations of the life of Lincoln and the best don't change the story, they tell it in an interesting manner and play with the myth. Or how about the stories about World War 2. Many know the general beats of the history behind that war and the complaint about its outcome being predictable isn't really a worthy criticism when telling stories about the war itself.

As someone who has seen tons of the movies this show references I find its far more than just the sum of its parts. It does a lot with a little and leverages the themes, movies, and tropes of its time to make something interesting, new and entertaining. Not too mention some of the actual surprising parts for me is when it subverted rather well known tropes.

Edit: I guess it should be noted I don't judge entertainment like this on how surprising or shocking it is much the same I don't personally care about spoilers. Spoil it all for me and I won't much care if the actual story itself or the acting or the basic elements don't really make it work. You could have told me all the major plot points and story beats to Stranger Things beforehand and I would have still loved it.

Wait wait wait. I don't judge entertainment based on its plot twists or on how surprising or shocking it is. But if it's relying on them, they'd better be good at it. I judge my entertainment based on how it's entertaining me. Stranger Things was simply not entertaining me, because I knew everything the characters did, every plot point in advance and they didn't narrate those plot points in an original way. The writing simply isn't good, and the acting isn't good enough to overcome this lack.


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Wait wait wait. I don't judge entertainment based on its plot twists or on how surprising or shocking it is. But if it's relying on them, they'd better be good at it. I judge my entertainment based on how it's entertaining me. Stranger Things was simply not entertaining me, because I knew everything the characters did, every plot point in advance and they didn't narrate those plot points in an original way. The writing simply isn't good, and the acting isn't good enough to overcome this lack.

I don't think we are ever going to even come close to seeing eye to eye on this so I'll just leave it at agreeing to disagree.
Just finished episode 8 after binge-watching this for the last three days. Here's my thoughts:

Wow what a show! The ending scenes where this track plays were surprisingly emotional. I was almost moved to tears. Beautiful scenes to beautiful music. Overall I thought the show was exceptional. Like seriously good. I do wish that
Nancy would have ended up with Jonathan over Steve.
Though I guess that's something they can return to in season 2. I think the most emotional moment of the show was
Eleven's sacrifice and killing herself to save her friends.
I think that's where the track I linked begins making for quite the emotional moment.

It wasn't perfect. Winona Ryder is supposed to be a great actress but she over acts her heart out in this. That's the only flaw I can think of that brings the show down a little. It's a mild blemish on an otherwise well-acted show. I think my favourite character has to be Harper just based on him generally being an alpha male badass. Would love to see more of him in season 2. It's a damn fine show and I'm really glad I took a chance and invested the time in to it. Really enjoyed it, probably more than Daredevil season 2 which is another Netflix show I binge-watched over several nights recently. I'd say Stranger Things is the superior and more enjoyable show.

So my impressions are basically glowing. It's a fantastic, lovely show. I highly recommend it.

Regarding the ending I have a couple of questions:

Who was Harper gathering and leaving food for in the snowy landscape? It's not Eleven is it? She's not somehow still alive is she?

When Will glitches between dimensions when he's looking in to the mirror what is that supposed to mean? That he's still partially caught in the dark world?

Answers would be appreciated!


Regarding the ending I have a couple of questions:

Who was Harper gathering and leaving food for in the snowy landscape? It's not Eleven is it? She's not somehow still alive is she?

When Will glitches between dimensions when he's looking in to the mirror what is that supposed to mean? That he's still partially caught in the dark world?

Answers would be appreciated!
Of course they're for Eleven, who else would he leave Eggos for? We'll get more answers about Eleven in season 2. For now, it's a nice little tease.

Remember he had that slug thing down his throat and probably had ingested it's eggs, hence the little slug he coughed up in the bathroom. Based on his reaction, it wouldn't be the first time it's happened. Again, little tease for season 2.


Let me put it this way.

Stranger Things is like a long, slow, meandering, inadequate cover version of an album I love by an altogether pedestrian band.

I'd say it's far more akin to a talented young artist making an album full of 80s sounding synth music that feels perfectly like the best 80s album you never heard.
Watched the show on the weekend, I really enjoyed it. It was interesting and fun. My favorite characters were Mr. Clarke (he had a cute stash) and Dustin. The professor was likeable,he was a pal to the kids and helped them out, was humorous when he was on a date and the kids interrupted by asking random shit.
Dustin was a funny kid, it was a bit too much at times when he had to play the fat kid, but liked the scene where he is the "reasonable" one in the group when they are riding bikes.

I'm in for the second season woot woot.


I started it last night and just finished it a few minutes ago. I loved it! Really great show. Kinda felt like Freaks and Geeks met
Poltergeist and Alien
. I loved the score too.

Regarding the beginning and the end of the show though,
roll initiative, dammit!

It wasn't perfect. Winona Ryder is supposed to be a great actress but she over acts her heart out in this. That's the only flaw I can think of that brings the show down a little. It's a mild blemish on an otherwise well-acted show.

I completely disagree. She reminded me of my own mother. Ryder portrayed a strong, determined mom who would do anything for her boy, and Ryder did it well. A mama bear if ever there was one.


Watched the show on the weekend, I really enjoyed it. It was interesting and fun. My favorite characters were Mr. Clarke (he had a cute stash) and Dustin. The professor was likeable,he was a pal to the kids and helped them out, was humorous when he was on a date and the kids interrupted by asking random shit.
Dustin was a funny kid, it was a bit too much at times when he had to play the fat kid, but liked the scene where he is the "reasonable" one in the group when they are riding bikes.

I'm in for the second season woot woot.

I liked that the nerdy teacher
had a cute date
. Him basically being google for the kids was rad too.


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I liked that the nerdy teacher
had a cute date
. Him basically being google for the kids was rad too.

I liked that he seemed to be a cool dude all around. Points for telling his date about how they did the effects work in John Carpenter's The Thing. I've done similar on some dates hah.
I liked that the nerdy teacher
had a cute date
. Him basically being google for the kids was rad too.

I also loved that they didn't go the predictable route and
have that nasty government lady kill him. I thought for sure she'd find out about the kids and put a bullet in his head.
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